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DNA 🧬 DNA is a long polymer of deoxyribonucleotides. The length of the DNA depends on the number of nucleotide pairs present in it. 👉A nucleotide has three components-      🔻A nitrogen base      🔻A pentose sugar (ribose in RNA and deoxyribose in DNA)      🔻A phosphoric acid. 👉There are two types of nitrogen bases:      🔸 Purines (Adenine and Guanine)      🔸 Pyrimidines (Cytosine, Uracil and Thymine)           🔻Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine are common in RNA and DNA.           🔻Uracil is present in RNA, and in DNA in place of Uracil, Thymine is present. 👉 Pentose sugar is ribose in RNA and is Deoxyribose in DNA. 🔹Two nucleotides are joined by 3’-5’ Phosphodiester linkage to form dinucleotide. 🔹More than two nucleotides join to form polynucleotide chain. 🔹The two strands of DNA  (called DNA duplex) are antiparallel and complementary, i.e, one in 5’8l->3’ direction and the other in 3”->5” direction. History of DNA: 🔻 DNA is an acidic substance in the nucleus. 🔻 It was first identified by Friedrich Meischer in 1869. He named it as ‘Nuclein” 🔻In 1953 double helix 🧬 structure of DNA was given by James Watson and Francis Crick, based on X-ray 🩻 diffraction data produced Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. 🧬 DNA Packaging: 🔸The basic unit into which DNA is packed in the chromatin of eukaryotes. ⭐️Nucleosome is the basic repeating structural (and functional) unit of chromatin, which contains nine histone proteins. 🔸Distance between two conjugative base pairs is 0.34nm 🔸The length of DNA is more than the dimension of a typical nucleus (10-6m) DNA Replication: 👉 DNA is the only molecule capable of self duplication so it is termed as a living molecule. 👉 All living beings have the capacity to reproduce because of DNA. 👉 DNA replication takes place in S-phase of the cell cycle. At the time of cell division, it divides in equal parts in the daughter cells. 👉 The process of DNA replication takes a few minutes in prokaryotes and a few hours in eukaryotes. RNA 👉 RNA is the first genetic material. 👉 RNA is a non hereditary nucleic acid except in some viruses (retroviruses). 👉 RNA used to act as a genetic material as well as catalyst. 👉 It is a polymer of ribonucleotide and is made up of pentose ribose sugar, phosphoric acid and nitrogenous base (A,U,G,C). 👉 RNA may be of two types – genetic and non-genetic
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BIO NOTES..... ⭐Mendel’s Law of Inheritance Mendel performed monohybrid and dihybrid crosses ❎ and gave three principles of inheritance, these are:       (i) Law of Dominance 💪 The dominant characters are expressed when factors are in heterozygous condition. 🔻The recessive characters are only expressed in homozygous conditions. But not in heterozygous condition.       (ii) 🪧Law of segregation: states that when a pair of contrasting factor or gene is brought together in a hybrid, these factors do not blend or mix up but simply associate themselves and remain together and separate at the time of gamete formation.       (iii) Principle of independent ⚖ assortment states that genes of different characters located📍 in different pairs of chromosomes are independent of one another in this segregation during gamete formation. Some terminologies related to inheritance: 🧬 🔻Cross Test: is a cross between F1 hybrid (Aa) and its homozygous recessive parent (aa). It is called test cross because it helps to find out whether the given dominant 💪 phenotype is homozygous or heterozygous. 🔻Monohybrid cross: is when we consider the inheritance of one character at a time in a cross. 🔻Dihybrid Cross: A cross made to study the inheritance of two pairs of contrasting traits.        ______ 🔻🔻Exceptions of Mendel🔻🔻 🔥Incomplete Dominance🔥 🔻When neither of the alleles of a character is completely dominant💪 over the other and the F1 hybrid is intermediate between the two parents, the phenomenon is called incomplete dominance. 👉 Incomplete dominance was first discovered by Correns in Mirabilis jalapa. The plant is called as 4’O clock⏰ plant or ‘Gul-e-Bans’.  Homozygous red (RR) flowered 💐 variety of the plant was crossed with white (rr) flowered variety.  F1 offspring had pink flowers (Rr).  This is called incomplete dominance. 