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Repost from White Lotus
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Merkaba Mix Vol 1.

Music to make your soul move.

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You are not a drop in the ocean, you're an ocean in the drop - Rumi 💧🙏🌊
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You have to treat your blades to stay sharp 🕶⚔ #lightwarrior
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Repost from White Lotus
Unfortunately, many are committing suicide because they aren’t understanding what’s bubbling up in them and they don’t have the right people around them to help them understand or unpack anything. If you’ve been noticing suicides lately by people leaving their children, friends and family behind, this is why. Along with their current life issues pilled up on top of them. This is a very sad and unfortunate side effect of these ancient timeline activations. But many are stepping up to the plate and offering a wide array of healing services to aid in all of this. The white dragons are activating many layers of these ancient grids and ancient timelines. The collective must process and heal these traumas in order to fully anchor them down into this reality. This will take time and its moving slow. But we’re moving in the right trajectory towards the highest timeline for humanity. - Antonio Arilo
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Repost from White Lotus
WHITE DRAGONS WINTER SOLSTICE ANCIENT TIMELINE RESTORATION The Matrix that encapsulates the portion of space that contains this galaxy is primarily of the Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and Sophia energies. It's many levels of grid systems including planetary matrices are managed by the White Dragons. These grid systems manage the ecosystem of reality according to its scale and/or the range it covers. To make sure the fabric of reality operates in love, unity, balance, truth and connected to source energy. They affect perception, physical and spiritual evolution, internal function, how you respond to your environment, manifestation etc. WHITE DRAGONS OF THE PLANATARY MATRIX I want to focus only on this planet’s Matrix because it is the most relevant right now. The white dragon people that are working with this planet’s matrix and its grid systems are traveling to certain places and points of the planet where major grid lines intersect. They’re being spiritually guided to perform special ceremonies and rituals to activate the grid lines of the land. This work is also being performed remotely by those who are accessing the energies of these grids via their own special modalities and/or containers. Side note, grid work isn’t limited to just the White Dragons. There’s a plethora of other light beings, lightworkers and ET's around the world doing rituals like this. They are activating the grids in other ways that is helping to bring down more light on the planet. Other types of dragons are working with the grids in other ways too. HOWEVER, the White Dragons specifically are activating and ushering in the ancient earth timelines. This means that the timeline of Ancient Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Lemuria, Mesopotamia, Aztecs, Mayan and other fallen civilizations are being activated. This activation is surfacing deeply embedded memories and Trauma within the collective. Especially the Trauma of Malevolent AI infiltration, human ritualistic sacrifices, DNA experimentation and slaughters. The public backlash against AI goes deeper than what is being presented on the surface. There’s deep subconscious trauma being triggered. These traumas have been surfacing gradually for years but they’ve been increasing drastically this year leading to today. Now more than ever we need energy healers, plant medicine facilitators, and trauma facilitators to step up to the plate to create the sacred containers necessary to help bring forward these new paradigms to help people understand and to unpack and process these deeply embedded traumas. There’s so much trauma trapped in people’s cellular memory so there will be very aggressive and visceral bodily reactions in many people. There’s also heavy psychological trauma to unpack.
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Repost from White Lotus
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WHITE DRAGONS WINTER SOLSTICE ANCIENT TIMELINE RESTORATION The white dragons have been coming through for a couple of months now. But they’ve been coming through the most intense this month leading up to today’s Winter Solstice. The White Dragons are the main theme of this year’s winter solstice. The reason for this is because one of the biggest roles of White Dragons are working with matrices and their grid systems. I’ll explain what Matrices are. A Matrix is one of the most advanced Crystalline Architectural Technologies created by the Creator dragons. They are created around every planet. There are larger matrices that encapsulates every solar system. The even larger ones encapsulate each galaxy and clusters of galaxies. Then there’s the Universal Matrix and the Universal Shield around it. These different levels of Matrices are managed by different levels of Matrix Dragons. Each Matrix has their own grid systems that manages a portion of space. (Continued)
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Not new to this, but true to this ⚔🛡🙏 #lightworker #lightwarrior
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Repost from Awakened_144
They didn't expect so many warrior spirits. They didn’t expect us to stand together. They didn’t expect us to walk from our careers, to leave our shoes behind. They didn’t expect us to boycott our old ways of living. They didn’t think we would give up our social activities. They didn’t expect us to do without restaurants, sports or concerts. They didn’t expect us to find new and better things to do. They didn’t expect the free thinkers to be so resilient. They didn’t expect our souls to be so filled with passion and strength. They didn’t expect our intuition to be so tuned in. They didn’t expect the fire within us to put all of hell to shame. It has become very clear that those who have made their choice will not waiver in their decision. There is nothing that can be said, done or taken away that will coherse us into submission. We do not fear death and therefore choose life! We choose to live life in this sacred temple with honor, dignity and truth. Because life is precious and also temporary, it will be over our dead body that we will comply with orders from their mind control. We free thinkers will always seem crazy to those who can't see beyond conventions. We're being ridiculed for evolving past people's comfort zones. Self educated people who escape the shackles of deception will never be fooled by institutionalized propoganda. I say we because I am not alone. There are me's in every country, city and town. There are me's isolated in the mountain's and me's strategically placed in positions of power. Our resolve is being tested like never before which may seem hard right now but we always knew this was never going to be easy. The opportunity to create our own reality is upon us as it is times such as these that force us to do what is necessary. Not just necessary for our survival but what is necessary for a life worth living. Nothing is what it seems so keep an open mind. We're waking up collectively as a species at a speed never seen before. So buckle up, keep your eyes on the ball and enjoy the ride, because things are going to get a lot more weird and crazy before they get better. So to all those that have been called, conspiracy theorists, misfits, crazy nut jobs and space cadets. Never give up, keep doing what you're doing and stay focused, we got this. ❤️ See you on the other side.❤️ John Parry
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