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IAF STRIKES SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE LAUNCHER AND HEZBOLLAH TERRORIST TARGETS Throughout the day, five projectiles identified as crossing from Lebanon fell in the area of Zar'it, and three fell in the area of Har Dov. In accordance with protocol, no sirens were sounded in the area. The IDF responded by striking the sources of the launches. A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck a surface-to-air missile launcher that had been used to fire at Israeli aircraft. Additionally, a Hezbollah terrorist was identified entering a military structure in the area of Markaba. Shortly after this identification, IAF fighter jets struck the structure. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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BODY CAMERA FOOTAGE FROM IDF PARATROOPERS OPERATING AGAINST TERRORIST OPERATIVES AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN SHEJAIYA The Paratroopers Brigade Combat Team has been engaged in operations in the Shejaiya area for several days. During this time, the troops have encountered and eliminated terrorists in close-quarters combat and dismantled terrorist infrastructure both above and below ground. While conducting scans, the troops discovered dozens of combat compounds and booby-trapped buildings, which they subsequently dismantled. Additionally, the troops located a weapons storage facility containing explosives, grenades, military vests, a kit for launching rockets and missiles, AK-47s, and anti-tank missiles. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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🛟 SHABBAT & HOLY DAY — SAFETY BRIEF — for those in ISRAEL via ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime Chief Rabbinute instructions with Risk Adjustments and sensible advise ✡️ Note Israel Realtime DOES NOT POST updates on Shabbat or Holy-days (Israel time) UNLESS life threatening / saving. ❗️The NORTH, draw a line from Haifa to Afula and Tiberius, as well as near-Gaza towns.. ❗️These are all HIGH risk of rocket and drone attacks. Shabbat & Holy Day precautions REQUIRED. Elsewhere, keep them in mind. ➡️ Prepare your safe space before Shabbat/Holy day: unlocked, MAMAD LIGHTS ON, A/C on. ➡️ SAFE TO GO TO SYNAGOGUE? Prepare for alerts on the way, and in synagogue - know the space safe! ➡️ CHILDREN, ELDERLY, DISABLED? In higher risk areas it may not be safe to go to synagogue. ➡️ CARRY YOUR WEAPON, even without an eruv. Pepper spray, legal size knife, legal gun. ➡️ CALL POLICE, DO NOT HESITATE !! - If anything suspicious, CALL POLICE immediately! Dial 100 ➡️ (Silent) MONITOR FOR ALERTS : .. SILENT TV - Channel 14 - stream (doesn’t work with adblocker) .. SILENT RADIO - • Kol Chai radio - on radio 92.8, 93 and 102.5. - stream • Kol Barama Radio - on radio 92.1, 104.3, 105.7 and 107.6. - stream • Galei Israel - on radio 89.3, 94 and 106.5. - .. ON COMPUTER - leave a computer open to (only in Israel) - alerts will display and sound on the screen. Turn OFF screen saver, sleep and hibernate. .. VIA APP - leave on phone with red alert app. Set app to YOUR area so it only alerts for your area. ✡️ It is a mitzvah to take actions to protect and save and preserve life on Shabbat, not a violation. But ONLY actions which do so. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🟠 Fri - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime EREV SHABBAT ✡️ Erev Shabbat - Parshat Karachi - Numbers 16:1 - Korach incites a mutiny, ▪️DEAL SITUATION ANALYSIS.. (“The Land of Jihad”) What is the connection between the Israeli delegation to Qatar and the threats of an all-out war in the north? If we examine for a moment the set of levers that Israel has over Hamas, we will find that there are not many of them. The strip is already destroyed (and the Hamas leadership doesn’t care), the IDF has already operated in every sector and the elimination of the senior officials is not in sight (as they stay deep in tunnels or within masses of civilians). If there are no levers of pressure on Hamas, then we will look for a lever of pressure on the patron - that is, the Iranians. And there is one such, their name is Hezbollah. The worsening of the rhetoric in recent days against Hezbollah and the threats that after the operation in Rafah the eyes will be on the North, has a dual purpose: one, to deter Hezbollah. But the second goal is more interesting. When the Iranians realize that Israel is serious and is probably going to make a move that means tremendous damage to Hezbollah, then the Iranians themselves will pressure (Hamas leader) Sinwar to finish the deal. The Iranians will fight to the last drop of Sunni Arab blood. For them, all Gazans will die on the way to the liberation of Jerusalem. But the Shiite Hezbollah, meat from Iran, is another story. The Iranian interest is to preserve it. ▪️YEMEN ON BEING IN LEBANON.. "We ask the Yemeni brothers living in Lebanon not to leave the country and bear arms together with the people of Lebanon and participate in fighting if necessary, against Israel. We need to provide protection for Arab honor and our precious lands." (( Honor, more important than life in their society. )) ▪️LEADER OF THE NEW MAJORITY PARTY IN FRANCE.. Marine Le Pen pledged: ”Those who identify with Islamic ideology should be excluded and expelled. French people who adopt the "ideology of the enemy" must be punished. Radical mosques will be closed. The Muslim Brotherhood will be disbanded.” ▪️HAMAS CAPTURES PEOPLE TRYING TO TAKE AID, BEATS AND LEAVES THEM TIED IN THE SUN TO DIE.. we are frequently asked for these videos. Very violent, viewer discretion advised: And here they are left to die - ▪️ON JULY 4TH.. Pro-Palestinian protesters marched on American Independence Day in the streets of New York with Palestinian flags and shout death to America? ▪️HEZBOLLAH SAYS.. Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah: We will stop attacking Israel only after a complete ceasefire in Gaza. ▪️DEAL POLITICS - NATIONAL UNITY MK BENNY GANTZ.. his party will support ANY responsible outline that will lead to the return of the hostages. (Meaning he is guaranteeing to provide votes from outside the coalition if Netanyahu can’t get votes from the coalition right wing parties.) 