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BEKHRUZ SAPARBAEV (IELTS 8.5) 📞 +998 910939536 💬 @behruz_saparbayev 📍 Zarbuloq Str. 25D 220100 Urgench

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🔽JULY 7 MOCK TEST RESULTS🔽 📆NEXT MOCK TEST DATE: JULY 14, 10AM 📍LOCATION: IELTS with Bekhruz (fourth floor, room 12) 💳 FEE: just for 60 thousand sums (THE CHEAPEST MOCK in the market), you will receive: ✅COMPLETE BREAKDOWN OF YOUR SCORE ✅ INDIVIDUAL FEEDBACK ON YOUR SPEAKING PERFORMANCE ✅LISTENING WITH HEADPHONES ✅ And of course, you will receive all necessary stationery items, a bottle of still water, and take the test in an air-conditioned room 💬To sign up for the IELTS MOCK TEST, text to @forassistance 🔢IELTS WITH BEKHRUZ🔢
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🔥 8👍 2😍 1
Some people think if students are afraid of the teachers it is better. Others say that having a friendly relationship between the teachers and students is better. What do you think? Which one do you support? People have different views on whether teachers and students should be friends or whether there should be a barrier of fear between them. Although I believe that mutual respect is much more important than either friendship or fear, I lean towards fostering an amicable atmosphere in the classroom as the lesser evil. Neither befriending students nor making them afraid of teachers can compete with mutual respect in effectiveness. When students and teachers respect each other, it not only sparks interest in the study material among learners, making them feel valued, but also motivates teachers to perform better, knowing their hard work is appreciated. No matter how convivial they are towards one another, discipline and order may be compromised, unless there is respect between learners and educators. Similarly, if the education system is based on fear, the level of knowledge acquisition significantly decrease, with students always hesitating to give questions or seek explanations. Were I, however, to choose between a teacher-student friendship or a fear-based approach, I would opt for the former. Making students afraid of teachers is nothing more than anachronism, with corporal punishments at schools being normalised, if not encouraged in the past. This so-called teaching style does not conform to current trends that prioritise inspiring learners to learn rather than intimidating them. The more amicable the atmosphere in the classroom, the more motivated students feel to engage in the learning process. To further reinforce this, educators had better instill discipline in their students too. In conclusion, in this extreme version of the carrot-and-stick dilemma, I gravitate towards discipline but with a touch of friendliness. 🔢: 266 words @bekhruzteaches
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🔥 5 3 2 1👍 1👏 1🐳 1💯 1
The line graph compares the quantity of parcels which were dispatched by two main shipping companies, namely FedEx and TNT, over the course of 80 years between 1920 and 2000. Overall, all trends in question had increased by the end of the span, though to a varying degree. It is also clear that whereas FedEx dominated over the other company for the better part of the period, the opposite was true for TNT. Regarding FedEx, this company opened the period with 15000 units of parcels, but after 20 years it peaked at nearly 25000. In comparison, the parcel delivery level bottomed out at approximately 12500, and following 30 years it significantly increased to roughly 18000. Although FedEx generally predominated, it had ceased the lead to TNT by the end of the period. Turning to TNT, it started the period with just over 5000 parcels. This contrasts with its index that rose exponentially to almost 12000 parcels 40 years later, while an insignificant fluctuation occurred over the next two decades. Finally, the TNT parcel shipment rate skyrocketed in 1990 and closed the period with a chart high of about 25000. 🔢: 169 words @bekhruzteaches
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👍 3 2 1🔥 1🐳 1👾 1
Today (until 18:00) is the only day to register for the mock exam tomorrow.
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2👍 1🔥 1
The line graph compares the percentage of the populace at least 65 years old in three different countries, namely Japan, Sweden and the USA, over the course of a century from 1940 to 2040. Overall, different countries took the lead and will take this lead in terms of the proportions of individuals age 65 and over at different point in time, with the USA predominating at the beginning, Sweden in the middle years, and Japan towards the end. It is also clear that although the figures for Japan were initially nowhere near those of other countries, its rates are expected to skyrocket after 2030, making it the country with the highest percentage of 65 and plus individuals. The trends of Sweden and the USA followed and will follow a similar pattern throughout the period, except for the time between 2000 and 2020. Regarding Japan's trend, the proportion of the elderly there changed minimally between 1940 and 2000, not exceeding the percentage point of 5%. Significant growth was recorded after 2010, with the percentage of elderly in Japan doubling by 2030. This is forecasted to be followed by a soar reaching 25%. Coming to 2040, this percentage should hit not only its peak but also a chart-high of approximately 27.5%. Turning to Sweden, the share of seniors there displayed a stable rise till 1980, falling in the range of 5% and 15%. Despite negligible drops, it topped the chart from 2000 to 2020: its percentage rose considerably to 20%. By 2040, it is projected that the proportion of people aged at least 65 will grow dramatically to slightly more than 25%, placing Sweden second after Japan. Finally, the country that initially outnumbered others—the USA—witnessed an exponential upward trend in its share of the older people between 1940 and 1980, rising to 15%, up from the initial point of roughly 8%. In spite of a slight declind over the next 40 years, the USA ceaded its lead to Sweden. Following the year 2020, the figures for the USA rebounded, and it is projected that the shares of Americans aged 65 and over will reach about 23%. 🔢: 356 words @bekhruzteaches
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👍 2 1🔥 1🐳 1
Online education and training is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? There may be no field at all at present, which has not been penetrated by the Internet, and the business sector is no exception. This is evidenced by the increasing number of people choosing to educate themselves online to enhance their entrepreneurial skills. Though at first glance this trend might be seen as favourable, I believe it is, for the most part, a change for the worse. The reason why business coaching on the Internet is seemingly beneficial lies in its potential to make financial literacy accessible. Whereas this valuable knowledge of market, monetary systems, and fiscal tools used to be in the hands of the privileged in the past, anyone with access to the Internet can take advantage of it, regardless of their social background. No matter how informative these courses appear, however, the main driving force of the most, if not all, remains to be money through making learners dependent, as they are often intentionally not provided with all insights needed. These so-called resources do not limit themselves with a failure of educating those interested properly, but do not hesitate to breach the law too. The infringements often involve cybercrime, with online scams and modern day charlatans ripping off thousands of unsuspecting web users. A notable example of this is the surge of interest in cryptocurrencies. Lacking Internet literacy and critical thinking to distinguish reliable from deceptive sources, many easily fall prey to crypto gurus that eventually turn out to mere get-rich-quick schemers. The access to this knowledge, therefore, remains to be a disservice, unless people are taught how to use it. In conclusion, we lose more than we gain from the availablity of business education and training online, as it serves not to fill but to drain our wallets. 🔢: 292 words @bekhruzteaches
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👍 6 4 1🔥 1🥰 1🐳 1🍓 1🆒 1
Yangi ochilgan 15:00 dagi IELTS noldan guruhida bir necha joy bor. Guruhga qo'shilish uchun @behruz_saparbayev ga yozing.