🔻Incomplete dominance is also known to occur in snapdragon🪷.  The phenotypic ratio and genotypic ratio in F2 generation in case of incomplete dominance is 1:2:1. 🔥Co-dominance🔥 🔻In co-dominance both the gene expressed for a particular character in F1 hybrid progeny. There is no blending of characters, whereas both the characters are expressed equally 🟰 🔻Co-dominance is seen in animals🦫 for coat colour. When a black parent is crossed with white parent, a roan color in F1 progeny is produced. 🔥Sex determination🔥 🔻Fixing the sex of an individual as it begins life is called sex determination. The various genetically controlled sex-determination mechanisms have been classified into following categories 🔻Chromosomal theory of sex determination: The X-chromosome was first observed by German biologist,👨‍🔬 Henking in 1891 during the spermatogenesis in male bug and was described as X-body. The chromosome theory of sex determination was worked out by E.B. Wilson and Stevens (1902-1905). 🔻They named the X and Y chromosomes as sex-chromosomes or allosomes and other 🧬 chromosomes of the cell as autosomes. 🔻Sex chromosomes carry genes for sex determination. X-chromosomes carries female👩 determining genes and Y-chromosomes has male 👨 determining genes. 🔻The number of X and Y chromosomes determines the female or male sex of the individual, Autosomes carry genes 🧬 for the somatic characters. These do not have any relation with the sex. 🔥Sex Determination by chromosomes: Those chromosomes which are involved in the determination of sex of an individual are called sex chromosomes while the other chromosomes are called autosomes. 1) XX – XY type:  In most insects 🪰 including fruit fly Drosophila and mammals including human🧍‍♀ beings the females 👱‍♀ possess two homomorphic sex chromosomes, named XX.  The males 🧔‍♂contain two heteromorphic sex chromosomes, i.e., XY. Hence the males produce two types of gametes / sperms, either with X-chromosome or with Y-chromosome, so they are called Heterogamety.  2) ZZ – ZW type:  In birds 🕊and some reptiles, the males are represented as ZZ (homogamety) and females are ZW (heterogamety).
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3)  XX – XO type:  In round worms 🪱 and some insects, the females have two sex chromosomes, XX, while the males have only one sex chromosomes X. There is no second sex chromosome. Therefore, the males are designated as XO.  The females are homogametic because they produce only one type of eggs. 🥚 The males are heterogametic with half the male gametes carrying X-chromosome while the other half being devoid of it.                                 
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🔹List of phrasal verb in grade 12 English book with meaning 🔹 Phrasal Verbs in Units 1-10: 📌 Unit 2: *   break down: stop working (e.g., The car broke down.) *   give out: stop working (e.g., The printer gave out.) *   go on: continue (e.g., The meeting went on for hours.) *   look up to: admire (e.g., He looks up to his father.) *   put through: connect (e.g., Please put me through to the manager.) *   keep off: avoid (e.g., Keep off the grass.) *   look back on: remember (e.g., I look back on my childhood fondly.) 📌 Unit 4: *   stick at: persevere with (e.g., He stuck at his studies despite the difficulty.) *   stick around: stay (e.g., Stick around, the party is just getting started.) *   stick down: attach with glue (e.g., Stick down the envelope flap.) *   stick to: adhere to (e.g., Stick to the plan.) *   stick out: be noticeable (e.g., Her bright red hair stuck out in the crowd.) *   stick together: remain united (e.g., We need to stick together as a team.) *   stick up for: defend (e.g., He stuck up for his friend.) *   stick with: continue supporting (e.g., I'll stick with you no matter what.) *   stick by: remain loyal (e.g., She stuck by her husband through thick and thin.) *   stay up: remain awake (e.g., I stayed up late studying.) *   step on: tread on (e.g., Be careful not to step on the flowers.) *   stop off: make a brief stop (e.g., We stopped off for lunch on our way home.) *   stop over: stay somewhere temporarily (e.g., We stopped over in Dubai for a few days.) 