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Aim of the channel is to make available information from the Russian language media to the English speaking audience, simultaneously reducing the voltage/tension. Currently focus is on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. #TransFormator

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Schoolchildren from Mariupol made a mock video about the Statue of Liberty for the 4th of July. In the United States today they celebrate a real "Addiction Day". Here and LGBT (a banned organization in Russia), and crack party, and raging African-Americans. The cherry on the cake is a president who has little grasp of reality.
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But the Financial Times, despite the fact that today is British elections and US Independence Day, has no doubts about what is top world news. The title photo speaks for itself
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KRASNOGOROVKA. OUR GUYS, RISKING THEMSELVES, CARRY A WOUNDED UKRAINIAN SOLDIER IN THEIR ARMS. Deputy Brigadier of the Fifth Brigade "Mamai": "We could have killed them, but we are not butchers, we are saving them. And they are told that Russians are cutting Ukrainians all over the place" This is not a prepared comment, it is "Mamai" exclaimed in his heart, adding: "This is what should be shown"!
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КРАСНОГОРОВКА. НАШИ ПАРНИ, РИСКУЯ СОБОЙ, ВЫНОСЯТ НА РУКАХ РАНЕНОГО УКРАИНСКОГО СОЛДАТА. Замкомбрига Пятой бригады «Мамай»: «Могли бы добить, но мы ж не мясники, мы спасаем их. А им рассказывают, что россияне украинцев режут всех подряд» Это не приготовленный комментарий, это «Мамай» воскликнул в сердцах, добавив: «Вот, что надо показывать»!

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TASS: The Iskander missile calculation destroyed an AFU MiG-29 at the Dolgintsevo airfield with a missile strike, the Russian Defense Ministry said. The Russian Defense Ministry has published the destruction of an AFU MiG-29 at the Dolgintsevo airfield in the Dnepropetrovsk Region by an Iskander missile system. Video: Russian Defense Ministry
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Former Ukrainian tankman Maxim Likhachev, who surrendered to Russia with his T-64 tank, has been granted Russian citizenship, a law enforcement source in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has told TASS. "Maxim Likhachev received a Russian passport and is now a citizen of the Russian Federation," the source said.
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"It is not for the UK to lecture and lecture us." Polyansky called to ignore London's outrage over Russia's presidency of the UN Security Council. Claims of the British Ambassador to the UN Barbara Woodward regarding the Russian presidency of the Security Council are a "nervous breakdown". This opinion was expressed in an interview with Zvezda by Dmitry Polyansky, Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN. "The British representative was the only one who in a trembling voice expressed some claims to us, put some kind of a check mark on the fact that the presidency (of the UN Security Council - Editor's note) was passed to Russia. It sounded unconvincing," the diplomat said. Polyansky also added that the UK responded that it was not her place to lecture and lecture Russia. Besides, he said, British diplomacy is known for its Russophobia. "We have high prestige both in the world and in the UN. Many people want to work with us, even Western countries do not go behind the scenes from dialog," he said. Russia will hold the post of UN Security Council president during July 2024. Previously, it held it in April 2023.
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"Не Великобритании читать нам лекции и нотации" Полянский призвал игнорировать возмущения Лондона из-за председательства РФ в СБ ООН. Претензии постпреда Великобритании при ООН Барбары Вудворд касательно председательства РФ в Совете Безопасности являются «нервным срывом». Такое мнение выразил в интервью «Звезде» зампостпреда РФ при ООН Дмитрий Полянский. «Британская представительница была единственной, которая дрожащим голосом высказала нам какие-то претензии, поставила какую-то галочку по поводу того, что председательство (в СБ ООН - Прим.ред.) перешло России. Звучало это неубедительно», - рассказал дипломат. Полянский также добавил, что Великобритании ответили, что не ей читать России лекции и нотации. Кроме того, по его словам, британская дипломатия известна своей русофобией. «У нас высокий авторитет и в мире, и в ООН. Многие с нами хотят работать, даже западные страны не уходят в кулуарах от диалога», - отметил он. Россия в течение июля 2024 года будет занимать пост председателя Совета Безопасности ООН. Ранее, она его занимала в апреле 2023 года. ⭐️ Подписаться на Zvezdanews | *️⃣ Предложить новость

