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Civil Society Pros

Opportunities' digest for NGO professionals & more / Дайджест возможностей для сотрудников НКО и не только

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We're jumping into summer with a new digest of civil society opportunities! Check them out: 1️⃣ ECPAT International is looking for a Research Associate. The position includes research to support the organisation’s internal and external actions and advocacy focused on ending child sexual exploitation. The ideal candidate will have a master’s degree in the social sciences, relevant knowledge and experience in desk-based research. Fluency in English is required, with knowledge of other languages (including Russian) a plus. The deadline for applications is June 2. More information HERE. 2️⃣ TGEU European and Central Asian Trans Council is offering scholarships for activists to attend this year’s Council in November. Both full and partial scholarships are available. There are also opportunities to contribute or volunteer to the programme, as well as to perform or exhibit artistic work. The deadline to apply is June 2. More information HERE. 3️⃣ The JX Fund invites applications for strategy sessions for exiled media from Russia and Belarus. The project includes an online introduction and needs assessment, in-person workshop in Germany and up to four follow-up online sessions. Applications are accepted until June 4. More information and link to application form HERE. 4️⃣ The NGO Academy is hosting an online keynote named “Strategy without a plan? How to Thrive in Unpredictable Times” by Martin Kornberger. Kornberger is a Professor for Ethics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Based on his research, he will talk about the tools that allows leaders to strategise without planning, creating a strategy that is both flexible and agile. The keynote is scheduled for June 5, 18:00 - 19:30 CEST. More information and registration HERE. 5️⃣ The Center for European Policy Analysis is inviting applications for the Future Russia Fellowship. The successful candidates will be early or mid-career social scientists or policy professionals, with PhD-level of academic training or equivalent professional experience. Connections in the Russian exile community are an advantage. Applications are accepted until June 6. More information HERE.
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Врываемся в лето с новой подборкой возможностей в сфере гражданского общества! Читайте ниже: 1️⃣ PILNet проводит онлайн-встречу в рамках Евразийской недели Pro Bono. На мероприятии можно будет узнать больше о том, какие Pro Bono ресурсы доступны для НКО. Встреча пройдёт 5 июня 2024 года в 15 часов (GMT+3). Подробности и ссылка на форму регистрации ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Школа «Метла» объявляет набор на онлайн-курс для журналистов, блогеров и медиа-активистов. Программа курса включает OSINT для расследовательской журналистики, техники фандрайзинга, кибербезопасности, визуализации данных. Курс пройдёт с 10 по 21 июня, заявки принимаются до 5 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ «Первым рейсом» принимает заявки на курс «Права человека в кризисные времена». Участники освоят ключевые концепции прав человека и проанализируют их развитие в различных исторических контекстах. Заявки принимаются до 7 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ The Moscow Times ищет внештатных авторов аналитических текстов. Нужно иметь опыт работы в деловых и общественно-политических изданиях от года и уметь работать с данными. Подробности и форма для отклика ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ «Трансперенси Интернешнл — Россия» ищет аналитика-расследователя в команду Dirty Money. Успешный кандидат будет готовить материалы о трансграничной коррупции и отмывании денег. Нужно иметь опыт написания исследований или расследований, свободно владеть английским и находиться вне РФ. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ.
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Let’s have a productive end to May. Here’s five interesting opportunities in the civil society field to apply to this week. Check them out: 1️⃣ United for Intercultural Action is looking for a project manager. The successful candidate will oversee the organisation’s flagship projects, launch new ones and work with international partners. Three years of experience an knowledge of English are required, with fluency in other languages a plus. The start date is as early as possible, with July 1 the latest. More information HERE. 2️⃣ The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is inviting applications for a training course on human rights at international borders. The course is open for human rights defenders working in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe and aims to help them improve their skills for effective human rights monitoring at borders. The training will take place on July 8-10 in Warsaw. Applications are accepted until May 24. More information HERE. 3️⃣ CIVICUS is looking for a Programme Officer for Freedom of Peaceful Assembly. The role involves implementation of activities and budgets, community building and supporting monitoring, learning and evaluation. Key requirements include a postgraduate degree in social science, three years of relevant experience and fluency in English. The closing date for applications is May 27. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media is accepting applications for the Georg Arnhold Fellowship for Education for Sustainable Peace. The fellowship has a focus on educational media and curricula in post-conflict or transitional societies. Both scholars and practitioners can apply and ideal applicants will combine scholarly excellence with grassroots work and at least five years of experience. The deadline for applications is May 27. More information and link to application form HERE. 5️⃣ The R2COM - Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community project is offering an online course for organisations engaged in preventing and countering violent extremism. The course is designed for professionals working with individuals after their release from prison. It takes six to eight hours to complete and provides practical tools for dealing with cases of radicalisation and extremism. More information and registration form HERE.
