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🌲 Union 88 Gas Co. 🌲

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The following image is from MILITANT ACCELERATIONISM, to be released the morning of June 16th.
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Roper is another one of these enemy propagandists telling you to ignore the teachings of far greater men than he could ever be in 88 lifetimes and instead send him your hard earned dollars for his own welfare, while telling you to trust the plan and be peaceful with the niggers. Fuck. That. This isn't 1995 and we aren't at the beginning of the fucking internet, no matter how much that fat fuck wishes it still was, memberships and dollars to some fat fuck aren't going to save the White Race. Bullets and Stacks Upon Stacks of Enemy Corpses will. If you want to keep living in the past and hoping that some day a White Savior will come, please do us all a favor, walk to your gun cabinet, find your best gun, shine it up real nice and stick it in your fucking mouth because we have no use for day dreamers. If you want to live to see your Grandchildren come from Good White Stock, then the time is now to be a Man of Action and DEHUMANIZE YOURSELF AND FACE TO BLOODSHED!
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Look at this fucking disgrace, 30 years as a WN and what does he have to show for it? Braphogs, Shitty podcasts and begging for membership dollars. Fat fuck can't even be bothered to actually go innawoods so he grabs his rifle, doesn't unfold the stock and walks to the low ground of his driveway to show you he's "serious" this is the same idiot a couple years ago who pretended to be a monarchist wanting to be king. Be aware of dirt merchants who only want your money.
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Only android apk, desktop, and safari browser users are gonna be Tapped in with HateLab going forward. Natural Law is Lex Androidonis.
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If you're using Android and don't have Telegram installed via an APK instead of the play store, you're a fucking idiot and should remedy that pronto.
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Telegram APKs for Android

Official channel for Telegram Android APKs. You can also download them here:

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No Good Banner like a Dead Banner.
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Banner dropping 99.9% of the time is absolutely fucking gay and accomplishes nothing. You don't get written about in the paper, you don't get talked about on the news. Whoever happens to be on that highway and takes a picture, thats your proof that people have seen it and it's "changing minds". What a crock of shit. Banner drops don't change minds anymore and they sure as shit don't strike the fear of the enraged White Man in to the hearts and minds of our enemies anymore either. At best, some twitter checkmarks will kvetch about it and some random twitter WN who is probably pretending to be a nigger on the platform will say something positive about it. That's it. Want to change that? Want to put the fear of the enraged White Man into the hearts and minds of our enemies and give them no choice but to talk about it coast to coast? Hang this banner. Because the only solution thats going to work involves putting a bullet into the heads of every [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted] from Coast to Coast. The stupid will blame Antifa infiltraitors doing a psyop because dead cops is their long term agenda, but the wise will know that we share this same feeling in common with our enemy, as the Pig is the tool of the Jew and unless the Pig is beheaded, the Jew cannot be.
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🌲 Union 88 Gas Co. 🌲

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