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Unshackle the Mitten

Connecting the dots on RINOS in the global-to-local network bringing tyranny on your children and grandchildren. Together, let’s remove the shackles.

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The Conspirators’ Heirarchy: The Committee of 300 As we worked to identify the primary agents of the global cabal who are actively destroying our beautiful state, we came across a mind-blowing book written by intelligence insider Dr. John Coleman in 1991.  In Coleman’s words, he “ripped off the mask of the entire secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S.” A few excerpts from Coleman’s book are quoted below. Pg4: “We frequently hear about "they " doing this, that or the other. "They" seem literally to be able to get away with murder. "They" increase taxes, send our sons and daughters to die in wars that do not benefit our country. "They" seem above our reach, out of sight, frustratingly nebulous when it comes to taking action against "them." No one seems able to clearly identify who "they" are. It is a situation that has pertained for decades. During the course of this book, we shall identify the mysterious "they" and then, after that, it is up to the people to remedy their situation.” Pg5: “In what is in fact an open conspiracy against God and man, which includes enslaving the majority of humans left on this earth after wars, plagues and mass-murder have done with them is not well hidden. In the intelligence community, it is taught that the best way to hide something is to place it in open view.  The upper-level parallel secret government does not operate from dank basements and secret underground chambers.  These men are IN OPEN VIEW. These men are the servants of the One World Government-New World Order. Like the rapist who stops to offer his victim a friendly ride, he does not LOOK like the monster he is. If he did, his intended victim would run off screaming in fright. The same applies to government at all levels.” Pg6: “Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty allpowerful Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under various names such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Round Table, the Milner Group. To them the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilaterals represent most of what they do not like in regard to domestic and foreign policy.” Pg14: “The only way we can come to grips with the reality of the conspirator's success is by mentioning and discussing the secret societies, front organizations, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, international businesses, the petroleum industry and the hundreds of thousands of entities and foundations whose leading lights make up the membership of the Committee of 300—the ULTIMATE controlling body that runs the world and has done so for at least a hundred years.” Pg22: “What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right:”  (Coleman goes on to list 21 Luciferian goals.) While it is impossible to validate each of Coleman’s claims, the frightening predictions he spelled out in this book 33 years ago have all played out. WHO ARE THE PRIMARY AGENTS FOR THE GLOBAL CABAL IN MICHIGAN? Michiganders who have the mental fortitude to read through Dr. Coleman’s book and 🔴 Corey Lynn’s investigative reports, should take special note of the individuals and organizations named throughout.  Then, visit the list of board members for the Gerald R Ford Foundation.  Read through the biographies.  THAT’S WHO. JOIN:
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Unshackle the Mitten

Connecting the dots on RINOS in the global-to-local network bringing tyranny on your children and grandchildren. Together, let’s remove the shackles.

🔥 6👍 3❤‍🔥 2 2🏆 2 1💯 1
WHO IS THEY? To defeat an enemy, you must KNOW the enemy - their identity, ideology, loyalties, strategy and tactics.   Corey’s Digs was created by Investigative Journalist Corey Lynn for the purpose of digging for truth in a world where nothing is as it seems, then connecting the dots and presenting her findings to you. Corey focuses on larger webs and nests, and areas that are seldom covered by mainstream media. She exposes operations, oftentimes with detailed timelines, maps, and documentation to provide the full scope of what may be transpiring, and she always cites sources with links to back it up. “There is no longer an excuse to live in fantasy land, turning a blind eye to the destruction happening all around us, and hoping maybe things will get better one day.  What will become of your children and their children?  It is time to pull together evidence and expose those whom have brought us to this stage of the game. This goes deep folks. This is a worldwide web of corruption at the deepest levels of ones darkest imagination. You will not like much of what you discover, and some of it may leave you dazed and confused for weeks, but it is important information to understand in order to move forward. It is time to wake up – for many have been asleep far too long.” From MUST READ ARTICLE 👉 Who Is THEY? “People want to know who is behind the money, power, control, narratives, and destruction of the world…” “There are several terms people use to reference these bad actors, such as the “deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.”” “One thing is for certain – these folks have been planning this ultimate takeover for a very long time, have all of their minions and useful tools coordinating for them, have brainwashed millions of people with their schemes, are savvy and calculated with their methods and far more intelligent than most would care to admit.” “…create a problem and then claim to save the day by establishing new industries and wiping out others.” “Bank for International Settlements and 63 central banks, United Nations, Global Fund, Gavi, World Economic Forum, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, World Bank, BlackRock, Amazon, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Michael Milken, Sam Altman, Edgar Bronfman, Victor Pinchuk, Richard Branson, Marc Benioff…” (and on and on and on) “The PR is pushed by the World Economic Forum who plot and plan how these actions should roll out and who should take the reins. These players often meet in private by invite only through secret societies and organizations. The universities pump out whatever so-called studies are needed to validate their actions so as to obtain government funding and so media can hype it up.” Read full article 👉 HERE JOIN:
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Unshackle the Mitten

