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Blog by Lord of the Bots

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Exactly one year has passed since the library began its work - it was launched as a working prototype on May 10, 2022, and on May 13, its logic and basic principles were changed and still remain in effect. It was a difficult and long year, during which both I and our moderator Alexander, whom you all already know from our Official Chat, did a tremendous amount of work to attract users, contacted hundreds of people somehow related to the CFW sphere, communicated with dozens of YouTube and Facebook bloggers - proving to everyone that a Telegram bot with game torrents can be safe, can be fastest, can be the best source of games for Nintendo Switch, fought on Reddit and in chats with arrogant PRO-shops and perverts who perverted the very idea of piracy. The bot itself has transformed over the past year, and the entire project and its projects have become what they are now - just imagine that at its launch it was planned that it should be as simple as it was then - it only had a manually replenished and non-updating torrent base, simple search and that's it! Lists of the best games, lists of novelties, wishlists, synchronization with Metacritic, covers, descriptions, game characteristics, mods, guides, ownTinfoil, newsletters about the most interesting things, weekly tops and tops by genres, moderation of all files found by parsers manually and in general, parsing in real time of the best torrent sites, updating torrents in real time and searching in real time, localization in five languages and HTML markup of all texts - all this was written and erected into an error-free absolute over the past year - and much more that remains behind the scenes! In the end, 1043 torrents were manually checked, moderated and added to the library, we gained tens of thousands of active users, and we were the first in the world among ALL OPEN sources to present images of Persona 5, Bayonetta 3, Legend of Zelda TotK and many, many other games! Over the past year, all auxiliary bots for all existing consoles (/allbots) have been launched, as well as our news channels GAME OVER and Hardware News. @TL_ChatGPT_bot - the most honest of all existing ChatGPT bots on Telegram - was launched. Most importantly, our Official Chat (which, as far as I know, is currently the largest Switch chat on Telegram) has been providing people with help and support for Nintendo Switch problems 24/7 throughout the year, which, in my opinion, is comparable to the largest Switch forums and Nintendo customer support. It has been an incredibly difficult year - I argue with my wife almost every day because I live and breathe these projects, spending days on end improving and developing them, spending less time with my children, and not taking any breaks - all for free and without receiving anything in return. There were situations that questioned the very feasibility of further work, but I was able to cope with them. All of this is very difficult - sacrificing everything for this, but I believe that someday all of this will become something even bigger, something that will help me and my family - and this belief keeps me moving forward. I started this project after a three-year depression, not talking to anyone for three years after finding out that one of my children has cerebral palsy. I lost my highly paid job, everything was going downhill, and it seemed to me that my life was no longer needed by anyone and nothing could be changed. But all the kind words that I heard from you, your support, videos on YouTube about the bot, publications on Facebook and posts on Reddit from people who just like all of this gave me this faith. Faith that all of this is not in vain. I love each and every one of you. Thank you for believing in our project. Thank you for being with us and talking about us. With love, your Lord of the Bots.
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By the way, my opponents in the form of pro-shops and switchpirates administration always argue that I am constantly asking for money, not bringing any benefit, taking bread from the "unfortunate" pro-shops and "unfortunate" sources. Creatures, I know you're here - I can tell you that for a dozen downloads of Zelda today, which was only available from us (among the PUBLIC, not your closed and contradictory pirate sources), which was a REAL game and not the CRAP you spread through other sources, I received $6 in donations. You say I'm useless and getting rich through the bot? I sat for 8 hours with a temperature of 38.2, answering all the questions and checking these fake shitty sources, and got $6 - my disabled child's bike cost more than $1000 and you say I'm getting rich? Idiots. Keep closing access to content for people, say all sorts of shit about me - do whatever you want, try to get even those $6 that I would spend on my child's treatment. Keep being scumbags and burn in hell. People still know who is right and who cares about THEM.
