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Three things you need to do to earn more. First Don't do simple things that so many other people can do. Second When you have something, scale it and expand it. And third If you succeed in something , never give your banana to another monkey , who promises you a lot of bananas in the afterlife, but now offers you to suffer, endure and give her your banana 🗣 Igor Rybakov ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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7 Every day things that waste our time: 1. Overall negative thinking 2. Letting your past define you 3. Not being organized 4. Constantly checking social media 5. Worrying about the mistakes you’ve made 6. Procrastinating on important things. 7. Comparing yourself to everyone else. ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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"It's impossible," said Reason. "It's reckless," replied Reason. “It’s useless,” snapped Pride. “I’ll try,” whispered Dream. Regardless of what you dream of, start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life! ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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Create your own rhythm. Follow your own rules. Choose what you want to do. Decide how you want to do it. Life is short and happiness elusive. Don't lose any opportunity of inner contentment. ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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10 Effective Ways To Overcome Procrastination & Boost Your Productivity As A Business Owner 1.Set clear goals Clearly define your short-term and long-term business goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and prioritize them based on their importance and deadlines. 2. Create a schedule Develop a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule that outlines your tasks and responsibilities. Stick to your schedule and use it as a roadmap to keep yourself on track. 3. Identify your priorities Identify the most important tasks that require your immediate attention and focus on completing them first. Avoid getting caught up in less urgent tasks that can distract you from your main goals. 4. Remove distractions Minimize distractions in your work environment. Turn off notifications on your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and create a quiet and conducive workspace to help you stay focused and productive. 5. Break tasks into smaller steps Large tasks can be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make them feel less daunting and easier to tackle, helping you make progress and stay motivated. 6. Use productivity tools Utilize productivity tools such as task management apps, time-tracking apps, and project management software to help you stay organized and focused on your tasks. 7. Hold yourself accountable Set deadlines for your tasks and hold yourself accountable for meeting them. Share your goals and progress with a mentor, colleague, or accountability partner who can provide support and hold you responsible. 8. Manage your energy levels Pay attention to your energy levels and work during your most productive times of the day. Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain your productivity throughout the day. 9. Practice self-motivation Find ways to motivate yourself, such as setting rewards for completing tasks or visualizing the benefits of completing your goals. Cultivate a positive mindset and practice self-discipline to stay motivated and overcome procrastination. 10. Learn from failure If you do procrastinate and miss deadlines, don't beat yourself up. Instead, learn from the experience, identify the reasons behind the procrastination, and take corrective action to prevent it from happening again. ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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8 Reasons Why you need to earn Passive income 1. Financial Security Passive income can provide an additional source of income that can help you achieve financial security. Relying solely on active income, such as a salary from a job, can be risky because it is dependent on your ability to work. 2. Diversification Diversifying your income streams can be a smart financial strategy. Relying solely on a single source of income can be risky, as it leaves you vulnerable to changes in the job market or industry trends. Having multiple sources of passive income, such as investments or rental properties, can diversify your income streams and provide a more stable financial foundation. 3. Financial Independence Passive income can help you achieve financial independence, which means having enough income to cover your expenses without having to rely on a traditional job. This can provide you with the freedom and flexibility to pursue other interests, take time off, or retire early. 4. Wealth Building Passive income can be an effective way to build wealth over time. By consistently earning passive income and reinvesting it, you can grow your assets and create long-term wealth. 5. Flexibility and Freedom Passive income can provide you with the flexibility and freedom to design your own lifestyle. Unlike a traditional job that may require you to work set hours, passive income can allow you to earn money on your own terms. This can give you more control over your time and allow you to pursue other interests, spend time with loved ones, or travel, while still earning income. 