📌 Unit 5: *   zip up: close a zipper (e.g., Zip up your jacket, it's cold outside.) *   work up: gradually develop (e.g., I'm working up the courage to ask her out.) *   wrap up: conclude (e.g., Let's wrap up the meeting.) *   work out: exercise (e.g., I work out at the gym three times a week.) *   work out: solve a problem (e.g., I can't work out this math problem.) *   wipe up: clean up a spill (e.g., Wipe up the spilled milk.) *   wipe out: destroy completely (e.g., The earthquake wiped out the entire village.) *   wipe off: clean something by rubbing (e.g., Wipe off the dust from the table.) *   wear out: become unusable from overuse (e.g., My old shoes are worn out.) 📌 Unit 6: *   take up on: accept an offer (e.g., I'll take you up on your offer to help.) *   talk down to: speak condescendingly (e.g., He talks down to his employees.) *   talk into: persuade (e.g., She talked me into going to the party.) *   talk out of: dissuade (e.g., He talked me out of buying the car.) *   talk to: have a conversation (e.g., I need to talk to you about something important.) *   tear down: demolish (e.g., They're tearing down the old building.) *   tear off: remove by pulling (e.g., Tear off a piece of paper.) *   tell apart: distinguish (e.g., I can't tell the twins apart.) *   tell on: inform on someone (e.g., He told on his brother for breaking the vase.) 📌 Unit 8: *   back on: resume (e.g., Let's get back on topic.) *   away from: avoid (e.g., Stay away from that dog, it bites.) *   out of: run out of something (e.g., We're out of milk.) *   forwarded to: send something on to someone else (e.g., The email was forwarded to me.) *   up with: tolerate (e.g., I can't put up with his rudeness any longer.) *   on with: continue (e.g., Let's get on with the work.) *   down on: criticize (e.g., He's always putting me down.) *   get along with: have a good relationship (e.g., I get along well with my coworkers.) *   turn down: reject (e.g., She turned down his marriage proposal.) *   turn around: change direction (e.g., Turn around, we're going the wrong way.) *   turn up: appear (e.g., He turned up late for the meeting.) *   turn in: submit (e.g., Turn in your assignments by Friday.) *   turn off: stop something from operating (e.g., Turn off the lights when you leave.)
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The human ear👂 💠 Human ears are responsible for: ➣Hearing 🔊 ➣Balance ⚖️ ➣Position of the body 🚶‍♂️ 💠 The Human ear divided into three regions: a) Outer (external ear) Pinna🦻:- ➥ direct sound wave into ear canal. ➥ Helps to know the direction of sound 🔍 Ear canal ➥ Used to direct sound wave to eardrum ➥ Have gland to produce wax inside ear canal. ➥ Trap dust and germs 🦠 ➥ Lubricate the ear drum Ear drum (tympanum) ➥ A tiny and delicate membrane 💧 b) The middle ear (air filled cavity): ➥ It contain three tiny bones (ossicles):-         1) Hummer /malleus : attach to ear drum 🔨         2) Anvil /incus 🔩         3) Stirrup /Stapes : attach to oval window ➥ Eustachian tube; helps to equalize air pressure between outer and middle ear 🌀 c) The inner ear / fluid filled cavity/ It consists:- ➥ Cochlea a coiled tube 🌀         👉 Contain nerve ending of auditory nerve 🧠         👉 It is sensitive to sound vibration 🎵 ➥ Semicircular canal: consists of cell that are sensitive to the motion of body 🚶‍♀️.         👉 The sensory cells of semicircular canals in the inner ear stimulated to initiate a nerve impulse by tilting of cupula 🔄 ➥ Utricullus and sacculus: are concerned with the balance and posture 🏋.         👉 The sensory cells of utricullus and sacculus in the inner ear stimulated to initiate a nerve impulse by tilting of otoliths in opposite direction to the head 🔄. 💠 The sense of balance is also affected by vision 👁 and stretch receptors in the muscles, which constantly help you to be aware of your position . 💠 The path way of sound wave or vibration in the ear: Pinna 👉 ear canal 👉 eardrum 👉 Hummer /malleus 👉 Anvil /incus 👉 Stirrup/stapes 👉 oval window 👉 cochlea 👉 auditory nerve brain 👉 sense of hearing. 💠 Common disorder of the ear:-     ➥ Partial hearing loss is called hearing impairment 🦻     ➥ The total loss of hearing is called deafness 🙉          
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عيدكم مبارك!! تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال!! Iid Mubaarak!! Rabbi toltuu keenyaaf keessan nurraa haa Jaallatu. እንኳን ለ1445ኛው ኢድ አል አድሀ  በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ!
