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The End Times Reveal

Welcome brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, this channel is about Biblical Prophecy, Scripture and daily news relating to the End Times.

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Greetings, blessings and love to you all beautiful family in Jesus, I pray that you are keeping well and blessed. This is one of the most important posts that I am presenting to you. In order to prove that the Bible is 100% truth, you have to study history to prove when major historical events have taken place that were prophesied hundreds of years before. This is the most important prophecy in the whole Bible because it is all about Jesus and Him being the ultimate sacrifice. Daniel 9:24 provides a very clear outline that 70 weeks are declared on the people and the city to finish the transgression and to make an end to sin and to bring everlasting righteousness and to anoint The Most Holy which is all Jesus. Nowhere is the antichrist mentioned. This is a two part prophecy which is one for the people and one for the holy city Jerusalem. When Jesus died on the cross in 33AD as the ETERNAL SACRIFICE, He put an end to animal sacrifices. That was the fulfilment of prophecy for the people. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD by Titus with the help of the Jews and Jesus prophesied this Himself in Matthew 24:2. The 70 weeks of years is a 7 year Shmita cycle which equates to 490 years. This prophecy started coming to fruition when Ezra was commissioned by Artaxerxes I in the seventh year of his reign, which was 457BC written in Daniel 9:25. The explanation is highlighted in yellow. If you read Matthew 24:2, you will find the parallel verses is Daniel 9:26-27 which is highlighted in blue proving fulfilment of prophecy. This provides Scriptural Truth that the tribulation is not 7 years which is also not written anywhere in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation mentions three different periods that are all the same: 1260 days, 3½ years, or 42 months and 5 months for the locust army. The 1260 day time period is speaking of the mark of the beast and the two witnesses. Knowing this now, we can look to other books in the Bible that line up with this time period and the only ones are Daniel 7:25 and Daniel 12:7-12 which both include time periods of a time, times and a half a time or 1260 days as well as an additional 75 days in Daniel 12. Daniel 12:12 lines up with Revelation 3:10 which is about being kept from the hour of testing of piercing through. It is about doing all the deep studies in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. So to conclude I don't just use 2 verses to support what I know to be true. I have many and have the Truth from the Word. All Glory to the Most High. Thank you Jesus for Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life. It is all about You. I will not allow the devil to take Your Glory. The devil and his legions will replicate exactly what Daniel 9:27 implies but just remember one week equates to 49 years of a 7 year Schmita cycle so that will mean that in the 24.5th of his agreement, he will break it. Can you see how this does not work.
I want you to share this with everyone you know, the people deserve a choice to hear both sides of the story. Not just follow a few voices who claim this man is a legitimate prophet. You should really do the research on those you follow, and we ask you to pray and discern. Do not just emotionally dismiss this one. Your faith and relationship with God are too important for you to have placed this man and the hope on the words of a Psychic in between you and peace. We are really sorry we had to make this, but someone has to tell you the truth. The Goon on the Reawakening Tour isn't going to, nor is his merry bands of grifters and false prophets. Enough is Enough Repent, and Share 🙏
Dutchsinse (Twitter) Part 1 of 2. The past 5 days of earthquakes shows a progression or path of earthquakes following the North American Craton "interior edge" from the Northwest USA (Montana) going in a diagonal line down to Yellowstone and then picking up with the same sized earthquakes at the drill points in Texas and Oklahoma. Then we see the same sized earthquakes progress across the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Missouri Tennessee)...and again on the craton Southeast Edge down in Georgia..... Finally followed by the same sized earthquakes striking up the East coast in New Jersey (Trump Golf Course and Hell Mountain reserve), as well as the far Northeast up in Canada at the US border. This proves: There is a force going across the plate which drops off the Earthquakes along the way at various predisposed locations. The size of the quakes shows us the current size of the wave bouncing back and forth on the craton edge. The more energy which is pumped in on the West coast leads to larger magnitudes spreading across these same paths every week. The size (magnitude) of the quakes and the number of (frequency of) the events picks up as new pushes from the "seismic wave" come in from the Pacific. The "seismic wave" is generated in the far West Pacific with deep earthquakes hammering in ULF/ELF/VLF waves which then spread out following the plate boundaries and craton edges of every plate ..... The seismic wave I am talking about drops off