Connecting the dots on RINOS in the global-to-local network bringing tyranny on your children and grandchildren. Together, let’s remove the shackles.

8💯 5🔥 3👍 1
A classic example of how lower level devotees of the globalist cult scramble for cover when their higher level handlers fail to pass along the talking points of the day and make them all look like pathetic fools. 🔴♾️🔴♾️🔴 #shanetrejo #bethanywheeler #jdglaser #tomnemcek #mattdeperno #petehoekstra JOIN:
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Judge-Appointed HOAXtra Recommends Bill Gates Minion for US Vice President Kristen Meghan is correct. Hoekstra is a fraud. So is every single participant in the J6-2024 MIGOP insurrection. 🔴♾️🔴♾️🔴 #petehoekstra JOIN:
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[BREAKING ARTICLE] "Gov. Little Makes Idaho the First State to Take Executive Action for ‘Only Citizens Will Vote’" [Weblink to article located after the below Op-Ed.] OPINION / EDITORIAL: Idaho's actions help stop national survival threatening globalist deep-state installed and managed systemic election corruption. Election corruption strategically installed to ensure both main-stream political party leadership and governmental positions are occupied by operatives or unwitting-enablers serving the Democrat/RINO/Media Synergy Of Fake 'Opposition.' Systemic election corruption continues to be used to finish cleansing the Democrat Party of anti-abortion JFK liberals (leaving only violent-globalist-marxist types), and continue cleansing GOP leadership of constitutionalists (leaving nation ruining constitutional and moral relativists). And to distract us from noticing our GOP has been infiltrated and deconstructed, globalists continually increase Democrat Party levels of evil. Because, Democrat evil creates pressure distracting us from GOP infiltration. And while only peaceful and lawful solutions are allowed, we must both vote for President Trump while also demand he stop infecting the GOP with globalist-benefiting moral and constitutional deconstructionism in the name of 'What's required to beat Dems.' REMEDY: Stop the decades of globalist GOP infiltration strategically dragging the GOP politically-leftward toward totalitarianism while trailing the Democrat Party, by stopping the 'Kabuki Theater' style fake-opposition between Dems & their GOP-poser co-conspirators. Example: Michigan and U.S. legislative leaders engaged in Dem .vs GOP-poser fake-opposition enabling the globalist PlanDemic, used to justify unconstitutional governing, deceive Republicans into taking the jab, while failing to remedy election corruption remaining on track to determine 2024 outcomes (irrespective of who's elected). To ensure your children inherit usable God-given unalienable rights, become a Precinct Delegate. Then, don't get co-opted by GOP-poser constitutional and moral relativists 'treating you like gold,' but who simply engineer chaos in America slower than their Dem co-conspirators. Instead, join like-minded constitutionalists to transition every level of the GOP from moral and constitutional-deconstructionists leadership, back to constitutionalist-based leadership. While we should vote the entire GOP ticket in 2024 including President Trump, we must stop our silence from enabling his constitutional and moral relativism deconstructing the GOP. And do so irrespective of how evil globalists strategically make the Democrat Party to pressure us into excepting increasing constitutional and moral compromise eviscerating the GOP from inside-out. The GOP using the constitution and moral-absolutes as its measures for internal party accountability, electability, and governing represent the only political-path to our children inheriting usable God-given unalienable rights instead of tyranny.
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Gov. Little Makes Idaho the First State to Take Executive Action for 'Only Citizens Will Vote' | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

In a landmark move, Governor Brad Little (R-ID), together with Secretary of State Phil McGrane, announced Tuesday that Idaho has become the first state in the nation to initiate an executive order specifically designed to ensure that only U.S.