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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OVER THE LAST FEW HOURS, IDF SOLDIERS DIRECTED BY ISA INTELLIGENCE CONDUCTED COUNTERTERRORISM ACTIVITY IN THE JENIN AREA. Joint IDF and ISA Announcement In the last few hours, IDF soldiers, guided by ISA intelligence, conducted a counterterrorism operation in the Jenin area. Following the IDF's operations in Jenin on June 27th, during which Captain Alon Sacgiu was killed, the ISA and IDF launched a precise intelligence effort to locate the terrorists responsible for the attack on IDF soldiers. On July 3rd, the Israel Border Police eliminated Nidal Amar, a terrorist who was involved in the detonation of the explosive device. During the counterterrorism activity, there were exchanges of fire with terrorists in the area. Meanwhile, soldiers surrounded a building where additional terrorists had barricaded themselves. IDF soldiers eliminated terrorist Hemam Heshash and another operative, and found a pistol. Both terrorists had participated in the attack on IDF soldiers during the operation in which Captain Alon Sacgiu, a Team Commander in the Haruv Reconnaissance Unit, was killed. Additionally, during the counterterrorism activity, an armed terrorist cell identified in the area was eliminated in an IAF airstrike. Watch how the IDF identified and eliminated the armed terrorists who fired shots. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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🟢 🟢 Fri - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime ( 2 of 2 ) ▪️OCT. 7 DEFENDERS ARRESTED? In a very strange story with conflicting and partial information, 3 defenders on Oct. 7 were arrested on suspicion of killing a murdering raping looting Gaza terrorist on October 7 by taking weaponry off murdered IDF soldiers and defending themselves and the people of Israel. The three suspects made their way to the Gaza border communities to join the defense. The accusations apparently (not fully released) are: they picked up weapons of murdered IDF soldiers (stole weapons), they interrogated and allegedly murdered an enemy combatant, and they prevented the kidnapping of Israeli bodies and the murder of an Israeli girl with weapons they picked up. The court at the initial hearing refused to allow the police to hold 2 of the 3, and they were sent to home detention until trial. (( What is bizarre and disturbing about this: in the midst of a cross border invasion by a non-uniformed enemy performing mass murder, how can any act of defense including rushing to the location and picking up weapons to defend Israel be illegal? And on a related point, although interrogation on video has shown many of these mass murderers admitting to their horrific actions - NOT A SINGLE INDICTMENT HAS BEEN FILED AGAINST ANY OF THEM. )) 🔸DEAL NEWS.. Senior White House official: Biden told Netanyahu in a conversation - it's time to close the deal. Whitehouse tweet: Biden- "Efforts are being made to reach a deal that will lead to a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages.” .. The head of the Mossad is expected to meet with the Prime Minister of Qatar during his trip to Doha. 🔥FOREST FIRE - KFAR ETZION.. huge fire, likely terror arson. ♦️GAZA OVERNIGHT.. A wave of attacks in the north and center of the Gaza Strip. The echoes of explosions heard in the Gaza Envelope. ♦️COUNTER-TERROR BATTLE - JENIN.. 6 terrorists eliminated, house blown up by shoulder rockets as well as an airstrike. ♦️ACTIVE COUNTER-TERROR operations as well in Shechem and Kalkilya. ⭕ 2 HAMAS ROCKET ATTACKS - at Kerem Shalom aid transfer station and Nachal Oz. ⭕ US BASE in SYRIA attacked - large explosions reported. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🟢 Fri - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime ( 1 of 2 ) Erev Shabbat - Parshat Karachi - Numbers 16:1 - Korach incites a mutiny challenging Moses’ leadership and the granting of the kehunah (priesthood) to Aaron. He is accompanied by Moses’ inveterate foes, Dathan and Abiram. Joining them are 250 distinguished members of the community, who offer the sacrosanct ketoret (incense) to prove their worthiness for the priesthood. The earth opens up and swallows the mutineers, and a fire consumes the ketoret-offerers. ▪️ULTRA-ORTHODOX RECRUITMENT - THE SANE AND THE RIDICULOUS.. The IDF expressed a position that it should be allowed to recruit the ultra-Orthodox by way of agreement, through marketing and information directed to the sector. So that they will succeed in recruiting 4,800 ultra-Orthodox this year as they promised to the High Court. The deputy ombudsman and director of the High Courts Department at the Prosecutor's Office believed that this policy contradicts the High Court ruling. The compromise: the August recruitment cycle will be the test of the ultra-Orthodox recruitment. The IDF can be allowed to recruit ultra-Orthodox in the August cycle through marketing and information activities, so that recruitment orders will not be issued to ultra-orthodox yeshiva candidates unless they have expressed their consent in advance. But if the IDF does not meet the relative part of the annual target - the IDF will be obliged to issue compulsory recruitment orders to young ultra-Orthodox in the next recruitment cycle. (( The ridiculousness of the officials is believing that being issued compulsory recruitment orders will make any difference, and almost certainly will do the opposite. )) ▪️UK: LABOR PARTY WINS BIG.. and has a number of members who openly hate Israel. But one example among the MPs who lost their seats in the elections: anti-Israel MP George Galloway. However Jeremy Corbyn, the former chairman of Labor and who ran in the elections this time as an independent candidate and was removed from the Labor party in light of anti-Semitic statements, will continue to hold his seat in Parliament. ▪️BAD PRISON IMPACT.. A Fatah terrorist talks on camera about the change in the conditions of the terrorists in prison and warns his friends: Do not enter Ben Gvir’s (Min. Of National Security - responsible for the prisons) hell. (Video not linked here.) 