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About Zelda leak: The fact is that most likely the game got into the pro shops, and they gave the "dump" to NXBREW and NXBREW began to distribute the game to everyone - as if they were the original source. NSW2U quickly stole the torrent, added their tracker and started yelling that they and only they have the original, while NXBREW has a fake one. I never upload torrents without checking, so I downloaded and waited - about the shops at that time they published XCI and started writing everywhere, as usual, that you never download NSP and unsigned code. My very trusted source, who CAM dumped the pro shop, had a dump from the PRO shop exactly at the moment when I was finishing installing the NXBREW dump. and NXBREW/NSW2U turned out to be a fake pro shop with a dancing gannon instead of a game that WAS SPECIALLY LEAKED by NXBREW TO MAKE WE ALL SHIT. I immediately made a torrent from my trusted source and AGAIN put EVERYONE on the shoulder blades
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I ask for forgiveness if I hurt someone's feelings - I played Hogwarts Legacy and so far I haven't been able to finish the game because I didn't like it. I've been trying to play it for quite a while now, and maybe I'll finish it later, but I don't think my opinion will change drastically. Let's approach this game objectively, forgetting about the universe in which its events take place. Here's what's left if we do that: - Simple dialogues in side quests, a bunch of tasks like "collect over 9k spit stones" or "play a mini-game, then repeat it 6 more times." If it were a different game, it wouldn't be forgiven for this. - The main questline - did you find it interesting? I didn't, and at the moment I don't even have the motivation to find out how this story ends. - Characters, both main and secondary - they're not memorable, they don't have character, they just give simple tasks and that's it. - Very beautiful locations in the castle area - seriously, it's just done amazingly. - Gameplay - it's normal, specific, and that makes it interesting to learn. It gets boring over time, but I think no one has done or will do better in a game about magic. - Character leveling system - it just doesn't make sense. Objectively, for die-hard fans, this game is a gift. The real Hogwarts, spells, fan-service characters, lessons, potions. Cool. But not for me - I'm not a die-hard Harry Potter fan - yes, I love the books (I've read the whole series quite a few times), I have a positive attitude towards the movies, but I'm not going to buy t-shirts with faculty symbols or dream of going on a tour of the castle where the movies were filmed. I think most people have the same attitude towards the series - that's why the universal inflated hype around the game looks, ahem, just inflated. Maybe my opinion is now related to my infinitely deep depression, which I've been in since the beginning of April, but read what I wrote above - it's still objective, isn't it? It's just a class B game that, due to the fact that everything else in this universe has been complete crap for the past 15 years, can double its pros - and that makes it loud in the gaming industry. And I'd rather play the classic trilogy on PC - even though they're outdated.
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Today I was reminiscing about games that left an indelible impression at the time, seemed like a glimpse from the future, and undoubtedly one of the most important titles was Gothic 2. I remember my first impressions of the game, and they were simply amazing. It was a game that captivated you with its atmosphere, deep gameplay mechanics, and beautiful graphics. I spent hours playing it, and every time I returned to it, I found something new and exciting. For me, Gothic 2 was the best game of its time for many reasons. First and foremost, it was a game that gave you the freedom of choice, which no other games of that time could offer. You could choose your path in the game, complete quests, fight enemies, and develop your character. Every step you took mattered to your character and to the story of the game. This gave players a sense of freedom and allowed them to create their own stories in the game world, which was incredibly rare at the time. Unlike other games of that time, which were dull and monotonous, the game world was dark and dangerous, but at the same time beautiful and captivating. Every corner of the game world was meticulously crafted, and you could enjoy beautiful views and unique characters. The game's sound design was also excellent, and you could enjoy the sounds of nature, combat, and character voices. But perhaps the most important thing for me was that Gothic 2 was a game that made you think. You had to consider your actions, choose the right answers in dialogues, and make decisions that could affect the story of the game. This was what made me come back to the game again and again, and every time I found something new and exciting. In terms of depth of development, only The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Fallout 2 could compare to it. However, Gothic had a soul - it was intimate, small in size, and this played to its advantage - every character from the game world was recognizable and familiar, you knew their character and treated them as a person, immersing yourself deeper and deeper into the game world. You felt the importance of every action you took, and it was magnificent. No one knew how to do this. And, as much as everyone hated the subsequently released Gothic 3, I also played it with pleasure (despite all its mortal sins such as a complete lack of balance and incredible lag and slowdowns). Simply because it was all familiar - thanks to the legacy of Gothic 2. And if you have the strength to overcome incredibly outdated graphics and abhorrent controls - please, play it. And you will understand everything I am talking about - after all, the game is already 20 years old, and its development is still capable of providing pleasure at the level of modern games.
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I want to apologize for my absence in the last two weeks. I have been busy with various projects and have been spending all my free time writing code. Additionally, at the moment, my child and I are undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy, which has left me with very little free time. I hope you can understand and forgive me for my lack of posts. I want to thank you all for continuing to read my blog and for not unsubscribing. Your support means the world to me, and I want to assure you that I will be back soon with new and exciting content. Each post I write comes from the heart, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with you. Thank you again for your understanding and support.
