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In an age where the vast majority of Americans believe the current political system is broken beyond repair, a new nationalist group has emerged to rally a marginalized White community under a new banner. Meet the Nationalist Coalition—or NAT-CO, for short—which seeks to peacefully "build a nation within a nation" and foster the integrity, posterity, and security of America's waning White majority. 📰 Read Here For more #Exclusives, subscribe to @justicereport Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab
Also with an excessive echo-effect female singing a song in a major key *BUT* there is a minor key baseline to make it feel SPOOPY because the holocaust is SCARY and BAD and this is high art you don't understand, cattle. WHOA this is so deep because they put a subverted a song in a major key to sound scary!! I guess those g*rmans really were the bad guys, HUH
THIS SUMMER *fades to black, clock ticking sound effect* a female character wrings her hand and says, "if we are caught doing this, we will all pay!" *bwaaaah, clock ticking* "But we're germans...," a male character replies. *bwaaaaahhhmmmmm, more ticking* "it's vat ve do," he remarks. *dramatic music swell, panoramic shot of Jewish children running across a field while the entire air wing of the luftwaffe pursues them for some reason* WE *black screen* WILL *black screen* NEVER *black screen* FORGOR *black screen, silence, then a solitary distorted piano note when the date of release comes on screen*
Hollywood, on average, has produced three major overwrought “Holocaust” productions every year since the early 1980s. Almost all do terrible and are terrible. Not good business. It’s almost like jews are doing something besides trying to make a buck.
I am truly honored Ronald McSanta would choose me like this
Fact: 99% of mosquito bite itchers give up right before it feels better
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I think I win for worst bug story unless anyone else has something killer 👇
Bear in mind: at one point I stuck a Q-tip in there to "help the water drain". Turns out I was just dueling the spider deep in the recesses of my skull.
One of these twitchy jumping spiders had been VIBING in my EAR CANAL for almost a FULL DAY. (Not the actual spider, just a pic of a similar one)
Story time. I was moving a power cord from outside to inside and felt something crawling on my face. I thought it was a mosquito or a fly so I slapped at it. I felt it dart across my face and over to my ear. I've felt it sometimes where flies or other flying insects briefly land in your ear then go away. This felt much the same. Later that day I my ear canal. I heard tapping and wriggling right next to my ear drum. It felt exactly like when you have water stuck in your ear from the pool. This went on for the next 20 HOURS. It would feel like it was about to drain out, I'd put my finger there to feel what was going on, and I'd feel something retract back into my ear. This morning, I felt it moving again. I decided to take the zen approach to see if it would drain out on its own. I lived in a pleasant fantasy where it was just some trapped water or a leaf. At last the hour of emergence was at hand; the tickling sensation as the intrusion oozed was unbearable, but I needed to remain perfectly still. Finally, I sensed something crawl across my face. I quickly brushed at it to remove it. When it landed on my blanket, I saw exactly what it was.
The "AI" you're going to get is going to be a retarded irony poisoned redditor shitlib that is untrusthworthy in the extreme
For the family men in my audience: Be prepared for *when* this happens to you. As things get worse, the system will take increasingly spiteful measures against you. It is an easy, low-cost way to harass you. They can hide behind anonymity and put your family through undue scrutiny and stress. They are coming for your children. They are coming for you. They are coming for everything you love. These are the stakes. May God bless you and our people.
Not asking for a friend. Is there a way to unmask someone who has made a malicious report to social services about you? After three months of hell, we were finally cleared of any wrongdoing. I have a strong suspicion of who it was, but I want to have confirmation. If I can find out exactly who it was, I'm going to sue them for everything they own or ever will own. Nobody gets to come after my family like that and hide behind a mask.
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Excellent upward angle for increased range of the volley
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-1 subscribermaxxing
I bet they'll open up service in the IDF to non Jewish americans as a blow off valve for young people looking for adventure-- the same stock that joined the Ukrainians in 2022
H.R. 8445 just introduced to congress: “the service of a citizen of the United States in the Israeli Defense Forces shall be treated in the same manner as service in the uniformed services.” If an american citizen serves in the IDF, they will receive all servicemember benefits.