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HORTEE LATIINSA OROMOO ______ Booranii kaa Oromoti Oromoon kaa xaboti Xaboo kaa waaqoti Waaqoo kaa dadhiti Dadhiin kaa uteeti Uteen kaa biteeti Bitee kaa waalabuti Waalabuu kaa jilichati Jilichi kaa daawaroti Dawaroo kaa hoofati Hoofaan kaa sharati Sharaan kaa haadiyati Haadiyaan kaa Rabati Rabaan kaa dooriti Dooriin kaa mormor Mormor kaa mamati Mamaan kaa warari Warar kaa waayuti Wayuun kaa goodedi Gooded kaa maridhati Marin kaa galani Galan kaa waaditi Waadin kaa shunkur Shunkur kaa lmaar Imaar kaa batayi Batay kaa lubaay Lubaay kaa Malik Malik kaa kuush Kuush kaa haamii Haamii kaa nuuhii Nuuhii kaa Malik Malik kaa matoshati Matoshan kaa yahiti Yahati kaa muhalalii Muhalal kaa Akuni Akun kaa Anushi Anush kaa shishiti Horten dhalaa namaa akkati seennaa tatee dhalotaf dabartii????? ==<<<~~~~`=<<<<<<<======= Oromoon ilmaan lama(2)dhale. 1- Booranaafi 2-Bareentuu Booranni Ilmaan 12 dhale Isaanis 1-Wallagga 2-Callabba 3-Goree 4-Goofaa 5-Sidaamoo 6-Arii 7-Dacee 8-Garrii 9-Guraa 10-Giriirraa 11-Naayroobii fi 12-Gujii Bareentuun Ilmaan 5 dhale 1. xummuungaa 2-murawwaa 3-karrayyuu 4-Hunbanna 5-Qal’oo Xummuungaan Ilmaan 3 dhale 1-Arsii 2-Asoosaa 3-Hawaasaa Murawwaan 1 dhale Innis:- Ituudha jedhama Ituun 10 dhale isaanis:- 1-waatee 2-Gaamo 3-Baayee 4-Galaan 5-Addaayyo 6-Baabbo 7-Waaree 8-Algaa 9-Gaaddullaa 10-Elellee Karrayyuun Barentuu Ilmaan 12 dhale 1-Dullachaa 2-Abbichuu 3-Gonbichuu 4-sayyuu 5-Oboo 6-Oborii 7-Jiillee 8-Bullaalla 9-Mucee 10-Galaan 11-Salaalee 12-Wallo Hunbannaan Ilma 1 dhale Innis:- Anniyya jedhama Anniyya 7dhale 1-Malkaa 2-Baabboo 3-Dinbii 4-Baaduu (biduuu) 5-muci 6-Naannaa'a 7-kudheedhee Qallo 4 dhale 1-Ala 2-Daga 3-Oborraa 4-Baabbile Ala 12 dhale 1-Abbayi 2-Nuunnu 3-kaaku 4-Buubbu 5-Diiramu 6-Abbaadho 7-Goollo 8-Eeri 9-Utayyu 10-Galaan 11-Meettaa 12-Arroojji Daga 3 dhale 1-Noolee 2-Jaarsoo 3-Huume Oborraan 3 dhale 1-Akkichu 2-bil'I 3-Dooranii Baabbile 3 dhale 1-Gantuub 2-Hawiyyaa 3-Hawaasilee Arsiin 2 dhale 1-sikkoo 2-mandoo sikko 5 dhale 1-Bullaalla 2-Wucaale 3-wooji 4-Jaawwi 5-Ilaannii Mando 7dhale 1-Raayituu (Raa'idoo) 2-Hawaxxuu 3-Karaara 4-karrayyuu 5-Meettaa 6-Arroojii 7-Garjeeda Akkichuu Oborraa ilma 2 dhale 1-dhaayi 2-biliidaa Dhaayi 3 dhale 1-Dukkoo 2-Kooyee 3-Allaatayya Billiidaan 3 dhale 1-Godaanaa 2-busaa 3-Allaa Gujiin Boorana 3 dhale 1-Hookkuu 2-Uraagaa 3-Matii (maatii) Hookkuun 7dhale 1-Galalcha 2-Oborraa 3-Michille 4-Heeraa 5-Bundhituu 6-Kinnoo 7-Baallaa Uraagaan 6 dhale 1-Goolloo 2-Hallaa'oo 3-Agantuu 4-Daraartuu 5-Sarboortuu 6-Waajituu Maatiin 3 dhale 1-Hirqaantuu 2-Linsoolee 3-Hunde Maddii issaa namaa Oromoo bule irraayyi 👈☜ #share gochuun......