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Today I finished the passage of Atomic Heart, and I can not share my opinion about the game. I would like to warn you in advance - I understand that most of us liked the game, but we are different - and our opinions may differ significantly. I didn't like this game, I didn't like it much, and here's why. I regard this game as a full-fledged AAA project, without regard to the fact that for the development team the game was the first full-fledged project of such a high level. This is because the game's advertising campaign has overshadowed that of hundreds of other games, even at such a high level; the ambitions and rants of the developers went wild; the level of hype on the Internet with which the game was expected is not comparable with many other AAA projects. In this regard, my main complaint about the game is connected - how can a project of a high, highest class have 80% of the game time associated with tasks in the style of "collect 6 items of the same type within 6 hours"? I don't think it's normal. I do not consider it normal to present the plot of the game in dialogues that are not tied to what is happening on the screen. Seriously - you are doing some kind of assignment (in which you need to collect the same type of items for an infinitely long time, or perform the same type of actions), and the main character gives out in a dialogue with his glove (as if on a walkie-talkie) just TONS of lore and TONS of information about the game world. You walk through the corridors, and they just pour information into your ears. This kind of storytelling and lore was acceptable maybe 15 years ago, but today? I don't know if I'm right, but it's not for me. The game itself (gameplay) for a person who played all parts of Bioshock, System Shock will be INCREDIBLY secondary - I just felt like I was in a slightly different dimension of Bioshock Infinite at the beginning of the game, and this feeling only intensified over time. The balance of enemies/weapon strength seemed just terrible to me in relation to the overall pace of the game - by shooting, "plasmids" and the manner of movement, you feel that there should be just a HURRICANE shooter around, but the enemies are SO thick, and SO impenetrable, that there is always some kind of cognitive dissonance, and in combination with the number of enemies on the screen - makes thoughtful gameplay with an individual approach to enemies simply impossible. It's horrible. I do not dispute that the design, art design, style and atmosphere of this part of Bioshock Atomic Heart are great. Seriously, the designers of this game deserve a place in paradise, but for me this does not cover its disadvantages, which are simply unacceptable for a AAA project - it was like it was made by several groups of people who did not contact each other and did their work with absolutely different levels of quality, and all these maximally stupid tasks in the style of "turn the valves" / "collect items" / "find something" of which the ENTIRE game is assembled were added at the very end, when the rest of the game was already ready. And it's sad. __Forgive me again, please - I just described my opinion and impressions about the game, and I'm very happy if you liked it. But for me the game turned out to be a disappointment - I was waiting for it, and I thought that I would love it with all my heart, but all of the above prevented me personally from getting at least some pleasure from the game. And I'm very upset about this. Love games and don't listen to anyone - keep your personal opinion and don't let others influence it.__
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Today I showed a friend of mine who rarely and not so long ago plays games, the reaction of the audience to the announcement of God of War 2018 at e3 2016 (from 5:00 video) and tried to explain to him why it was such a cult event - why at all e3 2016 was probably the best e3 ever and why it's unlikely to happen again. And I felt very sad, very sad in my heart. I remember all these emotions for all the announcements of all games for 15 years. I played all of them, waited for them all, I will always remember how I jumped from the announcement of the god of war of the same, or how I cried from the credits of mass effect in 2007. I will always know how I watched the GT6 intro a hundred times, or restarted GTA IV a thousand times to watch the intro. I know why Last of Us is not just a good game - but it was at least 5 years ahead of its time, and therefore will always remain a masterpiece. And people really don't give a shit. People either saw it too - then they were not interested, or they didn’t see it - then they simply won’t understand WHY it was so and WHY it was significant, why we cried or screamed with delight. Why games that now seem like just good games have become legends. To understand this, one had to live then - at a time that preceded the appearance of these legends, before they changed the world. And it's sad - that I and many others can only live with the emotions experienced then - without any chance to fully transfer them to the present. That's probably why I've always wanted to blog - that's why I'm blogging now. To leave an imprint of those very emotions from the old games for those who did not watch all this when it was relevant. Although I know that I am unlikely to succeed - but I really, really want to believe in something, I can at least tell something interesting. Don't waste today, please. Keep in your soul the emotions that you get from the games now.
