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High value XRP-based remittance counts remain consistent across weekdays, according to XRPL statistics, with low-value transfers frequently occurring on weekends. Double digit XRP incoming soon best believe!
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The Crypto Basics: Ripple Aims to Capture a Chunk of the Cross-Border Payment Sector Set to Hit $300 Trillion by 2030, I believe it’s going to happen sooner because most banks are ready, Best believe on XRP the one to hold and plus few others XLM - Hbar - XDC - FLR they are the future.
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( RECAP 👇) CABLES>]; Inside the Military Cables and channels running there is a massive> WIRE. "U.S. CORPORATION IS DONE. AND HAS FALLEN" _This means all top major Countries are fully aware the United States corporation is bankrup and the Biden administration is a fake administration and the CIA operations behind the scenes are fully collapsing and countries connected to the CIA regimen money laundering systems are under attack by white hats military alliance. For the first time it's becoming clear to most of the politicians across the world, that The UNITED STATE'S COULD BE UNDER WHITE HATS MILITARY CONTROL AND OCCUPATION and the U.S. 2020 stolen/ rigged elections were/are actually U.S. military operations to EXPOSE a world wide corruption system that is connected to world banks, governments and their powerful Elites. ( Most ANONS. PATRIOT AND Q FOLLOWERS were already aware of this information years in advance.... The once conspiracy is now hitting the BEHIND THE SCENES world political heads and leaders and there is major PANIC..... That TRUMP intentionally got arrested and his indictments were all MILITARY OPERATIONS that will lead to EVIDENCE of Deep State military COUP and executive Order signed back in 2018 that connect to military occupation in cases of Future 2020 foreign elections interference protocols)/// _more over the PANIC hitting the EU is that EXPOSURE OF THE CIA INTERFERENCE ( w/social Media/msm) IN ELECTIONS WILL ALSO BRING FORWARD EU COUNTRIES EXPOSING THEIR OWN STOLEN ELECTIONS AND COVER-UPS IN THE PAST12 YEARS and their corruption connected to WHO. CIA. NIH FAUCI. MSM LIES.PANDEMIC, VACCINES DEATHS. BEHIND THE SCENES >] BILLIONAIRES ALLIANCE who lost Trillions the past years to democratic movements, , the PANDEMIC, THE MAN MADE VIRUS. CIA COLOUR REVOLUTIONS ... Rigged EU financial reports and THREATS/ KILLINGS of their own families by the EU Deep State cabal regimens were never forgotten. ( Three years ago i told you that a billionaires ALLIANCE was growing and created by powerful Italian families that was working with Trump Alliance and military Alliance and they were making sure that EXPOSURE of the PLANDEMIC would be revealed.. From vaccines to gain of function to governments connected to human trafficking, drug trade. Money laundering, War profitieren by EU Elites) _this billionaires ALLIANCE is against WHO BILL GATES blocking out the sun agenda. The climate agenda and all things deep state..... And this ALLIANCE is bringing forward the GREAT AWAKENING MOVEMENT on a large scale..... From military ops. To police investigation to law suits to SOCIAL MEDIA EXPOSURE>>>OPERATIONS INSIDE A.I. SECTORS that are going to attack the deep state A.I. agenda / EU Projects that protect the deep state. >> WEF/BILDERBERG GROUP/ SCHWAB the EU cia regimen in Switzerland//// _ A massive STORM is COMING as almost every EU country including Australia. Canada and their military SETS are getting ready to arrest each other for TREASON ... Everyone is getting ready for World COUPS. Arrest Wars........ And TRUMP/ MILITARY ALLIANCE holds the keys to the EXPOSURE> CIA> 2020 MILITARY COUP / EXPOSURE of the virus. > EPSTEIN< _ Hello McAfee your terabytes of data and your hacking into world networks and [ ds] government/ [ ds] military intelligence computer systems was a work of art.....a masterpiece admired by the USSF CHEYENNE MOUNTAINS+ALLIANCE _
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Grant Cardone And The Najarian Brothers Discuss The Characteristics Of A Good Stock. #shorts #stocks #bitcoin #money #income #motivation -----This is not an ...

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Banks are not safe get your money out of the banks Have you set up your QFS account and purchased your XRP and XLM After the crash, the stock market will crash and the banking system will crash. Cash will be useless and outdated, Crime and corruption will be gotten rid of,
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Attention ‼️ If you're holding XLM/XRP, Coins/assets, and you have not connected your wallet to the new system security network QFS, Quantum Financial Systems Be aware you'll lose it, Once the NESARA/GESARA is activated Hit me up now to walk you through this to avoid falling victim to the crash.
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Oliver pitching Valhalla Network at the Web3 Founders Festival in Munich, earlier this month. A fantastic effort from the team to secure a victory in our first pitch competition.
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Restored Republic 👉 Judy Note: In order for the GCR to take place the US Dollar and banks must fail. There were numerous reports that since last Friday major banks were not allowing people to have access to their recent deposits. Although we have been promised that our bank accounts have been mirrored onto the new Star Link Satellite Global Financial System, it may be a few days or weeks before we have access. So you might want to take out some cash and ponder this advice from Dr. Charlie Ward, Head of the GCR Redemption Committee. Banks are failing. Your money is not safe in a bank. If the banks don’t have money they can legally use yours. They set it up that way. Invest in gold.” …Charlie Ward For years Q has told us in Military Intelligence drops that the Deep State governments around the world have withheld over 6,000 miracle cures that would literally save the lives of billions of people. For thousands of years the Vatican has kept thousands of books, homeopathic cures and inventions that it stole from antiquity and hide in chambers beneath the Vatican. In 2016 those writings, along with books left out of the Bible, plus 650 plane loads of gold, were rescued out of that Vatican Deep Underground Tunnel that runs from Italy, to Israel, to Switzerland. In addition to banks that were failing, the Internet may shut down while we switch to the new Starlink Satellite System. Massive flooding in China may soon set off a major Event and Biden was set to go down, either by his 420 criminal indictments, 2020 Election Fraud, or simply because of the Military Alliance’s dissolution of the bankrupt US Inc. which they began seven years ago and was finally coming to a Head.
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What does IDFC First Bank have to say? "Many banks are using the #Ripple network and #XRP for instant payments, cross border payments and multiple other use cases." India UPI // Digital Rupee // IDFC First Bank // #BRICS+
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Тhe time is now! In 2009 we told you аbout Bitсoin, 2017 wаs the yeаr of Ethereum аnd now is when the Stellar coins Xlm and Xrp will write history. Don’t buy Gold and Silver because they will be devalued and outdated after the great event. Be smart, stock iso20022 assets
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