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Oscar's | 8.0

Current score: 8.0 (L:9.0 R:8.0 W:7.0 S: 8.5) English, Memes, Football, Self-development and some cool things

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Here are the band 9 responses to the IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions on home and decoration: 1. What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room? I would choose dark green for my room's walls. It's a sophisticated colour that brings a sense of calm and connection to nature, aligning well with my preference for darker tones. 2. What colour would you never use in your home? I would never use bright or overly vibrant colours like neon pink or yellow in my home. They are too intense and do not fit with my minimalist aesthetic. 3. Can you describe the place where you live? I live in a house near the city centre of Tashkent. The design is minimalist, with a focus on functionality and simplicity. Despite my culture’s tendency towards maximalism, I prefer clean lines and uncluttered spaces. 4. What kind of housing accommodation do you live in? I live in a house that offers ample space and privacy. It’s well-suited to my lifestyle, providing enough room for all my activities, including training at the nearby football pitch. 5. What do you like about your house? I particularly like the spaciousness and the sense of privacy my house provides. It’s also convenient having a mosque nearby, which makes it easy to attend prayers regularly. 6. Which room does your family spend most of the time in? My family spends most of our time in the living room. It's a minimalist yet comfortable space where we can relax and spend quality time together. 7. What can you see from the windows where you live? From my windows, I can see the plain house of my neighbour. Additionally, there’s a mosque nearby and a football pitch where I sometimes train. 8. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? I prefer living in a house due to the space and privacy it offers. However, I do see the appeal of living in a flat during the winter months, as it's generally more comfortable and easier to maintain. 9. What would you like to change in your house? If I could change one thing, I would add more natural light. Incorporating larger windows or skylights would enhance the minimalist aesthetic and make the space feel even more open and airy. 10. What do you dislike about your house? The only thing I dislike about my house is the limited view from the windows. Seeing only the plain house of my neighbour can be a bit uninspiring at times.
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🔥 3👍 1🤩 1
Here are band 9 responses to the IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions on the topic of your hometown: 1. Please describe your hometown a little. I am from Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan. It is a vibrant and historical city with a unique blend of modernity and tradition. The architecture reflects a rich history, with beautiful Soviet-era buildings and bustling bazaars juxtaposed with contemporary developments. 2. What is your town well-known for? Tashkent is renowned for its cultural heritage, delicious cuisine, and hospitable people. It is also famous for its beautiful mosques, such as the Khast Imam Complex, and its vibrant markets, like the Chorsu Bazaar. 3. Do you like your hometown? Yes, I love Tashkent. It offers a perfect balance of the hustle and bustle of city life with peaceful green spaces. The cultural diversity and the warmth of the people make it a wonderful place to live. 4. Is that a big city or a small place? Tashkent is quite a large city, being the largest in Uzbekistan. It serves as the political, economic, and cultural hub of the country, with a population of over two million people. 5. How long have you been living there? I have been living in Tashkent for most of my life. Although I reside near the city centre, I have spent a considerable amount of time in the heart of the city as well. 6. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Yes, I do see myself living here for the foreseeable future. Tashkent offers numerous opportunities for professional growth and a high quality of life, which are important factors for me. 7. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future? While the countryside has its own charm and tranquillity, I prefer the dynamic environment of the city. However, I wouldn’t mind spending short periods in the countryside to relax and unwind. 8. Have you ever lived in the countryside? No, I have never lived in the countryside. My life has always been centred around Tashkent and its suburbs. 9. Do you ever spend time in the countryside? Yes, I occasionally visit the countryside for short trips or vacations. It provides a nice escape from the fast-paced city life and a chance to connect with nature. 10. What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city? Living in the countryside is generally more peaceful and offers a slower pace of life, closer to nature. In contrast, city life is more fast-paced, with better access to amenities, entertainment, and job opportunities. 11. What do people living in the countryside like to do? People in the countryside often engage in agricultural activities, spend time outdoors, and enjoy community gatherings. They typically lead simpler lives, focusing on family and local traditions. 12. What do you like to do in the countryside? When I visit the countryside, I enjoy hiking, exploring nature, and relaxing away from the noise and pollution of the city. It's a great way to recharge and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. 13. How has your town changed over the last 20 years? Over the past two decades, Tashkent has undergone significant development. There has been a surge in modern infrastructure, new residential areas, and commercial complexes. Despite these changes, the city has managed to preserve its cultural heritage and historical landmarks, maintaining a balance between progress and tradition.