6. Retirement Planning Passive income can play a crucial role in retirement planning. It can serve as a source of income during your retirement years, supplementing other retirement savings, such as a 401(k) or IRA. 7. Legacy Building Passive income can also be a way to build a legacy for future generations. By creating and managing passive income streams, you can leave a financial inheritance for your loved ones or pass on a business or investment that continues to generate income even after you are gone. 8. Lifestyle Design Passive income can enable you to design the lifestyle you desire. Whether you want to work less, travel more, or have more time for hobbies and interests, passive income can provide the financial means to support your chosen lifestyle. ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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10 Ways To Grow Your Money 1. Consistently buy things that go up in value. 2. Work in a field that you are passionate about and enjoy. 3. Don’t look for a job, look for a career and a mission. 4. Invest as much money as you can when you are young so you have 40+ years to benefit from compound interest. 5. By an investor primarily and a consumer secondary. 6. Learn skills that can earn you a good income. 7. Stay in good health so you can create value that will earn you money. 8. Stay away from expensive bad habits. 9. Only be in relationships that create value in your life. 10. Make small financial mistakes and avoid ones that can ruin you. By Steve Burns ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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11 lessons the wealthy understand • You're not entitled to wealth • Buy assets not liabilities • Money is a tool to use • Financial literacy is key • Increasing income > reducing spending • Let your money work for you • Wealth building is a long game • 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions • Good debt can work for you. Bad debt work against you • Expanding your network creates opportunities • Solving problems generates income ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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8 Lessons from the book "Your next five moves" 1. Strategic Thinking: The book emphasizes the importance of thinking strategically and planning your actions several steps ahead to achieve your long-term goals. 2. Know Your Strengths: Understand your unique strengths, skills, and abilities. Leverage them to your advantage and focus on areas where you can excel. 3. Anticipate Reactions: When making a move, anticipate how your competition, colleagues, or stakeholders might react. This allows you to be prepared for different scenarios and adjust your strategy accordingly. 4. Calculated Risks: Taking calculated risks is essential for growth. Evaluate potential risks and rewards before making a decision, and be willing to step out of your comfort zone when necessary. 5. Positioning: Pay attention to your positioning in your industry or field. Being in the right place at the right time can make a significant difference in your success. 6. Long-Term Vision: Develop a clear long-term vision for your personal and professional life. This vision serves as a guide for your decisions and helps you stay focused on your ultimate goals. 7. Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt and pivot as circumstances change. Flexibility in your approach allows you to navigate challenges and seize new opportunities. 8. Constant Learning: Never stop learning and improving. Continuously seek knowledge, gather information about your industry, and invest in your personal development. ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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10 lessons that may be found in "How to Win at the Sport of Business" 1. Embrace the entrepreneurial mindset: Develop a mindset that is proactive, innovative, and constantly seeking new opportunities. Think like an entrepreneur, even if you're working within an existing organization. 2. Take calculated risks: Success often involves taking risks. Evaluate the potential rewards and consequences carefully, and be willing to step outside your comfort zone when necessary. 3. Pursue your passion: Find a field or industry that truly excites you and aligns with your interests and values. Passion will drive your motivation and determination to succeed. 4. Learn from failures: Failure is a natural part of the journey to success. Embrace your failures as learning opportunities, analyze what went wrong, and adapt your approach accordingly. 5. Continuously learn and evolve: Commit yourself to lifelong learning. Stay updated with industry trends, new technologies, and relevant skills to ensure you remain competitive and adaptable. 6. Build a strong network: Cultivate relationships with like-minded individuals, mentors, and professionals in your industry. Networking can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable insights, and offer support when needed. 7. Develop excellent communication skills: Effective communication is vital in business. Master the art of clearly expressing your ideas, actively listening to others, and building strong professional relationships. 8. Focus on customer satisfaction: Place a high priority on understanding and meeting customer needs. Consistently deliver value and exceed customer expectations to build a loyal customer base. 9. Set clear goals and take action: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Break them down into actionable steps and consistently work towards their attainment. 10. Maintain a strong work ethic. Success in business requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. Be willing to put in the effort, go the extra mile, and persevere through challenges. ‼️Join and Share @Coin_Tradings🔵
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