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CrossCulture Programme 2024' Bunday deyarli 80 kun oldin Olmoniya tarafidan qöllab-quvvatlanadigan bir dasturga ariza topshirgandim. Oʻshanda dastur talablariga javob bera olmasligimni bilgan holda ataylab arizani töldirdim. Bir tajriba ötkazmoqchi edim, ötkazdim ham. Sinov tajribamning maqsadi - qabul qömitasining qanchalik eʼtibor bilan ishlashini örganishga qaratilgan edi. Ochiğini aytsam, könglimda "qabul qilinsam, ketaman", degan umid ham yöq emasdi. Shaxsiy maʼlumotlarimni özgartirib yozdim. Yosh chegarasi bor edi va mening yoshim yetmasdi. Shunga özimni 2001-yilda emas, 2000-yilda tuğilganman deya yozdim. Kutib yurgandim, qachon javobi chiqarkan deb. Oxiri bugun ertalab keldi:
Hurmatli Shaxzod Mirzaev, CrossCulture dasturiga qiziqishingiz hamda arizangizga sarflagan vaqtingiz uchun tashakkur. Arizangiz diqqatga sazovor bölishiga qaramay, biz sizning nomzodligingizni körib chiqishni davom ettira olmaymiz.
Xullasi kalom, gapimning asosiy qismiga kelsam, "nega bunaqa tajriba qilding?",- deb sörasangiz, shunaqa dasturlarda xato maʼlumotlar, avvalgi topshirilgan hujjatlar, eski xatlar bilan ariza topshirib muvaffaqiyatli ötib ketgan döstlarim bor. Bu dasturda ham shunaqa tasodiflar bölib qolar deb öyladim. Shu joyda Benjamin Franklinning zör bir gapi esimga tushdi: Honesty is the best policy. Shunday ekan, ğirromlik qilishga urinmang, hattoki öylamang ham! #talabalarga_maslahatlar @shmirzayevofficialblog
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Shu dasturga topshirganlar bormi oramizda? Sizlarga qanday javoblar keldi?
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LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively The video, "LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively," tackles a fundamental challenge faced by experts: how to bridge the gap between their writing for their own thought processes and writing for an audience. Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago Writing Program, argues that conventional writing instruction often misses the mark with experts. The Problem: Experts Write Differently McEnerney asserts that experts, including academics, use writing in a unique way. They primarily use writing as a tool for *thinking*, crafting a personal space to organize and explore their ideas. This often results in writing that is clear and logical for the writer but dense and opaque for an external audience. The Disconnected Reader: The video highlights the critical disconnect between the writer's focus on internal clarity and the reader's need for clear communication and persuasive arguments. McEnerney uses the example of a historian writing about maize plot rents in Mexico. While the topic might be clear to the historian, it lacks immediate relevance and fails to engage the reader without establishing its significance. Shifting Gears: From Thinking to Communication The core message of the video revolves around the crucial shift that experts need to make when transitioning from writing for themselves to writing for an audience. This shift requires them to: * Identify the Audience and Their Needs: Understanding the target audience's knowledge level, interests, and expectations is crucial. The writing should cater to these needs and bridge any knowledge gaps. * Focus on Value and Relevance: Experts often assume their subject matter inherently holds value for the reader. However, explicitly demonstrating the significance and relevance of the topic is vital for capturing the reader's attention and investment. * Clarity and Concision: Dense, jargon-filled writing might hinder comprehension. McEnerney emphasizes the importance of clear, concise, and engaging language that resonates with the audience. * Persuasion and Action: Many types of writing, like grant proposals or policy papers, aim to influence the reader's behavior or decision-making. The writing should be structured and presented in a way that effectively persuades the reader to take the desired action. Beyond the Basics: McEnerney goes beyond technical writing skills and delves into the strategic aspects of effective communication. He advises experts to: * Identify Power Dynamics: Recognizing who holds the power within their target audience allows experts to tailor their writing accordingly, addressing the needs and concerns of those who can influence the outcome. * Strategic Use of Language: McEnerney suggests using "code language" strategically to subtly convey the complexity and potential challenges associated with their work, potentially increasing the perceived value of their expertise. Conclusion: "LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively" emphasizes the transformative power of shifting one's focus from internal clarity to audience-centered communication. By understanding the audience's needs, presenting information in a clear and relevant manner, and strategically employing language, experts can bridge the gap between their ideas and the world, increasing the impact and influence of their writing. #webinar #leadership #writing @ingliziya
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LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively

Do you worry about the effectiveness of your writing style? As emerging scholars, perfecting the craft of writing is an essential component of developing as graduate students, and yet resources for honing these skills are largely under utilized. Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program, led this session in an effort to communicate helpful rules, skills, and resources that are available to graduate students interested in further developing their writing style.