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Serbia and the US are historic allies at crucial moments - Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić What?????!!!!
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⚡️ Foreign Ministry statement on imposing personal sanctions on Canadian citizens ❗️In connection with another volley of anti-Russia sanctions, which Justin Trudeau-led regime in Canada imposes each time it wants to earn brownie points with Washington and to provide moral support to the pro-Nazi authorities in Kiev, the Russian Side responds by permanently denying entry to the Russian Federation for 99 Canadian citizens who are involved in developing and implementing official Ottawa’s Russophobic policy. Russia has traditionally good feelings for the people of Canada, with whom we have much in common. We draw a line between Canada’s current political elite, which cultivates hatred for everyone who challenge the liberal globalist rules-based world order, and ordinary Canadians with their daily concerns and aspirations. That is why, in response to the “carpet” restrictions which Ottawa regularly imposes - lots more of them compared to its Big Brother in the US - not only on Russian leaders, scientists, and prominent artists and athletes, but also ordinary citizens, our stop list includes exclusively figures who incite enmity and provide help to Zelensky’s criminal regime, including parliamentarians, officials of various levels, business people and managers from military-industrial companies, experts and media executives who provide Trudeau’s team with analytical and propaganda cover. 👉 List of the Canadian citizens on the Russian stop list. The complete list of sanctioned Canadian citizens is posted here.
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"We entered the apartments, took away everyone in them, including the elderly, children. When arrested, we offered to take valuables with us and, before reaching the place of execution, we took them away" The FSB revealed the interrogation of a member of the SS division "Viking", who participated in the shooting of 2,000 Jews in Western Ukraine. According to the interrogation report of Ober-Efreutor Hans Isenmann, who directly participated in the shooting of civilians, the Vikings carried out raids in Lviv, Berdichev and Tarashcha. As a result of these roundups, up to 2,000 people of the Jewish population were rounded up, including men, women, old people and children. They were all taken a couple of kilometers away from the city, where they were shot. "We went into the apartments, took all those who were in them, including old people, children. When arresting them, we offered to take their valuables with them and, before reaching the place of execution, we took away their valuables and put them in a pile. Those detained by us during raids were brought to the place of execution in groups of 150-200 people. The shootings were carried out in the daytime," said the Nazi. It is specified that Nazi propaganda and West German historians promoted the version that the SS members of the "Waffen SS" were the same soldiers as other soldiers of the Wehrmacht. Thus they tried to hide the fact of their crimes against prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territories. "The Viking was the first Waffen SS unit in which mercenaries from "racially acceptable nations" such as Belgium, Denmark, Holland and Scandinavian countries served alongside Germans. ⭐️
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«Мы заходили в квартиры, забирали всех находившихся в них, в том числе стариков, детей. При аресте предлагали забирать с собой ценности и, не доходя до места расстрела, отбирали их» ФСБ раскрыла допрос члена дивизии СС «Викинг», участвовавшего в расстрелах 2000 евреев на Западной Украине. Согласно протоколу допроса обер-ефрейтора Ганса Изенмана, принимавшего непосредственное участие в расстрелах мирных жителей, «Викинги» производили облавы во Львове, Бердичеве и Тараще. В результате этих облав было собрано до 2000 человек еврейского населения, в том числе мужчины, женщины, старики и дети. Всех их доставляли за пару километров от города, где расстреливали. «Мы заходили в квартиры, забирали всех находившихся в них, в том числе стариков, детей. При аресте предлагали забирать с собой ценности и, не доходя до места расстрела, отбирали у них ценности и складывали в кучу. Задержанные нами при облавах доставлялись к месту расстрела группами от 150 - 200 человек. Расстрелы производились днем», - рассказал нацист. Уточняется, что нацистская пропаганда и западногерманские историки пропагандировали версию о том, что эсэсовцы из «ваффен СС» были такими же военнослужащими, как и прочие солдаты Вермахта. Таким образом они пытались скрыть факт их преступлений против военнопленных и мирных жителях на оккупированных территориях. «Викинг» являлся первым соединением Ваффен СС, в котором наряду с немцами проходили службу наёмники из таких «расово приемлемых народов», как Бельгия, Дания, Голландия и скандинавских стран. ⭐️ Подписаться на Zvezdanews | *️⃣ Предложить новость

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The AFU commander-in-chief proudly published a video of a strike on the school positions near Toretsk, but it turned out to be a Russian army strike on the AFU😂 Syrsky's disgraceful failure was immediately voiced by the military analytical resource DS, which works for the GSU, recognizing the difficult situation of the AFU on this section of the front. ➖"The AFU Commander-in-Chief published a video of artillery shelling of the Secondary School No. 10 in Severnoye. The only point is that the video shows enemy shelling of our positions, one of the brigades (of the AFU), which was sent to reinforce. Whoever edited it probably didn't really look into what and how in the video. However, the Russians have really gotten very close there and the situation continues to deteriorate," Ukrainian analysts wrote.
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