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Obedience to God, national survival, and the preservation of our children’s freedom do not allow us to ignore this reality, because the RNC co-chair is President Trump's daughter-in-law, and President Trump supports this platform draft. My primary allegiance is to Jesus Christ, above any person or party. We must also be aware, that many who are publicly expressing outrage over the GOP draft platform, are NOT doing so because they are Constitutionalists. Many of these characters are funded by, and loyal to the same GOP imposters who have been moving the GOP closer to moral and constitutional relativism for decades. They are simply seizing on the opportunity this conflict regarding the platform has created, to discredit the influx of populism, which threatens their stranglehold on the GOP. Their outrage is fraudulent and opportunistic. The conservative imposters who want to purge constitutionalist and uncompromising Christians from the party would like us to throw our hands up and roll over under the pretense of "it's required to beat Democrats." None of which is true. Never.  We understand that the Republican Party is not a Christian organization and that it is "the party of the Constitution" protecting God-given unalienable rights even for those who don't believe in God and who are not Christians. However, it was Judeo-Christian defined morality that resisted British tyrants, founded America, and catalyzed the fight to stop slavery.  Judeo-Christian defined morality as including the self-sacrifice of earthly security and human accomplishments are responsible for having made America great in the first place. Abandoning those principles will expedite tyranny already being brought upon our children and nation. Minimizing GOP opposition to the killing of the unborn places the GOP in direct conflict with God, who makes and breaks nations. Any 'Christian leader' or 'Pro-Life leader' (yes there is a pro-life establishment, just look at the weak fight against Prop 3 in Michigan) supporting the unnecessarily edited platform draft is irrelevant. The existence of agreement does not ensure the existence of truth or righteousness. We must lawfully and peacefully self-sacrifice whatever is necessary to stop the injecting of the poison of moral and constitutional relativism in the GOP through the editing of its platform unnecessarily. Moral absolutes cannot be abandoned for political expediency. Nowhere in scripture did God have people engage in or support sin to fulfill His agenda. The Republican Party platform must be amended to reflect that life begins at conception.   Abortion is murder - though those guilty of it shall be forgiven if they ask God for forgiveness.  Sincerely, Kristina Karamo “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” - Matthew 10:28 FYI, our court fight continues to lawfully remedy my illicit removal as MIGOP chair. We are currently before the Court of Appeals. Opposition to evil is a scripturally defined requirement, irrespective of whether that evil is committed by globalist operatives having infiltrated the GOP, or globalist operatives making the Democrat Party increasingly evil. Let's lawfully eject globalist Republican posers and their unwitting enablers from GOP leadership to return the GOP to being "the party of the constitution." Let us be right before God and deliver usable God-given unalienable rights to our children. Click Here to Support the Fight!
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Support the Disenfranchised Delegates

We the Republican delegates of Michigan were disenfranchised by Hoekstra and company at the March 2 convention when they would not allow 23 counties to be cr...

