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Research about Apartheid in Palestine / Gaza / Palestina by Israel done by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International

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Without digital technologies, surveillance, and the militarisation of the border, walls would not be nearly as effective, for these barriers are not necessarily a successful means of preventing border crossings as they have always been breached. Outsiders do not get in because borders are lax, rather they simply find another way through, often increasing their risk of fatality by doing so. Despite inherent dangers of migrant journeys, millions of people continue to cross borders all over the globe without authorisation. The fact that this continues to occur, despite the plethora of new walls, suggests walls are not necessarily a practical prevention. Borders are often very long and extremely diffcult to fence as well as requiring the necessary maintenance for their continued upkeep. As at February 2020, only one-third of the US-Mexico’s 3,170km border had been completed (Miro & Blanco, 2020). Even the heavily fortified 708km Israeli-West Bank barrier was only two-thirds finished after 15 years of construction (Jones, 2016: 4). In addition, border barriers are not effective because terrorists or drug smugglers do not enter through the land border, but rather, a significant share of unauthorised arrivals in OECD countries enter with a valid visa and never leave (Krishnadev, 2019: 1-9). Likewise, illegal goods enter through shipping ports and airports as well as through tunnels built underground. To this end, Israel has started construction of a subterranean wall along the Gaza strip to prevent people from tunnelling under (Estrin, 2018: 1-6). In fact, the tunnels into Gaza supply everything from building materials to food, clothing, computers, and livestock, as well as weapons. Work in and around the tunnels is believed to sustain 15,000 workers, and trade through the tunnels is estimated to raise as much as $750 mil- lion a year in taxation alone for the Hamas government (Verini, 2012: 42).
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To all "fake" war experts, just one question ... You always talk about or against Apartheid or other things. BUT THIS PICTURE SHOW EXACTLY THE FACTS! 100k people watched the video, other remain ignorant. So have you watched this video or read the report or opened at least one time the site about Amnesty? No matter if what they write is bullshit or not! Because even if this is bullshit, first need to be watched, then verified and only after that you can express something! Or you share "we have no enough knowledge / experience" to give a statement, like we do too! Even your living experience IS NOT A FACT! if other things get ignored, considering just one point of view. So experience is important, but is not the only one! Means you cannot say anything about that, without even reading and watching videos. This is just a small example that we see day by days. Scientific research downloaded by 200 - 1000+ people, serious video watched by 3 cats, serious channels followed by 3 cats ... Meanwhile bullshit IS FOLLOWED BY MILLIONS! and TikTok bullshit video are trendy like shit. So before opening your mouth sharing opinions, reflect about that! Meanwhile, if you are in this category, you can find the video we shared long time ago here 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇺🇸
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israels_apartheid_against_palestinians_cruel_system_of_domination.pdf4.42 MB
Israel Air Force (IAF) air strikes (and sea-based strikes along the Gaza Strip) increased considerably and were mostly targeted against PA security and governmental installations as well as ammunition warehouses in order to punish the PA for supporting the uprising and terror/guerrilla campaign. While the IAF air campaign enabled Israel to degrade effectively the PA’s military infrastructure, it was far less successful in eliminating potential suicide bombers, which the IDF dubbed as ‘ticking bombs’. By early 2001, Hamas and PIJ had fully resumed suicide terror bombings within Israel itself. The decision to create a security barrier, which would separate Israelis from Palestinians and protect Israel from further terrorist infiltration, had already been taken in late 2001. The partial construction and operation of this security fence by 2003 was very effective in reducing the number of successful suicide attacks in Israel and, according to some analysts, proved to be a much more effective method than Israel’s targeted killing policy. Though the IDF had been effective in reducing the number of successful suicide attacks against Israeli civilian targets by mid-2004, Palestinian violence increased, particularly within the Gaza Strip, where the Intifada had become an ‘“over/under” conflict, with mortar shells and Qassam rockets being increasingly fired against Israeli settlements’ and Israeli towns bordering the Gaza Strip and IEDs being targeted against Israeli convoys more frequently than had been the case at the start of the conflict. So, while the IDF was able to reduce the phenomenon of suicide terrorism by late 2004, Palestinian insurgency had adapted itself by relying more on Gaza-based rocket and IED attacks. Such attacks increased even after the IDF decided to conduct two major operations in the Gaza Strip (i.e., Operations ‘Rainbow’ in May 2004 and ‘Days of Penitence’ in October 2004).
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PS: remember that we don't take any position about Apartheid or similar accusations by Amnesty, since a) we don't trust Amnesty at all, after all bullshits they are reporting ... once we verified such things ... b) we have never visited such countries ... c) 🇵🇸 or 🇮🇱 (or 🇹🇷) are still not our main interest, since they are 🇸🇦 countries so we investigated different things, but we will NOT read 1000+ pages of 🇮🇱-🇵🇸 history (and we don't mean 2000 years of history, but just few years ...) Plus for sure we prefer to invest time for more important topics, since our goal is not just change few human rights and in 1 country, but to change human / animal / planet rights in all countries (especially EU and America Latina). d) all such things are written or said in languages we don't understand, so is just 💩 searching and reading such things ... even much worse than 🇷🇺, 🇺🇦, 🇫🇮 ...
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Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT

Our statement about Amnesty in our channels

We will release another one in the next hours, where textes are available too Conclusion: never trust ANYTHING and EVERYONE!

