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TUF BSC Contract Simulator

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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: LOCO META Contract: 0x58115cd88e2e912f8124ae35623829b93d83203e Total Supply: 2000000 LOM Decimals: 9 Owner 9.988800 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Currently there is no limitation on max wallet -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 0.50% Sell Tax: 🔴 -------------------------------------------------------- ❗️❗️❗️❗️⚠️ALERT⚠️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Possible SCAM! Unable to sell currently!! -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x7b5837b7 Functions: 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xa457c2d7 - decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0xb6c52324 - geUnlockTime() 0x893d20e8 - getOwner() 0x39509351 - increaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0xdd467064 - lock(uint256) 0x40c10f19 - mint(address,uint256) 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x1ee59f20 - newun() 0x8da5cb5b - owner() 0x8456cb59 - pause() 0x5c975abb - paused() 0x715018a6 - renounceOwnership() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) 0xf2fde38b - transferOwnership(address) 0x81f4f399 - transfernewun(address) 0xa69df4b5 - unlock() 0x3f4ba83a - unpause() -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Locos por el heavy 2022-05-19 | 4 user LocoMeta Global🚞 2022-04-01 | 36152 user Salas PV de multijugador 2021-08-02 | 3 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: twitterofficial Contract: 0x378a193aab7631b1d784d5eb4dca048f69282bbe Total Supply: 1000000000 twt Decimals: 9 Owner 0.072399 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Currently there is no limitation on max wallet -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 0.50% Sell Tax: 0.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ⚠️Very Low buy & sell tax!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful low tax buy tokens might change with additional transaction!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful with the frontrunner bots!⚠️ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x8b135514 Functions: 0x3eaaf86b - _totalSupply() 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0x06fdde03 - name() 0xe6cb9013 - safeAdd(uint256,uint256) 0xb5931f7c - safeDiv(uint256,uint256) 0xd05c78da - safeMul(uint256,uint256) 0xa293d1e8 - safeSub(uint256,uint256) 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Twitter 2021-12-05 | 0 user TWITTER 2020-10-17 | 0 user Twitter Official 2020-10-06 | 0 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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Dear Users! Please note the simulation running right after the token deployment!! The most accurate simulation will be always in our tool where you can anytime you can check the changes related to the contract simulated. For more info please watch our videos on Youtube and visit our webpage!! Website:
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: Contract: 0x4d238650f2f19fc2496b1a412e6c5c8ad9830ec4 Total Supply: 1000000000 STC Decimals: 18 Owner 9.896946 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Currently there is no limitation on max wallet -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 0.50% Sell Tax: 🔴 -------------------------------------------------------- ❗️❗️❗️❗️⚠️ALERT⚠️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Possible SCAM! Unable to sell currently!! -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x7815779 Functions: 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0xb62496f5 - automatedMarketMakerPairs(address) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xa457c2d7 - decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x39509351 - increaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x8da5cb5b - owner() 0x715018a6 - renounceOwnership() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) 0xf2fde38b - transferOwnership(address) 0x49bd5a5e - uniswapV2Pair() 0x1694505e - uniswapV2Router() 0xe9ad215e - unknown_e9ad215e(?) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Step app 2022-05-09 | 23 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: Happy Pizza Coin Contract: 0x37b08ce6f74e694006926916f90842fb83d93f32 Total Supply: 1000000000000 HPC Decimals: 9 Owner 1.167687 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Max Tx: 2.00% - 20000000000.0000 Max Wallet: 4.00% - 40000000000.0000 -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 4.48% Sell Tax: 4.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ✅Average buy tax ✅ ✅Average sell tax!