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Events in Ukraine

Analysis of political and economic processes throughout the post-soviet world and beyond

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Another translation from 'Tales of the IV Empire' from today. The attached picture I added, it is of the symbol of SS Galicia: The President of Poland quickly declared that it was a Ukrainian missile and went off to gather something like a local National Security and Defense Council, without consulting with the Polish Armed Forces. The Polish General Staff later refuted this disgraceful statement. Duda is fucking us over because he can, and because there's no accountability for his blabbering: neither political, as Poles are currently in a frenzy of anti-Ukrainian hysteria, nor international. Because the Ukrainian economy is weak, Ukrainians are preoccupied with the survival of their families in the rear and the survival of the state at the front. But I believe the day will come when our tanks will crush these bastards with the tracks of our T-64Ms, and Ukrainian boys with golden lions on their sleeves will be busy organizing a new ghetto. If not us, then our children.
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Translation of a post from yesterday from 'Tales of the IV Empire' (previous 'of the IV Reich'), which is run by a high-ranking member of Azov: The military of both warring countries are ready to die on the battlefield. The Ukrainian Armed Forces (ZSU) are shooting at Muscovites, and Muscovites are shooting at ZSU. Ukrainians spend a lot of ammunition to kill invaders pushing towards Krinky, Lyman, Kupyansk, and Avdiivka, but don't spend money to attack Belgorod, Voronezh, Moscow, or Vladivostok. I wrote two years ago, a year ago, and I'll repeat now: in the coming years, Ukraine won't be able to produce as much ammunition as Moscow, nor start producing missiles like "Kinzhal" or X-22, build several factories for "Shahid" analogs, or invent and start mass production of their own "Iskander". Muscovy is a world of "small" people, beaten by the pigs, raped by non-russians, blood sucked by the Hanukkists, and paid by Gazprom. This idyll of homo soveticus needs to be destroyed with strikes EXCLUSIVELY on civilian infrastructure. Therefore, targets like clusters of camouflaged Muscovites are only relevant at the tactical level. When assault brigade fighters see Muscovites and send drones, shells, and bullets after them. Strategically, Ukrainians need to realize that Russian leadership will camouflage as much of its population as needed. Therefore, strategically, our General Staff should target densely populated residential areas, shopping and entertainment centers of Muscovites, and only occasionally - the headquarters of the FSB and the "United Russia" party.
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Билини IV Імперії ✙

Саме тому, такі цілі як скупчення камуфльованих московитів є актуальними лише на тактичному рівні. Коли бійці штурмової бригади бачать москалів і відправляють по них дрони, снаряди та патрони. На стратегічному рівні, українцям треба усвідомити що керівництво рф перевдягне в камуфляж стільки свого населення, скільки це буде потрібно рф. Тому на стратегічному рівні нашому ГШ треба обирати густонаселені ЖК, торгівельно-розважальні центри московитів, і лише зрідка - штаби фсб та партії «єдіная расія». @sanatoriy_satani

Dnepropetrovsk is also where the infamous 'Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs' were based, who killed many people and uploaded the videos to the internet. The people in the recent events were also uploading it online, and had contacts with a third person. Dnepropetrovsk is known for its particularly criminal business structure, with figures like Igor Kolomoisky based there. I assume that these 'lone killers' were the low-scale producers for larger business networks specialized in such content
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In Dnipro, teenagers were killing homeless people and recording it on video. Law enforcement officers have established that seven young men aged 14 to 19 are involved in the murder of a homeless woman and are being investigated for their involvement in attempted murder and assault on a man. This is reported by the press service of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Police. The first murder, committed with particular cruelty, occurred on the night of December 2-3 in an abandoned hospital building. The teenagers saw a homeless woman in the abandoned building, beat her, and inflicted multiple stab wounds, resulting in her death. The suspects recorded the murder on video. According to the investigation, the actions of the teenagers may have been directed by a 23-year-old resident of Dnipro, who is currently in prison for committing murder and robbery. According to available information, communication between him and the detainees took place in a shared chat on a messenger app, where the suspects also shared videos of their crimes.
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Политика Страны

