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Seekers of Allah

Imam ash-Shafi’i (rahimahullah): Whoever does not love knowledge then there is no good in him. So there should not be any acquaintance between you and him, and nor any friendship. [Muqqadimat al-Majmoo’ Shahil Muhadhdhab, vol. 1, pg. 42]

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Repost from Seekers of Allah
2. Reap immense rewards Abū Talha al-Ansārī (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrates: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ awoke one morning in high spirits with happiness gleaming from his face. They (the Companions) asked: “O Messenger of Allah, you have awoken today in high spirits with happiness gleaming from your face. He ﷺ replied: “Yes! A messenger came from my Lord and said: ‘Whoever from your ummah sends ṣalāh upon you once, Allah will record ten good deeds for him, erase ten sins from him, raise him ten degrees in status, and respond to him likewise (i.e. send ṣalāh upon him).’” (Aḥmad) The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever sends salāh upon me once, Allah will send ṣalāh upon him tenfold, erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.” (Nasā’ī)
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Repost from Seekers of Allah
Virtues of Sending Salawat Upon the Prophet ﷺ 1. Follow the command of Allah Allah (subḥānahū wa ta‘ālā) has said in the Noble Qur’ān: “Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings (ṣalāh) to the Prophet. O you who believe, invoke ṣalāh upon him, and send your salām (prayer for his being in peace) to him in abundance.” (33:56) ‘If a servant was to send salāh upon the Prophet ﷺ equivalent to his every breath, he will still not have fulfilled his right.’ (Ibn al-Qayyim raḥimahullāh)
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Repost from Seekers of Allah
Allah (subḥānahū wa ta‘ālā) has said in the Noble Qur’ān: “Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings (ṣalāh) to the Prophet. O you who believe, invoke ṣalāh upon him, and send your salām (prayer for his being in peace) to him in abundance.” (33:56)
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Repost from Seekers of Allah
2. Reap immense rewards Abū Talha al-Ansārī (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) narrates: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ awoke one morning in high spirits with happiness gleaming from his face. They (the Companions) asked: “O Messenger of Allah, you have awoken today in high spirits with happiness gleaming from your face. He ﷺ replied: “Yes! A messenger came from my Lord and said: ‘Whoever from your ummah sends ṣalāh upon you once, Allah will record ten good deeds for him, erase ten sins from him, raise him ten degrees in status, and respond to him likewise (i.e. send ṣalāh upon him).’” (Aḥmad) The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever sends salāh upon me once, Allah will send ṣalāh upon him tenfold, erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.” (Nasā’ī)
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Repost from Seekers of Allah
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Consequences of Zina (Fornication) ᴴᴰ - True Story (At 0:51, the word "I don't this girl" is mistranslated, so it should be "I don't know this girl")
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Repost from Seekers of Allah
A person who exercises patience just briefly will find that the dangers turn into a smooth breeze that carries him where he wishes. Thus the danger that he feared suddenly changes to become his best helper and assistant. This is a matter that cannot be well comprehended except by those who have experienced it. [Ibn al-Qayyim 𝐴𝑟-𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑎̄𝑙𝑎𝑡 𝑢𝑡-𝑇𝑎𝑏𝑢̄𝑘𝑖𝑦𝑦𝑎ℎ The Spiritual Journey to Allah and His Messenger ﷺ p71]
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Repost from Seekers of Allah
Why Has Allāh Resembled The Dunyā To Water? Imām Al-Qurtubī رحمه الله said: …وَاضْرِبْ لَهُم مَّثَلَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا كَمَاءٍ أَنزَلْنَاهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ And put forward to them the example of the life of this world, it is like the water (rain) which We send down from the sky… (Soorah Al-Kahf: 45) The wise ones have stated: Allāh resembled the dunyā to the water (due to the following reasons): 1. The water does not reside in one place. Likewise, the dunyā does not remain upon one state. 2. It is because water goes and it does not remain. Likewise, the dunyā comes to an end and it does not remain. 3. It is because no one has the ability to enter into it and not get wet. Likewise, in regards to the dunyā, no one is safe from the trials and tribulations of it and its harm. 4. It is because the water, if it is at a (safe) measure, it is a beneficial means of cultivation. And when it goes beyond the (safe) measures, it is a destructive harm. Likewise, in regards to the dunyā, that which is sufficient from it is beneficial; and that which is beyond the need is a harm. ● [الجامع لأحكام القرآن]
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