the earthquakes somewhat equidistantly spaced along the way as this large powerful "standing wave" spreads. It is not one earthquake causing the other like dominoes falling .... it is a greater wave that is spreading and the earthquakes are just the byproduct of the standing wave building in an area until the location breaks under electromagnetic stress. The wave is physical in nature (it travels path of least resistance when spreading) ..but it electrical in source from ULF ELF oscillations coming up from deep in the core of the Earth -- hitting the undersides of the plates in the West pacific, and then spreading out to the USA after several days of travel through mother natures "wave tank" which holds the wave. The wave tanks which hold this seismic wave which I'm speaking of are the plate boundaries and craton edges. The spread of earthquakes this week across the North American craton are what we would expect.. and the locations all have interesting things nearby which justify why the seismic wave broke there at each location. Examples: Rare Earthquake last week next to the power generation station Nuclear plant at the Ohio coastline. Earthquake in Georgia (southeast USA) on the craton edge next to quarry points, mining points, and an ancient volcano called Pigeon Mountain. Earthquake in Arkansas next to several oil and gas drill points. Earthquake in West Tennessee in the middle of the new madrid seismic zone. Cluster of earthquakes across Oklahoma in a arrow > shape pointing East (every location in Oklahoma directly next to a gas drill point). Single Earthquake in North Central Kansas at an old 1950's oil filed now capped off and buried. Rare earthquake this past week M4.0 range in South Dakota next to the large hydroelectric generation station. Every earthquake in Texas (central south and west) are directly next to oil and gas drill points. Single earthquake in Central Wyoming next to a large wastewaster disposal fracking and oil pumping operation Earthquakes in SW Utah next to Markagunt Plateau volcanic field every quake next to an old volcanic fissure or butte. Earthquakes in NW Utah are at two locations both are deep earth bunker locations owned by Northrup Grumman and ATK orbital respectively (quakes at 7.5KM depth though below each location - likely deep earth mining kept secret for obvious reasons) @DutchsinseFans
Watch: Millions of mayflies swarmed Cedar Point in Northern Ohio, creating a startling spectacle that visitors won’t soon forget.
A medical textbook from 1989 explains that coronavirus is, in fact, the common cold. Join: 👉🏽@Secret_X_Files
☠️🐟Mass fish death in 🇲🇽 Mexico blamed on severe drought... 🖥 RUMBLE 𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 🕊
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BREAKING: Scientists Are Testing mRNA "Vaccines" to "Protect Cows and People Against Bird Flu" Follow @trumpetnews1 🔥 Rumble | Youtube | Website | Store
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Please read the post thread for context Over the last couple of days I have been sharing with you how the next stage of what the evil ones have planned, which is to merge the metaverse (quantum realm) with reality. The mRNA technology within the Covid 19 vaccine is collecting data with the aid of biometric software that Microsoft filed on 26/03/2020 (666) and was finalised on 22/04/2020 (666) with the patent number WD060606. Key Features The patent describes a cryptocurrency system that uses human body activity data in a mining process. A server provides a task to a device of a user, which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user senses body activity of the user. The sensed body activity is used in the mining process of the cryptocurrency system. Implications The WD060606 Patent has raised concerns and speculation about the potential use of biometric data in cryptocurrency mining. While the patent’s exact implications are still unclear, it has sparked discussions about the intersection of technology, privacy, and human behavior. This information is what will be building your digital avatar. Welcome to your digital self for the Metaverse of transhumanism. The digital twin operates through wireless nano sensor networks and wide-body area networks implanted within human bodies, serving as the foundational backbone of the entire system. These networks collect real-time data on physiological parameters, monitor health status, and enable seamless communication between biological systems and digital technologies. The digital twin utilizes this data to create virtual models of individuals, providing personalized insights into health, optimizing medical interventions, and facilitating advancements in healthcare research and innovation. The digital twin of the human body operates by collecting vast amounts of data from individuals without their explicit consent, including medical records, biometric information, and behavioral data. This data is used to create virtual replicas of individuals, which can be exploited for commercial purposes, surveillance, and manipulation without their knowledge or control. The lack of consent and transparency in this process raises serious ethical concerns regarding privacy, autonomy, and the potential for abuse of personal data, undermining trust in healthcare systems and exacerbating disparities in access to care. You just couldn't make this up.