В Днепре подростки убивали бездомных и снимали это на видео. Правоохранители установили, что семеро парней в возрасте от 14 до 19 лет причастны к убийству беспризорной женщины и проверяются на причастность к покушению на убийство и избиение мужчины. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба полиции Днепропетровской области. Первое убийство, совершенное с особой жестокостью, произошло в ночь со 2 на 3 декабря в заброшенном здании больницы. Подростки увидели беспризорную женщину в заброшенном здании, побили ее и нанесли многочисленные ножевые ранения, в результате которых потерпевшая скончалась.  Убийство задержанные снимали на видео. По данным следствия, действиями подростков может руководить 23-летний житель г. Днепра, который находится в тюрьме за совершение убийства и разбойного нападения. По имеющейся информации, общение между ним и задержанными происходило в общей группе в мессенджере, туда же фигуранты сбрасывали видео совершенных преступлений.

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⚡️ Only 15% of Poles would join the army in the event of a Russian attack on the country - IBRiS survey for Rzeczpospolita. I will volunteer, for example, in a hospital - 29% I will go to a safe place in Poland - 25.5% I won't do anything - 22% I will join the army as a volunteer - 15.7% I will leave abroad with my family - 11.9% I don't know what I will do then - 11.6%
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Found this great book
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Teaser from a Kusch article on Ukraine's drone problems that I will upload to Substack next week: And one other very important point. Good, bright people with open faces are now writing about "engineers", "creating industries". What engineers, what are you talking about? Look at the people coming out of the entrance halls of our factories in the evening, primarily in the military-industrial complex. People of retirement age, 60+, the last of the Mohicans, the splinters of a great generation of builders and big projects. The current pygmies are saved only by standing on the shoulders of these giants. But when the gray giants are gone, the pygmies will sink to the sinful earth and immediately drop in stature to their natural level. What engineers are there...
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Ukrainian political expert Alexey Kusch, in a 28 November 2023 interview: “When we say that we are a kind of “legion” or “outpost of the West,” in the Global South this immediately evokes the phantom pains of the neocolonial and postcolonial past. This is a big problem... If we position ourselves as a “legion of the West,” then for the Global South we will simply die.”
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Мир в обмен на территории? Или война за территории? Алексей Кущ. Карасев LIVE.

В прямом эфире программы Карасев LIVE обсудим последние новости Украины и мира, и самое главное - когда все же МИР придет в УКРАИНУ? Не пропустите в 14:00! ТІК-ТОК:

💡Підтримати чи стати спонсором каналу Вадима Карасьова: 💰 Переказ на карту: ПРИВАТБАНК 5363 5426 0348 1384 (Ушакова Н.) ✍️📨З питань співпраці звертатися сюди: [email protected] Посмотрели видео, но не подписаны на наш канал? Чтобы не пропустить важные новости, нажимайте сюда:

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Russian vs Ukrainian military patriots, Ukraine needs cunning Romanian diplomacy... internet digest

If you like my content, consider donating to my patreon here. I’ve decided to put out more on this substack. Less formal, more reactions to the events of the present. Before 2022, I was very much focused on the events of the present. Despite the bleakness of the situation, I did still have some hope that Ukraine could balance the proverbial tightrope, make some moves towards implementing Minsk, and generally simply calm down. A visit to Georgia in January 2022 even reinforced that optimism, seeing how that country had, by and large, ‘calmed down’, after Saakashvili’s euroatlantic nationalist militarism of the 2000s. February 2022, of course, replaced political maneuvering with that of tanks. Not considering myself a ‘military expert’, I have instead spent my energies analyzing the longer-term backdrop to current events.

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Aid to Ukraine in August-October 2023 fell by almost 90% compared to the same period last year. Its volume amounted to 2.11 billion euros. This was reported by the Kiel Institute of World Economics. This is the lowest level since January 2022. Of Ukraine's 42 donors, only 20 have provided new aid packages in the last 3 months, the fewest since the start of the war.
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Политика Страны

Помощь Украине в августе-октябре 2023 года упала почти на 90% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. Ее объем составил 2,11 млрд евро. Об этом сообщает Кильский институт мировой экономики. Это самый низкий уровень с января 2022 года. Из 42 доноров Украины только 20 предоставили новые пакеты помощи за последние 3 месяца, что является наименьшим показателем с начала войны. Что происходит с американской помощью Украине, мы писали здесь. Сайт «Страна» | YouTube | Прислать новость/фото/видео | Реклама на канале