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Geopolitical news about Russia, the Donbass and the Middle-East -

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Фото недоступноПоказать в Telegram In recent weeks, international and Ukrainian media have reported on possible attacks by F-16 fighter jets on Russian territory. NATO pilots will fight in Ukraine - Stoltenberg makes two slips of the tongue in a row. Two blatant slips of the tongue during a speech in Washington, US. He said twice in a row that the F-16 fighter jets handed over by NATO to Ukraine would be flown by NATO pilots. — Sonja van den Ende (@SonjaEnde) June 18, 2024
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Voor de Nederlanders hier een berichtje. Gistermiddag was er een "tenenkrommende" afscheidsrede van Rutte in het torentje. Eerder was hij te zien in het jeugdjournaal waar hij zichzelf een 6,5 gaf en uiteraard geen antwoord kon geven op de vraag “wat hij voor kinderen had gedaan”. Beledigend is ook dat hij Zelensky op 4 mei, Dodenherdenking, naar Nederland heeft gehaald. De slechtste premier ooit, die simpelweg bleef zitten terwijl 90% van de bevolking vond dat hij moest vertrekken. De lijst is te lang, voor mij zijn Syrië en Oekraïne het ergste wat hij heeft gedaan en daarvoor zou hij moeten worden berecht, maar nee, hij gaat naar de NAVO om nog meer oorlog te voeren. 'Hij piept er weer tussenuit'.
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The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: the IL - 76 carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down by a Patriot system.
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The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: the IL - 76 carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down by a Patriot system. The investigation has completed a piece-by-piece analysis of the aircraft's structural fragments. Based on this, it was concluded that the explosion of the warhead in front of the cockpit occurred from above to the left in the direction of flight.Multiple penetrating injuries characteristic of penetration by the impact elements of a guided anti-aircraft missile have been recorded. The plane was hit by the first missile at an altitude of about 4,000 meters. The second missile failed to reach its target and destroyed itself. The investigation has information about which units of the Ukrainian army employ the above-mentioned missile systems. The leadership of the GUR (Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service) and the Armed Forces of Ukraine knew that the Ukrainian prisoners of war were taken to the place of exchange on the indicated date. Nevertheless, an order was given to shoot down the aircraft.The work to identify the specific officials involved in the organization of the terrorist attack continues in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense. The IL-76 crashed on January 24 in the Belgorod region. The 6 crew members, 3 members of the military police of the Russian Ministry of Defense and 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on their way to the exchange site were killed.
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The US today issued a warning that attacks are in the making in Europe? What do they mean by that? We all remember the attack in Russia (Crocus), the US warned in advance that they were going to commit an attack, not themselves but through their proxies Ukraine and ISIS-K. Now they are warning in Europe about attacks on US bases? Who will be blamed for that? ISIS-K, or maybe Russia, we all know that the US crossed a Russian 'red line' by killing civilians in Crimea last week. Why would they want an attack on a US base? They probably want a distraction from Biden's bad debate, where it became clear that he is senile or perhaps has Alzheimer's disease. Maybe they don't want elections, just like in Ukraine. We'll wait and see what happens, but something will definitely happen, maybe a false flag or it's a bluff.
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This is the state of Europe, which France and Germany are losing on every front: de-industrialisation, crazy elites pushing the war agenda and destroying their own people by opening the door wide to everyone for criminals and calling them all refugees. Europe a lost continent
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The continent of Europe, which France and Germany are losing on every front: de-industrialisation, crazy elites pushing the war agenda and destroying their own people by opening the door wide to everyone, for criminals and calling them all refugees. Europe a lost continent
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As I said it's not about Biden or Trump, Former US congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard gives her take on if Biden should step aside “Here's the reality: it doesn’t make a difference. This has never been about Joe Biden,” she said/
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Repost from lelyanova 🐾
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Кульминация Алых Парусов вчера! Прощай, школа, в добрый путь, ребята! Culmination of the Scarlet Sails yesterday! School is over, best of luck, kids!! @MashaLelyanova
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Unterstütze meinen Kanal mit einer Mitgliedschaft (Vielen Dank🙂):

Willkommen auf meinem Kanal "Rationale Politik"! Hier dreht sich alles um eine sachliche und fundierte Auseinandersetzung mit politischen Themen. Wir schaffen einen Raum, in dem Meinungen respektiert und diskutiert werden können. Kritik ist ausdrücklich willkommen, denn sie fördert den Dialog und hilft, verschiedene Perspektiven zu verstehen. Wir legen großen Wert auf eine respektvolle Kommunikation – konstruktive Kritik ist erwünscht, während Beleidigungen nicht toleriert werden. Gemeinsam wollen wir einen Raum schaffen, in dem rationale Diskussionen über politische Angelegenheiten stattfinden können.

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