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Загрузка данных... 一篇关于在一个当局正在镇压异见的国家纪念六四的文章。 A protest tent from an adversarial state is preserved as a symbol of courage at a US museum; a similar object is criminalized when it challenges establishment power in this country. The contradiction exposes the bounds of American freedom. To reclaim the legacy of Tiananmen for emancipatory ends, not just against the oppressive Chinese regime but against oppression everywhere, one must release it from the distortion field of Cold War politics and place it in a longer, larger history of struggle. 来自敌国的抗议帐篷被保存在美国的博物馆里作为勇气的象征,而当类似的帐篷被用来挑战美国当局的时候,就变成了一个罪证。这种双重标准将美国“自由”的局限性暴露了出来。如果我们纪念六四是要纪念反抗压迫,争取自由解放的精神,那就必须将六四的记忆从冷战政治的扭曲中释放出来。
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Grieving Tiananmen as US Cops Crush Campus Protests

To reclaim the legacy of Tiananmen for emancipatory ends, we must release it from Cold War politics and place it in a longer, larger history of struggle.

! TO ALL EUROPEAN CITIZENS IN THIS CHANNEL ! Ban on conversion practices in the European Union "Objectives : We call on the European Commission to propose a binding legal ban on conversion practices targeting LGBTQ+ citizens in the European Union: Conversion Practices are interventions aimed at changing, repressing or suppressing the sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression of LGBTQ+ persons. Such practices, due to their discriminatory, degrading, harmful and fraudulent nature have been qualified as torture by the United Nations, and are currently being banned in a growing number of States. The EU plays a key role in the protection of fundamental rights and should take actions to fight against all inhuman practices. The Commission should propose a directive adding conversion practices to the list of euro-crimes and/or amend the ongoing directive on equality (2008) to include a ban on these practices. Furthermore, to fight against the legislative moratorium, the Commission should also enforce a non-binding resolution calling for a widespread ban of conversion practices in the EU. Finally, we call on the Commission to amend the Victims’ Rights Directive to establishes minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of conversion practices. All member states should introduce a ban on conversion practices or review their current ones." Link :
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European Citizens' Initiative

Give your support !

Over the last few days one can see how the regime and its propagandists, Republicans or Democrats, paint completely peaceful protesters who are reading, picnicking, painting, singing and dancing as bloodthirsty terrorists. They are all bald-faced liars without shame. Don’t believe a single word from their mouths.
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1968-2024 历史再一次重演 (后面是抗议营地)
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Morning & Afternoon. Solidarity to the brave students!!
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The brave students, unionists and peace activists here have raised the flags, set up the tents and formed the human chain, in defiance of the threats from the police and the administration. 🇵🇸✊ DISCLOSE, DIVEST, WE WILL NOT STOP AND WE WILL NOT REST!
Показать все... If you are in Madison WI area, the protest for divestment and for Palestine solidarity will be on Monday April 29 9:00 am at Library Mall. If you plan on joining, please wear a mask to protect yourself against both covid 🦠 and cops👮‍♂️.
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Raha Benjamin教授在今年Spelman College毕业典礼的演讲片段: 更多黑人进入领导层救不了我们。看看那些支持“警察城”的黑人,亚特兰大市政当局的黑人。更多黑人进入领导层救不了我们。看看那黑人女性,美国驻联合国大使,一次又一次举手反对加沙停火。这告诉我们,黑人或者女性身份本身并不能说明什么。如果我们加入压迫者的一方去帮忙维持现状,如果我们支持用所谓“训练得更好的警察”来占领我们的社区,或者面对我们的税金支持下的种族灭绝暴行一声不吭,那我们是黑人或者是女性这一点并不能使我们更值得信任。现在让我表扬一下Spelman学院以及AUC大学同盟那些积极参与反警察城运动以及支持巴勒斯坦自由运动的同学们,包括在座诸位中很大一部分,你们的事迹让我们再一次意识到,大学不只是进入“现实世界”前的训练场,我们在大学里就可以开始学着、试着去改造世界。我觉得下面这些是不言自明的但让我还是强调一下:那些为巴勒斯坦、海地、刚果人民的自由勇敢发声的学生,为反对警察城勇敢发声的学生,不应该被威胁开除,不应该被威胁剥夺奖学金,也不应该因为抗议而遭受警察暴力。很多学校喜欢用已经毕业的学运分子来给自己贴金,甚至给这些人荣誉学位,但学运正在发生的时候,就想尽办法去镇压。我们的学校应该要比它们做得更好才行。 整个演讲见:
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Ruha Benjamin - Spelman Convocation 2024

Dr. Ruha Benjamin delivers a poignant speech on sisterhood and its study and application during Spelman College's Founder Day Convocation 2024. For more information on Ruha: #ruhabenjamin #socialjustice #speaker

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"A small percentage of the blacks owned slaves; they were our first black bourgeoisie. But what we have today are their spiritual descendents. And just as the earlier black slaveholders fail to alleviate the suffering of their slaves, so today the black capitalists do nothing to alleviate the suffering of their oppressed black brothers." — Huey P Newton in the video: Professor Ruha Benjamin speaks out against the Israeli genocide of Palestinians and the repression of activist students on campuses
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