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🚨 SPECIAL NORTHERN REPORT: HAIFA PREPARES FOR WAR 🚨 Channel 12 reported that Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Northern Israel's largest city, is preparing for an extreme scenario involving missile impacts every four minutes for 50-60 days. The hospital is setting up a fortified underground space capable of treating 2,000 patients, including 24 operating rooms. According to the hospital director, the entire medical center can move underground within eight hours. Additionally, a dedicated train will facilitate the transfer of wounded to central Israel hospitals in the event of mass casualties. Haifa is also preparing 16 underground parking lots to serve as bomb shelters during a large conflict. The local subway system will be utilized as a massive shelter, and city schools will be converted into temporary housing if residential buildings are hit by missiles. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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⚫ Thu night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime QUICK BRIEFS ▪️A HERO SOLIDER HAS FALLEN.. Itay Galea, 38, from Ramat Gan, fell defending us from Hezbollah in the north. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood! ▪️A HERO SOLIDER HAS FALLEN.. Eyal Merman, from Nes Ziona, fell in battle in Gaza. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood! ▪️PM NETANYAHU spoke to President Biden on July 4th. ▪️INTERIOR MINISTER VISITS DRUZE HOLY SITE in honor of the hero fallen among the Druze from the war. ▪️FAMILY OF ISRAELI ARAB STABBER MURDERER ARRESTED - DETENTION EXTENDED, involvement suspected. ▪️OUTDOOR FIRES PROHIBITED through Aug. 1 due to fire risk. ▪️DOZENS OF TERRORISTS RELEASED FROM OFER PRISON.. capacity issue. 🔸DEAL - NAT UNITY MK EISENKOT (who lost his son in the war) - “We are in the closest to a deal in the last nine months. But I have a hard time seeing Netanyahu accepting a deal.” 🔸DEAL - Netanyahu agrees to send a negotiating team. ▪️AID AIRDROPS ON PEOPLE AGAIN in Gaza, Khan Yunis. ▪️BOMB GOES OFF IN SHECHEM - in Arab police station. ▪️SINKHOLE SHUTS DOWN GUSH DAN LIGHT RAIL LINE RED-2. ▪️FAKE NEWS ALERT - rumors of an arrest of an MDA medic for not treating the Karmiel terrorist first are FAKE. ▪️ECONOMY.. The average wage in Israel increased 7.3% year over year to NIS 13,506. (Cent. Bureau of Statistics) ▪️ECONOMY.. BUT, the average salary in high-tech dropped dramatically in April - by almost 11% - to NIS 32,000. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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☕ Coffee Alert ☕ Fuel our efforts as we navigate the escalating situation in the north! 🔹 Espresso, cappuccino, coffee – the elixir of life that keeps us going! 🔹 Our admins thrive on your coffee donations – 10 cups? That's the secret ingredient! 🔹 Say no to sleep, yes to ☕️! Let's stay AD FREE and energized! Gift us some coffee here… 🔹(Credit Card) > 🔹(direct Paypal to) > 🔹(US Zelle to) > [email protected] 🔸In Israel via BIT > Bit. to 054-7707129 🔸In Israel via Paybox > Paybox to 054-7707129 ☕ BIG THANKS to the coffee angels! Your gifts keep the caffeine flowing! ☕ ◾️ No ads, just messages for safety. Help us stay that way. We're not chasing clicks, we're chasing truth. No ads, no strings, just your daily scoop. 🙏 Blessings for peace and safety and health, for our soldiers to be safe and effective and return home, the complete downfall of our enemies and all our remaining captives to return home quickly, healthy and whole!🎗️May Hashem avenge our fallen! 🙏
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🚨 ISRAEL-LEBANON CONFLICT ESCALATION: OVER 200 PROJECTILES AND AERIAL TARGETS CROSS INTO NORTHERN ISRAEL, IDF STRIKES HEZBOLLAH SITES IN RESPONSE 🚨 Following the sirens that sounded earlier today in northern Israel, approximately 200 projectiles and over 20 suspicious aerial targets were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. A number of these were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array and IAF fighter jets. In response, the IAF struck Hezbollah military structures in the areas of Ramyeh and Houla in southern Lebanon, as well as in Qantara, Rab El Thalathine, Deir Siriane, and Talloussa. Additionally, terror infrastructure in the Naqoura area of southern Lebanon was targeted. IDF artillery also fired to remove threats in several locations along southern Lebanon. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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🔴 ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime 🔻 HEZBOLLAH DRONE & ROCKET BARRAGE - over 200 rockets and over 25 drones fired so far. .. Last attack 12:27, Hamas declares ‘we’re done with the revenge attacks’. 🔹One report says: The IDF has launched an extensive wave of attacks in southern Lebanon following the heaviest barrage in the north since the outbreak of the war. 🔹Another report says: Contrary to reports from Israeli reporters - the IDF did not (yet) bother to attack in Lebanon after Hezbollah bombed the north in the most severe manner since the outbreak of the war. 🔹IDF spox says: The IDF is currently attacking the area of ​​southern Lebanon. ❗️A hit to the mall in Acre, interceptor shrapnel. Fire on the roof. ❗️Under Censorship - Hits, Casualties. That’s all we know. ❗️Golani Interchange - enemy drone crashed without exploding. 🔥FIRES THROUGHOUT THE NORTH.. from Hezbollah rockets. 🔥ARSON TERROR.. Jerusalem: A large fire is raging in the Gila neighborhood, the evacuation of the first row of houses has begun. 🔸MORE DEAL NEWS.. he Lebanese al-Mayadeen channel, which is identified with the axis of resistance, from its sources: .. Hamas submitted changes to the Israeli document in a way that does not touch the essential issues. .. Hamas sticks to its position regarding the establishment of a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of forces from the Strip and the return of the displaced. .. Hamas insists on Israel withdrawing from the Philadelphi axis and the Rafah crossing. .. Hamas opposes an Israeli veto for the names of Palestinian prisoners serving life sentences in a release deal. .. Hamas has shown flexibility regarding the continuation of negotiations until a permanent ceasefire is reached. ( So the only change to these unacceptable terms seems to be Hamas not demanding Israel declare an immediate end to the war, even before release of all the hostages. ) 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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Hezbollah rocket fire at Katzrin, Golan Heights.. with hit in residential neighborhood (picture). From a reader, thanks!
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Hezbollah rocket hits on the eastern shore of the Kinerret (Sea of the Galilee).
