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But Israel and Palestine are NOT a terroristic region ... YES SURE! Part 2 Part 1: The first female Palestinian bombers also caused a huge media stir. The public in Israel and indeed the world over was shocked to find that the terrorist cause was not limited to Palestinian militant men, but that young women were also willing to don suicide belts (and backpacks) to go into Israel and detonate themselves. As Israelis realized that Palestinian groups were taking advantage of this they began to include females at checkpoints or increasingly to automate their search procedures – a costly venture in both cases - involving increased labor and equipment costs. For the most part male and female suicide terrorists share a similar set of motivations for carrying out suicide terrorism which vary less by gender and more by whether they are radicalized inside or outside of conflict zones. The main differences between them are that women face some increased psychological vulnerabilities to being radicalized into the extremist role of suicide bomber which include: increased incidence of traumatic stress; depression; anxiety; dissociative disorders; blocked roles; and they may be more reactive to the loss of familial and intimate relationships while seeing only one way to violently revenge such losses. But females also enjoy some increased protective factors from becoming suicide bombers: those in conservative societies are more restricted in general, and thus find it harder to interact with and join groups; there is often societal resistance to the terror group’s use of female bombers; and terror groups themselves often block their participation by refusing to send females as bombers. Another important difference is that, as in most of society, female bombers are much less likely to be in leadership roles within terror groups, which may mean that their radicalization trajectory is generally shorter ... Related:
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But Israel and Palestine is NOT a terroristic region ... YES SURE! Part 1 Previous post about suicide terrorism: Statistics vary on the numbers of human bombers but it appears that between 1985 and 2006, there have been more than 220 female suicide bombers, these representing nearly fifteen percent of the overall number of actual suicide bombers around the world and those intercepted in the final stages before the attack. Following this success in Lebanon the use of suicide bombing as a terror tactic spread to other groups - literally migrating around the world from Lebanon, to Israel/the Palestinian Territories, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Somalia, and so on. Terrorists using this method found that it had limited success in many arenas: derailing the peace process in Israel (disrupting the Oslo accords); impacting the election results in Spain1, (the Madrid train bombings3); disrupting military, humanitarian and rebuilding efforts (Afghanistan and Iraq) and by drawing world attention and concern to political issues (e.g. Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Al Qaeda etc.). That the ideologies that promote the use of suicide terrorism as a tactic may exist completely independent of any religion and be utilized in support of human bombing is a crucial point to make, one that is often missed by those who mistakenly lump all suicide terrorism together with so called “Islamic” based terrorism (which is in fact an extreme distortion of Islam). Indeed suicide terrorism has been used by such Marxist and non-religious groups as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the PKK, the LTTE and is prevalent in terror groups whose ideologies are not related to Islamic beliefs as it is in those that are. Palestinian women joined the ranks of men as human bombers only in 2002 when due to increased security it became increasingly difficult for young Palestinian men to cross Israeli checkpoints to enact terrorism
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Suicide terrorism - part 2 We are against VIP ticket for suicide in prison and we are against terrorism suicide too! Suicide bombing in the 1990s had at best mixed support from the Palestinian public, but, according to one expert, during the Second Intifada ‘‘Palestinian society as a whole cultivated the suicide ethos as a weapon of defiance.’’22 A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in November 2002 found that 66 percent of those surveyed believed that violence helped Palestinians in ways that negotiations did not. Support for suicide bombings fell to less than 30 percent for the first time during the Second Intifada. Hamas steadily gained respect because its fighters waged what seemed to be an effective war against Israel, inflicting one body blow after another through suicide bombings. Polls taken in February 2000 showed Hamas enjoying 10 percent support and Fatah 36 percent; in September 2005, immediately after the Gaza pullout, Hamas’s support was up to 30 percent. One of the worst attacks occurred on June 1, 2001, when a Palestinian suicide bomber stepped into a line of people waiting to enter the Tel Aviv Dolphinarium Disco, wounding 120 and killing 21, mostly teenage immigrants from the former Soviet Union.
