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VostokFront Podcast

VostokFront, a podcast and channel about everything Eastern Europe. We aim to make Slavdom as a whole coherent and understandable for those inside and outside of the general Slavic community. We are dedicated to the truth and nothing less.

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4/4 The new Hetman was hated by the soldiers, and it was the soldiers themselves who were brewing a plot to overthrow the Hetman and place Archduke Wilhelm as the Habsburg sovereign of Ukraine. The Archduke was uncertain of this and sought the advice of Charles I, who worried that it might lead to deep disagreements with Germany. However, it was hoped that a Habsburg Ukraine could be used to counter German power in a post-Central Powers victory in Europe. Wilhelm and his men were recalled from Ukraine in October of the same year due to revolutionary conditions in the region and were moved to the Austrian Duchy of Bukovina, where Wilhelm was hospitalized due to tuberculosis. Despite this, he still worked from his sickbed and helped set the stage for Ukrainians in Lemberg to create the West Ukrainian People's Republic, the very same one we spoke of in the first episode of our podcast. Unfortunately for Wilhelm, Austria fell apart and lost the war while he was in his sickbed, and his dreams of ruling Ukraine were crushed, though he would never accept it. After this point in his life, Wilhelm tried to do a lot to further the Ukrainian cause, writing books, working for the government in exile, collaborating with Bandera, and more. Unfortunately for him, he eventually met his end at the hands of Soviet authorities in 1948, where he was put to death for his agitations and collaboration with the OUN.
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3/3 Much like today, Ukrainians lay claim to Kursk, Donbass, and Rostov on Don. In this, we can see that the blame for the creation of a Ukrainian state cannot fall solely on the Soviets, though they have their fault in this project. The Austrians and the Polish are as much, if not more, to blame for creating this entity. Wilhelm saw himself as an ideal candidate for the role of head of state of this new duchy, firstly because he was already a member of the ruling family and secondly as a person who knew the language and had sway over the Ukrainians. This was similar to how Archduke Karl Stephan was the main candidate for the new Polish crown when the Kingdom of Poland was restored. As the war continued and the Russian Empire fell apart due to the introduction of communist radicals by Germany, a Ukrainian People's Republic emerged. Following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsky, Austria and Germany started to help this nascent Ukrainian military in its war against the Bolsheviks. The now-Captain Archduke Wilhelm was placed in charge of the newly created Battle Group Archduke Wilhelm, specially created by Emperor Charles I, and provided with 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers and officers from the Austrian Sich Riflemen. This unit was directed to the south, where they participated in operations against Bolshevik forces. First, his forces entered Kherson and later moved to Aleksandrovsk (today Zaporizhia). There, Wilhelm embarked on a humanitarian campaign, building a reputation with the locals and ensuring that no abuses were committed against them. These actions were so effective that locals gave him the nickname Knyaz Vasyl. In April 1918, a coup overthrew the Ukrainian republican government and placed the former Imperial Russian general of the Svita, Pavlo Skoropadsky, in charge as the Hetman of Ukraine. During this period, the Germans worried that Wilhelm would launch a coup against the new Hetman and install himself as the new Hetman of this fledgling state.
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2/3 This interested the empire's small and impoverished Ukrainian population, who gave him the nickname "the Red Prince." The Habsburg family accepted this interest, encouraged it, and groomed him for a leadership role among the empire's Ukrainian subjects. Wilhelm took up studies at the Vienna War College, and while he was studying, the First World War broke out. Upon graduation in 1915, he went to the front, starting his military service in a company of the 13th Galicia Lancer Regiment. This regiment was majority ethnic Ukrainian, and it is very likely that his comrades-in-arms had a great influence on him during this period. While serving in this regiment, Wilhelm started to read the works of many Ukrainian writers such as Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Ivan Franko, Taras Shevchenko, and many others. This, of course, reinforced his love and admiration for Ukrainians, and because of this, his soldiers gave him a Ukrainian Vyshyvanka shirt as a gift, which he wore under his uniform for a long time thereafter. It was also during this period that he adopted the name Vasyl and asked those around him to refer to him by this name. In 1916, Wilhelm returned from the front lines. As per Habsburg House rules, any male who reached the age of 21 automatically became a deputy member of the upper house of the Austrian parliament. In his parliamentary service, he worked closely with the Ukrainian deputies of the Austrian parliament and the Metropolitan bishop Andrey Sheptytsky. He also served as a liaison between Ukrainian community leaders and the Austrian Emperor Charles I. Wilhelm believed that the most acceptable solution to the "Ukrainian problem" was the creation of an autonomous Grand Duchy of Ukraine with federalist principles within the Habsburg state. This duchy was to include not only Austrian lands with a Ukrainian population but also the lands in the Russian Empire that Ukrainians claimed.