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1. Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis? (a) Ribosomes (b) Mitochondria (c) Golgi apparatus (d) Nucleus 2. What is the semi-permeable barrier that surrounds the cell? (a) Cell membrane (b) Cell wall (c) Cytoplasm (d) Nucleus 3. Which type of cell does not have a nucleus? (a) Prokaryotic cell (b) Eukaryotic cell (c) Plant cell (d) Animal cell 4. What is the function of the cytoskeleton? (a) To store genetic material (b) To transport materials (c) To provide structural support (d) To synthesize proteins 5. Which organelle is responsible for cellular respiration? (a) Mitochondria (b) Chloroplasts (c) Ribosomes (d) Golgi apparatus 6. Which type of cell is found in plants but not in animals? (a) Prokaryotic cell (b) Eukaryotic cell (c) Plant cell (d) Animal cell 7. Which type of cell has a cell wall made of cellulose? (a) Prokaryotic cell (b) Eukaryotic cell (c) Plant cell (d) Animal cell 8. Which type of cell has a large central vacuole? (a) Prokaryotic cell (b) Eukaryotic cell (c) Plant cell (d) Animal cell 9. Which type of cell is specialized for muscle contraction? (a) Muscle cell (b) Nerve cell (c) Red blood cell (d) White blood cell 10. Which type of cell is responsible for fighting infection? (a) Muscle cell (b) Nerve cell (c) Red blood cell (d) White blood cell 11. Which type of microscope uses visible light to magnify objects? (a) Light microscope (b) Electron microscope (c) Scanning probe microscope (d) Fluorescence microscope 12. What is the function of the objective lens? (a) To magnify the image (b) To focus the light (c) To collect light (d) To project the image 13. Which type of microscope has the highest magnification? (a) Light microscope (b) Electron microscope (c) Scanning probe microscope (d) Fluorescence microscope 14. What is the function of the diaphragm? (a) To control the amount of light entering the microscope (b) To focus the light (c) To magnify the image (d) To project the image 15. What is the difference between brightfield and darkfield microscopy? (a) Brightfield microscopy uses transmitted light, while darkfield microscopy uses reflected light. (b) Darkfield microscopy uses transmitted light, while brightfield microscopy uses reflected light. (c) Brightfield microscopy has a higher resolution than darkfield microscopy. (d) Darkfield microscopy has a higher resolution than brightfield microscopy. 📘Answer Key: 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. d 11. a 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. a
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 1. Examples include Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Haemophilus ducreyi A,  Kingdom Monera B, Kingdom Protista C,Kingdom Fungi D, Kingdom Plantae 2,Consists usually unicellular & eukaryotic ( do have nucleus A,. Kingdom Monera B,Kingdom Plantae C, Kingdom Protista D,Kingdom Fungi 3, Etodon concinnus,and Funaria species examples A,Pteridophyta B,Gymnospermae C,Bryophyta D,Spermatophytes 4, They have small needle-shaped leaves with a thick waxy cuticle that reduces water loss and minimises damage by excess heat or cold A,Angiospermae(flowering