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Repost from Mind Blow TV
Ein Tag mit der Familie am kältesten Ort der Erde -71°C (-95°F) | Jakuti...
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One day of family in the coldest place of Earth -71°C (-95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia

One day of family in the coldest place of Earth -71°C (-95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia We would like to thank the leadership of the Ust-Aldan region and the Agency for Tourism Development and Territorial Marketing of Yakutia for their assistance in filming.

In the coldest place in Russia, Yakutia, people's daily lives pose a real challenge. Incredibly low temperatures, dropping to minus 60 degrees Celsius, pose special challenges and require special survival abilities. Despite the harsh climate, several hundred thousand people live in Yakutia, most of whom live in villages. Housing in these settlements is built taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region - these are powerful wooden structures with good thermal insulation. Village members often have their own wood-burning stoves to ensure a comfortable temperature inside the home on cold winter days. Due to the harsh winter climate, the residents of Yakutia have developed unique strategies to cope with everyday problems. One such strategy is to use heated toilets, which help avoid contact with icy surfaces. People in this area also practice winter sports such as hockey, skiing and sledding to stay physically active and healthy. Agriculture is also an important part of daily life in the villages of Yakutia. Residents of Yakut villages are engaged in cultivating the land, growing vegetables and raising livestock. Most of the food consumed is produced by local residents themselves, which guarantees them access to fresh and high-quality food. In addition to agriculture, residents of Yakutia are also engaged in fishing, berry picking and reindeer herding. Deer are important to the local population as their meat, hides and antlers are used in food, industrial and craft production. However, life in Yakut villages is not always easy. Customs have limited access to public services such as health care and education, and often have to deal with having to travel long distances to get the care they need. However, observing the daily life of the residents of Yakutia, one can see their incredible strength and endurance in overcoming the obstacles that they have to encounter here. They value and cherish their culture and traditions, support each other and find joy and satisfaction in simple but significant moments of their lives in the coldest place in Russia - Yakutia. We are interested in learning how our ancestors lived, to study their traditions and to master ancient crafts and meals. We travel to different regions of Russia and show you how people live in Russian remote villages. Real Village, not embellished real life as it is. We will show you the usual village life and cuisine of different nations. We are the ULENGOVS. Welcome to our channel! Many of you have noticed that the sounds (asmr) from our videos are very relaxing, help you fall asleep from insomnia and calm your mind. We are glad to be of service to you. Our other Videos: How do people live in the coldest region of Russia? Ice fishing in Yakutia -

Life in the coldest region of Russia? Farming and village life in Yakutia Russian NOMADS Life in TUNDRA. North of RUSSIA. Nenets everyday life. -

North Nomads life in winter. Ural mountains and tundra life. Russia. Full film. -

Life in Russian Tundra. How people survive in Far North of Russia. Life in Russia today -

How reindeer nomads survive in Far North of Russia. Life in Russia today. Russian Tundra -

Nomad family with mother survive in Far North in Russia. Life in Russia today. Russian Tundra. -

Woman lives alone in Taiga forest in abandoned village. Far from civilization. -

How People live in the Coldest place of Russia? Yakutia everyday life. Villages of Russia -

The village life of an elderly couple in a mountain village represents a unique rural life. These old men who live their…

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Repost from Mystery And More
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Ungeimpfte werden oft gefragt: „Woher wusstet ihr, dass die COVID-Impfstoffe gefährlich sind, als sie auf den Markt kamen?“ Die Antwort ist einfach: Wir wussten es nicht. Aber wir fanden schnell heraus, dass die Leute, die die Impfstoffe propagierten, Lügner waren. Sehen Sie, wie Tucker Carlson dies brillant erklärt. „Das Verhalten der Leute, die mir diesen [Impfstoff] verkauft haben, war so durchsichtig unehrlich. Ich wusste nicht, dass der Impfstoff nicht wirken würde, was er natürlich nicht tat. Ich wusste nicht, dass er Schaden anrichten würde, was er tat. Aber ich wusste, dass die Leute, die ihn verkauften, Lügner waren. Das wusste ich sofort. Und ich kannte einige von ihnen, aber ich konnte einfach an ihrem Verhalten erkennen, dass sie logen. „Und ich dachte: 'Ich weiß nicht, was das ist. Niemand in meiner Familie hat das ... Punkt.' Ich fand es am ersten Tag heraus ... Ich fühlte so stark, dass etwas nicht stimmte, und ich folgte einfach [meinem Instinkt]. Und ich glaube, das funktioniert.
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twittervid.com_VigilantFox_7b7fab.mp41.59 MB
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🇩🇪 Wir müssen bis 2029 kriegsbereit sein – Verteidigungsminister Pistorius 📝 „Wir müssen bis 2029 kämpfen können.“ Drei Themen sind von zentraler Bedeutung – Personal, Technik und Finanzen“, heißt es in der Stellungnahme. Der Chef des Verteidigungsministeriums glaubt, dass „Putins Militärwirtschaft auf einen neuen Konflikt hinarbeitet“.
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2024-06-05 14-58-53_converted.mp43.73 MB
Repost from Mystery And More
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6 Kinder wurden durch die Explosion einer von der Besatzung zurückgelassenen Bombe in der Nähe der Al-Aqsa-Universität, westlich von Khan Yunis, verletzt.💔
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Repost from Mystery And More
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Save the children of Gaza!
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Repost from Mystery And More
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Ganze Familien, darunter auch Kinder, wurden in ihren Häusern östlich von Deir al-Bala getötet, während sie schliefen. 💔
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IMG_7491.MP47.91 MB
Repost from Mystery And More
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Provokationen und Angriffe von Siedlern gegen Palästinenser in der Altstadt von Jerusalem.
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Repost from Mystery And More
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Wir sehen im Video was 80 Jahre Gehirnwäsche beim Michel angerichtet haben! 🧠
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