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1/3 I would like to bring to everyone's attention a very interesting character in Eastern European history who was a key factor in many of the events we have spoken of on this channel: the little-known Austrian Archduke Wilhelm Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen, or as he is better known, at least by his enemies, Vasyl Vyshyvanyi. This enigmatic character was a product of the Habsburg system of rule in Austria-Hungary, a policy ensuring that some branch of the ruling family would hold sway with one of the empire's many ethnic groups. While the more famous Franz Ferdinand held sway with the Czechs, Archduke Wilhelm held sway with the Ukrainians. This was not initially intended to be the case, though. Archduke Wilhelm was the youngest son of Archduke Karl Stephan and Archduchess Maria Theresia, a Princess of Tuscany. Born in 1895 on a family estate on Lošinj island, then called Littoral, Wilhelm was raised on his parental estate in the Austrian city of Saybusch in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, also known as Austrian Galicia or Austrian Poland. His father was a staunch Polish patriot who, accommodating the rise of nationalism in the 19th century, decided that his family would meld Habsburg dynastic loyalty with a Polish national identity. Accordingly, he forced his children to learn Polish at a young age and tried to instill in them a sense of Polish identity. This worked well with his eldest son, Karl-Albrecht, who became a Polish officer and refused to renounce his loyalty even after being arrested by the Gestapo many years later. Wilhelm, however, being the youngest child, decided to rebel against this family plan and instead took an interest in and identified with the Poles' natural enemies, the Ukrainians. Wilhelm was taught from a young age that Ukrainians were bandits and robbers. However, after a trip through Vorokhta and a few Hutsul villages, he decided these accusations were false and developed an acute Ukrainophilia.
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Ожидаем прибытия французского контингента в Хазарию. Никаких сомнений нет, при встрече с нами большинство отправится вслед за Сезаром Ожаром. А когда закончится война, и вернется старый добрый околофутбол, отвечать придется «зуавам». Не прошло и месяца, как в центре Парижа прошла самая масштабная акция французских правых за многие годы — 1200 человек. Это ежегодное мероприятие в память об убитом Себастьяне Дейзье и всех погибших правых активистах. Возникает вопрос, а как же происходит объединение против России между человеком Ротшильдов господином Макроном и французскими националистами? Вообще активная работа хазар среди лягушатников была видна все эти годы с 2014 по 2024, они фактически «переобули» всю страну, за исключением ряда авторитетных людей. Но нам интересно задать французским правым вопросы: — Россия организовала на протяжении 50 лет массовый завоз мигрантов из Африки? — Россия легализовала банды по всей Франции, убивающие коренное население? — Россия продвигает пропаганду ЛГБТ в ваших школах? — Россия занимается гендерной политикой и вводит понятия «родитель 1» и «родитель 2»? Французские националисты, так почему же вы не воюете против тех, кто все это устроил? У нас есть хороший пример — Гавриил Дорошин. Воюющий на стороне добра этнический русский, потомок царя Николая Первого, в прошлом участник движения французских националистов GUD. English version Вступление в батальон Отбоя не было! Борьба продолжается! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
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🇷🇺 В середине мая мы писали, что наши парни пошли на второй круг. Состав уже опытный. В наши ряды вливаются новые опытные бойцы, успевшие поработать в зоне проведения СВО. При этом подтягиваются и парни с амбициями и горящими глазами со всех сторон нашей необъятной Родины. У всех огромная мотивация на работу, никто не хочет отбывать номер. Драться хотят все. За тот небольшой промежуток времени, что парни находятся там, они успели поучаствовать в работе Северного Шторма, наводя с помощью БПЛА на цели артиллерию. Находясь на НП и делая вылазки, раскрывали позиции врага. Как и на прошлом витке фото и видеоматериалы будут появляться с задержкой. Это необходимо для безопасности работающих бойцов. На новом месте мы начинаем работать, как привыкли это делать в мирной жизни и в околоспорте. Здесь есть всё: разведка и БПЛА (скауты и герои-выскочки), СПН (первый ряд), артиллерия и тяжёлая техника (основной состав). Теперь мы делаем то, что являлось нашим хобби — зашли разведкой, нашли врага, отзвонились, навели-подтащили основной состав, разбили врага и спокойно ушли. И тогда, и сейчас после нашей работы на земле лежат поверженные тела наших оппонентов. Только тогда это были просто драки, а сейчас война. English version Вступление в батальон Отбоя не было! Борьба продолжается! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
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Repost from АРХЭ
Проект православного храма в Териберке. Вдохновлен обликом утраченного Храма Успения Пресвятой Богородицы в Карелии и отсылает к традициям древнерусской деревянной архитектуры, типичной для северных регионов страны. Как вам?
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