plants) B,Gymnospermae(coniferopyta) C,the sponges D,xylem 5, They have only one opening, the mouth, and their bodies have radial symmetry A, Phylum Porifera B,Phylum Coelenterate C, Phylum Platyhelminthes D, Phylum nematoda 6,They don’t have a circulatory system but they do have a complete digestive system. A Phylum Annelida B, Phylum nematoda C, Phylum Mollusca D, Phylum Echinodermata 7, they have a mouth, a gut and an anus A, Phylum Arthropoda B, Phylum Chordata C, Class Arachnida D, Phylum Echinodermata 8,They have an external exoskeleton made of chitin that prevents excessive water loss A, Phylum Echinodermata B, Class crustacea C, Phylum Arthropoda D, Phylum Annelida 9, They have developed internal fertilisation A,Class Reptilia B,Class Mammalia C,Egg-laying mammals D,Higher mammals Unit 6 1,occur between members of the same specie A, Interspecific factor B,Intraspecific factor C,Parasitism D,Mutualism 2,The process which release carbon dioxide to atmosphere is: A. Photosynthesis B. Combustion C. Respiration D.B and C 3,Which of the following groups has the highest efficiency of obtaining energy from grasses? A. Omnivorous B. Herbivores C. Primary carnivores D. Secondary carnivores The next four questions are based on the following groups of organisms. I. Molluscs II. Birds III. Angiosperm IV. Fishes V. Ferns VI. Mosses VII. Arthropods VIII.gymnosperm 4,Which of the above groups belong to the animal kingdom? A. I,II,III& VII B. I,III,IV&VII C. I,II,IV&VIII D. I,II,IV&VII 5. The best category for classifying the monocotyledons is : A. Group VIII B. Group V C. Group III D. Group IV 6. The biological field that studies about the groups listed under III,V,VI&VIII is: A. Zoology B. Microbiology C. Botany D. Entomology 6. True roots, stem and leaves are found in : A. III,V&VI B. III, IV& VI C. III, V&VII D. III,V&VI   
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Barattoota Kutaa 12ffaa Foormii Qorumsa Biyyoolessaa Kan  Bara 2016 Guuttan Hundaaf: ■. Qormaanni moodeela kutaa 12ffaa bara kanaa  guutuu Oromiyaatti guyyaa  21-23/09/2016ti  akka kennamu sagantaa mana barumsaan isin beeksisuun keenya ni yaadatama. ■. Waan ta'eef barattoonni keenya hundinuu  mirgaa fi dirqama barataa yeroo qormaataa hubachuun/ yaadachuun hojiirra oolchuu qabdan. ■ Qormaanni moodelaa kun shaakalli qorumsa biyyoolessaa waan ta'eef waaree duraa fi booda sa'a 2: 30/ 7:30 irraa eegalee kennama.          1. Dirqama Barataa   ~ Qorumsaaf of qopheessuun Yeroon iddoo qorumsaatti argamuu. ~ Uffataa danbii/uniform uffachuu. ~ Meeshaalee qorumsarratti hin hayyamamne qabatanii argamuu dhabuu   Fkn.  -Bilbila kamiyyuu             - Dabtara             - kitaaba             - yaadannoo              - Calculator fi kkf. ~  Ofitti amanuun of danda'uun kan ofii  qofa hojjachuu. ~ Sa'atii qorumsaaf hayyamame keessatti qorumsa xumuree/tee kennuu.              2. Mirga Barataa   ~ Qorumsi …

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