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I have copied the below: Trump recognises Jerusalem as the capital for the first time in 2000 years On December 6, 2017, President Donald Trump made a historic announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that reversed decades of American foreign policy. This decision was significant, as it marked the first time in nearly 2,000 years that Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel. Background Jerusalem has been a contested city for centuries, with both Israelis and Palestinians claiming it as their capital. The city has a rich history, with the Jewish people considering it their eternal and undivided capital, while the Palestinians see East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. Trump’s Decision President Trump’s decision was met with both praise and criticism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the move as a “historic landmark” and a “courageous and just” decision. In contrast, many world leaders, including those from the European Union, the United Nations, and the Arab League, condemned the move, citing concerns that it would undermine the prospects for peace in the region. Consequences The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has significant implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The move has been seen as a major blow to the Palestinian cause, as it undermines their claim to the city as the capital of their future state. The decision has also sparked widespread protests and violence in the region, with many Palestinians viewing it as a betrayal of the long-standing international consensus on the status of Jerusalem. Legacy The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by President Trump will likely be remembered as a significant turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While the move has been met with controversy, it has also been seen as a bold and decisive step by the Trump administration in support of Israel. The decision will likely have far-reaching consequences for the region, and its impact will be felt for years to come. Now you can understand why Israel love Trump so much. What I would like you to ask yourself is how can an American president take Jerusalem and give it to Israel as their capital when he is not even the president or prime minster of Israel? People want to say that Trump is a decoy for the antichrist; well it would mean that there would need to be another leader that has an established relationship with Israel and the world. That is a lot of time to be expecting someone else to come into the shoes of a man that has all the characteristics already. Why would the Scriptures be so clear on how to recognise the traits for us to say that Trump is a decoy. That is just nonsensical. Remember the antichrist has to appear as a saviour and be loved. What other politician do you know that is so loved?
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🙏❤️ Father resides within you with The Holy Spirit and teaches you all that you need to know.
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US government will ban Americans from air travel effective May 2025 unless they have federalized 'Real ID' driver's license The long-awaited deadline is finally approaching on May 7 and it will disqualify many from boarding commercial airplanes, whether domestic or international flights. The globalists are moving quickly to crush our freedom of movement, and the US government is all in. The freedom-crushing policies come under many false pretenses. They come under the guise of national security, protecting the planet from so-called climate change, and protecting us from public-health emergencies. I reported yesterday on the U.N. World Health Organization adopting a set of freedom-crushing amendments to the existing International Health Regulations. This will lead to forced testing, quarantining and injections, among other harassments, of international travelers, all under the guise of looking out for our health. The IHR amendments also give WHO member states the authority to use “surveillance” to “address” issues of “disinformation” and “misinformation.” They don’t spell out or define the meaning of “address” but we should assume this means governments will have greater censorship powers to clamp down on anyone who releases information contrary to the globalist establishment narrative about the need for mass-testing, mass-injection campaigns or any other public-health issues. Today, I bring to your attention another government policy that’s about to take effect that will crush domestic air travel under the guise of national security. Independent journalist Patrick Webb reports that the US government plans to launch its heavily criticized federal ID program, called Real ID, for domestic air travel on May 7, 2025.
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Greetings, blessings and love to you all beautiful family in Jesus, I pray that you are blessed and well, keeping your eyes on our Saviour, Redeemer and King Jesus, build your faith and remaining as close to Him as possible. If there is one thing that I have learnt since becoming reborn, the more effort you put into your relationship with Him, the more He provides Love, Truth, Compassion, Kindness and Forgiveness. This is The Way, The Truth and The Life. I have discovered something very interesting this morning whilst doing Bible study. I was going to do a study on The Lord's Prayer, to look at the original words because when I was growing up I learnt that it was forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those, who trespass against us; now in the all the English translations it is saying debtors. I was led to Matthew 15. The title of the chapter is Traditions and Commandments. I read through the whole chapter and I noticed something that I had not noticed before. When Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and scribes, He would speak of God but when He was speaking to His disciples and to the multitudes when teaching, He said My Father in Heaven. There is a distinct difference in the way Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees and to the ones He is teaching. Maybe I am reading too much into it but I wanted to share with you.
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The UK's Supreme Court designed to replicate Horus' All Seeing Eye
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Fossilized prehistoric animals were found on an altitude of 23.000 feet 🔗 THE WHITE RABBIT 👁 (
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Former Trump Advisor Jared Kushner Says Gaza’s “Waterfront Property” Could Be “Very Valuable” and Suggests That Europe Should Be Taking in the Refugees From Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign. Host: People worry that once Gazans leave, Netanyahu won't let them back in. Jared: Maybe, but what's left of the place?- Anyway, lemme tell you about how valuable Gaza's waterfront property could be.
