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Посольство России в Норвегии - Russlands Ambassade i Norge

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⚡️ Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of Russia Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on Ukraine's violation of obligations under Chemical Weapons Convention (July 8, 2024) Key talking points: 💬 The Kiev regime regularly violates the Chemical Weapons Convention. During the special military operation, more than 400 cases of non-lethal toxic chemicals used by the Ukrainian side were registered. • The Ukrainian Armed Forces troops use toxic compounds not only in the course of combat actions, but also to carry out terrorist attacks in liberated territories against a number of Russian political figures. • The existing evidence base proving Ukraine's violating its obligations under the Convention has been submitted to the OPCW's Technical Secretariat, but no response has been forthcoming so far. • Moreover, the Russian Defence Ministry has information about Ukraine's active cooperation with the OPCW's Technical Secretariat, which has ratified an additional agreement on privileges and immunities for technical assistance visits. This agreement will enable Ukraine to use the OPCW for its own benefit, circumventing the existing procedures under the Convention, by imposing on the Organisation its notoriously false conclusions about chemical investigations. • A laboratory with chemical equipment was detected in an industrial zone on the ground floor of the destroyed building in one of the locations near Avdeyevka during engineering reconnaissance. <...> Analysis of the containers showed the presence of sulphuric acid and sodium cyanide suggesting the use of found equipment for the production of toxic substances. • The US is fully in control of the activities of the OPCW. To settle accounts with the 'undesirable' states, Washington has established an attributive mechanism in the OPCW that was used to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria. ❗️ According to the available information, the US and Germany, together with Ukraine and the OPCW's Technical Secretariat, are preparing to launch a special mission to investigate the so-called use of chemical weapons in Ukraine, with a view to pressing charges against Russia. One of the so-called 'independent' states is to initiate investigations and plant evidence that Russia used toxic chemicals during the special military operation. Americans have already committed some $400,000 to this end. Read in full
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Repost from MoD Russia
⚡️ This morning, in response to the Kiev regime's attempts to damage objects of Russian power infrastructure and economy, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered a group strike by long-range precision weaponry at objects of the Ukrainian military-industrial infrastructure and AFU aviation bases. The goal of the strike has been achieved. All the assigned targets have been engaged. Statements of the Kiev regime about the allegedly deliberate missile strike launched against civilian facilities by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are false. Numerous published photos and footage from Kiev clearly confirm that the destruction was caused by a Ukrainian air defence missile launched by an anti-aircraft missile system in the city. We note in particular that similar hysterics by the Kiev regime happen for years and every time on the eve of another meeting (summit) of its patrons from the NATO. The goal of such provocations is to ensure further funding for the Kiev regime and the continuation of the war to the last Ukrainian. 🔹 Russian Defence Ministry
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💬 Briefing of Russian Foreign Ministry's Ambassador-at-Large on the Kiev regime's war crimes Rodion Miroshnik: 🔻Starting 2024, the number of victims among civilians, killed or wounded as a result of the shelling by the armed forces of Ukraine, has been increasing. This "growth" is directly linked to the intensification of shipments of the Western equipment. Lately, Kiev has received foreign arms, and been officially authorised to use it against Russian regions. The victims of the shelling are mostly minors, women, the elderly. They have nothing to do with the armed or security forces. According to the data from January 1 to June 30, 2024, at least 2'547 civilians have become victims of Ukrainian Nazis; 2'082 people have been wounded; 465 have been killed. ✖️Amidst the West's ostensible concern for child welfare, there has been a conspicuous silence regarding the prosecution of Ukrainian militants responsible for the deaths of children. Notably, many of the children affected are themselves Ukrainian, yet their plight seems inconsequential to Western politicians. Rather than striving to halt this bloodshed and prevent loss of innocent lives, international organization have seemingly transformed into instruments of propaganda, adhering to the directives of the West. ❗️Millions of Western taxpayers should ask themselves whether they truly want to continue funding the totalitarian Kiev regime that murders civilians. This regime uses deadly weapons to target residential areas, hospitals, and schools, attacks journalists, and imprisons those who have opposed it for many years. It orchestrates and commits political assassinations of civil leaders and commits horrific crimes against humanity. ⚡️Crimes committed by the Kiev regime are verifiable and must be investigated. The perpetrators, including both the architects of the political regime and those who carried out the crimes, must be brought to justice, whether through military actions or court proceedings, which should deliver fair sentences.
