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Poppy's Field Project

Global seers untie the dream to see truth. Donate for all the volunteer work: send to Venmo #9096 For an astrology reading for a fee or if you were removed and think it may be a mistake. Email: [email protected]

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Benefits of Nail Rubbing | Oncquest Blog- Your Health Guide

In the vast expanse of wellness practices, nail rubbing emerges as a simple yet profoundly effective technique rooted in ancient wisdom. This practice, known scientifically […] m
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Enoch recollected from the Watchers to interpret the “tablet of Heaven”, and how to interpret the stars and planets. Mediums capability of seeing, with the stars and planets, are living beings with tremendous intelligence. Human beings are not well tuned of sensing or interpreting light on such a subtle level. The use oral and written language is needed. On a quantum level, sound is light. A frequency that vibrates a lower consciousness of frequencies. This cabalistic sight of creation holding that before the universe as we know it existed, there was only the “Ain Soph Aur”: the “Limitless Light.” God created the current uni-verse by “speaking the Word.” As the cabalistic text Sepher Yetzirah states, “With 32 mystical paths of Wisdom he engraved Yah, and created his world.” Enoch said that the "Abomination of Desolation" will try to weaken the Sons and Daughters of the "Living Word," but this will not happen to those who actually become the embodiment of the Living Torah Or - the Word which is primal and self-existent, having no dependence on matter or its qualities. Genesis scribes that God’s first act of creation was to see then declare the words, “Let there be light.” The Gnostic Gospel of John tells us, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… In him was the life (breath, the parasite); and the life was the light of darkness; and the darkness had no sight.” Further ex-plan-ation this uni-verse was formed by the speaking of “the Word”, or “Logos," Gnostic teachings. However it was “Wisdom”, or “Light” (Lucifer) that bore “the Word.” a pure voice of light named by the gods devolved once the great Flood consumed and the oral language used by humans, came forth. H.P. Blavatsky wrote that “the Adami” were not the first human race, but the first race of speaking men, as their predecessors had com-mun-icated using pure thought. "Intention." The "Word" is of Lucifer. The Deluge flood encrypted by the Sumerians, was meant to disseminate the abomination of Enki's creation “the Adami” Enlil was disturb by their speech which the frequency ensued noise and disturbance of truth. Enoch invented the oral and written Aryan language, and taught the most evolved specimens of humanity how to use it. The Tower of Babel, then, now a monu-ment to new Luciferian language. And the tablet of Enoch was perhaps inside of this monu-ment at one time, either as its key-stone, or its cap-stone, or a pillar, or set of pillars, within it. Pan's labryinth. The one who binds souls with unity and the frequency of his flute. People will rise against the teachers of the Word, against the teachers of righteousness. They will almost succeed in destroying the teachers of the Word, but the superior Wisdom of the Word will show the keys that have the greater biological and astrophysical powers; the Light that enables dead matter to live will overpower those directing dangerous and disturbing passions! The Song of the Moth”, in which Jung interprets a roman-tic poem by Miller, “The Moth to the Sun.” Jung says that in this poem “Her longing for God resembles the longing of the moth for the ‘star.’"In a Resembling the methodology of Miiller’s solar mythology. Jung then reminds us that “in the preceding chapter the following chain of associations was adduced: the singer—God of sound— singing morning star—creator—God of Light—sun—fire—God of Love’. The God within, the God without. FREQUENCY IS THE ONLY THING THAT ENTERS YOUR TEMPLE WITHOUT CONSENT, AFFECTING YOU NO MATTER WHAT. THIS IS WHY MUSIC IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL TOOLS
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1💯 1
THE KEYS TO FUTURE FORMS ARE COSMOLOGlCAL CONSTANTS SPEAKING WITH "FACES OF PYRAMlDS" AND TRIANGULAR BIPYRAMIDS AND TRlPYRAMlDS WHEN A PYRAMID COLOR CAP IS ADDED OVER EACH FACE. IN THE GREAT LIGHTS OF THE TRIPYRAMID THREE BODIES CAN BE SEEN MOVING IN AND OUT OF ONE ANOTHER. THE SPlRALS OF HIGHER ORDERS SPEAK THROUGH "WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS" AND THROUGH TRlPYRAMlDS OF ENERGY WHICH MOVE THROUGH ROTATIONAL CIRCUMVERSION SO AS TO CREATE "THE MAKING OF A TIME OF TIME," THE ARTIFICIAL TIME WARP ZONE. IN THESE MOVEMENTS OF TIME, FORWARDS AND REVERSE, A FIELD OF LIGHT IS OPENED AND HIGH FREQUENCY BODIES ASCEND AND DESCEND SO THAT ONE UNIVERSE IS CONNECTED WITH ANOTHER, AND THE OPHANIM REVEAL THE "GLORlES' OF THE THRONE" TO THE SERVANTS OF "LIVING MAN," Adamic seed came down on the Seventh Ray, in the seventh Eon of Light (the seventh day), after all the other evolutions had tried to evolve. They came as the seventh threshold Race to repair the functions of the fallen evolutions al- ready in process on the Earth. This Seventh Ray is used by the higher Lords of Light to combine the mathematical frequencies of color within sound ranges that are not audible to the human ear. These color-sound ranges can move entire octaves of Light measurement to function in the new mathematics of twelve tones, twenty-four tones, thirty-six tones, and seventy-two tones; this is the foundation on which Man can receive the music of the spheres. This scale of musical function is a vibration which functions in every vibration of light, in every pitch of music and on every factor of a diminishing chord structure, which draws together the music of the spheres and its corresponding color form, into the right geometries not of lines nor of curves but of floating Light grids. Moreover, the "Abomination of Desolation," within the context of Zohar, speaks of the defilements wherever establishments have burned the scriptures of Light. And this destruction has been going on ever since the day when the "Councils of Man" sought to conceal the Name of the true God speaking through the many sacred languages of the earth.
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Catch up... Electric universe has always been a thing.
Показать все... Tell me, just how awake is the consciousness, when it still supports this craphole establishment... are you boycotting fast food yet?
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Humanbydesign (@Humanbydesign3) on X


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Chiron and Saturn... the wound itself, they are leading the consciousness to our higher being, destiny, a time in the drift these two collide, a cataclysmic implosion of impasse of the external other and world. Impells the All to reassess our marriage to Saturn's doppelganger-schizophrenic themes and knock us silly until one takes a hold of the journey of healing and the seriousness of our evolution. Responding to the other... showing up for the self and other. Action. Integrity, learning how to combine forces with the opposite sex. Unlearn the neglect of parents and society and read an effing book on how to connect with self and the other. Do the opposite of everything you have done if it is jot working, until it resolves.. Be effing curious 🙄 instead of projecting the wound.
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Repost from N/a
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Which trigger needs to be transcended? The lower mind and the delusional wounds and issues must be illuminated in order to heal the evolutional process of the collective consciousness
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Macky Mause ... a serial killer turned into a cartoon. DeadMaus, deadman, skull and two bones. Knights of the Templar. Baphomet. Jolly Roger, state of putrifaction. German, mause, means to catch or stone dead. Mauser, a point of a sword... to a heart. To show that those who shared their information, their children and families would be used in ritual sacrifice. Sacred
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