Reminder - Klaus Schwab's WEF Advisor Yuval Harari, Talks About Hacking Human Beings Follow @trumpetnews1 🔥 Rumble | Youtube | Website | Store
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🚨Landslide destroys the Teton Pass highway connecting eastern Idaho to Jackson, Wyoming. Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon shared video footage at milepost 12.8 from someone who nearly got swept away as the ground gave way. Thankfully, no one was injured however a 30-minute commute just turned into an hour and 30-minute commute for locals.
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Doenut Factory | ❌: The Elite War on Your Soul, with James Tunney This is really good. @TheParanormiesPresent @AltSkull48
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How insane is it that there are three channels speaking about the hivemind (metaverse) but in different ways. I have done two videos on this and how it ties into Scripture, in particular Daniel 2:41-43 and Revelation 13. I have only recently discovered this and seen that @NavigatingtheLies and @WarningHisPeople2 are posting about the same things too. The Grimes Tablet The Economist Magazine 2024 Cover I am starting to see posts of theirs that tie into my posts which is mind-boggling on it's own but I know that Father is revealing information to us in different ways. The metaverse is in the centre of all of these posts and I encourage you to look at our posts for the last 10 days because there is so much information. This is just one excerpt from this article which ties into what I said the metaverse is: The goal of the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Commission) is to have the DoD create a new digital nervous system, end-to-end for the Air Force's Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS), which controls the Internet of Industrial Things and all of the autonomous vehicles, planes, drones, etc. The purpose is to, as she says, "Get the humans out of the process, an end to reasoning, enable the Commander directly, using data science, private cells, AI." She says she was experimented on for Human Augmentation as a child at the Menninger Foundation, where she was implanted with "John von Neumann architecture", that is a body-machine interface connected to an underground database called "Nick Weil Lange" [sp?], which she says is IBM. She says these computers are underground more for cooling purposes than anything else. Sabrina says something here that reminds me of things I've heard of Tore Maras: "Since I was a kid, machine-interface into these quantum databases." Tore also speaks of being "enhanced" by the military and to also have access to a quantum computer. Are these two women talking about the same thing? I believe the two are both around 45 years old. The quantum computer is the metaverse which is a false virtual reality where you can buy the lifestyle you want. It is all tied into the humanoid through synthetic biology and taking your spirit and trapping it. This might all sound far-fetched but yet all the technology required, is already set up to go.
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With everything I’ve looked into with patents, 6G, the internet of bodies, the Genesis Project, and what the messenger RNA jabs started (moving us into the era of transhumanism worldwide)… plus all the survivor accounts of black op projects and the mingling of DNA for decades, as in the days of Noah… her warnings seem extremely plausible. I say it every single day. There is NO WAY out of this evil world system except by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
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Many brothers and sisters have the understanding that the Restrainer is The Holy Spirit. The teaching is from the verses 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. 2Th 2:6  And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.  2Th 2:7  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.  The above verses do not specifically say that the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way, but this is what is being taught. The verses imply that The Holy Spirit needs to be removed for the son of perdition to reveal himself. The common question is but then how did the "tribulation saints" come to Jesus during the tribulation if The Holy Spirit is removed out of the way? This is nonsensical as The Holy Spirit is poured out on to you when you accept Jesus as your Saviour, Redeemer and King, that He is the Son of Father, that He came to earth to die in the flesh for your sins, rose on the third day and ascended 40 days later to be on the Right Hand of our Father. We were provided a very special gift when Jesus blew The Holy Spirit onto the disciples and this is where The Holy Spirit resides, in a temple not made of hands, your body . Jesus said My sheep know My Voice and this is the Voice that steers us and guides us in all we do. How can there be brothers and sisters in the Tribulation if The Holy Spirit is removed? John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Rev 7:14  And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  The above verse of Revelation 7:14 states that these are the saints that have come out of the Great Tribulation. So with there being saints in the Great Tribulation that come out of it, how could they receive receive The Holy Spirit if the restrainer needs to be taken out of the way? I believe this provides a good counterargument for who the Restrainer is. From my own deep studies, I have found that there are multiple verses that provide attributes of who the Restrainer is and I believe it to be the Archangel Michael. I am paraphrasing with an explanation for the verses below: Daniel 10:13-21: In this passage, Michael is described as one of the chief princes who helped Gabriel, the angelic messenger, to overcome the prince of the kingdom of Persia. This shows Michael’s ability to restrain or overcome powerful forces. Daniel 12:1: Michael is mentioned as the one who will stand up for Israel (we are grafted in and this is both Jew and Gentile) and protect them during the time of trouble. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7: The passage speaks of the Restrainer holding back the antichrist until the appointed time. Some interpretations suggest that Michael is the one who is restraining the antichrist, keeping him from revealing himself until the proper time. Revelation 12:7-17: This passage describes a war in heaven between Michael and his angels against the dragon (Satan) and his angels. This conflict is seen as a restraint on Satan’s power, preventing him from fully revealing himself on earth. While there are different interpretations and opinions on the identity of the Restrainer, the biblical evidence suggests that Archangel Michael is a strong candidate for this role. His ability to overcome powerful forces, protect Israel (which is Jew and Gentile), and engage in spiritual warfare against Satan and his angels make him a plausible candidate to be the restrainer mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. Please take everything that I share to our Heavenly Father for confirmation with the guidance and teaching of The Holy Spirit.
