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This day in jew history

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1611: King James Bible is published for the first time in London, England, by printer Robert Barker. For many jews (as well as Gentiles) the language of the King James Bible is the only version of the Pentateuch they know. Quite the interesting side note from the jew notes I use for this project.
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1481: The Pope called upon all Christian princes to send back to Spain the jews who had fled from the Inquisition. This was 2 1/2 years after Pope Sixtus IV issued the papal bull Exigit sinceras devotionis affectus (”Sincere Devotion Is Required”), which authorized the creation of the Inquisition in Castile.
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693: The Sixteenth Council of Toledo, which had opened on April 25, met for the last time. Among other things, The law code, which granted tax freedom to jewish conversos now transferred the tax obligation to jews who had not "converted". Also, the council ruled that "converts" were allowed to trade with Christians after they had "proven themselves" by recitation of creeds and eating of non-kosher food. The council also enacted penalties against Christians who entered into business transactions with unconverted or "unproven" jews. Most of the conversos went back to talmudism when the Moors invaded Spain.
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1727: Empress Catherine I ordered the expulsion of all jews from Ukraine. Her husband, Peter the Great had ruled from 1682 until 1725, when she was coronated. After having defeated the Kingdom of Sweden in the great Northern War, he became famous for building St Petersburg in the newly won land. One in Peter's lineage, Naryshko of the Crimean Peninsula, was a karaite jew. Peter’s critics, mostly of the aristocracy, reminded him of this, and even denounced him as the Antichrist himself. The Russian Orthodox Church particularly resented what it perceived as his "modernizing" crusade against religion and morality, as he had gone on a "Great Expedition" throughout Europe and now, having returned at the close of the 17th century, sought to make Russia more European-esque. In October 1697, he offered António de Vieira, who had fled the Portuguese Inquisition to Holland, a position in his court. At first, Viera, who took the name Devier, was Peter’s personal aide, but he was quickly promoted to naval secretary and then by 1718, he had risen to the rank of adjutant-general. He then decided that year that he wanted Prince Menshikov's sister and seduced her. They were both apprehended by her brother, who ordered Vieira to be beaten to death.  When he had asked for her hand, Menshikov’s servants had thrown him down the stairs. He appealed to the tsar for mercy, and Peter ordered Vieira to be liberated and married to Menshikov's sister the very next day. A month later, Peter founded St. Petersburg’s first police force and appointed Viera chief. After Peter's death in 1725, Vieira managed to maintain his position, chiefly through the influence of his wife, a lady-in-waiting at the court of Catherine I. On October 24, 1726, he was made count and admitted to the Senate. His brother-in-law's influence on the Empress, however, was paramount. As Vieira dared to oppose Menshikov's plan of marrying his daughter to the future Peter II of Russia, he was arrested and put to the torture. After 10 days of inquest, Vieira was stripped of his estates and titles and condemned to hang. At the last minute, he was exiled to Siberia instead, where he would live for four years. Catherine passed away less than a month after the expulsion order was issued.
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711: Tarik, a Moslem general attacked southern Spain from Gibraltar. He soon defeated Roderic, last of the Visigoth kings, at the Battle of Xeres. According to the "father of jewish history" Heinrich Graetz, in 694, the jews of Visigothic Spain entered into an alliance with the more fortunate jews of North Africa, with the intention of overthrowing the Visigoth kingdom and were to be aided by the Muslims. The plot was discovered and the jews were reduced to status of slaves. However, only a few years later the plan went forward. After each city was conquered - Cordova, Granada, and Malaga - anti-Christs were given positions of safeguarding Moslem interests. Of course, jews now dispute Graetz's telling. Picture: Roderic depicted as one of the "six kings" in an Umayyad fresco in Qasr Amra, modern-day Jordan, from between 710 and 750. Roderic is the second figure, his face completely lost, with only the tip of his helmet and his robes being visible.