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Чтобы последняя неделя мая прошла максимально полезно, собрали для вас пять интересных возможностей в сфере гражданского общества. Читайте ниже: 1️⃣ Юристы ОВД-Инфо запустили курс для будущих общественных защитников. Курс доступен онлайн и состоит из 14 модулей, которые можно проходить в своем темпе. Подробности и бот для записи ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Инфраструктурный хаб для гуманитарных проектов Reshim ищет администратора. Нужно разбираться в финансовом планировании и отчетности, уметь работать в Google Workspace и Notion. Работа предполагает общение на русском и английском. Подробности и email для откликов ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ Радио Свобода принимает заявки на стипендию Вацлава Гавела. В программе могут участвовать журналисты из Восточной Европы, имеющие два года опыта работы на родном языке и работающие на аудиторию в своей стране. Дедлайн — 1 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ Движение сознательных отказчиков ищет менеджер:ку правовой помощи. Важны опыт правозащитной работы и понимание специфики военного права. Также нужна готовность выступать публично от имени организации и начать работу с 10 июня. Заявки принимаются до 29 мая. Подробности и форма для откликов ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ Команда «Если быть точным» ищет авторов, аналитиков и редакторов. Откликнуться могут все, кому интересна тематика проекта. Нужно разбираться в статистике, экспертиза по одной из социальных проблем будет преимуществом. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ.
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Let’s have a productive end to May. Here’s five interesting opportunities in the civil society field to apply to this week. Check them out: 1️⃣ United for Intercultural Action is looking for a project manager. The successful candidate will oversee the organisation’s flagship projects, launch new ones and work with international partners. Three years of experience an knowledge of English are required, with fluency in other languages a plus. The start date is as early as possible, with July 1 the latest. More information HERE. 2️⃣ The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is inviting applications for a training course on human rights at international borders. The course is open for human rights defenders working in Central, Northern and Eastern Europe and aims to help them improve their skills for effective human rights monitoring at borders. The training will take place on July 8-10 in Warsaw. Applications are accepted until May 24. More information HERE. 3️⃣ CIVICUS is looking for a Programme Officer for Freedom of Peaceful Assembly. The role involves implementation of activities and budgets, community building and supporting monitoring, learning and evaluation. Key requirements include a postgraduate degree in social science, three years of relevant experience and fluency in English. The closing date for applications is May 27. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media is accepting applications for the Georg Arnhold Fellowship for Education for Sustainable Peace. The fellowship has a focus on educational media and curricula in post-conflict or transitional societies. Both scholars and practitioners can apply and ideal applicants will combine scholarly excellence with grassroots work and at least five years of experience. The deadline for applications is May 27. More information and link to application form HERE. 5️⃣ The R2COM - Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community project is offering an online course for organisations engaged in preventing and countering violent extremism. The course is designed for professionals working with individuals after their release from prison. It takes six to eight hours to complete and provides practical tools for dealing with cases of radicalisation and extremism. More information and registration form HERE.
