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Here we appreciate and seek the beauty of life through our experiences and opportunities we have eachday. Just to remind you to live and to love !

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PEOPLE WITH GOOD HEARTS ❤️ Here's the thing about people with good hearts. They give you excuses when you don't explain yourself. They accept apologies you don't give them, even though you should. They see the best in you when you don't need them to. At worst they lift you up, even if it means putting their own priorities aside. The words "too busy" does not exist in their vocabulary. They make time even when you don't. And you wonder why they are the most sensitive people. You wonder why they're the most caring people. You wonder why they are willing to give so much, without expecting anything in return. You wonder why their existence is not so essential to your well-being. It's because they don't let you work hard for the attention they give you. They accept the love they think they've earned, and you think they're entitled too. HAVE A GOOD HEART AND BE GOOD TO OTHERS IF IT DOESNT PAY TODAY, IT WILL SURELY PAY TOMORROW 👌 MAY YOUR DAY BE BLESSED 🙏❤️ ALOHA 🌿
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, Let’s make it happen today! If you're hesitating to do what you know is best for your life, just imagine how you'll feel next week, month, or year if you don't. Imagine and feel the pain of disappointment and regret. Use that pain as motivation. Now get after it! HAVE A BLESSED SATURDAY 🤗 ALOHA 🌿
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Have a blessed day 🤗 ALOHA 🌿
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Conquer today. We tend to define our days as being “good” or “bad”, by the way we perceive the things that happen to us. It’s all about perspective. We set the tone for our day depending on our reaction to things— take it easy. Breathe. It’s not a bad day, it’s just a small moment in the day. Shift your view, don’t let that moment hold so much weight of your day. Notice the level of significance and energy you are placing on that particular incident. You hold the power, take control of your day— everything is actually okay. HAVE a blessed time 💐🤗 ALOHA🌿
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You know what’s priceless? Being able to sleep peacefully at night, knowing you didn’t: • Sell yourself out, • Intentionally mess people around, or • Pretend to be someone you’re not. The inner harmony you feel from a clear conscience and good intentions is so precious HAVE A BLESSED WEEK A HEAD 🤗 ALOHA 🌿
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Breathe. It’s a new day. You woke up today, you reached your destination safely— just with those two things you are infinitely blessed. Try again today, give yourself another opportunity, push yourself. Leave yesterday’s troubles behind, start over today. The only limits you have are the ones you placed in your mind, release them. Let everything that doesn’t align with you, flow. Make space for the beautiful things coming your way, have an open mind and an open heart. Always trust yourself and remind yourself you are better than okay. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK 💐🤗 ALOHA 🌿 @aloha1227
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ALOHA 🌿 @aloha1227
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Don’t wait until you feel comfortable. Don’t wait until you have it all figured out. Don’t wait until you retire. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Don’t wait until you have the approval of others. Our time here is finite. You don’t want to run out of time and be filled with “what if’s” and serious regrets. This is your one precious life, spend time cultivating a friendship with yourself knowing who you are, what you want, and how you can live your life fully. You are worthy. Your life today is THE something special. ALOHA🌿 @aloha1227
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Say thank you. Thank you for your meal, for your safe travels, for your ability to see a new day, for experiencing all that you’re experiencing. Gratitude brings along more blessings. Everything that happens to us has a meaning behind it, be thankful for it all! 🌿🙏THANK YOU 🙏🌿 ALOHA 🌿 @aloha1227
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Stay grateful 🙏 Stay kind 🤗 ALOHA 🌿
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