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Barbaachisummaa Nuti sirna "Network marketing" irraa argannu, akka dhuunfaatti:- 1. Qabeenya Horachu (Abbaa Qabeenyaa) ta'uu Geengoo hawaasummaa keessan keessatti daldala hojjechuun itti gaafatamummaa hawaasummaa kan uumu yoo ta’u, hariiroo dhuunfaa fi ogummaa ijaaruuf isin gargaara. 2. Gorsa (Mentorship) kennuu Nama jireenya namoota biroof miidhagsuuf karaa isaa ba’e caalaa wanti bareedu hin jiru. 3. Murtee Kennuu Yeroo garee tokko keessa jirtu, ykn haa jennu, yeroo garee tokko geggeessitu, murtoon ati fudhattu loogii kan hin qabne ta’uu qaba. 4. Rakkoo Furuu “Yeroo waan ta’aa jiru to’achuu hin dandeenyetti, akkaataa deebii waan ta’aa jiruuf kennitu to’achuuf of qoraamta. Aangoon kee achi jira.” 5. Yaada Qeeqa Of hordofuu fi of sirreessuu yaaduun ogummaa kee, ofii keetii fi gara furmaata guddaa, hawaasaaf kutannoo qabdu xiinxaluu fi dhugoomsuu si dandeessisa. 6. Haasawa Ummataa Dandeettii ummata duratti dubbachuu kee fooyyessa. Dandeettii haasawa ummataa kee irratti ijaaruun walitti dhufeenya haaraa uumuudhaan ilaalcha ummataa akka argattu si gargaara, kunis bu’uura maamiltoota kee irratti akka ijaartu si gargaara.  Yaada fi fedhii bu’a qabeessa ta’een dabarsuudhaan, amanamummaa kee irratti ijaarta.  Amanamummaan kee murtoo irratti dhiibbaa uumuu fi jijjiirama kakaasuuf si gargaara, akkasitti tuuta kee ijaarta. Yaada kana yoo jaallattan Like godhaa! Kutaa 2ffaan itti fufa
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Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
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Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Ethiopian Success Quotes - Application
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Reflecting on your life can be a valuable exercise in personal growth and self-awareness. Here are some suggestions on how to approach: 1. Self-reflection: Take time to introspect and reflect on your experiences, values, strengths, weaknesses, goals and aspirations. Consider what is truly important to you and what brings you fulfillment. 2. Set goals: Identify short-term and long-term goals that align with your values ​​and aspirations. These goals can give your life direction and purpose. 3. Prioritize: Decide what’s most important to you and prioritize accordingly. Focus on activities, relationships, and activities that contribute positively to your well-being and personal growth. 4. Embrace change: Life is constantly evolving and it's important to be open to change. Because new experiences, opportunities and challenges can lead to embrace, growth and personal growth as they arise. 5. Find a balance: Strive for balance in various areas of your life such as work, relationships, health and leisure. Make sure you prioritize self-care and allocate time and energy to the different areas that are important to you. 6. Learn from setbacks: Accept that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life. Instead of giving up, see them as opportunities for learning and growth. Adapt, learn from your experiences, and use them to make better choices in the future. 7. Develop gratitude: Practice being grateful for the good things in your life. Focus...
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What is the Mind? • The mind is complex and varied. There is no single definition of mindfulness, and mindfulness can take many different forms. • The mind has a body. Our minds are shaped by our bodies and our interactions with the world around us. • The mind is social. Our minds are developed and shaped by our interactions with other minds. • The mind is creative. Our minds can generate new ideas and solutions to problems. • The mind is conscious. We are aware of ourselves and our surroundings, we have the ability to experience feelings and thoughts. • The mind is a mystery. We still don’t fully understand how the brain works. • Animal minds are complex. Animals have a wide range of cognitive abilities, including perception, learning, memory, and problem solving. • Artificial intelligence is evolving rapidly. AI systems are increasingly capable of performing tasks once thought to be uniquely human. • The possibility of alien intelligence is fascinating. If alien life exists, it’s likely that alien minds are very different from our own. • Understanding mindfulness is essential to understanding ourselves and our place in the universe. • The mind appears. They are formed by complex interactions of many different parts of the brain. • The mind is constantly changing. They are shaped by our experiences and the choices we make. • The mind is weak. They can be affected by injury or disease. • The mind is valuable. They are the source of our thoughts, feelings and creativity. For more call :- 0911274909
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Sammuun Maali? • Sammuun walxaxaa fi garaa garaa dha. Hiikni sammuu tokko miti, sammuunis bifa adda addaa hedduu qabaachuu danda’a. • Sammuun qaama qaba. Sammuun keenya qaama keenyaa fi walitti dhufeenya addunyaa naannoo keenya jiru waliin qabnuun bocama. • Sammuun hawaasummaadha. Sammuun keenya kan guddatuu fi kan bocamu walqunnamtii sammuu biroo wajjin qabnuun. • Sammuun uumaa dha. Sammuun keenya yaada haaraa fi furmaata rakkoo maddisiisuu danda'a. • Sammuun dammaqaa dha. Ofii keenyaa fi naannoo keenya ni beekna, dandeettii miiraa fi yaada mudachuu qabna. • Sammuun iccitiidha. Ammallee akkaataa sammuun itti hojjetu guutummaatti hin hubannu. • Sammuun bineensotaa xaxamaa dha. Bineensonni dandeettii hubannoo bal’aa kan qaban yoo ta’u, kunis hubannoo, barachuu, yaadachuu fi rakkoo furuu dabalata. • Sammuu namtolchee saffisaan guddachaa jira. Sirnoonni AI hojiiwwan yeroo tokko adda ta'anii nama ta'anii yaadaman raawwachuuf dandeettiin isaanii dabalaa dhufeera. • Carraan sammuu alagaa kan nama hawwatuudha. Jireenyi alagaa yoo jiraate sammuu alagaa kan keenya irraa baay’ee adda ta’uun isaa hin oolu. • Sammuu hubachuun ofii keenyaa fi bakka keenya uumama cufa keessatti hubachuuf barbaachisaa dha. • Sammuun ni mul’ata. Isaanis wal-nyaatinsa walxaxaa kutaalee sammuu adda addaa hedduu irraa kan uumamanidha. • Sammuun yeroo hunda jijjiiramaa jira. Isaanis muuxannoo keenyaa fi filannoo nuti goonu irraa kan bocamanidha. • Sammuun dadhaboodha. Miidhaa ykn dhukkubaan miidhamuu danda’u. • Sammuun gatii guddaa qaba. Isaanis madda yaada, miiraa fi kalaqa keenyaati.
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