✅ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x8cd98552 Functions: 0x768dc710 - _isExcludedFromFee(address) 0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() 0x78109e54 - _maxWalletToken() 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xa457c2d7 - decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x220f6696 - inSwapAndLiquify() 0x39509351 - increaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x8da5cb5b - owner() 0xdafd18e9 - remove_Random_Tokens(address,uint256) 0x715018a6 - renounceOwnership() 0x4a74bb02 - swapAndLiquifyEnabled() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) 0x49bd5a5e - uniswapV2Pair() 0x1694505e - uniswapV2Router() 0x21dbd9eb - unknown_21dbd9eb(?) 0x3f70a495 - unknown_3f70a495(?) 0x60317625 - unknown_60317625(?) 0x61c9a0dc - unknown_61c9a0dc(?) 0x805c0e0f - unknown_805c0e0f(?) 0xb1cb1582 - unknown_b1cb1582(?) 0xb43665e2 - unknown_b43665e2(?) 0xbbb9f61f - unknown_bbb9f61f(?) 0xc6618d60 - unknown_c6618d60(?) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Happy Pizza Coin 2022-05-22 | 4 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: GameSol Contract: 0x6a576c6f914e8e3475c464703fa93d5cff804648 Total Supply: 500000000 GSL Decimals: 9 Owner 83.224997 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Currently there is no limitation on max wallet -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 0.50% Sell Tax: 0.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ⚠️Very Low buy & sell tax!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful low tax buy tokens might change with additional transaction!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful with the frontrunner bots!⚠️ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x8c8125eb Functions: 0x32424aa3 - _decimals() 0xd28d8852 - _name() 0xb09f1266 - _symbol() 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0xc6ef2061 - burnLP(uint256) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xa457c2d7 - decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x39509351 - increaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x8da5cb5b - owner() 0xb8c9d25c - pancakePair() 0x7e95c6b4 - sl() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x0d4da3dc - theSL(bool) 0x55a373d6 - tokenContract() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 💣5 जोड़ी सट्टा किंग ग्रुप 💣 2022-03-17 | 0 user Game Solv 2021-12-16 | 1 user GameSol Chat 2021-11-25 | 3453 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: LunaLotto Contract: 0xc2f8ad047810083714a3ceba68dbda2c481f64e6 Total Supply: 100000000000 LunaLotto Decimals: 18 Owner 0.841651 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Max Tx: 3.00% - 3000000000.0000 Max Wallet: 3.00% - 3000000000.0000 -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 10.45% Sell Tax: 10.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ✅Average buy tax ✅ ✅Average sell tax!✅ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x834aedae Functions: 0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() 0x78109e54 - _maxWalletToken() 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x571ac8b0 - approveMax(address) 0xca33e64c - autoLiquidityReceiver() 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0xf0fc6bca - claimDividend() 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xd0e30db0 - deposit() 0xe2d2e219 - dividendsPerShare() 0x11ce023d - dividendsPerShareAccuracyFactor() 0x2b112e49 - getCirculatingSupply() 0xd51ed1c8 - getLiquidityBacking(uint256) 0x28fd3198 - getUnpaidEarnings(address) 0x1161ae39 - isOverLiquified(uint256,uint256) 0x2f54bf6e - isOwner(address) 0xe96fada2 - marketingFeeReceiver() 0x4fab0ae8 - minDistribution() 0xffd49c84 - minPeriod() 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x8da5cb5b - owner() 0xa8aa1b31 - pair() 0xffb2c479 - process(uint256) 0xf887ea40 - router() 0x2d48e896 - setDistributionCriteria(uint256,uint256) 0x2d48e896 - setDistributionCriteria(uint256,uint256) 0x9d1944f5 - setDistributorSettings(uint256) 0x6fcba377 - setFees(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) 0xf708a64f - setIsDividendExempt(address,bool) 0x658d4b7f - setIsFeeExempt(address,bool) 0x50db71fb - setIsTimelockExempt(address,bool) 0xf84ba65d - setIsTxLimitExempt(address,bool) 0x14b6ca96 - setShare(address,uint256) 0xdf20fd49 - setSwapBackSettings(bool,uint256) 0x201e7991 - setTargetLiquidity(uint256,uint256) 0x5c85974f - setTxLimit(uint256) 0xce7c2ac2 - shares(address) 0x6ddd1713 - swapEnabled() 0x0445b667 - swapThreshold() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0xefca2eed - totalDistributed() 0x997664d7 - totalDividends() 0x1df4ccfc - totalFee() 0x3a98ef39 - totalShares() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) 0xf2fde38b - transferOwnership(address) 0x6bf2bf21 - unknown_6bf2bf21(?) 0xa06390a1 - unknown_a06390a1(?) 0xa4d9b271 - unknown_a4d9b271(?) 0xdbe5662a - unknown_dbe5662a(?) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Luna Lotton Onlyfans Free 2022-05-02 | 3 user Luna Lotton 💦🔞 2022-04-04 | 7 user Terra Lottery 2021-05-27 | 69 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: Pluto Inu Contract: 0x7f3a08b3691915f1428b92ceb1b73cb584460b34 Total Supply: 1000000000000 $PLUTO Decimals: 18 Owner 0.486261 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Max Tx: 1.00% - 10000000000.0000 Max Wallet: 10.00% - 100000000000.0000 -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 9.45% Sell Tax: 9.