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Physical examination

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Rhonchi lung sound | Christina NP | Caring Casa
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Rhonchi_lung_sound_Christina_NP_Caring_Casa_44rcP3wy6Hs_140.mp31.17 MB
12. Death Rattle - Lung Sounds Collection.mp36.63 KB
13. Wheezing - Lung Sounds Collection.mp31.21 MB
14. Low-pitched Wheeze - Lung Sounds Collection.mp35.02 KB
15. Monophonic Wheeze - Lung Sounds Collection.mp36.31 KB
16. Polyphonic Wheeze - Lung Sounds Collection.mp34.73 KB
17. Stridor - Lung Sounds Collection.mp38.36 KB
18. Pleural Friction Rub - Lung Sounds Collection.mp31.02 MB
19. Squawk - Lung Sounds Collection.mp31.03 MB
20. Bronchial Leak Squeak - Lung Sounds Collection.mp37.90 KB
21. Egophony ⧸ Aegophony - Lung Sounds Collection.mp31.42 MB
02. Normal Vesicular Breath Sounds - Lung Sounds C.mp31.77 MB
03. Normal Bronchial Breath Sounds - Lung Sounds C.mp31.09 MB
04. Pneumonia - Bronchial Breath Sounds - Lung Sou.mp33.43 KB
05. Broncho-vesicular Breath Sounds - Lung Sounds .mp37.43 KB
06. Tracheal Breath Sounds - Lung Sounds Collectio.mp31.20 MB
08. Crackles - Lung Sounds Collection.mp38.64 KB
09. Low-pitched Crackles - Lung Sounds Collection.mp31.67 MB
10. Early Inspiratory Crackles - Lung Sounds Colle.mp31.33 MB
11. Late Inspiratory Crackles - Lung Sounds Collec.mp31.41 MB
Lung Sounds 👇👇👇👇
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یه توضیح درباره منبع امتحان: اگه وقت دارید باربارا منبع اصلیه و اونو بخونید. اگر هم وقت ندارید دو جزوه ای که روش رپلای زدم رو بخونید که طبق حرف بچه ها تا ۸۰ درصد امتحان رو ساپورت میکنه. این چیزیه که از دوستان شنیدم اگر هم خلاف این هست ، خواهشن تو کامنت بگید.
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