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🌐 A meeting in the SCO Plus format was held in Astana. Taking part in the meeting were: • the Leaders of #SCO Member States, • the Heads of delegations from SCO observer countries and dialogue partners, • the Heads of international organisations (the #UN, the #EEC, the Islamic Organisation for Food Security, the #CSTO, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, #CICA, and the #CIS); • the guests of Kazakhstan’s Presidency. The Russian delegation attending the meeting includes Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office and Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, and Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov. The theme of the SCO Plus meeting is Strengthening Multilateral Dialogue – Striving for Sustainable Peace and Development. The agenda includes international and regional issues related to the SCO’s cooperation with invited countries. *** 💬 Vladimir Putin: I believe the growing interest in the work of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation stems from our core values and ideals: a commitment to pursuing a sovereign and independent policy, alongside a collaborative approach with other countries to find collective solutions to global problems. These principles resonate with many around the world. <...> It is evident that the SCO is now one of the biggest and most influential regional organisations. <...> ☝️ The world is becoming genuinely multipolar, with an increasing number of states ready to decisively assert their legitimate rights and interests. New centres of power are emerging, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is solidifying its position as one of these key centres. <...> We appreciate the sincere and concrete proposals from SCO member countries for the peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, a result of the reckless and intrusive policies of the United States and its satellites. As you know, Russia has never refused to negotiate, and is now ready to continue peace talks. It is Ukraine that withdrew from the talks, and it also did so publicly, on direct orders from London – which means Washington was also involved, there is no doubt about it – as Ukrainian officials have admitted bluntly and openly. ❗️ The Istanbul agreements – we have to give credit to the President of Türkiye, Mr Erdogan, for agreeing to be part of that process as a mediator – are still on the table. <...> 🤝 The SCO Member States coordinate their actions on the international track, including at the United Nations, and their foreign policy approaches are largely in accord or closely aligned. Read in full
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⚡️ Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the Russian Federal Assembly’s decision to suspend OSCE Parliamentary Assembly participation 💬 On July 3, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation voted to suspend the Russian delegation’s participation in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. This decision was taken in response to the openly discriminatory steps that a number of states took with regard to Russian parliamentarians, who were thereby excluded from the Assembly’s events in the United Kingdom, Poland and Canada under spurious pretexts. In the most recent and particularly illustrative incident, the Romanian authorities unceremoniously refused to issue visas to the entire Russian delegation that was going to participate in the annual session of the OSCE PA in Bucharest (June 29 − July 3). The Belarusian delegation was also deprived of the opportunity to participate in the session. 👉 Such actions by the host country of the OSCE parliamentary body’s main annual event, with the tacit consent of the Assembly’s leadership, are absolutely unacceptable. Taking advantage of the absence of two delegations, Russophobic parliamentarians used the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s rules of procedure to promote their own agenda and quickly adopt a resolution containing phrases like “the genocide of the Ukrainian people.” Our view on such paperwork is well known. A statement by the Russian Federal Assembly’s houses makes it clear that all decisions passed in the absence of the Russian delegation will be considered null and void. Moreover, this resolution runs counter to the February 2 decision of the UN International Court of Justice, which, as we know, rejected all of Ukraine’s accusations alleging that Russia had violated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. No less odious is the resolution of the Bucharest session on the situation in Transnistria, which ignores the realities and has the potential to derail the normalisation of dialogue between Chisinau and Tiraspol, as well as the entire Transnistria settlement process. ☝️ It is obvious that the OSCE PA is increasingly drifting away from its main role as a platform for interparliamentary dialogue. With the suspension of Russia’s participation, that body runs the risk of becoming a mere political vestige. Read in full
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🎙 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s reply to a media question about statements made by President of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly Dennis Francis during his visit to Ukraine ❓Question: During his visit to Ukraine, President of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly Dennis Francis said when commenting on the situation in Ukraine that Russia’s special military operation was a violation of the UN Charter. What would you say in this regard? 💬 Maria Zakharova: It is true that Dennis Francis has made yet another portion of biased statements. The President of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly again forgot about the limits to his powers and assumed the right to comment on the compliance of anyone’s actions with the founding document of the global organisation. 👉 In this connection, we would like to point out again the unacceptability of a selective attitude to the provisions of the UN Charter, which must be strictly complied with in their entirety and as a whole. In particular, it is regrettable that the representative of Trinidad and Tobago overlooked Clause 3 of Article 1 of the UN Charter, which stipulates the member states’ commitment to “promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.” The Kiev regime obviously does not comply with that provision. It has made Russophobia a state ideology, contrary to Article 10 of the Ukrainian Constitution that guarantees the free development, use and protection of the Russian language, and launched a war of annihilation of the Russian-speaking population of its former territories in 2014. We have also taken note of Mr Francis’ statement on advancing peace in Ukraine. In this regard, we would like to say that Russia never refused to launch comprehensive talks. Conditions for them were unambiguously set out by President Vladimir Putin on June 14.