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1916: Marxist political leader Morris Hillquit (also Hillkowitz) was part of a three person delegation, including fellow Talmudist Meyer London and Marxist James Maurer, to President Wilson to advocate the Socialist Party's Internationalism aka 'the League of Nations', which proposed that "the President of the United States convoke a congress of neutral nations, which shall offer mediation to the belligerents and remain in permanent session until the termination of the war." (At this point the US was not a participant in the first world war and most of her citizens wanted it to stay that way.  In the fall, Wilson would be re-elected on a platform of He Kept Us Out of War.) Being from a jew family who had migrated from Europe in the late 19th century, he immediately found common ground with the radical jews and anarchists of New York and in August 1887 joined the Socialist Labor Party of America. From his point of view, "workingmen of backward races (Chinese, Negroes, etc.) are often imported by capitalists to keep down the native workingmen by means of cheap labour", which would hamper their efforts for a socialist society. Thus, he led a dissident group out of the revolutionary SLP and worked with Chicago-based Victor Berger and Eugene V. Debs to form the Socialist Party of America (SPA) in August 1901. He was elected to the SP's governing National Executive Committee on multiple occasions and was a frequent speaker at national conventions of the party.  Feeling public sentiment beginning to tear away from the Socialists, he began in 1917 to take up posts as chief defense lawyer in a series of high-profile cases on behalf of various socialist magazines and newspapers. Hillquit was twice a candidate for Mayor of New York City and five times a nominee for Congress, though he did not win any of these races. He also authored several books on communist Socialism.
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1889: Birthdate of Yakov Naumovich Reizen aka Jacob Golos, who was a Soviet spy and high value communist. In 1927 a Communist Party-sponsored travel agency, called World Tourists, Inc was established. By 1933, Reizen was heading the World Tourists venture, which generated funds for various CPUSA activities. He was also involved in coordinating the CPUSA's operation to produce false passports and was active in the acquisition and supply of American naturalization papers and birth certificates, which were used to obtain American passports to "legalize" Soviet intelligence agents around the world — initially in Europe and Asia, but later in the Americas as well. He was the business manager of Novyi Mir (New World), the CP's Russian-language newspaper, based in New York. Throughout the 1930s Reizen was a member of the CPUSA's Central Control Commission. Vassiliev's notes revealed that in late 1940, Reizen recruited author Ernest Hemingway, assigning him the code name: "Argo"; the author had offered to work covertly for the Soviets. By 1942, Reizen was an NKVD operative who assisted a Communist cell of engineers headed by Julius Rosenberg gain direct contact with Soviet intelligence operatives in New York. His office was raided by Fbi but was still somewhat active until his death in 1943.
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1805: Birthdate of Sir Culling Eardley, 3rd baronet. He was the great grandson of jewish banking aristocrat Sampson Gideon. In 1839 he became the chairman and treasurer of the Evangelical Voluntary Church Association, which fought for separation of church and state.   Along with fellow "white" Ridley Haim Herschell and Baptist Edward Steane, he founded the Evangelical Alliance in 1845, where they fought for religious liberty. The fact that they were just in time to show the world that Christians supported the jewish emancipation revolutions all throughout the Habsburg empire of Europe is surely just a coincidence. In a stroke of irony for our time, he died, aged 58, at Bedwell from an adverse reaction to a smallpox vaccination.
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586: Reccared became the Visigoth King of Hispania.  A year later, he converted from the traditional Goth Arianism to the Roman Empire's Catholicism. During his reign, the council of Toledo III forbade jews from holding public office, from having intercourse with Christian women, and from performing circumcisions on slaves or Christians. Reccared ignored Gregory's request that the trade in Christian slaves at Narbonne be forbidden to jews. However, Gregory, writing to Reccared in August 599, extols him for embracing catholic (as opposed to Arian) doctrine and inducing his people to do so, and notably for refusing the bribes offered by jews to procure the repeal of a law against them. He sent Reccared a piece of the True Cross, some fragments of the chains of St. Peter, and some hairs of St. John the Baptist.
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1298:  In Rotttingen, a small German town in Franconia, a knight named Rindfleish burned jews at the stake. Usury was in high practice at this time, as the Catholic church soon began to restrict it's practice throughout Europe, and this also followed several ritual murders, including Mainz (1281, 1283), Munich (1285), Oberwesel (1287). The last straw this time, was a 'desecration of the Host', which was a theft and public destruction of the Lord's Supper elements, in effect mocking the Risen Lord. Rindfleisch subsequently went from town to town, followed by an entourage, exhorting the burghers to annihilate the jews. A wave of destruction swept through Franconia, Swabia, Hesse, Thuringia, and Heilbronn (1298) and again in Gotha (1303), Renchen (1301) and Weissensee (1303). In total, 146 jewish locales were destroyed.
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