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He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38
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Coming to England soon!
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BREAKING: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions. - GeneralMCNews
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🚨New estimates show that 35 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE have died from the dangerous abomination mRNA 'vaccines' —the worst medical product ever forced upon humanity.
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BREAKING — Telegram is showing problems globally over the past minutes, specially in Southern Russia, Middle East and parts of South America! Users arent able to use the app without proxies
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Trump posts song of himself called “The Chosen One” Who is else is known as the “Chosen One of God”? Oh that’s right, only Jesus. It’s outright blasphemy and it couldn’t be any more clearer. Repent and turn from this wicked idolatry. God is not pleased with “Christians” putting all their hope in one man to save America, The West and the World. Time is short, the beast system is here and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. No voting, no political movement, no new law or mandate, no lawsuit will turn this around. The choice is yours. Spread the gospel, that’s what you’re called to do in this hour. Jesus himself did not lead any political movement or advocate for any. We are to follow in His footsteps. The Gospel is contrary to the ways of this world. The false prophets and teachers will have you believe otherwise. Get right with God, humble yourself and turn to HIM!
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Greetings, blessings and love to you all beautiful family in Jesus, I pray that you are keeping well and blessed. This is one of the most important posts that I am presenting to you. In order to prove that the Bible is 100% truth, you have to study history to prove when major historical events have taken place that were prophesied hundreds of years before. This is the most important prophecy in the whole Bible because it is all about Jesus and Him being the ultimate sacrifice. Daniel 9:24 provides a very clear outline that 70 weeks are declared on the people and the city to finish the transgression and to make an end to sin and to bring everlasting righteousness and to anoint The Most Holy which is all Jesus. Nowhere is the antichrist mentioned. This is a two part prophecy which is one for the people and one for the holy city Jerusalem. When Jesus died on the cross in 33AD as the ETERNAL SACRIFICE, He put an end to animal sacrifices. That was the fulfilment of prophecy for the people. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD by Titus with the help of the Jews and Jesus prophesied this Himself in Matthew 24:2. The 70 weeks of years is a 7 year Shmita cycle which equates to 490 years. This prophecy started coming to fruition when Ezra was commissioned by Artaxerxes I in the seventh year of his reign, which was 457BC written in Daniel 9:25. The explanation is highlighted in yellow. If you read Matthew 24:2, you will find the parallel verses is Daniel 9:26-27 which is highlighted in blue proving fulfilment of prophecy. This provides Scriptural Truth that the tribulation is not 7 years which is also not written anywhere in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation mentions three different periods that are all the same: 1260 days, 3½ years, or 42 months and 5 months for the locust army. The 1260 day time period is speaking of the mark of the beast and the two witnesses. Knowing this now, we can look to other books in the Bible that line up with this time period and the only ones are Daniel 7:25 and Daniel 12:7-12 which both include time periods of a time, times and a half a time or 1260 days as well as an additional 75 days in Daniel 12. Daniel 12:12 lines up with Revelation 3:10 which is about being kept from the hour of testing of piercing through. It is about doing all the deep studies in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. So to conclude I don't just use 2 verses to support what I know to be true. I have many and have the Truth from the Word. All Glory to the Most High. Thank you Jesus for Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life. It is all about You. I will not allow the devil to take Your Glory. The devil and his legions will replicate exactly what Daniel 9:27 implies but just remember one week equates to 49 years of a 7 year Schmita cycle so that will mean that in the 24.5th of his agreement, he will break it. Can you see how this does not work.