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Statement by Russian MFA Director of the Department for Multilateral Human Rights Cooperation, Mr. Grigory Lukiyantsev, at the panel discussion “Universality and Indivisibility of Human Rights for All: States Practices” held on the margins of the 56th Session of the UNHRC: 📍 July 3, 2024, Palais des Nations, Geneva 🇷🇺🇧🇾 We have the honour to present here the first JOINT REPORT on the human rights situation in certain countries by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. This document is a practical example of close cooperation between our foreign ministries in the field of promotion and protection of human rights. 🔎 Our report is aimed at providing specific case examples from both the present and the recent past of focus countries, which, for the most, part clearly demonstrate negative human rights practices and trends. That is the challenge the international community needs to tackle. 🔥 We have repeatedly pointed out in international human rights fora and in thematic reports on human rights that a number of countries are openly promoting racist ideas and values. By this they provoke the rise of nationalist sentiment, manifestations of xenophobia and other intolerance. In some cases, this leads to openly fostering neo-Nazi ideologies, as we currently witness in Ukraine. ❗️ The most important conclusion that should be drawn is that the main problems the international community is facing now are artificial or man-made in nature. They are caused by the desire to impose the interests of a certain group of countries disguised as “universal norms”. 🤝 Despite calls from various origins, we have refrained from formulating recommendations on how to resolve the problems identified. This was not our job. In fact, if we were to follow that path, we would end up being no different than those whose record is reflected in our Report. We believe in dialogue, not in imposing recipes on others. 📖 FULL STATEMENT
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Пресс-конференция Уполномоченного при Президенте Российской Федерации по правам ребенка М.А.Львовой-Беловой по ключевым направлениям международной повестки института уполномоченных по правам ребенка, в том числе по вопросам гуманитарной деятельности в странах Африки, СНГ, республиках Абхазия и Южная Осетия, Сирийской Арабской Республике, а также по тематике защиты прав детей из обстреливаемых регионов России и воссоединения несовершеннолетних с их близкими в период специальной военной операции, Москва, 20 июня 2024 года
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Пресс-конференция Уполномоченного при Президенте России по правам ребенка М.А.Львовой-Беловой

Пресс-конференция Уполномоченного при Президенте Российской Федерации по правам ребенка М.А.Львовой-Беловой по ключевым направлениям международной повестки института уполномоченных по правам ребенка, в том числе по вопросам гуманитарной деятельности в странах Африки, СНГ, республиках Абхазия и Южная Осетия, Сирийской Арабской Республике, а также по тематике защиты прав детей из обстреливаемых регионов России и воссоединения несовершеннолетних с их близкими в период специальной военной операции, Москва, 20 июня 2024 года МИД России в "Икс" (бывший Twitter) (русская версия)

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Совместный проект Фонда поддержки и защиты прав соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, Фонда исследования проблем демократии и Общественной палаты Российской Федерации – выставка «Люди новых регионов»
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Совместный проект Фонда поддержки и защиты прав соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, Фонда исследования проблем демократии и Общественной палаты Российской Федерации – выставка «Люди новых регионов»
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