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Pointing to some of the positive developments on Cardano over the past 10 days, IOHK highlighted six projects ranging from token swaps to DeFi applications that went live on the mainnet, entered test nets, or launched via open beta. 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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Russia is getting ready to cut its piece of the crypto cake. And the government plans to scoop 13% of people's income derived from digital assets. 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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Russia to include crypto into its tax code: Here is what the rules might look like

Russia might introduce amendments to its tax code laying down rules for crypto taxation.

An unexpectedly blunt proposition. Russia's Federal Tax Service suggests letting Russian companies use digital currencies as a payment method when transacting internationally. 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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@maxparasol Metaverse events tourism has already become a thing — if you like events like avatar fashion shows and prerecorded computerized concerts, that is. 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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A multitude of metaverses may sound appealing, but could easily turn into a nightmare without a way to easily interconnect them, argues CEO and publicist @arieli 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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The metaverse puts the digital asset interoperability challenge on steroids

The metaverse is the ultimate test for project interoperability, which could become a major selling point for projects looking to draw more users into their metaverse.

“When the world is falling apart, it’s good to rely on your company, at least.” Ukranian crypto firms and their employees had to stay strong and resume business as usual through uncertain times. Here are some of their testimonies. 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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Ukrainian crypto and blockchain firms survive despite ongoing conflict

Cointelegraph spoke to Ukrainian employees and executives of crypto and blockchain firms on how the war affected their respective businesses, and where they saw themselves in the future.

Staking is one of the most common terms in crypto, with several different definitions. What are the various actions staking covers, and what opportunities and challenges does each provide? 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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The many layers of crypto staking in the DeFi ecosystem

The term staking receives many meanings in crypto, each of them presents its own set of opportunities and challenges.

Monero has emerged as the token of choice in “double extortion” ransomware attacks, which increased by almost 500% in 2021. But why? 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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Monero’s crypto of choice as ransomware ‘double extortion’ attacks increase 500%

Ransomware ‘double extortion’ attacks were up almost 500% last year, and XMR is becoming the most popular crypto asset for criminal hacking groups.

How can crypto help you when you are moving to another country and can’t take your fiat with you? Russian expats in Georgia might well know about it as they face not only restrictions but social discrimination. (Reporting @woodaaCT via @CointelegraphZN) 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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In Georgia, crypto is a crucial tool for refugees escaping the war – Cointelegraph Magazine

Crypto, like most other new tech praised upon its creation as apolitical or neutral, becomes political in the hands of the people who use it and regulate it.

According to a report by @IntelInsider, crypto adoption is moving forward in giant steps. By the end of this year, more than 3.6 million people in the US will have made a purchase in crypto. 📍Help Us Grow by Sharing @WorldCryptoNews247
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