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Travelers, traveling through the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death

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Attack on our food supply using a fake contagion by use of PCR test scam that is designed to give false positives!!! Trillions of chickens and ducks already culled and still getting culled and on top of it they're burning honey bee hives by the thousands for a while now, claiming another nonsense contagion only affecting honey bees (more lies). Australia is experiencing egg rationing at stores as supply chain is artificially made to collapse!!! Famine is what their goal is for us! Please share this wide! Hold your gov accountable and find out about your rights as a farmer of any scale! The govts work for WEF/ oligarchs and they are doing as told by their masters. They make up fake diseases and can do anything to our livestock as they please and soon enough if this continues, and we're all starving, to us, our pets, our children. Credit: livinfree20.1
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Trillionaire Warren Buffett who likes to throw devil signs to camera with his other satanic cuIt buddies, gleefully predicts with absolute certainly that there will be more scam(demics) and other [orchestrated] disasters like cyber attacks (look up Klaus Schwab and his cyber polygon). He can easily predict what he and all the demonic deletes are planning. With glee he says: "We have just started. Look at the damage it's already been done." They're so proud of their sinister handiwork and can't wait to continue. Absolute demons.
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Repost from Truth Extra
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A warning ⚠️ Don’t be fooled again, peeps 💉☠️ BirdFIu is another CON to curb the common folk and bring famine! Bird flu: Finland becomes first country in the world to start vaccinations for humans
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Repost from Truth Extra
The dude who supposedly died of bird flu in Mexico had "chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes" and "had no history of exposure to poultry." Oh, so basically they made up the bird flu part. Because of course they did. Oh and he died six weeks ago but they are just telling us this recently for some reason. Meanwhile, people are dying daily still from receiving the COn vid mRNA concoction/s in 2020/2021. Why launch the next pandemic with such an obvious lie? 1. The last pandemic started with a whole series of lies and they made several trillion dollars from that. 2. Forced obedience to obvious lies is the essence of totalitarianism. It's the ultimate flex for psychopaths. Also, there is a new reason for lockdowns for mail in votes. These people are maniacs. They do not care they got caught and exposed the last scam demic. And getting caught will not stop them from doing the exact same thing again. Why? Because they never get punished for it, since the judicial system is owned by them and corrupt to the max. So here we are again. And it won't stop til most are culled, animals & nature gone, land barren and all humans turned into chimera hybrid slaves via the DNA destroying jabs and whatever other method they plan to get their poisons in us all. Unite and fight back already! Those of you still buying into this, that is. The sheeple are taking the rest of us down with them. We are tired of warning you. Time to wake up. You owe it to this beautiful Earth and the rest of humanity who has done nothing but try to wake you up.
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Truth Extra

There is no freedom in a world of lies. And there can't be peace, when there is no freedom. Only the truth can set us free. We are politically nonpartisan.

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Repost from Truth Extra
🇫🇮 🐓🦠💉 Finland to roll out vaccines for bird flu next week in world first- as they lie about animal &human cases of another fake virus is falsely claimed to be spreading across the globe. Finland will become the first nation to offer bird flu vaccinations as it plans to roll out the shots next week to high-risk workers amid rising concerns over the [fake] virus jumping from animals to people. Officials in the Nordic nation say 10,000 doses will be administered to those working closely with animals, such as poultry and fur farm workers. Patients will receive two doses of the shot at least a week apart, with vaccines to be distributed once they are delivered from stockpiles in central Europe. Another scamdemic of the failed testing procedures. Jun 25, 2024 🇺🇸💉 Fauci False Vaccine Claims, Government Driven Bird Flu Scare, Motives of Global Elites to cause famine and mass deaths of animals & humans. 🥼  🐓🦠 It's incredible that these malfeasants are now posturing using a false positive 'over-amplified' sensitive RT-PCR 'process' AGAIN (not a diagnostic test) to manufacture, create fake avian flu. 🐓🦠 PCR Test Being Used to Detect Bird Flu Is 100% Unreliable and designed to give false positive results. Never forget how people have tested fruit, vegetables, coke, bottled tea and other frogs, lizards, fish etc using the PCR tests and they came out positive for CON vid. Well they're using the same tests again to test the fake bird flu. DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES AGAIN!!! HEED THIS WARNING ⚠️ People are still dying en masse from the con vid jabs they took in 2020-2021. Billions already gone! Wake up everyone!!!
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Finland to roll out vaccines for bird flu as soon as next week

Officials in Finland say 10,000 doses of the bird flu vaccine will be administered to those working with exposure to animals, such as poultry and fur farm workers .

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Repost from The Trutherist
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Here we go with another round of mass annihilating bio weapons. Are any of you going to fall for it once again? The already jabbed during the CON VID CON cannot afford to get more poisons into their already suffering bodies. It will be the last nail on their coffins without a single doubt. Young children's parents, pregnant women, and the elderly are likely to fall for it. Wake up everyone you know before it's too late!!! SARS-COV-2 COVID19 DNA-CNS Interfaces USA authorisation for the end of 2024 global roll-out, possible next lock downs announced!
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Repost from Reject Agenda
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Repost from Revealerist
The globalists are erasing those who remember what freedom was about and what it means, so they can bring forth their totalitarian Orweillian Order without the younger people learning from the older generations how wrong it is what the gov/oligarchs are doing. Also erasing any cultural/raciaI identity. Any connections to history. So they can establish their hive minded obedient slave race to serve their needs only. SHOCKING: USA has recorded over 1 Million Excess Deaths among the over 65’s since the FDA “approved” the COVID-19 Vaccine.
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SHOCKING: USA has recorded over 1 Million Excess Deaths among the over 65’s since the FDA “approved” the COVID-19 Vaccine

Shocking statistics, quietly published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal over one million excess deaths have been recorded among people aged 65 and over ever since the Food and Dru…

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Repost from Revealerist
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Repost from Agents Of Truth
Show this to those who say it's just contrails, not chemtrails. AND NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY'RE CAPABLE OF DOING, DID AND ARE STILL DOING TO US, NATURE, ANIMALS, OUR FOOD AND WATER. At home and on a global scale.
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