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Spoken English By Neetu Singh⚡

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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 29.05.2024 1. SPUR (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन): stimulus  Synonyms: incentive encouragement  Antonyms: diincentive  Example Sentence: Wars act as a spur to practical invention.  2. LEVY (VERB): (भर्ती करना): conscript  Synonyms: call up, enlist  Antonyms: demobilize  Example Sentence: I sought to levy one man for service.  3. HOSPITALITY (NOUN): (सत्कार): friendliness  Synonyms: welcome, helpfulness  Antonyms: unfriendliness  Example Sentence: Scotland is renowned for its hospitality.  4. SLENDER (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre  Synonyms: limited, slight  Antonyms: considerable  Example Sentence: I helped people of slender means.  5. DIFFERENTIAL (NOUN): (अंतर): difference  Synonyms: gap, gulf  Antonyms: uniformity  Example Sentence: The differential between petrol and diesel prices is remarkable.  6. DISCONCERTING (ADJECTIVE): (चिंताजनक): unsettling  Synonyms: unnerving, discomfiting  Antonyms: reassuring  Example Sentence: He had a disconcerting habit of offering jobs to people he met at dinner parties.  7. STRINGENT (ADJECTIVE): (सख़्त): strict  Synonyms: firm, rigid  Antonyms: lenient  Example Sentence: Stringent guidelines on air pollution need to be used.  8. UNDYING (ADJECTIVE): (चिरजीवी): abiding  Synonyms: lasting, enduring  Antonyms: transient  Example Sentence: His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic.  9 ANOMALY (NOUN): (विषमता): oddity  Synonyms: peculiarity, abnormality  Antonyms: regularity  Example Sentence: There are a number of anomalies in the present system.  10. PATENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्ट): obvious  Synonyms: clear, plain  Antonyms: unobtrusive  Example Sentence: She was smiling with patent insincerity. 
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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 28.05.2024 1. TUMBLE (VERB): (गिरना): plummet Synonyms: plunge, dive Antonyms: rise Example Sentence:In the last decade, property prices have tumbled. 2. DIFFERENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (भेदक): distinctive Synonyms: different, dissimilar Antonyms: similar Example Sentence:Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between the two. 3. DEFER (VERB): (मान लेना): yield Synonyms: submit, give way Antonyms: stand up to Example Sentence:He deferred to his absolutely superior knowledge. 4. PREPOSTEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (निरर्थक): absurd Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish Antonyms: reasonable Example Sentence:He gave us a preposterous suggestion. 5. INCLINE (VERB): (रुझान होना): liable Synonyms: likely, prone Antonyms: unlikely Example Sentence:She's inclined to gossip with complete strangers. 6. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (खतरे में): at risk Synonyms: endangered, unsafe Antonyms: safe Example Sentence:We were in a vulnerable position. 7. HOARD (VERB): (संचय करना): store Synonyms: store up, stockpile Antonyms: squander Example Sentence:Thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector. 8. RAMPANT (ADJECTIVE): (अनियंत्रित): uncontrolled Synonyms: unrestrained, unchecked Antonyms: controlled Example Sentence:Political violence was rampant in the area. 9. ABET (VERB): (हाँथ बंटाना): assist Synonyms: aid, help Antonyms: hinder Example Sentence:His actions were shown to abet terrorism. 10. MERCY (NOUN): (ढिलाई): leniency Synonyms: lenience, clemency Antonyms: ruthlessness Example Sentence:The boy was screaming and begging for mercy.
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●That which is dog like =Canine ●That which exists separately from other people =Independent ●That which cannot be perceived by touch = Intangible ●That which cannot be calculated =Incalculable ●That which can be rooted out =Eradicable
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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 27.05.2024 1. ENTIRETY (NOUN): (संपूर्णता): whole  Synonyms: sum, total  Antonyms: part  Example Sentence: She would have to stay in her room for the entirety of the weekend.  2. LUMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चमकदार): shining  Synonyms: bright, brilliant  Antonyms: dark  Example Sentence: The dial on his watch was luminous.  3. DISSUADE (VERB): (रोकना): deter  Synonyms: discourage, prevent  Antonyms: persuade  Example Sentence: My friends try to dissuade me from flying.  4. LEGITIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (वैध): valid  Synonyms: sound, admissible  Antonyms: invalid  Example Sentence: His excuse for being late was legitimate.  5. IMPOVERISH (VERB): (शक्तिहीन करना): weaken  Synonyms: sap, exhaust  Antonyms: strengthen  Example Sentence: The soil was impoverished by annual burning.  6. AMENABLE (ADJECTIVE): (आज्ञाकारी): compliant  Synonyms: acquiescent, biddable  Antonyms: uncooperative  Example Sentence: All parents want their children to be amenable.  7. IGNOMINIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अकीर्तिकर): humiliating  Synonyms: undignified, embarrassing  Antonyms: glorious  Example Sentence: No other party risked ignominious defeat.  8. DISCLOSURE (NOUN): (प्रकटीकरण): revelation  Synonyms: divulgence, declaration  Antonyms: concealment  Example Sentence: He cannot prevent the disclosure of information.  9. CUSTOMARILY (ADVERB): (प्रायः): usually  Synonyms: traditionally, normally  Antonyms: occasionally  Example Sentence: The leaves are customarily used for animal fodder.  10. CUTTING-EDGE (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advanced  Synonyms: innovative, pioneering.  Antonyms: conventional  Example Sentence: The company succeeded as it uses cutting-edge technology. 