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Do you know who i'm? WHO GIVES A SHIT! Do you know who my husband is? WHO GIVE A SHIT! You have no reason to stop me! NOPE! YOU COULD BE A CRIMINAL AND TERRORIST, LIKE YOUR HUSBAND OR WHOEVER!
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How military dependents be when they get pulled over.mp42.69 MB
Turkey 🇹🇷 Islam ☪️ Human Right Fact Check Part 6 Part 2 Greek prime minister renews call for EU cash for border fence YES, YOU CAN GET ALL MONEY YOU WANT FOR THAT! It's not wasted money, if this can reduce criminality, near proper police controls Optic towers, thermal cameras and a concrete block aid Turkish border guards in keeping watch over the border with Iran, which attracts thousands of illegal crossings every year Trying to show the EU that Turkey is protecting the whole bloc Well, building walls is not enough to be part of Europe ... You build walls even to reduce illegal migration to your country ... He pointed out all the equipment Turkey had deployed in the area: drone killers, drone jammers, 103 watchtowers equipped with thermal cameras and radar systems to identify movement. Turkey does, indeed, host some 4 million asylum seekers, more than any other country in the world. And the vast majority of those people want to go to the EU. In 2012, Greece built a 12.5-km fence at its border with Turkey in the Evros river valley. Another 40-km fence was completed in August 2021 in an area known as Maritsa and Meriç. In August 2022, Greece announced plans to expand the fence by 220 km. In October 2022, Finland announced plans to build a fence along (part of) its border with Russia, to prevent unauthorised border crossing from Russia. Back to human rights ... even if stopping illegal migration is an human right ... In 2015, North Macedonia built several fences stretching for 37 km along its border with Greece. In 2014, Bulgaria put up a 33-km-long razor wire fence along its border with Turkey. The fence was then extended progressively, reaching 235 km in length by 2017.
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Turkey 🇹🇷 Islam ☪️ Human Right Fact Check Part 5 Part 2 The European Union says that it builds bridges, not walls. Yet all around Europe, tall walls and fences, bristling with sophisticated technology, are being erected Illegal migration is a crime, not a right! and we appreciate that they create walls but next time, create something more better, in the style of 🇬🇷 ... Otherwise it's pretty similar to 🇳🇴 prisons ... A total of 16 miles (26km) of wall will be added to the existing 6 mile fence along the Evros River, which forms much of the Greek-Turkish border, the government spokesperson Stelios Petsas said on Monday. The €63m (£57.5m) extension will add 5 metre-high fencing and upgrade the existing sections of the wall by using galvanized square steel tubes and concrete foundations, Petsas said. The work is due to be completed in April. Turkey hosts around 4 million refugees, mostly from Syria. Turkey has accused Greece of illegally pushing back migrants reaching its islands in the eastern Aegean Sea, a charge Athens denies, while Greece says Turkey sends patrol vessels to escort migrant boats into its waters. Greek police told the Associated Press they had started trialling high-powered mobile sirens aimed at deterring migrants as they attempted to cross from Turkey, and an upgraded surveillance camera network is also planned to cover the entire 120 mile Greek-Turkish border 🇸🇦 migrants can remain in 🇹🇷, BUT NOT REACH ILLEGALLY 🇪🇺, so 🇬🇷, well done! 170-km portion of security wall completed on Turkish-Iranian border No matter, seems 🇹🇷 try to improve that ... vs Concrete blocks, three meters in height, 2.80 meters in width
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Turkey 🇹🇷 Islam ☪️ Human Right Fact Check Part 4 Part 2 Where Europe stands on gay marriage and civil unions The three countries at the other end of the Rainbow Europe scale are Azerbaijan (2%), Turkey (4%), and Armenia (9%), exactly the same as the last three years. Among them, only Armenia increased an index point after revoking its ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men. Spain, Iceland, Finland, Moldova, Switzerland, and Croatia are the countries with the biggest jump in scores Without forget things related to the death sentence applied with 💩 Turkey abolished the death penalty through Law No. 5170 on 7 May 2004 following a long period of struggle removing it all together from its legislation including Articles 17 and 38 of its Constitution But remember the problem is NOT the death sentence, but how 💩 some countries do such death sentence Death penalty should come back in Europe 🇪🇺 and the whole world! but using brain 🧠 and facts, not discrimination and personal interests ... Death sentence IS AN HUMAN RIGHT! and not an abuse of human rights. The human right of the population to live in safety free of serious criminals! 👌As Turkey is located in the intersection point of Asia, Europe and Africa and Turkey is a bridge between economically and politically underdeveloped states and rich Western countries, irregular migrants consider Turkey as a transit route Turkey builds a border wall to stop refugees Illegal migration is a crime, not a right!
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