Regarding Ads: It has come to our attention that Telegram has begun placing ads on our Telegram channel. This feature was rolled out across all of Telegram; unfortunately creators cannot control the ads placed on our channels at the moment. In fact, our team does not even see the ads on our own channel! Only our audience does. As such: we do not endorse or recommend any of the ads which you may see. They might include language such as "we (or I) Recommend" This is untrue, and a feature of Telegram's poorly implemented ad strategy. Thank you for your understanding.
Analyst Comments: Many technical details surrounding the Iranian helicopter crash do not fit within known Iranian military doctrine, or otherwise do not make sense. Based on the aerial imagery provided by Iranian media after search crews located the crash site, it is extremely unlikely that anyone survived the impact. Only the tail section of the helicopter remained relatively intact, whereas the rest of the crash site is extremely indicative of a high-speed collision. As such, these obvious details cast doubt on the satellite phone call that allegedly prompted the initial search. A passenger surviving the crash long enough to make a satellite phone call is possible. However, due to the whiteout conditions that possibly led to the crash in the first place, it is unlikely that anyone wounded would have survived such extreme temperatures for almost 24 hours with minimal (or without) survival gear. Iranian state media issuing directly contradictory information following such an incident is standard, and to be expected following an incident of this magnitude. However, what is unexpected is the immediate declaration by Iranian authorities that this was an accident caused by bad weather and restricting visibility. Considering the capability for Iran to point the finger at any number of other nations, immediately going with an accident story is interesting. The palpable elephant in the room is illustrated by the grand question…was this the result of an act of sabotage? At the moment, only a forensic examination of the evidence at hand will provide more clarity as to the potential for any nefarious activities. Right now the biggest indicator of nefarious intent is purely speculative instinct; world leaders critical of certain parties suddenly being shot, hospitalized, or killed in a helicopter crash within a few days is quite coincidental and very suspicious, even considering the complete lack of correlating information at present. Though suspicious timing alone cannot be treated the same as definitive proof, absolutely perfect and airtight smoking-gun evidence is not necessary for basic risk assessment at the operational level. Nor is it needed in order for world leaders to take heed of the heightened risk to their personal safety that comes with the unprecedented tensions currently tightening around the world. In other words, no one can prove this incident was an assassination, but the various world leaders in similar diplomatic positions would likely benefit from treating it as such, just to be on the safe side. Regarding this specific helicopter crash, nefarious intent may be easy to assess, but factoring in nefarious actions may be more difficult considering the overall situation. Flying in such mountainous and rugged terrain is exceptionally dangerous under the best of conditions, and outright fatal in even the slightest inclement weather. Contrary to popular belief, most helicopter pilots rely on visual cues to fly. Even for the most experienced IFR-rated helicopter pilot, it is an uncomfortable prospect to fly at high altitude (where the aircraft engines are already struggling due to the lack of oxygen, and the rotor blades strain to generate lift through the thinning air), in narrow canyons with no visibility. If the weather was indeed as bad as Iranian state television claims it was (which can happen in mere seconds in such mountains), a normal flying day can transition into a nightmare scenario faster than a suitable landing site can be found.
What is more interesting are the overall circumstances of the incident, along with the details of the rescue attempts. For instance, it is strange that an aircraft full of VIPs was flying alone instead of in echelon with a sister ship. Most world leaders of such notoriety would be expected to fly with at least one other helicopter escort, purely for maintenance and security reasons. A sister ship also is absolutely vital in the event that something happens to one of the aircraft; having an aerial asset immediately on hand to check for survivors, radio for help, and coordinate emergency landing zones is why almost all militaries around the world (to include the heliborne transportation used by almost every other world leader) includes at least a pair of aircraft, not just one airframe. Other details likely to cause international embarrassment are that Iran had to request assistance to locate the helicopter of their own President from another nation, Turkey. The Search and Rescue operation being headed up by the Iranian Red Crescent (instead of an IRGC military unit) also is quite telling. Understanding the difficulties of conducting Search and Rescue operations in such inhospitable and remote terrain, the lack (or failure) of technical SAR sensors and/or radios provides a wealth of information to the world regarding how seriously Iran treats threats, to include inclement weather. In other words, if the average tourist hiker climbing the neighboring peaks in Turkey has better access to Search and Rescue assets via consumer-grade devices, this does not bode well for the capabilities of a nationstate. As such, the transportation and security of Iranian officials (especially the Ayatollah) is almost certainly being re-examined following this incident. Only time will tell whether or not this incident was sabotage. However, considering the multiple high-risk practices illustrated by this incident, world leaders with similar travel habits are likely to take note of both the technical vulnerabilities as well as the coincidental nature of recent security incidents that have taken place around the world. Analyst: S2A1 //END REPORT//
Could be a good account to follow.
