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"Un commercialista di Bari" [cit.] @giuslit

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OUT! n. 16 - 03/07/2024

Frexit: non vorrei ma posso. Anzi devo | Biden vuole restare | Gli Usa non trovano i soldi per l'Ucraina | La Sicilia ha sete | PPE di lotta e di governo | Aiuti di Stato alle rinnovabili

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L’insostenibile mantra della sostenibilità per le pmi - Startmag

L’ultima trovata sono le 85 pagine delle linee guida sul dialogo di sostenibilità tra PMI e banche, che il Mef ha posto in consultazione in

Yet the pathetic sight of Brezhnev in decline has a broader meaning. Why is it that people like this end up running countries? Are there systemic, bureaucratic, institutional reasons why frail old men are appointed—or elected? Is it the fear of change, the troubling uncertainty of a world without familiar fixtures, that makes even voters in democracies willingly embrace leaders who are well past their primes, who have nothing to offer but the sad reassurance that today is better than tomorrow, and tomorrow than the day after? The consequences of such indulgence are deeply troubling. It undermines faith in the social contract. If we are willing to be led by those who don’t know where they are going, we can’t aspire to build a better future for ourselves. All we can do is drift purposelessly in a violent, vengeful world. That’s what the Soviets did.
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JORDAN BARDELLA, the fresh-faced 28-year-old who could be the first French prime minister for Marine Le Pen’s hard-right National Rally, has designs on EU cash. Bardella, the party’s president, is eyeing up the money that Paris sends to Brussels. He wants to cut France’s contribution to the EU’S budget by between €2bn and €3bn (£2.5bn), and retain the money in Paris. Such funds would be valuable. It is no coincidence that Bardella highlighted the money-saving plan days after the European Commission told France to get its finances in line. The country’s deficit is expected to top 5pc of GDP this year and France’s total borrowings are 110pc of the economy’s annual output. It has been placed into the excessive deficit procedure, under which the EU monitors borrowing and proposes ways to cut the state’s deficit to the maximum allowed – 3pc of GDP. If it fails to do so, the French government could be fined by the EU. France has been ordered to save money – but Brussels perhaps did not expect Bardella to reach into the EU’S own budget to do so. “The less we give to the EU, the more we can forward money to the real French economy,” he said last week.
Dal Telegraph
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il Consiglio europeo, tenuto conto del voto delle elezioni europee e dopo aver svolto le consultazioni appropriate, deliberando a maggioranza qualificata propone al Parlamento un candidato alla carica di presidente della Commissione. La scelta, dunque, della tedesca Ursula von der Leyen resta una proposta di natura non vincolante. Spetterà solo al Parlamento europeo eleggere il presidente designato a maggioranza dei membri che lo compongono. Questo significa, allora, che l’«indicazione» della Von der Leyen, per un secondo mandato quinquennale, potrebbe non incontrare il via libera dell’assemblea parlamentare. In questo caso, entro un mese e deliberando a maggioranza qualificata, il Consiglio europeo propone un nuovo candidato da sottoporre al Parlamento.
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