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🔴 ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime 🔴 DRONE BARRAGE from HEZBOLLAH at northern Israel towns .. 19 rounds of attacks in the past 30 minutes, including multiple rounds at some locations. .. Majority of attacks at the upper Galilee, but some in the north west border area (north of Nahariya). .. Distance attack at HaAmakim: Ilania. .. Majdal Shams, major Druze-Israeli city, targeted multiple times. .. Some attacks at Golan towns. Attacks continuing as I write this. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🟤 ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime From the mother of a fallen warrior - Roy Miller: "Dear and beloved people, it is with sadness that I inform you that my beloved and dearest son Roy gave his soul to the Creator of the world. My Roy the hero chose a command route: Roy commanded the Tomer Company in the Rotem Givati ​​Regiment. The company's soldiers entered Gaza singing ‘I believe’, his soldiers like most warriors, both religious and secular, wearing patches of the Temple and Moshiach, thereby introducing holiness into the impure Gaza and purifying it. We are now as a nation on a journey to leave the straits, just as it was possible to enter the Land of Israel by leaving Egypt in 11 days, and the journey took 40 years, so is our journey in the satanic malicious little Strip. This is a campaign managed only by the Creator of the world for us to unite within ourselves! We will be in a mutual bond with each other, and we will strengthen our faith in the Creator of the world, there is no other besides Him. Haredi, Secular, Religious, we share together the land of Israel, land that belongs to us as part of the promised land and Gaza is an inseparable part of it. We are not a conquering nation, we are returning home. Returning in all respects. We are a spiritually strong people, and we are a light to the Gentiles because we chose to be so, and this is a task we must fulfill. We must learn from the pure soldiers what unity is, shared destiny and strong faith in the Creator of the world. I am proud of my kind-hearted and handsome son, who excelled in everything, proud of his fighting spirit, in his choices, and the concern he showed for his soldiers and others. My private redemption soldier I called him and he smiled his charming smile. God gave, God took away, may the name of God be blessed. We in the times of redemption strongly put into consciousness that God rules. Unity and faith win. Mother of Capt. Roy Miller - proud of you, I won." 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🟤 Thu morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime 🌡 VERY HIGH TEMP’S TODAY.. HEAT WARNING. Hydrate, careful with children in the car, check your elderly. ▪️ISRAELIS ENTER JENIN (civilians).. The security services of the Palestinian Authority handed over two Israeli citizens who accidentally entered the city of Jenin. ▪️TWO HERO SOLDIERS HAS FALLEN.. Roy Miller, 21, from Hertzliya, in battle in Gaza and Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, from Kiryat Shmona. May their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood! 🔸DEAL NEWS.. “Sources” commenting on the Hamas answer in negotiations: "For the first time, the Hamas answer allows progress. There is a basis for negotiation.” .. Hamas demands that the IDF withdraw from the Philadelphi border corridor in the near future as a condition for continuing negotiations - a demand that Israel is unlikely to agree to. ▪️CORONA? Min. Of Health: 150 people hospitalized with Corona over the past month, a 40% increase since June. Ministry: It’s another wave. The total hospitalized right now with Corona is 53, 9 serious, 4 moderate - not big numbers. However if you have symptoms, please stay away from the elderly for a week. ▪️PROTEST - ANTI-GOVT.. Demonstrators against the government block Ayalon South in the area of ​​the KKL interchange. ▪️PROTEST FUNDING? A number of channels are pointing out the ongoing daily protests with huge commercially printed banners and protest teams, and today a full page ad in the two biggest newspapers in Israel for a book against Netanyahu - seems to be quite a bit of funding focused on destabilizing the Israeli government. Where is it coming from to fund the daytime protests, the huge banners, the coordinating, and massive ads? ♦️IDF fighter jets and drones struck more than 50 sites belonging to terror groups in the Gaza Strip over the past day. ♦️Warriors operating in Gaza City's Shejaiya, in southern Gaza's Rafah, and in the Netzarim Corridor. ♦️A wave of attacks in southern Lebanon. ♦️COUNTER-TERROR OPS - SHECHEM.. overnight security forces in the city of Shechem through al-Basha on the central route. ♦️TARGETED ASSASSINATION in JENIN (SAMARIA).. a commander in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military arm of Fatah. ⭕ ROCKETS fired by HEZBOLLAH at Kfar Blum, Amir, Kiryat Shmona, Sde Nehemiah, Beit Hillel, Lehavot Hashan, Neot Mordechai, Kfar Giladi, Tel Hai - a substantial barrage. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🔷 ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime ▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, 19, from Nahariya, stabbed to death while shopping in uniform in Karmiel. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood! 🔸DEAL NEWS.. PMO’s office: The mediators in the hostage deal conveyed to the Israeli negotiation team Hamas' response to the outline of a hostage deal. Israel is examining the response and will return its answer to the mediators. .. Senior security official: Hamas still insists on the clause that would prevent Israel from fighting after phase one of the agreement, which is unacceptable (particularly given that not all the hostages will be returned by then). .. The terms of the deal were written even before the IDF captured the Philadelphi border corridor. Therefore, even if Hamas says yes, a fundamental disagreement is expected over the continued presence of the IDF in the corridor. ▪️WEST NILE VIRUS STILL SPREADING.. The Ministry of Health:so far 153 people have been diagnosed with West Nile fever, 11 have died. Most of the patients are from the center of the country. Spreads by mosquito bite only. About 80% of those infected do not develop symptoms. About 20% will have symptoms of varying severity, including fever, general malaise, headaches or generalized body aches. 