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أي حدا عندو تعليق ،تصحيح أو سؤال أو إشي بخصوصهم ⬅️ @lalaue7
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هاد كان آخر مقالة كتبتها ما كتبت عن الوحدة التاسعة عشان ما كان معي وقت وبس 🦋❤️
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Business Unit 8 In bussnis Is starting your own business an easy task? of course no . Beginning your business is one of the hardest things a person can do. On one hand, it's interesting, rewarding and leading to independance. On the other hand, it's sometimes can be depressing, exhausting and even risky. If you want seriously to begin abusiness and gain freedom, and if you're already have abrilliant idea, try firstly to get agood advise from one of your family members or a friend of you or you can check the internet sites to guide you. Then you should study the market to get to khow your costumers and your competitions in the same field as you. After that start thinking about the financial aspects. You can get financial support from some investors and lenders, but be careful in that part or try to seek the help from proffessional. It's time to start implementation ! and turning your ideas into reality ・But the most important part of this progress is "Makering"; as there’s no point in having a great product if no body knows about it. Finally, Remember that you have great abilities and you can do anything , so think creativity then start by the steps that I wrote above, and don’t give up. Then you’ll achieve a great breakthrough.
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Dream job Unit (7) dream job. No one can deny that achieving financial independence is a goal for all people, but today, the world of work is hard, as it's changing fast. Also needs lot's of preparations, training and improving our own skills. Everyone has a dream job, which is grows with him from his childhood and he's trying hard to break down all the obstacles without giving up. Personally, my dream job is to be a doctor, and I'll do my best to achieve it, whatever it may cost me. As a profession, Medicine is a humanitarian job, it helps people to recover, to relieve their pains & back to their normal lives as before. Because Medicine is a great job and doctors exert tremendous efforts to save people lives, we can find that it's respected by the community. That’s why I chose Medicine as a career and to be my dream job. On the other hand, all jobs have some disadvantages. To make them hard and elusive, even mine has some. It requires endless hours & efforts, as well as endurance to the end and even beyond. Finally, it's advisable to work hard and to be creative in order to achieve your goal, as well as you have to choose the job that suits your personality and your desire as to you should to do what you love not to force yourself to love what have to do.
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تعبير الوحدة السابعة بحكي عن مهنة الاحلام ف انا كتبت عن الطب ،وكل حد بقدر يكتب عن حلمه 🦋🩶
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Friends We tend to make friends with people we came across regularly : people we go to school with, work with, or live close to. The more we see someone, the more likely to have a friendship with increases . Another big factor in friendship is common interests. We tend to be drawn to people we share things with: a hobby, the same cultural background , a shared career. Making anew friend is just the beginning of the journey. It takes time to form and even more time to deepen, so you need to take care of this new connection. The most important factor in a friendship is how this relationship makes you feel - not how it looks to others or how many things you have in common. A friend is someone we trust and share a deep level of understanding and communication with . A good friend will show a genuine interest in what's going in your life and what how you think and feel about things. Friends have a huge impact on your happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy and prevent loneliness. But close friendships don't just happen. Many of us struggle to meet new people and develop quality Commections. Whatever your age or circumstances, though, it's never late to make new friends, or reconnect with old ones and improve your social life. Some people especially young people, claim to have thousands of friends via the internet. However, research has shown that we have roughly the same number of friends in reality and online. It has suggested that the maximum number of friends is 150 and five of them are closer. Online friends aren't enough. In other words, having hundreds of online friends isn't the same as having a close friend you can be with in person. Online friends can't hug you when a crisis hits, visit you when you're sick, or celebrate a happy occasion with you. Our most important and powerful connections happen when we're face-to-face. So make it a priority to stay in touch in the real world, not just online.
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Communication Communication technology and social media have become a vital part of our daily life. They become the everyday use of millions of people around the world. Many people of different ages have at least one or two accounts on apps like Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp. They mainly. use them to communicate with others, and the main form of communication is texting. Like it or not, the majority of internet users are young people. So they called the connected generation because they spend hours and hours every day texting, chatting or updating their social profiles. Obviously, communication technology is a double -edged sword. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time. Communication technology has many advantages. For example, it's a force for social change and economic development, especially in poorer countries without a reliable traditional phone network. According to the World Bank's calculations,a 10% increase in high-speed internet connections leads to a 1.3% increase in economic growth. Therefore it's the single most powerful way to extend economic apportunities and services to millions of people, especially in remote areas. On the other side, communication technology seems to have a negative impact, especially on teenagers. For example, ten years ago, young people used to spend much time on studying or going out and having good time with their friends & families. Today, social media are damaging their social lives and they don't live real life. In my point of view, communication technology and social media are great help to our education, work and social life, but we need to be aware of it's negative effects and use them appropriately.
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Coincidence Coincidence “Every single moment is a coincidence “. We can’t deny this quotation,everyone of us passes by chance every moment , but what are coincidence? And how we can explain them? Coincidence are events that are unexpectedly happen at the same time for no clear reason or finding an unexpected connections between seemingly random things or people . There’s two explanations for coincidence: the first one is non-scientific explanation and it shows that coincidence are kind of mysterious plan out side our knowledge and it’s more exciting than the scientific one, so many people accept it . On the first part , we have the scientific explanation and it’s divided into two parts: The first one shows that there’s mathematical way to prove it . It has been calculated that the number of people you need to have 50% chance of two of them share something like birthday is 23 and when there are 48 people in the room , the probability goes up to 95% . The other part of scientific explanation for coincidences is that there are so many events in people’s lives, so it’s normal to have coincidences nowadays, especially with the internet Personally, I believe in coincidence , it’s something normal and happens in everyone’s life, for example a lot of coincidence happened with me and it’s still happening.
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Time management Time management can be defined as the process of organising and planning how much time you often need to spend on a certain activities.In other words , it’s getting everything done in the available amount of time. Your life depends on managing your time wisely, that’s why you need to take the right steps improving your performance to achieve your goals and aspirations with less efforts . Here are some ways that can help you manage your time better: identify your goals, use a to-do list to write your tasks,start with the most important tasks, get enough sleep, put all your focus on the task you are doing, turn your main tasks into habits, set time limits and give yourself breaks.After finishing all your tasks reward yourself by doing something you’d love to do. Once you did these tips you’ll achieve a huge success in a short time, which allows you to have more free time to work on other important tasks or decompress from your busy work schedule. Learning how to effectively manage your time can help you feel more relaxed, focused and in control To sum up, time management has a great benefits. It’s essential in our study, career and every field of our life. So if we manage our time efficiently , we will inevitably achieve our goals. And finally,remember that you have the same 24 hours that Einstein, Da Vinci ,Newton had
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