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Repost from 荔枝木
据国家安全部,近期,国家安全机关破获一起英国秘密情报局(MI6)策反我某中央国家机关工作人员王某某、周某夫妇的重大间谍案件。 2015 年,王某某申请参加中英交流项目赴英留学,MI6 看重其核心涉密岗位,迅速操作批准其申请。王某某抵英后,MI6特意安排有关人员对其特殊关照,邀请吃饭聚餐、参观游览,设法了解其性格弱点和爱好需求。 在掌握王某某有较强金钱欲望后,MI6 派遣人员以校友名义在校园内与其结识,声称可提供咨询兼职的机会,并可给付高额报酬。王某某在金钱利诱下,答应从事有偿咨询。英方以公开研究项目切入,逐步涉及到我中央国家机关内部核心情况,支付的报酬明显高于正常咨询费数倍。王某某对此虽有所警觉,但在大额金钱诱惑下,仍继续为英方提供所谓“咨询”服务。 经过一段时间后,英方评估认为条件成熟,便转介 MI6 人员对王某某亮明身份,要求其为英国政府服务,并允诺更高报酬和安全保障。王某某为谋求利益,答应了英方要求,履行了参谍手续。MI6 对王某某进行了专业的间谍培训,指挥其回国潜伏,搜集涉华重要情报。 王某某的妻子周某也在某核心要害单位工作,MI6 在认为已将王某某套牢的基础上,多次要求将其妻也一同拉下水,并允诺提供双倍报酬。王某某虽有所犹豫,但经不住英方反复劝说、利诱甚至威逼胁迫,最终同意。周某在王某某极力策动下,答应为英方搜集情报。至此,王某某夫妇一同沦为英方间谍。 目前,案件正在进一步侦办中。(总台央视记者宋琎)
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👍 3
Repost from N/a
The man page states "traceroute6 is equivalent to traceroute -6" and it's NOT! While "traceroute6" sends all datagrams to the same dst.port (same stream), "traceroute -6" sends each datagram to an increased dst.port (different streams). Different tools!
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Linux’s Traceroute

The other day I just wanted to capture some basic Linux traceroutes but ended up troubleshooting different traceroute commands and Wireshark display anomalies. Sigh. Anyway, I just added a few Linu…

🤔 1
Repost from N/a
If I ever launch a DNS conference it’ll be called RESOLV.CONF
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JP Mens (@[email protected])

If I ever launch a DNS conference it’ll be called RESOLV.CONF

🥰 3😁 2😐 2
Repost from AOSC 社区脉动
Фото недоступноПоказать в Telegram
好耶!安安同同贴图包来啦 哟嚯~ 来自五十根炸虾老师的安安同同贴图包现已登陆 Telegram,并将于平台审核通过后来到 QQ 与微信平台(七月 AOSCC 2024 还将发布更多安安同同周边,敬请期待!) 愿安安同同的贴图包为您的生活增添趣味! 添加贴纸包 >>
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👍 1
Happy pride month 🌈
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5 UBC 最近把老的教务系统换了,换成了一个叫 Workday 的东西 ... 我的第一反应是这玩意咋这么卡啊((( Winslow 给我丢了个链接,发现这套新系统花了 C$ 336,000,000 🌚 这是腐败把.jpg
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UBC’s long-anticipated $336-million software renewal partially launches

UBC’s $336-million software upgrade partially launched on Monday as HR and payroll systems moved to the Workday platform.

🤯 4👍 1
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Standardizing the BPF ISA

While BPF may be most famous for its use in the Linux kernel, there is actually a growing effort to standardize BPF for use on other systems. These include eBPF for Windows, but also uBPF, rBPF, hBPF, bpftime, and others. Some hardware manufacturers are even considering integrating BPF directly into networking hardware. Dave Thaler led two sessions about all of the problems that cross-platform use inevitably brings and the current status of the standardization work at the 2024 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory Management, and BPF Summit.

🆒 1
Repost from N/a
草, eBPF (which is no longer an acronym for anything), also commonly referred to as BPF...
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BPF Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

eBPF (which is no longer an acronym for anything), also commonly referred to as BPF, is a technology with origins in the Linux kernel that can run untrusted programs in a privileged context such as an operating system kernel. This document specifies the BPF instruction set architecture (ISA).

草,是社工 这也叫 cve?
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Repost from 咕 Billchen 咕 |
Security vulnerability in fprintd How to recreate the issue? Open your favorite console app on Linux. If it supports tabs open two tabs, if not just open another window. On the first tab type:
sudo whoami
Switch to the second tab and type:
echo Place your finger on the
fingerprint reader;cat
Place your fingerprint on the fingerprint reader
Return to the first tab (You should see that the command was approved and the output is root) CVSS 4.0 ranked this CVE as 7.3.
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