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Genocide and Suicide Terrorism - Part 2 Part 1: In Gaza, after the separation barrier was completed and the Second Intifada had begun, most militants were in fact compelled to turn away from suicide bombing and toward guerilla attacks and the launching of Qassam rockets and mortar shells at Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and Israel proper. No such launches were recorded in 2000, but 516 took place in 2001. Their number rose steadily for the next three years to 1,475 in 2004 and then tapered off somewhat to just over 1,000 in 2005 (Intelligence and Information Center 2006, 24; Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2007). In the West Bank, the situation was different. The rate of killing of Palestinians by Israel was only about half as high as in Gaza. At the same time, the frequency of Palestinian deaths was more sensitive to the threat level than was the case in Gaza. The correlation between the monthly number of Palestinian deaths and the monthly number of suicide missions originating in the region was strong and in the direction that Marshall’s rational choice theory would lead one to expect. Thus, when threat was high in the West Bank, the killing of Palestinians by the Israeli state rose. When threat was low, the killing of Palestinians dropped off. Interestingly, frontier-like Gaza was less subject to assassinations than was the West Bank. Nearly twice as many assassinations took place in the West Bank (135) as in Gaza (72). In addition, a chorus of human rights groups, media outlets, the United Nations, and European governments soon criticized Israeli state violence, calling for constraint and reminding Israel that state violence against civilians violates international human rights norms that have become deeply entrenched since World War II. About suicide terrorists by University of Toronto
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Genocide and Suicide Terrorism - Part 1 Article 6 (a) Genocide by killing: Elements 1. The perpetrator killed2 one or more persons. 2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group. 3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. 4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction. On 3 April 2002, about 1,000 Israeli troops entered the Jenin refugee camp on the West Bank, home to some 14,000 Palestinians. Supported by Apache attack helicopters and Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers, the troops razed a section of the camp that harbored militants who had recently organized a string of devastating suicide missions and other attacks against Israeli civilians. At least 52 Palestinians were killed in Jenin, 22 of them civilians, along with 23 Israeli soldiers. By the time the dust settled on 11 April, more than a quarter of the camp’s residents were homeless. Data were also collected on all 210 state-directed assassinations and 138 suicide bombings that took place in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza between 26 October 2000 (the date of the Second Intifada’s first suicide bombing) and 12 July 2005. Note that although relatively indiscriminate state violence was more widespread in Gaza than in the West Bank, Israelis saw Gaza as less of a threat than the West Bank throughout the Second Intifada. That is because 109 suicide bombings originated in the West Bank compared to just 28 in Gaza (see Table 3). Part 2 next post About suicide terrorists by University of Toronto
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Der Luftkrieg gegen das Deutsche Reich traf Städte aller Größenordnungen, dement- sprechend sind auf der Karte „Kriegszer- störungen 1939-1945 in Städten der Bun- desrepublik Deutschland“ insgesamt 298 Städte berücksichtigt worden25. Von den 54 Großstädten (> 100.000 Einwohner 1939) auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland überstanden lediglich Lübeck, Wiesbaden, Halle und Erfurt den Zweiten Weltkrieg mit relativ geringen Schäden. Zwar verzeichneten auch Gelsenkirchen, Solingen, Bielefeld und Leipzig annähernd gleiche Wohnungszerstörungsraten, doch war das Ausmaß der Zerstörungen in den Innenstädten beträchtlich größer. In der Rangfolge der prozentualen Wohnungsverluste steht Würzburg mit 75 % in der entsprechenden Schadensstatistik an der Spitze (HOHN 1991), gefolgt von Dessau, Kassel, Mainz und Hamburg. Legt man die Trümmermengen zugrunde, so ragen besonders die Städte Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, Köln, Dortmund, Essen, Frank- furt und Nürnberg heraus (vergl. Abb. 3). Eine Bilanz unter den Mittelstädten (25.000-100.000 Einwohner) zeigt, daß von allen 151 Städten etwa ein Drittel (53 Städte) einen Totalzerstörungsgrad am Wohnungsbestand von 20 % aufwiesen. Am stärksten betroffen waren Prenzlau in Brandenburg und Düren in Nordrhein- Westfalen mit über 80 %, gefolgt von Pforzheim in Baden-Würtemberg, Hanau in Hessen, Zweibrücken in Rheinland-Pfalz und Emden in Niedersachsen. Aus der Gruppe der Kleinstädte (5.000- 25.000 Einwohner) erlitten 93 durch Luft- angriffe und Bodenkämpfe beträchtliche Kriegsschäden. Gerade in den letzten Kriegsmonaten wurden besonders viele in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Mecklenburg-Vor- pommern und Brandenburg durch das Vorrücken alliierter Bodenstreitkräfte zerstört. Die höchsten Wohnungsverluste (Wohnungstotalzerstörungsgrad > 80%) wiesen Wriezen, Schwedt, Lübben und Müncheberg in Brandenburg, Xanten und Jülich in Nordrhein-Westfalen sowie Fried- land in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern auf.
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🇵🇸🇮🇱Behind Genocide🇵🇸🇮🇱
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Well, remember that such things are NOT posted by us... like we already said previously Let we check the definition more in details: Genocide is the targeted, intentional killing by government of people because of their race, religion, ethnicity, political orientation or other indelible group membership. It is targeted on both the individual and the group. It is targeted on the individual because it is intended to eradicate the personal security. Democide is a term which describes the intentional, non-targeted, killing by government of innocent unarmed human beings. Genocide and politicide are defined by Harff as: ... the promotion, execution, and/or implied consent of sustained policies by governing elites or their agents—or, in the case of civil war, either of the contending authorities—that are intended to destroy, in whole or part!!! (= not millions of people!), a communal, political, or politicized ethnic group. Genocide scholar, Gregory Stanton, proposes that genocide manifests during 10) stages. The stages include, Classification, Symbolization, Discrimination, Dehumanization, Organization, Polarization, Preparation, Persecution, Extermination, and Denial (Stanton, 2013, 2016). Mass Killing Magnitude(t-1) measures the level of violence produced in the previous year. Next, Mass Killing Duration is a count variable reflecting the number of genocide years that have since passed. PS: we are not saying Israel is doing or not a genocide (and we never said that previously too), but we are just correcting wrongly facts. 650 pages just of genocide laws! = complex Related to this, we already answered previously a similar video About death people: More about population: scroll down from
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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Timeline 2020 - 2023
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