POV: Mark time asking me for the 1000th time how I am doing today and hoping that I’m well
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30 Vibe
Perhaps controversial opinion: lifting weights in a gym just to look good is borderline homo. Go plow a field. Go dig a trench. Buy a sledgehammer and smash rocks on your property. These activities comprise the entirety of my fitness routine.
Drop a gear and disappear my man
Apprehension of quarry by an SBU draft officer on a motorbike in Western Ukraine (5-2024)
The attempted assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico should shock nationalists. Fico is not a run-of-the-mill Conservative in the style of the GOP, CDU, or Les Républicains. Fico takes serious nationalist positions against foreign wars, against social liberalism, and in favor of pro-worker and pro-family reforms. Fico has drastically increased the rights and financial leverage of workers. While also stating that he would never support liberal impositions like same-sex unions or gender ideology in schools. He regularly speaks out against replacement migration, and has taken policy action to stop Slovakia being used as a transit point into Germany and Austria. Fico has a decent policy based record and it is a great blow to nationalism to lose one of the few politicans like Fico who hold executive office.
Look what happens when you mirror it; notice the background?
My liege, I am ready to deploy to Ukraine
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King Charles is in BLVVDTRIBE?? 😨🤯
There are people living hand-to-mouth while earning high six figures. All these silly status symbol costs add up quick. I theorize there is something of a "high income trap" where individuals making this kind of money feel compelled to take on ludicrous amounts of debt so they feel as rich as they think they are. Lots of doctors end up like this.
I'm sure they're calculating these budgets with all the "necessities" like each parent having 200k in education debt, a 500k mortgage, 4k per month childcare, 400 per week for Juan's Lawn Service, 3k per month car payments, and shopping exclusively at whole foods.
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Repost from Justice Report
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In an age where the vast majority of Americans believe the current political system is broken beyond repair, a new nationalist group has emerged to rally a marginalized White community under a new banner. Meet the Nationalist Coalition—or NAT-CO, for short—which seeks to peacefully "build a nation within a nation" and foster the integrity, posterity, and security of America's waning White majority. 📰 Read Here For more #Exclusives, subscribe to @justicereport Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab
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🥱 1
Also with an excessive echo-effect female singing a song in a major key *BUT* there is a minor key baseline to make it feel SPOOPY because the holocaust is SCARY and BAD and this is high art you don't understand, cattle. WHOA this is so deep because they put a subverted a song in a major key to sound scary!! I guess those g*rmans really were the bad guys, HUH
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😁 2
THIS SUMMER *fades to black, clock ticking sound effect* a female character wrings her hand and says, "if we are caught doing this, we will all pay!" *bwaaaah, clock ticking* "But we're germans...," a male character replies. *bwaaaaahhhmmmmm, more ticking* "it's vat ve do," he remarks. *dramatic music swell, panoramic shot of Jewish children running across a field while the entire air wing of the luftwaffe pursues them for some reason* WE *black screen* WILL *black screen* NEVER *black screen* FORGOR *black screen, silence, then a solitary distorted piano note when the date of release comes on screen*
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😁 1
Repost from Spectre™️
Hollywood, on average, has produced three major overwrought “Holocaust” productions every year since the early 1980s. Almost all do terrible and are terrible. Not good business. It’s almost like jews are doing something besides trying to make a buck.
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I am truly honored Ronald McSanta would choose me like this
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😁 8
Fact: 99% of mosquito bite itchers give up right before it feels better
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I think I win for worst bug story unless anyone else has something killer 👇
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Bear in mind: at one point I stuck a Q-tip in there to "help the water drain". Turns out I was just dueling the spider deep in the recesses of my skull.
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