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I want you to share this with everyone you know, the people deserve a choice to hear both sides of the story. Not just follow a few voices who claim this man is a legitimate prophet. You should really do the research on those you follow, and we ask you to pray and discern. Do not just emotionally dismiss this one. Your faith and relationship with God are too important for you to have placed this man and the hope on the words of a Psychic in between you and peace. We are really sorry we had to make this, but someone has to tell you the truth. The Goon on the Reawakening Tour isn't going to, nor is his merry bands of grifters and false prophets. Enough is Enough Repent, and Share 🙏
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Psychic Clement 720p - Made with Clipchamp.mp4350.32 MB
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Dutchsinse (Twitter) Part 1 of 2. The past 5 days of earthquakes shows a progression or path of earthquakes following the North American Craton "interior edge" from the Northwest USA (Montana) going in a diagonal line down to Yellowstone and then picking up with the same sized earthquakes at the drill points in Texas and Oklahoma. Then we see the same sized earthquakes progress across the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Missouri Tennessee)...and again on the craton Southeast Edge down in Georgia..... Finally followed by the same sized earthquakes striking up the East coast in New Jersey (Trump Golf Course and Hell Mountain reserve), as well as the far Northeast up in Canada at the US border. This proves: There is a force going across the plate which drops off the Earthquakes along the way at various predisposed locations. The size of the quakes shows us the current size of the wave bouncing back and forth on the craton edge. The more energy which is pumped in on the West coast leads to larger magnitudes spreading across these same paths every week. The size (magnitude) of the quakes and the number of (frequency of) the events picks up as new pushes from the "seismic wave" come in from the Pacific. The "seismic wave" is generated in the far West Pacific with deep earthquakes hammering in ULF/ELF/VLF waves which then spread out following the plate boundaries and craton edges of every plate ..... The seismic wave I am talking about drops off the earthquakes somewhat equidistantly spaced along the way as this large powerful "standing wave" spreads. It is not one earthquake causing the other like dominoes falling .... it is a greater wave that is spreading and the earthquakes are just the byproduct of the standing wave building in an area until the location breaks under electromagnetic stress. The wave is physical in nature (it travels path of least resistance when spreading) ..but it electrical in source from ULF ELF oscillations coming up from deep in the core of the Earth -- hitting the undersides of the plates in the West pacific, and then spreading out to the USA after several days of travel through mother natures "wave tank" which holds the wave. The wave tanks which hold this seismic wave which I'm speaking of are the plate boundaries and craton edges. The spread of earthquakes this week across the North American craton are what we would expect.. and the locations all have interesting things nearby which justify why the seismic wave broke there at each location. Examples: Rare Earthquake last week next to the power generation station Nuclear plant at the Ohio coastline. Earthquake in Georgia (southeast USA) on the craton edge next to quarry points, mining points, and an ancient volcano called Pigeon Mountain. Earthquake in Arkansas next to several oil and gas drill points. Earthquake in West Tennessee in the middle of the new madrid seismic zone. Cluster of earthquakes across Oklahoma in a arrow > shape pointing East (every location in Oklahoma directly next to a gas drill point). Single Earthquake in North Central Kansas at an old 1950's oil filed now capped off and buried. Rare earthquake this past week M4.0 range in South Dakota next to the large hydroelectric generation station. Every earthquake in Texas (central south and west) are directly next to oil and gas drill points. Single earthquake in Central Wyoming next to a large wastewaster disposal fracking and oil pumping operation Earthquakes in SW Utah next to Markagunt Plateau volcanic field every quake next to an old volcanic fissure or butte. Earthquakes in NW Utah are at two locations both are deep earth bunker locations owned by Northrup Grumman and ATK orbital respectively (quakes at 7.5KM depth though below each location - likely deep earth mining kept secret for obvious reasons) @DutchsinseFans
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22.81 MB
Repost from Police frequency
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Watch: Millions of mayflies swarmed Cedar Point in Northern Ohio, creating a startling spectacle that visitors won’t soon forget.
