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American National Socialist Organization

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Tactical gear is cool. Training scenarios are cool. You should absolutely be getting the gear advisable for bad situations and be training with it as much as you can. Don’t take this the wrong way. But too many people are gearing up, putting in reps, reading the manuals, getting the knowledge without having the spiritual readiness to violence. I don’t know how to help you with that; I’ve always had that spirit since I was six and responded to a bigger older kid trying to bully me by bowling him over and hitting him in the face until he cried for me to leave him alone. I think the best approach is to truly focus on love of your own as opposed to the incessant hate for others peddled by some in our movement. “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, Nor the arrow for its swiftness, Nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” - JRR Tolkien, LoTR Book IV Study our history. Understand the greatness in our past. Learn the stories of your forefathers. Act as if they were watching over you (for if anyone is, it is them). Find love for your Folk. Focus your activism on helping others. To change the world starts with you. Stickering campaigns are great, fliers are important, but caring for mentally ill and poisoned homeless is hard to paint as villainous. Providing food to poor and hungry White brothers is impossible to vilify in the media. Cutting your elderly neighbor’s grass in the summer isn’t glamorous or great for self-congratulatory propaganda clips but it builds you up as a man. We don’t need better fighters or better artists or better speakers. We need better men who can light the way for our children. We need men with a fiercely burning love for their Folk who will kill and die without a second thought to preserve the future for their children. Hail victory. ✋🏻
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Repost from JACK♣️FELL
- Imagine living in a safe, homogeneous, high trust country. - Imagine your country being invaded by millions. - Imagine your government enabling this invasion. - Imagine your government justifying this invasion by saying that your country is not really a country, but an idea. - Imagine the invaders colonizing your towns, changing them forever with their incompatible culture and high crime. - Imagine the invaders outbreeding you, thereby completely disenfranchising you. - Imagine your government giving aid & comfort to the invaders with your tax money as they deny you basic services. - Imagine your government saying that less of you and more of the invaders is your greatest strength. - Imagine your government calling this invasion that is fundamentally changing your country forever "Progress." - Imagine your political representation catering to the invaders as they ignore your existence. - Imagine your government designating you a domestic terrorist for disagreeing with "Progress." - Imagine passively accepting everything above because you don't want to be called a racist. - Imagine actually cheerleading your genocide in the country your forefathers built for themselves and their posterity. @jackfelldownagain
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Imagine if Androcles removed the snare from the lion’s foot and, out of misguided altruism, brought the lion home and gave it a bed beside his family. The lion expressed his undying gratitude and promised to behave as a member of the family. In the morning, however, the lion complains of the bed not being built for lions and that the bathroom didn’t accommodate his needs. After a few days Androcles’ family notices that the lion smells bad and has let his unmade bed fill with hair, fleas and even feces. When confronted the lion lashes out angrily, demanding the family also shit their own beds and accept some of his fleas or else be condemned as “anti-lionous”. Androcles’ wife and daughter, out of their feminine desires to avoid conflict, agree to the lion’s demands. Androcles’ son instead decides to go to the lion’s bed and change the sheets. The lion, incensed, slaughters the boy and when Androcles begins to cause a fuss the lion threatens his wife and daughter next and howls in protest at the suggestion that he be removed from the house. Aesop’s Fables for Modern America
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Dr. William Luther Pierce The USS Liberty Attack
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The USS Liberty Attack with Dr. William Luther Pierce.mp410.92 MB
Repost from Full 🌞 Haus
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On this anniversary of the deliberate Israeli assault on the USS Liberty, check out our show with four survivors if you missed it back in January. They still have the fire all these years later.
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Jocko Podcast Ep. 327 - Attack On The USS Liberty.mp3110.21 MB
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Today is the anniversary of D-Day. 6 June, 1944 marked a day of White men 5,000 miles from home storming a beach defended by White men on their ancestral shores, slaughtering each other with every modern weapon available while capitalist elite oligarchs and Wall Street War Department jews got rich. WWII was a period that marked a jump in the growth of the “wealth gap” between US elites and the common working man; the “middle class” saw their average wealth decline by 10-25% while the wealthy oligarchs who sent their sons to the Washington D.C. Bureaucracy instead of the beaches of Normandy watched their wealth increase by averages of 400%. I imagine with very little doubt that if the men who fought and died on Normandy beaches this day in 1944 could see the future, they would have abandoned their struggle and turned their guns on Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.
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MASKUP.mp33.33 MB
While a sick transsexual invader rampaged killing defenseless children, the homosexual thin blue line not ONLY did nothing to stop him; they actively prioritized THEIR OWN children then kept parents away and PREVENTED parents from taking action to protect their own children. The police are nothing but corrupt and homosexual agents of the unjust state. They have no duty to protect citizens as established by clear court precedent. Their sole job is to enforce the tyranny of our Zionist Occupied Government. Traitors die first, swine, remember that. We will repay the debts due when we win. Hail victory. ✋🏻
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