1% get serious neurological complications, primarily elderly. ▪️THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO “HMM”.. Opposition Israel our Home MK Lieberman: "We will not be able to stop the Iranian nuclear program by conventional means, we need to stop the policy of (strategic) ambiguity.” (( Meaning he is saying Israel should announce it has nuclear weapons. )) ▪️HOUSING.. The government is promoting a chain of ultra-orthodox cities in the south of the country. Today the National Committee for Planning and Construction will discuss the establishment of a huge ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Kiryat Gat. ⭕TERRORISM - RAMMING ATTACK.. Mount Hebron, car ramming attack. Wounded security guard, leg injury. Terrorist escaped. ⭕HEZBOLLAH SAYS: we launched over 100 ROCKET LAUNCHES so far this evening at northern Israel. Home hit in Zarit. ⭕Enemy “Flak” surface-to-surface missiles were fired in the barrages fired in the last two hours. This is a larger and more accurate missile not previously used. ⭕5 rounds of rocket attacks by Hezbollah at northern towns since our last report. Large barrages fired. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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⚠️ ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime ❌TARGETED ASSASSINATION.. Abu Nima Nasser, senior commander of the Aziz Hezbollah unit, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. ⚠️WARNING: the assassination above will likely result in rocket and drone barrages, a large attack in the north. Israel firefighters have been put on alert assuming attacks will start multiple forest fires. .. Hezbollah channels threaten: "Residents of the Occupied North Prepared for an Earthquake”. .. After the assassination, the Hezbollah party informs US envoy Amos Hochstein that they are canceling the talks as of this moment and declare "Israel has started a severe escalation now”. .. Northern towns put their residents on notice: Rosh Pina - ‘In light of the assassination, we ask the residents to remain vigilant.’ ▪️DEFENSE MINISTRY TO REVIEW RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.. Following the request of a Knesset Subcommittee - the Defense Ministry will review the instructions to open fire after the publication of the prohibition to eliminate (armed) Hamas police officers and non-Hamas massacre participants if their current terrorist activity is not known. (( NOTE - the exposure of this topic through social media channels is resulting in this action. )) .. And here’s an example of the problem: Dozens of armed terror squads marched fearlessly under the open sky this afternoon in Tulkarm, after successfully blowing up an IDF soldier yesterday and planting landmines today. Why were they not attacked? Likely because they were not “actively attacking”, just preparing. ⭕UPDATES FROM Terror Event - MASS STABBING ATTACK - Karmiel mall… one dead, one serious, both soldiers. The terrorist is an Israeli Arab from Kfar Nahaf in the Galilee. The mother (or maybe sister, unclear reports) of the terrorist was arrested, she works at the mall. ▪️LEBANON SAYS.. Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Navia Berri: "The cessation of the major operations in Gaza does not mean the cessation of the war (with Israel), therefore the front in Lebanon will not cease unless the aggression ceases completely, the IDF forces withdraw from Gaza, and the resistance (meaning Hamas) declares a cease-fire." (( Notice the Lebanese terms are getting harder. )) ▪️ENEMY PROPAGANDA.. The military spokesman of the Al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza: A number of enemy prisoners (Israeli hostages) tried to commit suicide with determination as a result of the intense frustration they feel due to the neglect of their government in their case. Our decision to treat the enemy prisoners (Israeli hostages) in the same way as our prisoners inside their prisons will remain in force as long as the terrorist government (Israel) continues its unjust steps towards our people and towards our prisoners. ▪️COURT REJECTS.. The court rejected the police's request to extend the detention of the soldier who "murdered a Nuchba terrorist on Oct. 7 in the midst of the massacre”. The police received a stay of execution and the soldier was in custody until tomorrow's hearing in the district. ▪️TWO KNESSET PROPOSED LAWS OF INTEREST.. (1) reduces the authority to place Israeli citizens in administrative detention (all citizens - regardless of Jewish or Arab or other), must be arrested and brought to court to extend detention - reduces ability of the Shin Bet or IDF to detain without charge. (2) proposal to change definition of terrorism for purposes of payments from National Insurance (Bituach Leumi), to eliminate those who perpetrated the terrorism so that they and their families do not benefit from the terror acts. ▪️PRELIMINARY REPORT - 1 source - POSSIBLE SHOOTING IN HAR NOF, JERUSALEM.. unconfirmed. (17:22) ⭕ROCKET hit from HAMAS in Kfar Maimon. ⭕HEZBOLLAH ROCKET BARRAGE - Golan area, 20+ rockets. ⭕6 rounds of ROCKETS from HEZBOLLAH at northern towns in the past hour. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp -
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🔴 ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime 🔴Terror Event - MASS STABBING ATTACK - Karmiel mall - 11:55 AM At least 2 seriously wounded - one is critical, men in their 20’s, more injured. Stabber shot and killed. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🇮🇱 ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime Morning Report - Wednesday ▪️WAR SIGNS.. British Foreign Ministry has now asked its citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible. This joins instructions from: Canada, Kuwait, Germany, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA, Ireland, Jordan, Australia and Spain. ▪️FRENCH PRESIDENT ASKS.. asked Netanyahu to avoid starting the fire with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Macron also asked all parties involved to move quickly towards a diplomatic solution to the disputes in order to establish stability in the region. ▪️BIDEN.. Barring a surprising last-minute change, Biden will meet with Netanyahu during Netanyahu's upcoming visit to Washington ahead of his speech to Congress. ▪️PROVING BIDEN’S FITNESS - SEE, HE STOPPED ISRAEL.. (N12 quoting NY Times) Biden told Netanyahu in a phone call after the huge Iranian attack on April 14: "Let me be very clear, if you carry out a large-scale attack against Iran - you are left alone." Netanyahu tried to say that a strong response was necessary to prevent future attacks, but Biden said: "If you do that, I'm out," according to the New York Times. The publication comes as part of an attempt by Biden's associates to provide evidence of the moments when he acted with clarity, sharpness and composure - against the background of the presidential debate. ▪️POLITICS.. Senior member of coalition member United Torah Judaism party meets with opposition leader National Unity party MK Gantz at his home. ▪️UGLY POLITICS.. The state attorney wants to open a criminal investigation against National Security Minister Ben Gvir for making statements against the citizens of Gaza. .. Statement from the Minister: "Unbelievable! The state attorney is trying to prosecute an Israeli minister, for "incitement" against the citizens of an enemy country who danced on the blood of our soldiers in the streets of Gaza on Oct. 7.” ▪️UGLY “JUSTICE”.. MK Gottlieb: “We have gone off the rails! A country trying to suicide! A soldier who went south on Oct. 7 and fought fiercely against Nuchba terrorists who murdered and raped our sons and daughters, was arrested because in that event, in which he fought with other fighters by his side in fierce battles against brutal terrorists, he courageously eliminated a violent terrorist in the process. The claim: that the elimination was unnecessary. We pressed the self-destruct button. Someone is trying very hard to hurt the spirit of our soldiers during combat.” ▪️SAMARIA - 3 TERRORISTS ARRESTED.. 