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Some stuff to read.... and share, 😉
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👤👥⚡⚡👥👤 Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich war ein deutscher SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei, der während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus als Leiter des Reichssicherheitshauptamts (RSH) und Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren dem Deutschen Reich diente. Der Mann mit dem eisernen Herzen war eines der angesehensten und gefürchtetsten führenden Parteimitglieder der NSDAP. Seine unbestrittene Loyalität und Hingabe an die Sache machen ihn zu einem der ehrenhaftesten Männer unserer Geschichte. Er tat alles, was in seiner Macht stand, um sicherzustellen, dass das Leben im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland niemals von unseren Feinden, den Juden, unterwandert wurde. Reinhard Heydrich wurde von jüdischen Terroristen in der Tschechoslowakei feige ermordet. Sein unzerbrechlicher Geist lebt in uns allen weiter, und er wird so lange leben, wie unsere Rasse lebt. Heil Hitler Kameraden! @awakening4
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Edda Göring (1993) 'l would like to state my father was a well liked commander, who inspires his men even to this day. I had many former comrades who spoke to me after the war, and asked me to not believe anything the Allies said about my father. He always acted correctly and had a deep respect for others. I remember he loved me and my mother very much. My father loved the culture of our people, regardless of nationality. He saw talent in every nation, and had a deep respect for the art and culture of all nations. The claim that my father "looted" works of art is obscene and a lie from his enemies. The claim that Germany stole treasures is equally false. The Allies are only trying to cover their tracks by blaming my father for looting, when they were the masters of looting Europe's treasures. Now Jews are getting into the fray, by claiming works they legally sold for profit, were stolen. It has become quite a lucrative racket to claim the National Socialist government stole everything.
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Hitler's Speeches Even the ideological enemies of Adolf Hitler will admit that he was a highly gifted and prolific speaker. The following are excerpts from some of the most memorable speeches that he gave. Munich, Gathering of the SA -- Speech of November 9, 1921 Munich -- Speech of April 12, 1922 Munich -- Speech of July 28, 1922 Munich -- Speech of September 18, 1922 Munich -- Speech of April 10, 1923 Munich -- Speech of April 13, 1923 Munich -- Speech of April 24, 1923 Munich -- Speech of April 27, 1923 Munich -- Speech of May 1, 1923 Munich -- Speech of August 1, 1923 Munich -- Speech of September 12, 1923 Before The Munich Court -- Speech of February 26, 1924 Before The Munich Court -- Speech of March 27, 1924 Essen, Party Convention -- Speech of November 23, 1926 Munich -- Speech of September 16, 1930 Dusseldorf, Industry Club -- Speech of January 27, 1932 Berlin: Proclamation To The German Nation -- February 1, 1933 Stuttgart -- Speech of February 15, 1933 Berlin, Reichstag -- Speech of March 23, 1933 Berlin, Sportpalast -- Speech of April 8, 1933 Berlin, Congress of the German Work Front -- Speech of May 10, 1933 Berlin -- Speech of May 1, 1935 Schwerin, Gustloff's Funeral -- Speech of February 12, 1936 Nuremberg, Labor-Front -- Speech of September 12, 1936 Nuremberg -- Speech of September 14, 1936 Berlin, Reichstag -- Speech of January 30, 1937 Nuremberg -- Speech of September 6, 1938 Sportpalast, Berlin -- Speech of October 5, 1938 Saarbruecken -- Speech of October 9, 1938 Weimar -- Speech of November 6, 1938 Wilhelmshaven -- Speech of April 1, 1939 Danzig -- Speech of September 19, 1939 Berlin, Reichstag -- Speech of October 6, 1939 Adolf Hitler - Great speech to the German Reichstag Berlin, July 19, 1940 Berlin, Rheinmetall-Borsig Works -- Speech of December 10, 1940 Munich -- Speech of February 24, 1941 Berlin, Zeughaus -- Speech of March 16, 1941 Berlin: Hitler's Order Of The Day -- April 6, 1941 Berlin, Reichstag -- Speech of May 4, 1941 Copyright © 1998-1999 - Hitler Historical Museum - All Rights Reserved
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'I have chosen the struggle, Have bound myself to it, Will stay faithful to it, Until earth covers me. That they may kill my friends Is possible; That they should kill me Is also possible. That we should capitulate: Never, never, never!' • Adolf Hitler, 1932 This poem was reprinted in the 'Mülhausen Tageblatt' on July 15, 1944.
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