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NFT Meta-Panthers 🐆

NFT on The Open Network about Panthers from Ancient Egypt In Russian @MetaPanthers_RU Blog in TON Cats @TonNFTcat Dogs @TonNFTdog Bloggers @TonBloggerNFT Bot for TON — @TegroNFTbot

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Meta Panthers is the first NFT project on the TON platform to integrate with Telegram. The project consists of 5000 NFTs. A collection of absolutely amazing creatures with incredible stories from antiquity.

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🏺 Как связаны Мета-Пантеры с золотым символом TON? 🔮 Древние свитки говорят, что мы — иероглифы из огромной коллекции NFT-табличек, созданных мастерами Gram, которые украшаются золотыми амулетами и особыми привилегиями в рамках всей нашей цивилизации. 🔺 Открывая секреты нашей цивилизации, увидим в центре нашей экосистемы золотой символ The Open Network — TON. Его можно добыть в священном храме, или же получить в благословение за дар приношения наших NFT-табличек. 💫 Преимущества для тех, кто хранит эти символы, очевидны, но что еще скрыто в тайнах TON? Хотим открыть вам одну из священных рукописей, где раскрыты тайны символа, места его торговли и того, чего от него ожидать. 📜 Прочитать эту рукопись можно на одном из древних столпов знаний в нашем чате, доступ к которому — могут получить лишь избранные хранители, купившие NFT на GetGems.
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AnimatedSticker.tgs0.29 KB
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The feature of the collection that you forgot about ⚡️ While our panthers were on vacation, many of them forgot about one of the main differences in the NFT industry. 🔥 There are 3 collections inside the collection at once! Yes, Meta Panthers includes three ancient civilizations: — Ancient Egypt; — Ancient England; — Ancient Japan. Each sub-collection with its own plot and unique characters. Will this have any effect in the future? Let the question remain unanswered 🌚 We advise you to buy a couple of Japanese emperors or English kings on the market, it will not be superfluous ;)
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Benefits of NFT Meta Panthers have skyrocketed ⚡️ So, panthers are serious kitties, which means that the utilities that they possess must be serious. One of the advantages of our holders will be an increased percentage of profits from staking the TGR token and other TON-based tokens. All tokens will be further integrated into the Telegram bot and placed on the Tegro.Finance exchange. 🔍 Our little friends, the cats from the Crypto Sherlock collection, will also receive these utilities, so the value of mustachioed detectives grows with ours. 💸 Among other things, there will be increased deductions for referrals for referrals and a discount for withdrawing funds in the Telegram bot. We advise you to buy at least 1-2 panthers right now in order to improve your conditions at the best price.
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Comeback Meta Panthers Our graceful panthers' vacation is coming to a close, and we're ready to present you with some cool news about our NFTs. ⚡️ Firstly, the NFT Panthers will be getting utilities from our TON shop mates as early as June/July, just like they were going to. For example, holders of our NFTs will be able to get increased cashback and commission discounts on the decentralized exchange and commission discounts on the new Telegram bot. If we were you, we'd buy the NFT Panther on the marketplace right now, because the prices are maximized profitable and the benefits of NFT will only grow. 🔥 Support the reactions if glad panthers are back :)
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Contest: iPhone 14 for the NFT Meta Panthers ❗️ In the new raffle, you have a chance to pick up: — If there isn't 1 NFT from any of the following collections: Meta Panthers, Cat Metaverse, Dog Metaverse, Animals Red List and TON GUYS, then 1 of 50 NFTs from the above collections; — And if you have 1 NFT from the collections above, you're entered into a drawing for a new iPhone 14! ⚡️ The conditions are simple: to participate, you need to go to the link and authorize your account, then make at least 1 exchange. If you already have an account, you'll need to create a new purse and authorize from it. We guarantee honesty: choosing the winners and sending the main prize will be recorded on video. The contest will last till the end of April. 📱 Stay tuned and take part with us. You will most probably read about the next NFT-competition from your brand-new iPhone ;)
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How the Meta Panthers connected with DEX on TON The panthers and NFT pussycats and doggies continue to vacation together, as the kitties talked about 🐈 🐶 Also the doggies talked about the future utility for collections where the exchange token is mentioned, we will add a few words about it. First, the utility will not only be linked to the token, but also to DEX, which will multiply the value of collections. This will be a unique case on TON where NFTs are linked to an exchange. ✅ While preparations for the «second breath» of collections are underway, it's better to learn DEX, get a hand at trading on the exchange, and turn on notifications. All of this will count for something after the NFT comeback. There haven't been any NFT comeback like this on TON yet ;)
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