3 armed terrorists arrested in their vehicle by IDF forces near Shevai Shomron. ▪️AFTER RELEASING TERRORISTS.. including the head of Shifa hospital, Honeni notes the Shin Bet today is opposing the release of a Jewish security prisoner convicted of a racially motivated attack on an Arab. One of the reasons is the "explosive situation in light of the war". Multiple channels are commenting: “Releasing terrorists in war is important for stability. Releasing Jews is dangerous and explosive.” ▪️CRITICAL AID DEMANDED - SODA AND CIGS.. According to Palestinian reports, Israel has decided to prevent the entry of fizzy drinks into Gaza. A Gazan journalist: We call on the international organizations to negotiate with Netanyahu so that he will bring cleaning materials, fizzy drinks and cigarettes into Gaza. ▪️ROUTE 1 OVERNIGHT ROAD WORK - AIRPORT IMPACT.. Starting tonight at 10:00 p.m.: Route 1 from the Ganot interchange to the exit from Ben Gurion will be blocked until 5:00 a.m. Entry to Ben Gurion from Tel Aviv will be possible via Route 40 and the Lod interchange only. ♦️IDF watches terrorists plant another road mine (bomb) in Nur Shams, eliminates from the air. 4 terrorists killed. Islamic Jihad claims them. ⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at Sufa, Holit, near south-Gaza towns. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp -
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IDF OPERATIONS IN GAZA: ELIMINATION OF TERRORISTS AND DISMANTLING OF INFRASTRUCTURE IDF operational activities continue throughout the Gaza Strip. In Shejaiya, IDF troops have eliminated terrorists, located weapons, and dismantled terror infrastructure sites. Over the past day, the IAF struck and dismantled over 50 terror infrastructure sites. During targeted raids, IDF troops found operational tunnel shafts and weaponry, including AK-47 rifles, grenades, magazines, and additional military equipment. In central Gaza, IDF troops continue their operations, where IAF strikes have eliminated terrorists who posed a threat to the troops. In the Rafah area, the IDF is conducting targeted, intelligence-based operations. With the cooperation of IDF ground troops, the IAF dismantled several terror infrastructure sites and eliminated terrorists in the region. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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THE CHIEF OF THE GENERAL STAFF IN RAFAH: "THIS IS A LONG CAMPAIGN, WITH DETERMINATION AND PERSEVERANCE WE ARE ACCOMPLISHING OUR MISSIONS AND WEARING DOWN THE OTHER SIDE" Today, the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, visited the resting areas in the Kerem Shalom area. In addition, he toured an advanced logistics center established in the Gaza Strip and spoke with commanders and soldiers. Here are the full remarks of the Chief of the General Staff: "In the Rafah Brigade, we have observed firsthand the results of our efforts. We have counted over 900 terrorists killed, including commanders—at least one battalion commander, many company commanders, and numerous operatives. Our current efforts are focused on the destruction of terrorist and underground infrastructures, which requires time. This is why this campaign is prolonged; we do not want to leave Rafah with any remaining terrorist infrastructure. There are those we have eliminated underground and some that attempted to surface, whom we have also neutralized. Our ongoing effort and relentless pursuit are crucial. The enemy should feel exhausted, while we remain energized and determined. As we transition to the next phase, we will adapt our tactics and logistical support to fit the evolving needs of the operation. Our focus remains on determination, perseverance, and patience—wearing down the other side and achieving our missions. With strong willpower, patience, and perseverance, the results will speak for themselves. Great appreciation to everyone involved, thank you." Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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NEW IDF BRIGADE COMPLETES EXERCISE TO INCREASE READINESS IN THE NORTHERN ARENA Last week, the HeHarim Regional Brigade (810) completed its first brigade-level exercise, which included offensive scenarios in Lebanon, combat in thicket areas, urban warfare, and close-quarters combat. The HeHarim Brigade, under the command of the 210th Division, was established to adapt the operational response to the changing realities on the Syrian and Lebanese borders. The brigade is responsible for defending the Mount Hermon and Mount Dov areas. At the end of the exercise, a ceremony was held where the brigade’s official tag was revealed for the first time. The IDF continues to defend the State of Israel and the residents of the north, adapting as necessary to meet operational requirements. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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IAF STRIKES SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE LAUNCHER AND HEZBOLLAH TERRORIST TARGETS Throughout the day, five projectiles identified as crossing from Lebanon fell in the area of Zar'it, and three fell in the area of Har Dov. In accordance with protocol, no sirens were sounded in the area. The IDF responded by striking the sources of the launches. A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck a surface-to-air missile launcher that had been used to fire at Israeli aircraft. Additionally, a Hezbollah terrorist was identified entering a military structure in the area of Markaba. Shortly after this identification, IAF fighter jets struck the structure. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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BODY CAMERA FOOTAGE FROM IDF PARATROOPERS OPERATING AGAINST TERRORIST OPERATIVES AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN SHEJAIYA The Paratroopers Brigade Combat Team has been engaged in operations in the Shejaiya area for several days. During this time, the troops have encountered and eliminated terrorists in close-quarters combat and dismantled terrorist infrastructure both above and below ground. While conducting scans, the troops discovered dozens of combat compounds and booby-trapped buildings, which they subsequently dismantled. Additionally, the troops located a weapons storage facility containing explosives, grenades, military vests, a kit for launching rockets and missiles, AK-47s, and anti-tank missiles. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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🛟 SHABBAT & HOLY DAY — SAFETY BRIEF — for those in ISRAEL via ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime Chief Rabbinute instructions with Risk Adjustments and sensible advise ✡️ Note Israel Realtime DOES NOT POST updates on Shabbat or Holy-days (Israel time) UNLESS life threatening / saving. ❗️The NORTH, draw a line from Haifa to Afula and Tiberius, as well as near-Gaza towns.. ❗️These are all HIGH risk of rocket and drone attacks. Shabbat & Holy Day precautions REQUIRED. Elsewhere, keep them in mind. ➡️ Prepare your safe space before Shabbat/Holy day: unlocked, MAMAD LIGHTS ON, A/C on. ➡️ SAFE TO GO TO SYNAGOGUE? Prepare for alerts on the way, and in synagogue - know the space safe! ➡️ CHILDREN, ELDERLY, DISABLED? In higher risk areas it may not be safe to go to synagogue. ➡️ CARRY YOUR WEAPON, even without an eruv. Pepper spray, legal size knife, legal gun. ➡️ CALL POLICE, DO NOT HESITATE !! - If anything suspicious, CALL POLICE immediately! Dial 100 ➡️ (Silent) MONITOR FOR ALERTS : .. SILENT TV - Channel 14 - stream (doesn’t work with adblocker) .. SILENT RADIO - • Kol Chai radio - on radio 92.8, 93 and 102.5. - stream • Kol Barama Radio - on radio 92.1, 104.3, 105.7 and 107.6. - stream • Galei Israel - on radio 89.3, 94 and 106.5. - .. ON COMPUTER - leave a computer open to (only in Israel) - alerts will display and sound on the screen. Turn OFF screen saver, sleep and hibernate. .. VIA APP - leave on phone with red alert app. Set app to YOUR area so it only alerts for your area. ✡️ It is a mitzvah to take actions to protect and save and preserve life on Shabbat, not a violation. But ONLY actions which do so. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🟠 Fri - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime EREV SHABBAT ✡️ Erev Shabbat - Parshat Karachi - Numbers 16:1 - Korach incites a mutiny, ▪️DEAL SITUATION ANALYSIS.. (“The Land of Jihad”) What is the connection between the Israeli delegation to Qatar and the threats of an all-out war in the north? If we examine for a moment the set of levers that Israel has over Hamas, we will find that there are not many of them. The strip is already destroyed (and the Hamas leadership doesn’t care), the IDF has already operated in every sector and the elimination of the senior officials is not in sight (as they stay deep in tunnels or within masses of civilians). If there are no levers of pressure on Hamas, then we will look for a lever of pressure on the patron - that is, the Iranians. And there is one such, their name is Hezbollah. The worsening of the rhetoric in recent days against Hezbollah and the threats that after the operation in Rafah the eyes will be on the North, has a dual purpose: one, to deter Hezbollah. But the second goal is more interesting. When the Iranians realize that Israel is serious and is probably going to make a move that means tremendous damage to Hezbollah, then the Iranians themselves will pressure (Hamas leader) Sinwar to finish the deal. The Iranians will fight to the last drop of Sunni Arab blood. For them, all Gazans will die on the way to the liberation of Jerusalem. But the Shiite Hezbollah, meat from Iran, is another story. The Iranian interest is to preserve it. ▪️YEMEN ON BEING IN LEBANON.. "We ask the Yemeni brothers living in Lebanon not to leave the country and bear arms together with the people of Lebanon and participate in fighting if necessary, against Israel. We need to provide protection for Arab honor and our precious lands." (( Honor, more important than life in their society. )) ▪️LEADER OF THE NEW MAJORITY PARTY IN FRANCE.. Marine Le Pen pledged: ”Those who identify with Islamic ideology should be excluded and expelled. French people who adopt the "ideology of the enemy" must be punished. Radical mosques will be closed. The Muslim Brotherhood will be disbanded.” ▪️HAMAS CAPTURES PEOPLE TRYING TO TAKE AID, BEATS AND LEAVES THEM TIED IN THE SUN TO DIE.. we are frequently asked for these videos. Very violent, viewer discretion advised: And here they are left to die - ▪️ON JULY 4TH.. Pro-Palestinian protesters marched on American Independence Day in the streets of New York with Palestinian flags and shout death to America? ▪️HEZBOLLAH SAYS.. Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah: We will stop attacking Israel only after a complete ceasefire in Gaza. ▪️DEAL POLITICS - NATIONAL UNITY MK BENNY GANTZ.. his party will support ANY responsible outline that will lead to the return of the hostages. (Meaning he is guaranteeing to provide votes from outside the coalition if Netanyahu can’t get votes from the coalition right wing parties.) 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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OVER THE LAST FEW HOURS, IDF SOLDIERS DIRECTED BY ISA INTELLIGENCE CONDUCTED COUNTERTERRORISM ACTIVITY IN THE JENIN AREA. Joint IDF and ISA Announcement In the last few hours, IDF soldiers, guided by ISA intelligence, conducted a counterterrorism operation in the Jenin area. Following the IDF's operations in Jenin on June 27th, during which Captain Alon Sacgiu was killed, the ISA and IDF launched a precise intelligence effort to locate the terrorists responsible for the attack on IDF soldiers. On July 3rd, the Israel Border Police eliminated Nidal Amar, a terrorist who was involved in the detonation of the explosive device. During the counterterrorism activity, there were exchanges of fire with terrorists in the area. Meanwhile, soldiers surrounded a building where additional terrorists had barricaded themselves. IDF soldiers eliminated terrorist Hemam Heshash and another operative, and found a pistol. Both terrorists had participated in the attack on IDF soldiers during the operation in which Captain Alon Sacgiu, a Team Commander in the Haruv Reconnaissance Unit, was killed. Additionally, during the counterterrorism activity, an armed terrorist cell identified in the area was eliminated in an IAF airstrike. Watch how the IDF identified and eliminated the armed terrorists who fired shots. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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🟢 🟢 Fri - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime ( 2 of 2 ) ▪️OCT. 7 DEFENDERS ARRESTED? In a very strange story with conflicting and partial information, 3 defenders on Oct. 7 were arrested on suspicion of killing a murdering raping looting Gaza terrorist on October 7 by taking weaponry off murdered IDF soldiers and defending themselves and the people of Israel. The three suspects made their way to the Gaza border communities to join the defense. The accusations apparently (not fully released) are: they picked up weapons of murdered IDF soldiers (stole weapons), they interrogated and allegedly murdered an enemy combatant, and they prevented the kidnapping of Israeli bodies and the murder of an Israeli girl with weapons they picked up. The court at the initial hearing refused to allow the police to hold 2 of the 3, and they were sent to home detention until trial. (( What is bizarre and disturbing about this: in the midst of a cross border invasion by a non-uniformed enemy performing mass murder, how can any act of defense including rushing to the location and picking up weapons to defend Israel be illegal? And on a related point, although interrogation on video has shown many of these mass murderers admitting to their horrific actions - NOT A SINGLE INDICTMENT HAS BEEN FILED AGAINST ANY OF THEM. )) 🔸DEAL NEWS.. Senior White House official: Biden told Netanyahu in a conversation - it's time to close the deal. Whitehouse tweet: Biden- "Efforts are being made to reach a deal that will lead to a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages.” .. The head of the Mossad is expected to meet with the Prime Minister of Qatar during his trip to Doha. 🔥FOREST FIRE - KFAR ETZION.. huge fire, likely terror arson. ♦️GAZA OVERNIGHT.. A wave of attacks in the north and center of the Gaza Strip. The echoes of explosions heard in the Gaza Envelope. ♦️COUNTER-TERROR BATTLE - JENIN.. 6 terrorists eliminated, house blown up by shoulder rockets as well as an airstrike. ♦️ACTIVE COUNTER-TERROR operations as well in Shechem and Kalkilya. ⭕ 2 HAMAS ROCKET ATTACKS - at Kerem Shalom aid transfer station and Nachal Oz. ⭕ US BASE in SYRIA attacked - large explosions reported. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🟢 Fri - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime ( 1 of 2 ) Erev Shabbat - Parshat Karachi - Numbers 16:1 - Korach incites a mutiny challenging Moses’ leadership and the granting of the kehunah (priesthood) to Aaron. He is accompanied by Moses’ inveterate foes, Dathan and Abiram. Joining them are 250 distinguished members of the community, who offer the sacrosanct ketoret (incense) to prove their worthiness for the priesthood. The earth opens up and swallows the mutineers, and a fire consumes the ketoret-offerers. ▪️ULTRA-ORTHODOX RECRUITMENT - THE SANE AND THE RIDICULOUS.. The IDF expressed a position that it should be allowed to recruit the ultra-Orthodox by way of agreement, through marketing and information directed to the sector. So that they will succeed in recruiting 4,800 ultra-Orthodox this year as they promised to the High Court. The deputy ombudsman and director of the High Courts Department at the Prosecutor's Office believed that this policy contradicts the High Court ruling. The compromise: the August recruitment cycle will be the test of the ultra-Orthodox recruitment. The IDF can be allowed to recruit ultra-Orthodox in the August cycle through marketing and information activities, so that recruitment orders will not be issued to ultra-orthodox yeshiva candidates unless they have expressed their consent in advance. But if the IDF does not meet the relative part of the annual target - the IDF will be obliged to issue compulsory recruitment orders to young ultra-Orthodox in the next recruitment cycle. (( The ridiculousness of the officials is believing that being issued compulsory recruitment orders will make any difference, and almost certainly will do the opposite. )) ▪️UK: LABOR PARTY WINS BIG.. and has a number of members who openly hate Israel. But one example among the MPs who lost their seats in the elections: anti-Israel MP George Galloway. However Jeremy Corbyn, the former chairman of Labor and who ran in the elections this time as an independent candidate and was removed from the Labor party in light of anti-Semitic statements, will continue to hold his seat in Parliament. ▪️BAD PRISON IMPACT.. A Fatah terrorist talks on camera about the change in the conditions of the terrorists in prison and warns his friends: Do not enter Ben Gvir’s (Min. Of National Security - responsible for the prisons) hell. (Video not linked here.) 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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🚨 SPECIAL NORTHERN REPORT: HAIFA PREPARES FOR WAR 🚨 Channel 12 reported that Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Northern Israel's largest city, is preparing for an extreme scenario involving missile impacts every four minutes for 50-60 days. The hospital is setting up a fortified underground space capable of treating 2,000 patients, including 24 operating rooms. According to the hospital director, the entire medical center can move underground within eight hours. Additionally, a dedicated train will facilitate the transfer of wounded to central Israel hospitals in the event of mass casualties. Haifa is also preparing 16 underground parking lots to serve as bomb shelters during a large conflict. The local subway system will be utilized as a massive shelter, and city schools will be converted into temporary housing if residential buildings are hit by missiles. Join ISRAEL REALTIME 🎗️"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime" 🇮🇱 WhatsApp 👇 🇮🇱 Telegram 👇 🇮🇱 Facebook 👇 🇮🇱 X (Twitter) 👇
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🙏 77👍 18 12😢 10👏 1
⚫ Thu night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime QUICK BRIEFS ▪️A HERO SOLIDER HAS FALLEN.. Itay Galea, 38, from Ramat Gan, fell defending us from Hezbollah in the north. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood! ▪️A HERO SOLIDER HAS FALLEN.. Eyal Merman, from Nes Ziona, fell in battle in Gaza. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood! ▪️PM NETANYAHU spoke to President Biden on July 4th. ▪️INTERIOR MINISTER VISITS DRUZE HOLY SITE in honor of the hero fallen among the Druze from the war. ▪️FAMILY OF ISRAELI ARAB STABBER MURDERER ARRESTED - DETENTION EXTENDED, involvement suspected. ▪️OUTDOOR FIRES PROHIBITED through Aug. 1 due to fire risk. ▪️DOZENS OF TERRORISTS RELEASED FROM OFER PRISON.. capacity issue. 🔸DEAL - NAT UNITY MK EISENKOT (who lost his son in the war) - “We are in the closest to a deal in the last nine months. But I have a hard time seeing Netanyahu accepting a deal.” 🔸DEAL - Netanyahu agrees to send a negotiating team. ▪️AID AIRDROPS ON PEOPLE AGAIN in Gaza, Khan Yunis. ▪️BOMB GOES OFF IN SHECHEM - in Arab police station. ▪️SINKHOLE SHUTS DOWN GUSH DAN LIGHT RAIL LINE RED-2. ▪️FAKE NEWS ALERT - rumors of an arrest of an MDA medic for not treating the Karmiel terrorist first are FAKE. ▪️ECONOMY.. The average wage in Israel increased 7.3% year over year to NIS 13,506. (Cent. Bureau of Statistics) ▪️ECONOMY.. BUT, the average salary in high-tech dropped dramatically in April - by almost 11% - to NIS 32,000. 🔸SHARE ISRAEL REALTIME channels, send the link - they click, they’re in! 🔹Telegram - 🔹WhatsApp - 🔹Or read us on : 🔸X (twitter) - 🔸Facebook -
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