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OP-ED: How’s decades of staged-opposition and moral relativism worked for you? ⚡️ July 10, 2024 Author: Kristina Karamo 🇺🇸 The greatest blessings in life require consistent maintenance. The blessings of liberty and our usable God-given rights are no different. Resting on the laurels of our founding fathers, will not save our nation. We cannot act as if the GOP has not been infiltrated by the same humanist cult devotees that have infiltrated the Democrat Party and other spheres of power and influence. We see that the GOP is being deliberately moved away from constitutional original intent and moral absolutes, by those sabotaging America by deconstructing the GOP from inside-out.  The existing GOP platform correctly states "We are the party of the constitution." The GOP exists to elect candidates using the constitution as their measure for internal party accountability, electability, and governing. Electing candidates without that measure continues the nation-destroying pattern caused by decades of GOP infiltrators.  An ongoing pattern of electing Republican impostors and unwitting pawns who destroy America slower than their Democrat and media co-conspirators.  Republican imposters exposed by their nation destroying levels of constitutional deconstructionism and godless rationale, like sacrificing millions of unborn lives using the pretense of 'it being required to win elections.' As if placing the GOP in direct conflict with God who makes and breaks nations could ever result in anything but national ruin. As we should expect from proficient enemies of God and country, they have infiltrated both the Republican and Democrat parties to dialectally direct the conflict toward predetermined outcomes. DIALECTICALLY STAGED-OPPOSITION Our existing situation has globalist GOP infiltrators and their unwitting enablers degenerating the GOP into staged opposition against their Democrat co-conspirators while hiding their true nature behind staged attacks against each other.  Yes, these co-conspirators attack and damage each other publicly to maintain perception of opposition while the GOP infiltrators do it to maintain a veneer of trustworthiness. They are exposed by their attempt to distract and fixate us on the mantra "beating Democrats" by having us elect GOP-posers who just destroy slower than Dems.  And all the while, Republican posers having co-opted positions of leadership feeding GOP patriots a steady diet of repackaged globalist President(s) Bush-types sold to us as the ones who will save us from the Democrats also managed by globalists. Additionally, EVEN WITHIN the GOP, these infiltrators engage in staged attacks to give cover to evil actors pretending to be patriots. I have observed many of those screaming loudly about RINOs, are themselves GOP infiltrators and enlightened humanists, all while claiming they are grassroots patriots. They hide behind a self-proclaimed undying loyalty to President Trump as a cover for their true nature. This is why the court-appointed MIGOP chair was so proud of himself, that he made the motion to pass the God-offending GOP National Platform draft. Absent several previous components of the national platform, reinforcing that the GOP is the party of the Constitution and that the Constitution applies to unborn human life AT CONCEPTION. Additionally, there is ONLY an insignificant mention of the 2nd Amendment in the preamble. There is ZERO discussion in the body of the platform regarding policy positions the GOP will take to protect our 2nd Amendment rights, which our founders added to the Constitution to protect us and to put a healthy fear in aspiring tyrants. As was reported by the platform committee, for the first time in history, they were prevented from seeing the platform prior to the platform committee meeting.  A meeting where for the first time, no debate, and no amendments were allowed. Instead, the new RNC leadership forced their version of the platform onto the Platform Committee. We can not be silent about their conduct. (Continued below) 👇
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Repost from David Clements
The RNC’s silence on abortion matters. I have no problem with a “10th Amendment argument” that the “right to life” is a state’s rights issue because it is not enumerated. States should protect life. But you also have to read the 9th Amendment that the unenumerated “right to life” is also afforded federal protection. “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” You can’t even begin to discuss rights and liberty without the foundation of life being protected.
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BREAKING: Trump's daughter-in-law run RNC shoves abortion down throats of RNC Platform Committee members. "They rolled us! That's what they did." Gail Ruzicka, RNC platform committee member from Utah, just after today's vote in Milwaukee: "I've never seen this happen before. I don't understand why they did it, and I'm extremely disappointed that we do not have any pro-life language..." OP-ED It's putting the GOP in direct-conflict with God by sacrificing the lives of the unborn at the altar of winning elections, as we rocket toward God-wannabe globalist engineered-chaos. More proof of proficient enemies of God and country having co-opted the RNC. Globalists, having infiltrated both mainstream political parties to manage their fake-opposition with the help of media co-conspirators. Anti-Christ level infiltrating and deconstructing the GOP only occurring because Laodicean-type church leaders serve to produce 'happy sheep on their way to slaughter' instead of (lawful) soldiers and ambassadors for Christ.
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Repost from David Clements
Life is a states’ rights issue. Life is also a federal issue. It’s not either/or. It’s both. The whole basis of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights is fundamentally rooted in Natural Law—-i.e., God’s law recognizing the sanctity of life, and the attendant liberty (rights) that flow from being created in God’s image. You can’t speak intelligently about a right to freedom of association, the freedom of speech, a free press, the right to bear arms, or the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, if you can’t first draw breath.
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