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Привет! Как всегда, мы собрали новую подборку интересных возможностей в сфере гражданского общества. Смотрите ниже! 1️⃣ Гражданский форум принимает заявки на программу Europe Lab. Проект ориентирован на студентов и молодых профессионалов. Программа включает в себя воркшопы по тематике исторических травм, изменения климата и миграции и пройдёт в Чехии с 28 июля по 1 августа. Участие в программе бесплатно, организаторы покроют стоимость проживания, питания и перелёт. Участники также могут получить гранты на собственные проекты. Заявки принимаются до 31 мая. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Проект Europe Lab также ищет фасилитаторов. Успешные кандидаты будут проводить воркшопы для участников программы и курировать их проекты. Нужно обладать знаниями по одной из тем программы и иметь навыки проведения образовательных мероприятий. Дедлайн для заявок 5 июня. Больше информации ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ Azbuka media приглашает на тренинг-курс «Тренды в соцсетях и дезинформация в них». Курс пройдёт онлайн и включает в себя вебинары, выпускной тест и выполнение небольших творческих работ. Участники разовьют навыки SMM, таргетирования и фактчекинга. Регистрация открыта до 20 мая. Подробности и ссылка на форму регистрации ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ Теплица социальных технологий проводит конференцию «Работа во враждебных средах». Участники обсудят опыт акторов гражданского общества в России, Беларуси и странах Центральной Азии. Конференция пройдёт 22 и 23 мая в онлайн-формате, основной язык — русский, есть сессии на английском языке. Регистрация на конференцию открыта, но предполагает верификацию. Программа и другие подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ Quarteera ищет координатор_ку Marzahn Pride. Нужно свободное владение русским и немецким, а также нахождение в Берлине в дни прайда. Опыт в организации праздников желателен. Подробности и почта для откликов ЗДЕСЬ.
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Hey there! As always, we’ve put together some exciting civil society opportunities for you. Check them out below. 1️⃣ The Civil Society Forum is inviting applications from students and young professionals for its Europe Lab programme. The programme involves workshops on the issues of historical traumas, climate change and displacement and will take place in Jáchymov, Czechia from July 28 to August 1. The deadline for applications is May 31. More information HERE. 2️⃣ Europe Lab is also looking for facilitators. The successful candidates will organise workshops for participants and supervise their projects. The role requires expertise in the topics of historical traumas, climate change or migratory justice and skills in facilitating workshops. The deadline for applications is June 5. More information HERE. 3️⃣ CIVICUS is seeking UN Advocacy and Network Officer. The job involves primary responsibility for the Universal Periodic Review. The ideal candidate will have a degree in the social sciences, five years of experience and excellent English skills. The role is based in Geneva. Applications are accepted until May 20. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime is offering a Resilience Fellowship for civil society actors who support communities in contexts of fragility, especially those that face conflict. Fellows will be supported through grants, capacity building, networking and collaboration. Call for applications is open until May 25. More information HERE. 5️⃣ The Dialogue Office for Civil Society Cooperation in Vienna welcomes applications for a visiting fellowship. The target groups are activists, researchers, artists, cultural practitioners or journalists holding Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian or Polish citizenship. Fellows should be working on projects or study something related to decolonialism or ecology, authoritarian systems, resistance and gender equality. Assistance in obtaining a Schengen visa can be provided. The deadline to apply is May 25. More information HERE.
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Ahead of the weekend, we have our weekly digest for you. Enjoy! 1️⃣ The Confronting Memories programme and Hazarashen Armenian Center of Ethnological Studies are inviting applications for Summer School for history educators. Participants will learn how to create lesson plans incorporating multiple perspectives and fostering students’ skills to ask critical questions. The school will take place on July 17-21 in Dilijan, Armenia. History teachers and educators from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova, as well as Russian and Ukrainian teachers and educators in exile, fluent in English or Russian, can apply. The deadline for applications is May 31. More information HERE. 2️⃣ UNESCO is looking for a consultant to develop an online teacher training course on greening education. The course will help cultivate green and sustainable skills in primary and secondary school educators, which they then will hopefully be able to pass on to their students. The successful candidate should have a degree in education, at least five years of experience and excellent knowledge of English. A background in environmental studies or teacher capacity building is desirable. The application deadline is May 15. More information HERE. 3️⃣ The Global Investigative Journalism Network and Incubator for Media Education and Development are offering an Introduction to Investigative Journalism Training Course. The course is specifically targeted at media professionals with little to no experience in investigative journalism. The programme is scheduled from September to November 2024 and divided into online and offline parts, with the offline part taking place in Greece. Applications are accepted until May 19. Read more and apply HERE. 4️⃣ The Researching Common Territories School, organised as part of the Tbilisi Architecture Biennial 2024, is accepting applications. The programme is focused on exploring the role of common water bodies in the northwestern Caucasus region of Svaneti, Samegrelo and Abkhazia. The school will take place in Anaklia, Georgia on September 6-15. Young (under 35 years old) creative individuals residing in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, Germany, Poland and France are invited to apply. The school is free of charge and the organisers will cover travel and accommodation costs. The application deadline is May 20. More information and application link HERE. 5️⃣ Freedom House is seeking a Chief of Party (COP) for the upcoming USAID Promoting Human Rights in Armenia Activity. The position involves leading the implementation of the activity and the organisation’s overall project portfolio in the country and contributing to the Europe and Eurasia Programs team’s regional strategy. The ideal candidate will have an advanced degree in the social sciences and ten years of experience. Fluency in English is required, with Armenian or Russian a plus. The role is based in Yerevan. Learn more and apply HERE.