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* Very happy - Ecstatic * Very funny - hilarious * Very careful - cautious * Very often - frequently * Very simple - basic * Very expensive- dear * Very dirty - filthy * Very slow - sluggish * Very lazy - indolent *Very clear- obvious * Very painful- excruciating *Very stupid- dumb ox
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Idioms to say ... ' He has gone crazy ' 📌He has lost his marbles. 📌 He has gone bananas. 📌 He has bats in the belfry. 📌He has gone nuts. 📌He is not in his right mind. 📌He has a screw loose. 📌He has rats in the attic. 📌He has taken leave of his senses. 📌He has gone stir-crazy. 📌 He is as mad as a match hare.
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Idioms to say "I am nervous" 📌I have butterflies in the stomach. 📌 I am getting jitters. 📌 I am as twitchy as a cat. 📌 I am a bundle of nerves. 📌 I am on edge. 📌 I am on pins and needles. 📌 I am sweating bullets. 📌 My heart is in my mouth.
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Words used to ... # Add information 📌 Furthermore 📌Moreover 📌Additionally 📌Also 📌In addition to 📌Besides Words added to Contrast ideas 📌 However 📌On the other hand 📌Although 📌 Nevertheless 📌Nonetheless 📌 While
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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 25.05.2024 1. MORIBUND (ADJECTIVE): (मरणासन्न): dying  Synonyms: expiring, at death's door  Antonyms: thriving  Example Sentence: On examination she was moribund and dehydrated.  2. UNDERLIE (VERB): (आधार होना): fundamental  Synonyms: basic, basal  Antonyms: subordinate  Example Sentence: The fundamental issue that underlies the conflict.  3. VEHEMENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): passionate  Synonyms: forceful, ardent  Antonyms: mild  Example Sentence: Her voice was low but vehement.  4. THRIFT (NOUN): (मितव्ययिती): providence  Synonyms: prudence, economy  Antonyms: profligacy  Example Sentence: We have been raised with the the values of thrift and self-reliance.  5. RESCIND (VERB): (रद्द कर देना): revoke  Synonyms: repeal, cancel  Antonyms: enforce  Example Sentence: The government was required to rescind all the unpleasant measures.  6. DREAD (NOUN): (भय): fear  Synonyms: apprehension, trepidation  Antonyms: confidence  Example Sentence: The thought of returning to London filled her with dread.  7. BRIDGE (VERB): (जोड़ना): join  Synonyms: link, connect  Antonyms: divide  Example Sentence: New initiatives were needed to bridge the great abyss of class.  8. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (भिन्न): contrasting  Synonyms: different, differing  Antonyms: homogeneous  Example Sentence: They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.  9. TORTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (टेढ़ा-मेढ़ापन): twisting  Synonyms: winding, curving  Antonyms: straight  Example Sentence: The route is remote and tortuous.  10. OPACITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): obscurity  Synonyms: density, enigma  Antonyms: clarity  Example Sentence: One has to face a lot of difficulty and opacity in Shakespeare's texts.
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📒Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A" 1. A Bee in one's bonnet ◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना 2. A bolt from the blue ◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना 3. A close shave ◾️बाल - बाल बचना 4. A Cat and Dog life ◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन 5. A chicken-hearted Person ◾️कायर व्यक्ति 6. A Dark Horse ◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता 7. A cold shoulder ◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन 8. A cog in the Machine ◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का 9. A close-fisted man ◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना 10. A chink in someone's armour ◾️किसी की कमजोरी 11. A hot potato ◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है 12. A good turn ◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है 13. A going concern ◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय 14. A go-getter ◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति 15. A fool's paradize ◾️हवाई महल 16. A feather in one's cap ◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि 17. A dime a dozen ◾️बहुत आम 18. A stone's throw of ◾️बहुत पास में 19. A sight for sore eyes ◾️आँख की ठण्डक 20. A red rag to a bull ◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान 21. A queer fish ◾️सनकी व्यक्ति 22. A left-handed compliment ◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान 23. A leap in the dark ◾️साहसिक कार्य 24. A jack of all trades ◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति 25. At the end of one's tether ◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ 26. A wild goose chase ◾️निरर्थक खोज 27. A taste of your own medicine ◾️जैसे को तैसा 28. A storm in a tea-cup ◾️बात का बतंगड़ 29. A chip on your shoulder ◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं 30. A man of spirit ◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति 31. A man of straw ◾️एक कमजोर व्यक्ति 32. A man of parts ◾️कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में महारथ वाला 33. A man of mettle ◾️दृढ़-संकल्प का व्यक्ति 34. A man of means ◾️अमीर आदमी 35. A man of letters ◾️साहित्यिक व्यक्ति 36. Aman of his words ◾️अपनी बात का पक्का 37. A man in a million ◾️लाखो में एक
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