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Thanks to one of the users of our bots, I finally managed to pass NFS: Unbound. Considering that I adore this series, no matter how bad and good the games inside it would be, my opinion may be somewhat biased, but still. Firstly, for the first time in many years I liked the music - despite the fact that there are some absolutely moronic tracks that just hurt my ears, there are a lot of good and suitable tracks in the game - many of them I will really upload to my player. This is surprising, because I in general, for a very long time, did not listen to any of the soundtracks of the games of the series after completing the passage of the games - the music in the last games was so gray and not memorable that it did not cause any emotions. In the same game, there really are such tracks, and there are quite a lot of them. The physics of the game is very specific. This is fucking Ridge Racer, in all its manifestations - it has nothing to do with reality, without even trying to make the race any real. Of course, this was done in order to interest the player in something - it's like you're learning to drive, having a huge experience of passing racing games - even I, having passed hundreds of games, did not understand how to drive a car at all at the beginning of the game. Perhaps this is the right decision, BUT for me personally it is absurd. If I want to play Ridge Racer, I'll play Ridge Racer, why do it in NFS? It would be better to make a fucking normal arcade, as it was in all the games in the series before Pro Street and Undercover - it was cool and simple, wasn't it?! Therefore, I have not understood the changes in the physics and handling of cars in recent games for a long time. Some bullshit. this is how to play Counter Strike using the steering wheel - you're learning something new, but why the fuck endure this pain? As for the graphics and visual style, which seemed strange (perhaps even interesting) before the release of the game - we can say this: it's not annoying, and you quickly forget about it when you get carried away with the game. Perhaps this plays a positive role. optimization is just complete crap (on PC), but the game looks very nice in my opinion. I enjoyed it. The plot is there, and even considering that it is frankly weak and there is little of it in the game, it is much better than in the last games, and indeed in all the games in the series, and that's fine. It's better to make the plot like this than to make it like in other racing genre games. AND, of course, fuck, it's better than the shit that Forza Horizon offers. Police chases are pretty harsh, if we talk about the first 75% of the game (at the end of the game you just step on the gas and go off the chase), the tracks are quite interesting, but there are very, very few of them regarding a really HUGE map - to be honest, I don't understand why the game world is so huge if it is practically not used to build tracks? In general, I liked the game - if you do not take into account such bad moments as a small number of tracks, boring final 25% of the passage (at this point you have a lot of money and all the necessary cars have already been completed to the required capacity, if you pass all the races in a row), when it makes no sense to pass any races in the game if you get used to the FUCKING controls and physics, then this is REALLY the best NFS since Pro Street. I enjoyed playing the game, and this is an indicator that everything is gradually getting better. I really hope that someone will chop off the head of a Ridge Racer fan who does the physics of the latest games, and then the next NFS will be able to return the series to where it should be - to the throne of the best racing arcade in the world.
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No matter how much I watch the Hogwarts Legacy streams, I can't get rid of a few specific thoughts. Don't get me wrong - I love the game and would love to play it (maybe I can somehow do that while it's still playable on PC - who knows). However, the long years (one might even say ten years, lol) with shitty games in this universe have left their psychological imprints. Seriously - what kind of selective shit was everything that came out after the Prisoner of Azkaban - I still can't believe it. The first 3 games (the PC version - they were significantly better in my opinion) were great, their beauty was in the atmosphere (mostly created by the game music) and exactly the level of complexity that they needed. I'm not talking about the complexity of the gameplay, but about the number of mechanics and requirements for the player - these are simple Adventure games in which the player is required to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a fairy tale, and not think about how to press a thousand buttons, not think about how to do this or that thing. You're just playing a fairy tale - and that in itself is magical. In my life, one funny incident was connected with the third part of this series - a friend came to visit me for a drink and saw that I was playing it (it was already somewhere in 2011-2012). He asked me - "What the hell - it's a child's simple game, and its graphics are years outdated?", and I tried to explain to him for a long time that its atmosphere of magic makes it unique. We got very drunk and I fell asleep - when I woke up the next day, I saw that my friend was playing the second part of the game series - it turned out that he decided to check my words, went through the entire Prisoner of Azkaban at once, went again for vodka and started playing _Philosopher's Stone. These are such wonderful games. And you can't even imagine how my ass was burning from all the following games. For example, when Goblet of Fire came out, I didn't see any reviews for it - I bought the CD and just fucked at what my fairy tale was turned into - I was sick of the graphics, the "some sort of" isometric graphics, the management and implementation of literally everything that was in the game. And now, back to Hogwarts Legacy, I can clearly see that this is a good game, and I want to play it if I can somehow, but expectation of a simple arcade fairy tale from the game of the series, the desire to return to these magical simple games and a LOT of shit that came out after Prisoner of Azkaban is still spinning in my mind. It would be easier for me if the game would just be a game, and not part of a universe in which for 20 years there have been very good and very bad games. In short, being an old fart sucks. Too many memories.
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