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Gilmore Girl | English 🇬🇧

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Gonna be off for a while, acclimatization and chilling mode turned on.🙂‍↔️
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🐳 2 1
There should be words " l missed so much", but strangely it's not 😂. The main outcome : people are capable of making their own home wherever they are,simply avoid having child's position in your life.Be responsible for your life.🌝
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Cotton on- дошло до меня , понятно. Instead of understand and get in
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The questiona are making me nervous 😂
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Essay Questions (May/June) 🔹 The media should include more stories which report good news. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 Some people think the government should not spend on international aid because there are disadvantaged people in their countries, such as the unemployed and homeless. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 The international community should take action immediately to ensure that all countries reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 The growth of multinational companies and the resulting rise of globalisation create positive effects for all. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 Full-time students should spend a lot of time on studies, but they should be involved in other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, but the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 It is a waste of time for high-school students today to study literature (e.g novels and poetry) that were written many years ago. To what extent do you agree with this statement? 🔹 In the past, lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of students, but now, with the development of educational technology, many people believe there is no justification for attending lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 🔹 Countries should produce enough food for their own population and import as little as possible. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 🔹 Some people say that it is better to teach language students in small classes, whereas others think the number of people does not matter. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 🔹 In some countries, a few people earn extremely high salaries. While some people think that this is good for a country, others believe that salaries should be controlled by the government to limit the amount people can earn. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 🔹 Directors of large organisations receive much higher salaries than ordinary workers. Some think it is necessary while others think it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 🔹 In many different countries, shops and products are the same. Some people think it is a positive development, while others believe it is a negative development. Discuss both the views and give your opinion. 🔹 Young people are highly influenced by famous people and they look up to them as role models. Is that a positive or negative development? 🔹 In the past, parents used to give their children a great deal of freedom. Parents today, however, tend to be much more restrictive. Is this a positive or a negative development? 🔹 Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development? 🔹 Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of the population who are aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects of this trend for those countries? 🔹Many criminals commit more crimes as soon as they are released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest? 🔹 Mobile phones and the internet could have many benefits for older adults. However, this age group uses technology the least. What are the benefits for older adults of using mobile phones and the internet? How can we encourage them to use this new technology?
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M- motivation
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I guess you know the character very well! Chandler Bing is one of the main characters in show "Friends" . He is known for his sarcastic wit, self-deprecating humor, and charming awkwardness.
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I am a challenge seeker,.love doing smth together with like-minded people, we will start reading together. The girl has an awesome channel! Just blast! I am always in за кипиш)🤪
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Repost from ENGLISH VOCAB B2-C2
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Кто смотрел Friends? А кому нравился Чендлер Бинг? Я решила после фильмов и сериалов на английском заострить свое внимание на книгах. Тем более лето — много свободного времени И мой выбор пал на «Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing» by Matthew Perry:
Смешной, добрый, уморительный, остроумный. Именно таким знает весь мир Мэттью Перри и его героя из сериала "Друзья" Чендлера Бинга. Своими шутками он может довести до слез, одной фразой он может разрядить обстановку или нелепо, но эффектно грохнуться на пол. Шутник, комик и балагур. Но мало кто знает другого Мэттью. Того, кто много лет страдал от алкогольной и наркотической зависимостей, того, кто корчился и выл от боли, рыдал навзрыд и стыдился взглянуть в глаза своим близким. Месяцы, проведенные на больничной койке, кома, тяжелая реабилитация, годы в забытьи и борьбе с самим собой… Эта книга - подлинная и откровенная история настоящего Мэттью Перри. Пронзительная исповедь и признание во всех грехах. Да, он совершал ошибки в жизни. Но единственное, что он делал в своей жизни правильно - никогда не сдавался и не опускал руки. Он расскажет обо всем: о съемках "Друзей", романе с Джулией Робертс, о своей болезни, о годах забвения и надежде на будущее. Несмотря на всё пережитое, Мэттью все еще полон оптимизма и до сих пор искрометно шутит и не перестает улыбаться.
Сначала я хотела выбрать художественную литературу, но ничего не нашла, тк у меня много критерий: ✔️уровень B1-B2 (тут уровень повыше B2-C1, но с квизлетами всё читабельно) ✔️свежий год издания - чтобы выучить самую свежую лексику ✔️до 200 страниц (тут 240), а значит мы прочитаем книгу за 23 дня ✔️обязательно с аудио ✔️интерес Я хочу прочитать эту книгу с вами вместе на английском. Предполагается, что уровня B2 вам хватит: 1️⃣Каждый день читаем по 10 страниц 2️⃣Предварительно я выкладываю квизлет сеты: 🔸full set — для полного понимания + вам ничего не надо самостоятельно переводить 🔸obligatory set — все употребительные слова, которые следует знать 3️⃣И также каждый день выкладываю аудио и текст 4️⃣Я составляю задания на отработку слов из obligatory set, чтобы вы точно запомнили слова 5️⃣С вас лайки и репосты в истории телеграмм 😉 🔠🔠даже если вы не будете успевать читать в срок, вы сможете прочитать всё на следующий день - я пока что не собираюсь удалять эти посты Как вам идея? Какие есть вопросы? Как вам книга? Будем читать ее? Ставьте огонечки, если вы будете читать вместе со мной 🔥
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Topic vocabulary for GLOBALIZATION 🌎 1. Interconnectedness: The state of being connected or linked together, often used to describe the relationships between countries, economies, and societies in a globalized world. 2. Interdependence: The mutual reliance and reliance of countries or regions on each other, particularly in economic and political contexts. 3. Integration: The process of combining or coordinating different elements to form a unified whole, often used to describe the deepening connections between countries and regions in a globalized economy. 4. Multinational Corporation: A company that operates in multiple countries, often with subsidiaries, production facilities, and sales operations in different parts of the world. 5. Cross-cultural Exchange: The sharing and interaction of ideas, customs, and traditions between different cultures, facilitated by increased global interconnectedness. 6. Economic Liberalization: The process of reducing government regulations and barriers in economic activities, often associated with globalization and free market policies. 7. Global Supply Chain: The network of companies, suppliers, and service providers involved in the production and distribution of goods and services on a global scale. 8. Capital Flows: The movement of money and investments across borders, including foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, and international banking activities. 9. Outsourcing: The practice of contracting out business functions or processes to external suppliers, often located in other countries, to take advantage of cost savings or specialized expertise. 10. Cultural Homogenization: The process by which local cultures become more similar or standardized due to the influence of global media, technology, and consumer products. 11. Labor Mobility: The movement of workers across borders in search of employment opportunities, often driven by economic disparities between countries. 12. Digital Disruption: The transformation of traditional industries and services through the adoption of digital technologies, leading to increased connectivity and efficiency. 13. Trade Liberalization: The removal or reduction of barriers to trade between countries, such as tariffs, quotas, and trade restrictions. 14. Income Inequality: Disparities in income levels and wealth distribution within and between countries, often exacerbated by globalization and economic restructuring. 15. Environmental Degradation: The deterioration of natural ecosystems and resources due to unsustainable practices and increased industrialization associated with globalization.
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