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halo, maaf terlambat menyampaikan nya. @arandellestore resmi berhenti beroperasi ya, terimakasih kepada kalian yang sudah mau order dan mempercayai kami. kami sangat berterimakasi. last for all, jika ada apa apa atau jika masih ada urusan dengan admin, owner, atau assisten owner yang belum terselesaikan, kalian bisa menghubungi @leedrgs untuk di tindak lanjuti
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all talent @arandellestore sementara waktu unavail rental dulu ya. karena ada beberapa kendala yang mengharuskan pihak store melakukan perombakan all talent
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congrats for 200 testi 💘
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DANA Kaget buatmu

DANA Kaget cuma buat kamu yang paling gesit! Sikat sekarang!

congrats for 200 testi 💘
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congrats for 200 testi 💘
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sticker.webp0.40 KB
halo haloo, @arandellestore always open sesuai jam kerja yaa ( 07.00 - 23.00 ). feel free buat tanya atau order di jam itu. kalau kamu menghubungi bot di luar jam kerja,maka akan di balas saat jam kerja ya. jadi harap bersabar dan jangan spam !! happy shopping 🤍🤍 - REGULATION - CATALOGUE - WARNING - CONTACT ORDER @arandelletestimonial
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˚ ◞♡   ⃗ Aloo Everyone ! @Clovares tetap open dengan katalog baru, dari wugem, classy sampai dark icons. Bisa custom setup BA jugaaa! ʚCLOVARES - up catalogg: Let's see Clovares's catalog (つ✧ω✧)つ • all type Icons • Setup BA Ready • Custom setup BA • Apps premium • Verif number/apps Sebelum send format mampir ke REGULATIONS lalu hubungi contact @Clowvers. See u clovers have a nice dayy♡~

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pidip pidip, @peponies's first batch is finally OPEN! but before you order, take a look at our regulations first. so what are you waiting for? click this hashtag #pepo to surround the pepo's world! (pssst, this first batch is limited cuz you'll get *some freebies with no minimum order. so send the form as fast as you can to @MamahPepo)

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Seraphic : OPEN 19.00

[To all BA mutuals, or anyone who sees this message help to forward it your channel? Thank you!] Hello sera-ies! Longtime no see, @Seraphich finally open batch Woosh ~ ! Today 1 November at 18.00, we already make these boyfriend from the deepest of our hearts We are here to inform that we are open for all talent with 7 Slots in @TalentSeraphic don't miss it send your form to @SeraphichBot but before don't forget to read terms and condition! We are obliged to say the least, and can not wait for no more of your presence, and let's summon the magic together!

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