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👍 3 2🔥 2
Although there is a lot of translation software available, learning a language could still be advantageous. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is argued that despite the availability of many translation programs, there are still advantages to assimilating foreign languages. I absolutely agree with this viewpoint, as translation tools cannot feel the true nature of languages, and the more languages we speak, the better our brain functions. One argument in favour of foreign language proficiency is the limitation of translation software in conveying genuine concepts of a language. This is because the database of these programs relies predominantly on direct translations of the words, rather than idiomatic and dialectic expressions. One notable example would be Google Translate or ChatGTP, which often fail to properly translate scientific terms and neglect cultural peculiarities of a language. This also explains why most prestigious publishing houses avoid using AI-powered translation applications, preferring professional human translators. The superiority of becoming proficient in a language is further corroborated by its positive effect on our cognitive capabilities. Unlike translation tools requiring no extra mental efforts, acquiring a foreign language not only sharpens our memory, but also improves our attention span. This is because the learning process constantly involves memorising lexical resources, reading, and writing assignments. Due to the potential of languages keeping our brain active, even doctors highlight their effectiveness in averting age-related diseases. Studying languages is, hence, synonymous with staying mentally robust. In conclusion, I am convinced that no translation software can render learning a language obsolete. Only by acquiring a language are we able to fathom its real sheer beauty, with our brain function also being enhanced. 🔢: 250 words @bekhruzteaches
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4👍 3🔥 2 1🐳 1💯 1🍓 1
In many countries, truancy is a worrying problem for both parents and educators. What are the causes of truancy, and what may be the effects on the child and the wider community? There are several problems that the education systems of most world countries must address. One of them is that students skip classes, which worry both parents and teachers. While this is caused by the lack of interest and discipline, truancy is able to ruin the future of children and damage the reputation of schools in the society. The main factors which lead school children to play truant are that they are neither interested in particular subjects nor disciplined by their teachers. This is because most educators unfortunately cannot deliver necessary information in a way that would both draw and maintain attention of students. Failing to enforce discipline in a class further exacerbates this situation, with students not being deterred to play hooky. Teachers who have recently graduated from pedagogy faculties can serve as a notable example. As they lack experience in teaching and also are mostly lenient, their classes are frequently skipped. The perpetrators of this misbehaviour, namely children, can become victims of their own deed, jeopardising their future. Each time truancy is tolerated, an opportunity to use valuable time effectively is missed, depriving learners of necessary school education. As this time is irreversible, most people who cannot succeed in any spheres in their adult life often regret about missed chances to learn. Besides its negative effect on children, truancy also harms the society by lowering the reputation schools among the public. The more children skip classes, the more this situation gets normalised. This can turn schools into places that put superficial importance on attendance rate and quality of education. In the long run, the importance of schools will be close to zero, with the absence of a well-rounded and erudite workforce raised by the schools In conclusion, student absenteeism traces its roots to educators' inability to interest and disciple learners, which leaves both children and the community vulnerable. 🔢: 313 words @bekhruzteaches
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👍 4🔥 2 2 1🥰 1🐳 1
Memorization of information by frequent repetition, namely rote learning, plays a role in many education systems. To what extent do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? There are a range of different learning techniques aiming to secure smooth and effective cultivation of knowledge. One of the most popular applied by educational establishments worldwide is rote learning. Despite the potential of this study method to facilitate the assimilation of information in the short term, its long-term effects inhibiting the thinking process of learners are much more detrimental. The main benefit of rote learning is that it enables students to acquire a great deal of information in a short period of time. This especially proves useful, when a learner lacks sufficient time to process knowledge and put it into practice. One example of such a situation can be tight deadlines and assignments given on short notice which students are frequently faced with. Although the memorisation of necessary information can help to yield immediate results in such situations, this form of knowledge has a rather short lifespan and is nothing more than blind learning. Hence, at best, learners assimilate knowledge for a limited period of time, yet at worst, this technique suppresses mental capabilities. The more students become accustomed to cramming, the less they are able to think creatively, critically, and logically. This eventually breeds reluctance to learning autonomously, challenging information and breaking it down based on common sense. Given that none of the groundbreaking ideas have been crystallised owing to the memorisation of information, but unconventional thinking, the promotion of rote learning is synonymous with stagnation rather than progress. In conclusion, we lose more than we lose from rote learning, hindering cognitive abilities of learners. 🔢: 257 words @bekhruzteaches
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👍 7 3 1🔥 1🐳 1🆒 1 1
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