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Folkish Worldview

Folkishness is the future.

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Jared Taylor has recently given up on the idea of saving America. The country needs to fragment, and then it can re-tribalize, and then something new and better can grow. Meanwhile, NS proponents continue to melt down on Telegram over how they have no realistic plan to make Americans wish their grandfathers had been killed in a war. All this while Tradcath Fuentes is openly trashing heritage Americans. And Platonists are crying about how they're no longer considered serious intellectual authorities on paganism. Slowly but surely, we are winning. People are moving toward the FOLKISH WORLDVIEW and away from ideological dead ends. Folkishness is the future. @folkishworldview
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🔥 20
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Nick Fuentes and America First are just retarded civic nationalists. They offer nothing useful at all to white identity politics, especially not for America. He talks about Hitler and white nationalism, but what does he actually offer? Catholicism. It's clear that he hates America and its founding ethnic stock. No wonder, because they wanted to kick him out. In fact, he's using the same arguments against Jews and Indians in 2024 that heritage Americans used against Catholics in 1890. So he has to say "fuck ethnic Americans, be Catholic", as in this clip. But then, since his whole conception of America isn't ethnic, but based on a belief, he's just a civic nationalist. All Christian nationalism fails this way. Either it's ethnic nationalism first, in which case Christianity is optional, or it's Christian nationalism first, in which case white people are optional. The only solution is to make religion and ethnicity the same thing. This is folkishness, or ethnic religion, which is just paganism. @folkishworldview
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💯 22👍 16👏 3 1
This is made up gibberish with no traditional precedent. The goal of "classical theology" is to explain away the myths as we have them, so that you can ignore them. 1) "THE GODS EXIST" - For the gods to exist means to exist literally. This is what existence is. 2) "THE GODS GOVERN JUSTLY" - The gods do not govern the universe according to any European mythology. No being that we are licensed to worship is the "necessary existent", nor the "prime mover", and all the gods are bound by the fates, which govern them. As for whether the gods are are "just", they are the source of standards like justice. It is incoherent to even ask if such a thing is just. 3) "THE GODS CAN DO NO WRONG" - The gods do not expect us to emulate their behaviour, nor do we have any right to demand this. If the gods behave in a way that's not right for us, this does not mean it's not right for them. You don't get to do what the boss does. This is how hierarchy works. Non-literal mythic interpretation is fine, but it can never contest a straightforward reading. Doing so is a blank check to overwrite whatever you personally feel is wrong with what the ancients actually said and thought, and to put in its place whatever you feel like. Nothing could be less authoritative, in fact the very attempt dissolves authority and collapses into individualism and unverified personal gnosis. This hermeneutic school doesn't even meet the threshold of theology. The vast majority of our pagan forefathers believed that the myths did in fact happen, in this reality, as stated in traditional accounts. This includes well-born men such as nobles, and certainly not "only peasants". Any opinion to the contrary should be considered heretical, as it was when Socrates demoted the gods and called for the same fake interpretation and mythic redaction as "classical theologians", for which actual traditional pagans made him drink the hemlock. @folkishworldview
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The Classical Wisdom Tradition

The three core dogmas of classical theology: 1. The Gods exist. The Gods really exist. They are not metaphors or social constructs, nor are they merely anthropomorphic depictions of natural phenomena. This does not mean myths should be understood literally. 2. The Gods govern the universe well and justly. 3. The Gods cannot be corrupted. Gods cannot be bribed, manipulated, or tricked. They cannot be influenced for evil by anyone or anything. I do not claim that all classical pagans accepted these three things, only that they are true, that there was something close to a consensus on them (especially in the philosophical literature) and that they are an excellent set of parameters for us to operate in. - CWT Admin

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👍 8
Repost from Þórr siðr
According to Brink, trying to make a spatial logic of the Norse cosmos according to Snorri to trying to gather up bundles of soap in one’s arms, and attempts to logically order Norse mythical spaces are a “modern, intellectualising analysis of something that was not logically structured and not set in a metaphysically coherent system” (Brink 2004: 295–296). Scholars should take care to remember that the desire for logically-structured mythical spaces is something that we may crave in modernity, but people in ancient oral cultures need not have desired this same order. The Tripartite Ideology, Austin Main, 2020.
I would give this warning not just to scholars, but also to practicing heathens.
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Nietzsche is right here about Plato. The basic approach of Platonism, and later, Christian philosophy, is to invert the ontologically primary and the ontologically derivative. Reality has always meant (to people with any sense) the world as it presents itself to us, in all its corporeality and appearance. What is derivative is the ideal, which only integrates the corporeal into a shorthand for a series of particulars. The universals depend on the particulars, not the other way around. The particular is the actual, the universal the hypothetical. Platonism turns this on its head. It makes the hypothetical into the ontologically primary thing, the most real thing. What normal people call reality, becomes derivative. Platonists then call this "profound" and "hard to understand" when it's merely counterintuitive, an elaborate justification of their cowardice before the cruelty and blood and muck of life. The ideal makes a little happy place where these things aren't truly real. Christianity took this and ran with it in its idea of "logos", the Good and the True and the Beautiful being all emanations of the most ultimately real thing: THE DIVINE. When it was rediscovered that what lay at the foundation of reality was neither good, nor true, nor beautiful, the divine went with it. Christianity finished what Plato started. All the Christian fathers are in agreement here. Platonism cannot be part of the solution when it was part of the problem. @folkishworldview
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🔥 25💊 4👏 2
Repost from N/a
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Greek philosophy is the decadence of the Greek instinct: Thucydides is the great summing up, the final manifestation of that strong, severe positivism which lay in the instincts of the ancient Hellene. After all, it is courage in the face of reality that distinguishes such natures as Thucydides from Plato: Plato is a coward in the face of reality— consequently he takes refuge in the ideal: Thucydides is master of himself— consequently he is able to master life. Friedrich Nietzsche
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👍 24 6💊 2
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Folkishness is not at odds with universalism. Science is universal, and folkishness is not at odds with that. But folkishness is incompatible with universalism in ultimate matters. e = mc2 is valid for everyone, but it's not a matter of ultimate significance. "There is no God but Yahweh" claims universality and ultimate significance, and is therefore anti-folkish. "The One" is anti-folkish. "Thou art that" is anti-folkish. A thing cannot be UNIVERSAL and HIGHEST, while also being FOLKISH. @folkishworldview
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💯 17 4
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Christianity was not designed to create a functional social order. It does just the opposite. No, Christianity was designed to do one thing, and one thing only. It was designed to eradicate native European spirituality—paganism. That's all it's for. This is why Christianity has been powerless to stop the left, from the French Revolution onward. It has not won a single battle. Christianity is not designed to defeat the left. It's designed to defeat your folk spirit. This is why groypers and other modern Christians are worried about the rise of paganism. They should be. @folkishworldview
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🔥 34💯 15 10👍 6
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The Greeks are sometimes held up as a counterexample to folkishness, as a great folk who accepted universalism and natural law in the form of classical philosophy. But what Greeks? People always mean the Athenians. The very people who were conquered by the folkish and unphilosophical Spartans. Not to mention that the Greeks themselves were conquered by the hardier and less cultured Macedonians from the north. Then they were conquered by the hardier and even less philosophical Romans. Universalism and natural law are only ever an excuse to do "might is right". The excuse is not the cause of strength, but the justification for strength—folkishness is the cause. Calling for universalism is wanting the symptom of strength without the cause. @folkishworldview
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22 7👌 5