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حاولت أنظم قدر المستطاع الملاحظات والتفريغات اللي نزلت من زمايلنا الله يكرمهم يارب ويجزيهم كل خير هتلاقوها في جزء Notes والريتن، الله يوفقنا جميعا يارب ويكرمنا ويتم السنة على خير يارب ،آمين.
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ريتن العامة ورقتين عليها 7 درجات ريتن " مش هيخرج منهم الامتحان بإذن الله " ودعواتكم ❤️
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🎯Most common cause of Ischemic stroke —> Thrombosis 🎯Most common site of thrombotic stroke —> Branch points of arteries 🎯Most common site (affected) of Embolic stroke —> Middle cerebral artery 🎯Most common source of Embolic stroke —> Heart (cardiac emboli) 🎯Most common Used Modality in stroke (Ischemic or hgic) —> Non contrast CT 🎯Most Sensitive Modality in Ischemic stroke —> (DWI)-MR 🎯Commonest cerebrovascular accident —> Cerebral thrombosis 🎯Thrombotic stroke —> Stuttering intermittent progression of neurological deficits 🎯Embolic stroke —> Immediate onset of neurological deficits 🎯Infarction in CT —> HYPOdense ( BLACK ) ⬇️Density 🎯MRI is more sensitive than CT in Thrombotic stroke 🎯Thrombophilla workup —> Unexplained stroke 🎯Thrombectomy —> Large artery occlusion in anterior cerebral circulation 🎯No Benefit of Immediate Anticoagulants in acute Ischemic stoke 🎯Give Antihypertensive drugs —> BP > 200/120 ——————————————- 📍Commonest artery causing ICH —> Lenticulo-striate branch of MCA 📍Commonest cause of spontaneous cerebral hge —> Hypertension 📍The most common location of intracerbral hemorrhage —> Basal ganglia 📍Hemorrhagic stroke in CT —> HYPERdense ( WHITE ) ⬆️Density 📍CT is better than MRI in Hgic stroke 📍Angiography —> in ACUTE hge without prominent cause in CT/MRI 📍Hgic stroke —> loss of consciousness 📍Steroid must be avoided in hgic stroke 📍Nuchal rigidity —> hgic stroke 📍In TIA —> carotid endarterectomy / carotid artery stenting —> If carotid stenosis > 70% ——————————————- 📌Most common cause of Hemiplegia —> Stroke 📌Most common type of hemiplegia —> capsular lesions 📌Cortical lesions —> ✅convulsions, aphasia, ❌not complete hemiplegia 📌Capsular lesions —> ❌convulsion, aphasia, coma, ✅complete hemiplegia 📌Monoplegia —> cortical hemiplegia 📌Weber —> occlumotor nerve 📌Foville —> conjugate eye movement 📌Benedict —> red nucleus affection 📌Wallenberg —> Horner syndrome 📌Brown sequard —> contralateral superficial sensation 📌All Hemiplegia are contralateral except spinal cord 📌Neural shock —> complete loss of tone, loss of deep reflexes 📌Gait —> circumduction 📌Superficial reflexes —> +babinski sign, loss of abdominal & cremastirc reflexes ——————————————- 🔺Most common cause of SAH —> Raptured Cerebral Aneurysm 🔺The greatest cause of neurological comorbidity —> Focal cerebral ischemia 🔺SAH triad —> ⬆️sudden Headache, ⬇️ Consciousness, stiff neck/menigism 🔺Headache —> starts from back of the head 🔺AVM —> 1st & 2nd decades 🔺Aneurysmal —> 4th & 5th decades 🔺Nimodipine —> prevent Vasospasm 🔺Avoid Straining or coughing❌ 🔺Give stool softeners —> ⬇️ ICP 🔺SAH—> Pyrogenic reaction ( fever )✅ Neck rigidity ✅ Opsitotonus ✅ Flame like retinal hge ✅ + kernig ✅ + Brudziniski ✅ CN 2,3,4,6✅ Xanthochromia & ⬆️protein✅ Normal suger & chloride✅ Hyper or isodnse (WHITE) on CT✅ Lumber puncture✅ بص هنا || وهنا بردو
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🧠 مقارنه مهمه بين الclinical presentation بتاعت كل منطقه في الHemiplegia
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مقارنه Hemiplegia.pdf3.20 KB
تجميعه الارقام ف السايكو
Major depressive episodes
🔺=> 2 weeks 🔺=> 5 symptoms —> (Depressed mood/loss of interest) + 4 symptoms) ————————
Manic episode
🔺=> 1 week 🔺Elated —> 3 symptoms 🔺Irritable —> 4 symptoms ————————
Dysthymic disorder
🔺=> 2 years 🔺Depressed mood + (=> 2 symptoms) ————————
Minor depressive disorder
🔺=> 2 weeks 🔺< 5 symptoms ————————
Recurrent brief depressive disorder
🔺< 2 weeks 🔺recurrent episodes of depression ————————
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
🔺Last week of luteal phase 🔺end within few days of the onset of menses ————————
Cyclothymic disorder
🔺=> 2 years 🔺Episodes of hypomania and depression 🔺Symptoms are not sufficient to diagnose ➖➖➖➖➖➖
🔺=> 6 months 🔺=> 2 symptoms ————————
Brief psychotic disorder
🔺1 day - 1 months 🔺=> 1 symptoms ————————
Schizophreniform disorder
🔺1 month - 6 months 🔺same symptoms as schizophrenic ————————
Delusional disorder
🔺=> 1 month 🔺Non-bizarre delusions ————————
Schizoaffective disorder
🔺(Mood disturbance + schizophrenic symptoms) or (2 weeks delusion/hallucinations only) ————————
Postpartum psychosis
🔺1st 4 weeks after childbirth ➖➖➖➖➖➖
🔺obsessions or compulsions time consuming —> > 1 hour ————————
🔺Duration of disturbance (criteria) —> > 1 Month 🔺Delayed expression PTSD —> => 6 months after event ————————
Acute stress disorder
🔺3 days - 1 month after trauma ————————
Adjustment disorder
🔺Within 3 months of the onset of the stressor 🔺Once stressor terminates —> Symptoms don't persist =< 6 month
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