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Для всех, кого не замело майской метелью, подготовили традиционную подборку возможностей в сфере гражданского общества. Читайте ниже, делитесь с теми, кому будет полезно! 1️⃣ Программа Confronting Memories и Hazarashen Armenian Center of Ethnological Studies проводят летнюю школу для учителей истории. Участники научатся составлять учебные планы, включающие различные точки зрения и развивающие у учеников навыки критического мышления. Школа пройдёт 17-21 июля в Дилижане, Армения. Подать заявки могут педагоги из Армении, Грузии и Молдовы, а также российские и украинские учителя в изгнании, владеющие русским или английским. Крайний срок подачи заявок – 31 мая. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Московская школа профессиональной филантропии принимает заявки на курс для лидеров НКО и социальных проектов. Программа включает в себя изучение основных аспектов работы НКО, от разработки стратегии до управления процессами, коммуникаций и финансов. Обучение платное, но есть возможность финансовой поддержки. Заявки принимаются до 18 мая. Больше информации ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ Команда фонда «Антон тут рядом» ищет администратора в центр на Невском проспекте в Санкт-Петербурге. Необходимы умение пользоваться офисными программами и готовность к общению с самими разными людьми. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ В движении «Весна» открыта вакансия менеджера по коммуникациям. Нужно уметь разрабатывать коммуникационную стратегию, курировать медиапартнёрства, анализировать аудитории, руководить командой. Рассматриваются кандидаты до 35 лет, проживающие не в России. Дедлайн для откликов 14 мая. Подробности и форма для подачи заявки ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ Медиа «Такие дела» ищет документалистов и видеографов. Авторам нужно будет снимать видео о социальных проблемах в регионах России. Подробности и контакт для отклика ЗДЕСЬ.
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The first weekend of May is coming! To help you make the most of it, we have collected some interesting civil society opportunities. Check them out: 1️⃣ Human Rights Watch is looking for a Recruitment Officer. The requirements for the role include a relevant degree, three years of experience and knowledge of English. The position will be preferably based in New York or Washington DC but other locations can also be considered. The application deadline is May 12. Read more and apply HERE. 2️⃣ Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is seeking an Advocacy and Eastern Partnership Index Trainee. The ideal candidate should be a recent graduate in political science or a related field and have an understanding of the workings of EU and EaP. Knowledge of English is required with knowledge of Russian an advantage. The role is based in Brussels and the trainee must be eligible to work in Belgium. Apply by May 10. More information HERE. 3️⃣ National Geographic Society and The Nature Conservancy Marine and Community Conservation are offering a remote externship in marine conservation. Candidates should be between 18 and 25 years old, no prior experience or education is necessary. The programme is part-time, fully remote and includes a stipend. The application deadline is May 6. Read more and apply HERE. 4️⃣ Freedom House is offering small grants to the NGOs registered in Armenia. The projects should focus on fighting disinformation and can include the promotion of fact- and human rights-based journalism. The local and regional initiatives will be given special consideration. Applications are accepted until May 15. More information HERE. 5️⃣ Federation for Innovation in Democracy - Europe is organising a Spring School on Climate Citizens’ Assemblies. The event will explore the potential of deliberative methods and involve a range of formats, from presentations to group work and interactive workshops. The school will take place in Budapest on May 21-22. Free tickets are available for professionals and organisations with limited resources. More information and registration HERE.
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