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2🔥 1
Here are band 9 responses to the IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions on work and studies: 1. Do you work or are you a student? I am currently working as an English teacher, although I am also actively pursuing further studies to enhance my qualifications. 2. What work do you do? / What subjects are you studying? As an English teacher, I teach a range of courses to students aiming to improve their language skills. Concurrently, I am preparing for the IELTS exam to achieve a score of 9.0 and plan to pursue the DELTA qualification. 3. Why did you choose that job? I chose to become an English teacher because of my passion for language and communication. Teaching allows me to share this passion and help others achieve their goals, which I find extremely rewarding. 4. Why did you choose to study that subject? I chose to study English and pursue advanced qualifications in teaching because I believe in the power of education to transform lives. Additionally, these qualifications open up numerous opportunities for career advancement and personal growth. 5. Do you like your job? Yes, I genuinely enjoy my job. It is fulfilling to see my students make progress and gain confidence in their language abilities. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities for creativity in teaching. 6. Is there anything you dislike about your job? The one aspect I find challenging is the administrative workload that comes with teaching. It can sometimes be overwhelming and takes time away from actual teaching and interaction with students. 7. What do you like about your studies? What I appreciate most about my studies is the intellectual stimulation and the opportunity to deepen my knowledge. Preparing for the IELTS and DELTA qualifications also helps me become a more effective teacher. 8. What do you dislike about your studies? The most challenging part of my studies is the time management required to balance work, study, and personal life. It can be quite demanding to keep up with the rigorous study schedule while maintaining high teaching standards. 9. What was your dream job when you were young? When I was young, my dream job was to become a journalist. I was fascinated by the idea of storytelling and informing the public about important issues. 10. Have you changed your mind on your dream job? Yes, over time, I realised that my true passion lies in education and helping others achieve their potential. Although I still appreciate journalism, teaching English has become my ideal career path.
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🔥 3 1
Now, let's see how GPT would answer these part 1 questions.
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New IELTS Speaking Study Planner for May-August 2024
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🔥 3🤩 2
Some people think that there should be a complete ban on all forms of advertising. To what extent do you agree or disagree? There is a controversy around the topic of advertising, and some believe that it should completely be banned. While I admit that it promotes consumerism, in my opinion a complete removal of ads can lead to economic recession, and seriously affect businesses' brand keeping consumers out of the loop. Getting rid of all forms of advertisements disrupts the entire economic ecosystem. Advertisements, which are great forms of generating revenue for both businesses and advertisers, help them expand their businesses. Also, since ads have become an integral part of businesses in general, it has created many jobs in the world of marketing. Prohibition of ads, therefore, would worsen the current economic situation leaving many people unemployed. Secondly, business enterprises may suffer from obscurity leaving customers unaware of the innovations being made in the marketplace. When businesses are not allowed to promote their new products, be it an invention or just an updated version of a particular product, most people would not even know about their existence. This will obviously limit the prospect of their business expansion making it extremely challenging to go from local to international. Meanwhile, customers would not have access to the latest technology being made in their country let alone on the other side of the world. However, some believe that advertisements promote consumerism and excessive spending regardless of consumers' needs. Oftentimes, people are exposed to products via different media platforms and persuaded to buy them. This is often done by using celebrities who promote their lavish lifestyle and end up making us believe that advertised products are what we need to have the life we want, or at least the life they want us to have. That is why there is a belief that removing ads from our lives we eliminate external factors that affect our shopping decisions making us more conscious, which I personally believe is not a pragmatic solution. To sum up, although commercials make us shopaholics, this reason cannot be enough to eliminate them once and for all since they stabilise the economy in the society and help businesses to increase their brand awareness keeping customer in the loop about brand new products. #sample_essay
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👍 5
#Day4 Useful words 1. **Scrutiny** - Definition: Close and critical observation or examination. - Example: The new policy came under intense scrutiny from both the public and the media. 2. **Contentious Issue** - Definition: A subject or topic that causes disagreement or argument. - Example: The proposal to increase taxes is a contentious issue among the city's residents. 3. **Invasive** - Definition: Tending to spread in an undesired manner, often negatively affecting the environment or body; also refers to actions that intrude or interfere. - Example: The invasive species quickly took over the local ecosystem, outcompeting native plants and animals. 4. **Sensationalism** - Definition: The use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, to provoke public interest. - Example: The newspaper was accused of sensationalism for exaggerating the details of the celebrity scandal. 5. **Distort** - Definition: To twist or change the shape or meaning of something, often making it false or misleading. - Example: The politician's comments were distorted by the media, leading to widespread misunderstanding. 6. **Overshadow** - Definition: To appear more important or significant than something else, often making it seem less important. - Example: The athlete's scandal overshadowed his previous achievements on the field. 7. **Substantive** - Definition: Having a firm basis in reality and therefore important, meaningful, or considerable. - Example: The debate focused on substantive issues that affect the daily lives of the citizens. 8. **Foster** - Definition: To encourage the development or growth of something, often in a nurturing way. - Example: The teacher's goal was to foster a love of reading in her students. 9. **Citizenry** - Definition: The citizens of a place, collectively considered. - Example: The government's new initiative aimed to improve the quality of life for the entire citizenry. 10. **Refrain** - Definition: To stop oneself from doing something. - Example: He had to refrain from laughing during the serious meeting. 11. **Uphold** - Definition: To support or maintain a principle, law, or decision. - Example: The court's decision to uphold the ban on plastic bags was widely praised by environmentalists. These words are useful for expressing complex ideas and can enhance the quality of your writing and speaking.
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👍 5 2
Hey people 👋 I don't usually advertise anything, but an experienced friend of mine opened a telegram channel dedicated to IELTS writing. Let's support an educational content rather than nonsense videos of our local bloggers. 👉👉 👈👈
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6🔥 4👍 3🏆 2
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👍 2
Fill the gap with ONLY ONE WORD "95% of content on social media consists of _________ content"
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