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ✅Average buy tax ✅ ✅Average sell tax!✅ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x670feb6a Functions: 0xd1475185 - _developmentFee() 0x6bc87c3a - _liquidityFee() 0x7d1db4a5 - _maxTxAmount() 0x3b124fe7 - _taxFee() 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xa457c2d7 - decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x3bd5d173 - deliver(uint256) 0x437823ec - excludeFromFee(address) 0x52390c02 - excludeFromReward(address) 0xea2f0b37 - includeInFee(address) 0x3685d419 - includeInReward(address) 0x39509351 - increaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x5342acb4 - isExcludedFromFee(address) 0x88f82020 - isExcludedFromReward(address) 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x8da5cb5b - owner() 0x4549b039 - reflectionFromToken(uint256,bool) 0x715018a6 - renounceOwnership() 0x4680ff35 - setDevelopmentFeePercent(uint256) 0x8ee88c53 - setLiquidityFeePercent(uint256) 0xd543dbeb - setMaxTxPercent(uint256) 0xc49b9a80 - setSwapAndLiquifyEnabled(bool) 0x061c82d0 - setTaxFeePercent(uint256) 0x4a74bb02 - swapAndLiquifyEnabled() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x2d838119 - tokenFromReflection(uint256) 0x13114a9d - totalFees() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) 0xf2fde38b - transferOwnership(address) 0x49bd5a5e - uniswapV2Pair() 0x1694505e - uniswapV2Router() -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Pluto Inu | Portal 2022-05-22 | 3 user Pluto Inu 2022-03-09 | 221 user Pluto Inu 2022-03-09 | 37 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: Luna 2.0 Contract: 0xbab2895cbae773d7fccc817eab951f6360a34929 Total Supply: 1000000000 LUNA2 Decimals: 18 Owner 0.059550 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Currently there is no limitation on max wallet -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 0.50% Sell Tax: 0.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ⚠️Very Low buy & sell tax!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful low tax buy tokens might change with additional transaction!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful with the frontrunner bots!⚠️ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0xb3ccbec1 Functions: 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0x27e235e3 - balances(address) 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Terra Luna 2.0 2022-05-19 | 349 user Luna 2.0 Global 🌕🌕🌕 2022-05-17 | 2705 user Luna 2.0 2022-05-11 | 142 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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🟡—-BSC—-🟡 Token Name: APTOS Contract: 0x42944f0b8913597d8a7313ffd089037e71851a62 Total Supply: 99999 APTOS Decimals: 18 Owner 0.548543 BNB -------------------------------------------------------- Max Tx: 9.09% - 9088.7091 Max Wallet: 9.09% - 9088.7091 -------------------------------------------------------- Buy Tax: 0.50% Sell Tax: 0.00% -------------------------------------------------------- ⚠️Very Low buy & sell tax!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful low tax buy tokens might change with additional transaction!⚠️ ⚠️Be careful with the frontrunner bots!⚠️ -------------------------------------------------------- Checksum: 0x45c8f1ea Functions: 0xb2bdfa7b - _owner() 0xdd62ed3e - allowance(address,address) 0x095ea7b3 - approve(address,uint256) 0x70a08231 - balanceOf(address) 0xa6f9dae1 - changeOwner(address) 0x340ac20f - changeRouter(address) 0xb7d2a60a - changeswapAction() 0x48c54b9d - claimTokens() 0x313ce567 - decimals() 0xa457c2d7 - decreaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x437823ec - excludeFromFee(address) 0xd216ce6f - getInviter(address) 0xea2f0b37 - includeInFee(address) 0x39509351 - increaseAllowance(address,uint256) 0x5342acb4 - isExcludedFromFee(address) 0x06fdde03 - name() 0x34fcf437 - setRate(uint256) 0x78e97925 - startTime() 0x95d89b41 - symbol() 0x2d838119 - tokenFromReflection(uint256) 0x13114a9d - totalFees() 0x18160ddd - totalSupply() 0xa9059cbb - transfer(address,uint256) 0x23b872dd - transferFrom(address,address,uint256) 0xd65014c3 - transferIn(uint256) 0x9d87cb3d - transferOut(uint256) 0x49bd5a5e - uniswapV2Pair() 0x5e631352 - uniswapV2PairSync() 0x56d7f5c6 - unknown_56d7f5c6(?) 0x6ff6819f - unknown_6ff6819f(?) 0x87c38e30 - unknown_87c38e30(?) 0xa888828b - unknown_a888828b(?) 0x835fc6ca - withdrawal(uint256) -------------------------------------------------------- 📊Charts PooCoin| BscScan -------------------------------------------------------- 💬Possible Telegram groups:💬 Aptos 2022-04-16 | 13243 user Aptos Russian 2022-04-04 | 5021 user Aptos Vietnam 🇻🇳 2022-03-30 | 1459 user -------------------------------------------------------- 🚨DISCLAIMER🚨 All info provided in this channel about new listings is from the blockchain. The provided information not financial advise! Use the tools with responsibility and research before investing.
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