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Many people have ideas on how others should change; few people have ideas on how they should change. ©️ Leo Tolstoy @shmirzayevofficialblog
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Law school, on the whole, gives you few skills. This is one of many reasons you want to get an internship that offers skills building. But because law school focuses so much on the theory instead of the "how to," a creep of uncertainty seeps into most of us. We want to know how to do things in the law, but law school doesn't teach the "how". You also want to ensure that in your first few years of working, you are gaining skills in your chosen practice area. Doing so is not being selfish. It is absolutely what you should be doing. Why? Because you want to use the first few years of your practice to create a foundation of skills you can build. And when you get an internship or your first job, and you encounter that "old" lawyer who wants to sit with you and discuss cases and show you things in court or bring you onto a case to learn, be gracious and accepting. This is where you will learn years of material in months and see your skillset exponentially increase. So much discussion on the teaching of law centers on how the law used to be taught by apprenticing. It still is. Now, you have to go to law school before starting your apprenticeship unless you are fortunate and get an internship that treats you like a lawyer before you pass the bar. But we learn to practice by doing, not reading, not theory games, not writing papers. It is by doing. And we all apprentice. ©️ Miller Leonard #talabalarga_maslahatlar @shmirzayevofficialblog
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14 soatlik yölchilik😅
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Toshkentdan joʻnash vaqtim: 18:00 Surxondaryoga keldim: 06:33 Men: bunchalar goʻzalsan hayot!🤯😴 #hazil
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6 oylik YLDP sayohati boshlanish arafasida.... #YLDP
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Bugungi kun juda ham mazmunli va natijador bo’ldi. O’zim bugungi shogirdlarga ta’limning turli sektorlarda sifatli xalqaro darajaga mos ta’lim dasturlarini yaratish mexanizmini kelishib oldik. Nasib qilsa, 6 oy jarayonida ular amalga oshiradigan ishlarini quyidagicha bo’lish mumkin: 1) Tanlangan soha va loyiha konsepsiya yaratish; 2) konseptsiyani amalga oshirish stratehiyasi va taktikasini ishlab chiqish; 3)byudjet yaratish; 4) donorlarga loyiha taqdimoti; 5) loyihani amalga oshirish uchun webinarlar, kurslar, kichik konferensiyalar, ishchi seminarlarni mutaxassislarni jalb etib borish va kichik podkastlar yaratib keng ommani- manfaatdor tomonlar sifatida jalb etish; 6) erishilgan natija bo’yicha xalqaro jurnalda maqola chiqarish. Bularning hammasi personal va professional o’sib borishning 100 yillik missiyasiga bog’lash talab etiladi. Chunki ular bugun hali malakasi kam yosh mutaxassis. Nasib qilsa 100 yillik reja bilan 10 yilda yetuk mutaxassisga aylanishadi!
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Young Leaders Development Progam - 10-Avlod! Yuqoridagi omadsizliklarimga hozir shukr qilaman. Chunki ulardan afzal ishda, mashğulotlardaman hozir. Yaxshiyamki, ösha payt meni rad etishgan ekan, - deyman ba'zida. Xullas, YLDPga kelsak, bundan keyin kanalda #yldp , #UzTEA , #MahoratManagement ruknlari ostida turkum xabarlar qöyib boriladi. Demak, YLDP haqida qisqacha ma'lumot bersam:
YLDP is a youth-led community aiming at equipping youth with necessary knowledge, skills and resources for self-growth.
10-fevral kuni Mahorat&Management ofisida YLDP 10-avlod ishtirokchilari hamda dastur tashkilotchi, murabbiylari bilan ilk uchrashuv bölib ötdi. Guruhlarga bölindik, murabbiylar bilan, ularning ilmiy va kasbiy faoliyatdagi muvaffaqiyatlari bilan tanishdik. Asosiy ma'ruzachi Mirjalol aka böldi. Dastur taqdimotidan söng, har birimiz 1 daqiqalik tanishtiruv nutqi qilishimiz kerak edi. Lekin tanishtiruv 1 daqiqaga bormasdan tugadi (balkim ilk marta uchrashganimiz uchun hayajon, uyalish bölgandir). Shunga qaramay, ishtirokchilar anchayin iste'dodli, salohiyatli ekanligi sezilib turardi. Buning sababi kuchli raqobat natijasida saralanganligida deb öylayman. Murabbiylarga kelsak, moliya, ta'lim, axborot texnologiyalari, boshqaruv (management), atrof-muhit sohasidagi yetakchi mutaxasislardan tarkib topgan jamoa ekan. Masalan, - Feruza Rashidova ta'lim sohasida, - Xudoynazar Qurbonov moliyada, - Farhod Furqatov Axborot Texnologiyalari (IT)da, - Sadoqat Kaziyeva dizaynda, - Temur Ahmedov ekologiyada, - Mirjalol Mirsobitov ta'lim va boshqaruv (management)da ixtisoslashganlar. Men ta'lim va moliya sohasida tajribamni oshirmoqchiman. Ustiga ustak, kasb yönalishim ham shu sohalarga yaqinroq. Shu sababli ushbu ikkala sohani amaliyotim uchun tanladim. Amaliyot davomida böladigan mashğulotlar, yangiliklar, örgangan bilim va könikmalarim bilan sizlarni xabardor qilib boraman. @shmirzayevofficialblog
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