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Message for CIA NSA or FBI (POTUS) justicegov wannabe, fake law, read down 1-308 All Rights Reserved UCC 1-201 UCC 2-207 UCC 3-104 UCC 4-401 UCC 9-203 UCC 1-304 UCC 7-210 UCC 3-301 UCC 5-102 UCC 4A-403 UCC 2-504 UCC 3-501 You came at your risk

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180.000k € /1 month Current invoice at the Romanian parliament, guess who pays? the citizens whom he considered stupid and silent or indifferent until now! Btw with this price u buy one apartment in Bucharest. Eh.. now let's see where the pedophiles take off their shirts..
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People Throw out from theyre revolt garbage George Simion wich is politic bastard zionist to Europarlament, no.. EuroNaziOnistpedoment! They say..till now u don't do nothig, now u came bitch? Go out, u are not welcome, fuck your govt, we are simple farmers, only us we know how much stress we have to think how to produce money for disel and so on. So go fuckig out betrayer fascist agitator clown
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Translate: Ciolacu: I think, i..i..think i think as a family need.. People: we think.. we..we..wee think to fuck your mom! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Motivul pentru care Armata Romana a iesit alaturi de cetateni, este pentru ca recent tradatotii pedofili ai partidelor zioniste, au votat la Bruxel impotriva Romaniei, adica au cedat Suveranitatea Romaniei catre Europa Nato! Asa ceva noi nu acceptam! Venim sa va arestam pe toti! Zisele unui membru al armatei Romane! The reason why the Romanian Army came out with the citizens, is because recently the pedophile traitors of the Zionist gangs voted in Brussels against Romania, that is, they surrendered Romania's Sovereignty to NATO Europe! We do not accept such a thing! We are coming to arrest you all! The words of a member of the Romanian army!
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Romanians Army Truck cars crazy come together with citizens to revolt! Wow Respect Romanians Army 🫡
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Army Police together with Romanians! "I send a strong message to the Romanian army and the gendarmerie to let the citizens revolt peacefully, and that I am with them! Respect your oath, defend your citizens, your brothers, because you eat from them and bring it to your family's table, stop defending your politicians, because it is the end of them anyway! legea nu exista. totu e la ordinul vatican, merg pe cele 5 bole papale ilegale unde corporatiile nu pot da legi nimanui, abuz de amiralitate pe uscat!" deci, votul este frauda, ilegal, iar tu prin consimtamant accepti frauda pe care o faci in mod tacit. pe urma va revoltati ca nu va convine, logica JOS GUVERNUL CORPORATIST CRIMINAL MAFIOT ILEGAL! avem dovezile pe pagina noastra la tot
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So that you all know that it is not a political movement like the shit eaten by these infiltrating pissants and the rest! But the garbages masons lawyers or senate bitch will not say these things, nor will the simian muistu or others of theirs like: the law does not exist. everything is by order of the Vatican, I am going on the 5 illegal papal bolas where corporations cannot give laws to anyone, abuse of admiralty on land! therefore, voting is fraud, illegal, and you, by consenting, accept the fraud that you do tacitly. later you revolt because it doesn't fit, logic? You don't have to vote retard, a corporation has no laws! This means that you commit fraud when you go to vote! Yes, this happens all over the world, not only in Romania! Therefore, DOWN WITH THE CRIMINAL CORPORATE GOVERNMENT ILLEGAL MAFIA!
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Ca sa stiti toti ca nu e nici o miscare politica asa cum mananca cacat pisatii astia infiltrati ca sosoaca si restul! Dar muista nu va spune lucrurile astea si nici muistu de simion sau altii de ai lor ca: legea nu exista. totu e la ordinul vatican, merg pe cele 5 bole papale ilegale unde corporatiile nu pot da legi nimanui, abuz de amiralitate pe uscat! deci, votul este frauda, ilegal, iar tu prin consimtamant accepti frauda pe care o faci in mod tacit. pe urma va revoltati ca nu va convine, logica? Nu ai ce vota ma retardatule, o corporatie nu are legi! Asta inseamna ca tu faci o frauda cand mergi la vot! Iaf asta se intampla in toata lumea, nu doar in romania! Asadar, JOS GUVERNUL CORPORATIST CRIMINAL MAFIOT ILEGAL!
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Firefighters join Romanian citizens! Well done, that's how it goes! Be united! Down with the Government, all pedophiles executed and assets confiscated! Take an example from the Romanians, all for their country, this is how we must proceed! If you want to escape from under the yoke!
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❤️🤣 Look what our French are doing, the Romanians must adopt this style too!
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