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42.56 MB
Repost from Secret_X_Files
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A medical textbook from 1989 explains that coronavirus is, in fact, the common cold. Join: 👉🏽@Secret_X_Files
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1.35 MB
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☠️🐟Mass fish death in 🇲🇽 Mexico blamed on severe drought... 🖥 RUMBLE 𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 🕊
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video_2024-06-10_19-35-36.mp48.17 MB
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BREAKING: Scientists Are Testing mRNA "Vaccines" to "Protect Cows and People Against Bird Flu" Follow @trumpetnews1 🔥 Rumble | Youtube | Website | Store
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Scientists_are_testing_mRNA_vaccines_to_protect_cows_and_people.mp46.43 MB
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Please read the post thread for context Over the last couple of days I have been sharing with you how the next stage of what the evil ones have planned, which is to merge the metaverse (quantum realm) with reality. The mRNA technology within the Covid 19 vaccine is collecting data with the aid of biometric software that Microsoft filed on 26/03/2020 (666) and was finalised on 22/04/2020 (666) with the patent number WD060606. Key Features The patent describes a cryptocurrency system that uses human body activity data in a mining process. A server provides a task to a device of a user, which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user senses body activity of the user. The sensed body activity is used in the mining process of the cryptocurrency system. Implications The WD060606 Patent has raised concerns and speculation about the potential use of biometric data in cryptocurrency mining. While the patent’s exact implications are still unclear, it has sparked discussions about the intersection of technology, privacy, and human behavior. This information is what will be building your digital avatar. Welcome to your digital self for the Metaverse of transhumanism. The digital twin operates through wireless nano sensor networks and wide-body area networks implanted within human bodies, serving as the foundational backbone of the entire system. These networks collect real-time data on physiological parameters, monitor health status, and enable seamless communication between biological systems and digital technologies. The digital twin utilizes this data to create virtual models of individuals, providing personalized insights into health, optimizing medical interventions, and facilitating advancements in healthcare research and innovation. The digital twin of the human body operates by collecting vast amounts of data from individuals without their explicit consent, including medical records, biometric information, and behavioral data. This data is used to create virtual replicas of individuals, which can be exploited for commercial purposes, surveillance, and manipulation without their knowledge or control. The lack of consent and transparency in this process raises serious ethical concerns regarding privacy, autonomy, and the potential for abuse of personal data, undermining trust in healthcare systems and exacerbating disparities in access to care. You just couldn't make this up.
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I have copied the below: Trump recognises Jerusalem as the capital for the first time in 2000 years On December 6, 2017, President Donald Trump made a historic announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that reversed decades of American foreign policy. This decision was significant, as it marked the first time in nearly 2,000 years that Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel. Background Jerusalem has been a contested city for centuries, with both Israelis and Palestinians claiming it as their capital. The city has a rich history, with the Jewish people considering it their eternal and undivided capital, while the Palestinians see East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. Trump’s Decision President Trump’s decision was met with both praise and criticism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the move as a “historic landmark” and a “courageous and just” decision. In contrast, many world leaders, including those from the European Union, the United Nations, and the Arab League, condemned the move, citing concerns that it would undermine the prospects for peace in the region. Consequences The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has significant implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The move has been seen as a major blow to the Palestinian cause, as it undermines their claim to the city as the capital of their future state. The decision has also sparked widespread protests and violence in the region, with many Palestinians viewing it as a betrayal of the long-standing international consensus on the status of Jerusalem. Legacy The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by President Trump will likely be remembered as a significant turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While the move has been met with controversy, it has also been seen as a bold and decisive step by the Trump administration in support of Israel. The decision will likely have far-reaching consequences for the region, and its impact will be felt for years to come. Now you can understand why Israel love Trump so much. What I would like you to ask yourself is how can an American president take Jerusalem and give it to Israel as their capital when he is not even the president or prime minster of Israel? People want to say that Trump is a decoy for the antichrist; well it would mean that there would need to be another leader that has an established relationship with Israel and the world. That is a lot of time to be expecting someone else to come into the shoes of a man that has all the characteristics already. Why would the Scriptures be so clear on how to recognise the traits for us to say that Trump is a decoy. That is just nonsensical. Remember the antichrist has to appear as a saviour and be loved. What other politician do you know that is so loved?
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Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, reversing longtime U.S. policy

President Donald Trump on Wednesday reversed decades of U.S. policy and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, imperiling Middle East peace efforts and upsetting the Arab world and Western allies alike.

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🙏❤️ Father resides within you with The Holy Spirit and teaches you all that you need to know.
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