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Russian Mission Geneva

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🇷🇺 On June 15, Russian compatriots from all cantons of Switzerland gathered at the "Suvorov Cross" in the Schöllenen Gorge to celebrate Russia Day, honor the memory of the Russian soldiers who died in the battles for St. Gotthard and the Devil's Bridge in 1799, as well as to fancy up the famous monument for the summer season. 🤝 Russian Ambassador to Switzerland, Sergei Garmonin, as well as Russian diplomats from Bern and Geneva joined the event. Neither the gloomy weather, nor the traffic jams on mountain passes caused by some kind of "summit" in nearby Bürgenstock, could hinder the festivities. 🌐 The annual celebration of our national holiday on this "little patch of Russia in Switzerland" not only consistently sees an increase in participants, but also gains more international attendance. This year, our friends joined us not only from Switzerland and the neighboring regions of France and Germany, but also from Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Serbia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. ❗ Watch our video recap of the event for its main highlights!
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🇷🇺 15 июня российские соотечественники со всех кантонов Швейцарии собрались у «Суворовского креста» в ущелье Шёлленен, чтобы вместе отметить День России, почтить память соратников великого русского полководца, погибших в боях за Сен-Готард и Чёртов мост в 1799 г., а также подготовить знаменитый монумент к летнему сезону. 🤝К торжествам присоединились Посол России в Швейцарии С.В.Гармонин, а также российские дипломаты из Берна и Женевы. Ни хмурая погода, ни пробки на горных перевалах, вызванные неким «саммитом» в соседнем Бюргненштоке, не помешали успешному проведению дружеской встречи. 🌐 Ежегодное празднование нашего национального дня на «маленьком кусочке России в Швейцарии», помимо стабильного увеличения количества его участников, приобретает и международный характер. Ведь в этом году к нам присоединились наши друзья не только из Швейцарии и близлежащих районов Франции и Германии, но также и из Белоруссии, Болгарии, Казахстана, Киргизии, Литвы, Сербии, Узбекистана и Украины. ❗ Яркие моменты - в нашем традиционном видеоотчёте!
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🎙Exceprts from President of Russia Vladimir Putin's speech at the meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry (June 14, 2024) 💬 President Putin: This is the task <...>: to outline a vision for equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation, and development on the Eurasian continent in the foreseeable future. What needs to be done to achieve this and on what principles? 👉 First, it is important to establish dialogue with all potential participants in this future security system. <...> 👉 Second, it is crucial to recognise that the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries that wish to participate in its creation. The threat to Europe does not come from Russia. The main threat to Europeans is their critical and ever-increasing dependence on the United States <...>. If Europe wants to continue being an independent centre of global development and a cultural and civilisational pole on our planet, it should definitely maintain good and friendly relations with Russia. Most importantly, we are ready for this. <...> 👉 Third, it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organisations already operating in Eurasia to promote the idea of a Eurasian security system <...>. 👉 Fourth, we believe that the time has come to start a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in Eurasia. At the same time, it is necessary, in the long term, to gradually phase out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region. <...> 👉 Fifth, an crucial part of the Eurasian security and development system should definitely be the issues of the economy, social well-being, integration, and mutually beneficial cooperation <...>. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I instruct you to assist as much as possible in developing international agreements in all these areas. Read in full
🖋 Article «The humanity should get rid of the colonial system heritage. Colonial powers’ time is up» by Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russian Federation, Chairman of the United Russia Party Key points: • There is brazen interference in the affairs of independent states, which, unfortunately, still continues in various forms. Despite humanity’s persistent efforts to eradicate neocolonialism, the Western world vehemently resists it. • The former colonial powers persist in exploiting dependent countries, enhancing their own comfort through the humiliation and oppression of others – albeit employing more sophisticated tools and methods. • According to experts (American experts, for all their bias), between 1946 and 2000, the United States interfered in elections in other countries more than 80 times. Since 1945, there have been more than 50 attempted coups and military interventions. Of the 174 cases of restrictive measures applied in the 20th century, the United States was responsible for 109. <…> In fact, America has become a global sanctions neo-metropolis. • In order to preserve its geopolitical presence in various parts of the world, the West relies on the so-called debt neo-colonialism . <…> The neo-colonial powers are using financial institutions under their control and extensively exploiting the difficult socioeconomic situation in many countries of the Global South to induce them to borrow at interest rates that are higher than those offered to the so-called golden billion countries. • Neo-metropolitan powers have also been targeting certain countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa with their disruptive efforts in order to control their natural wealth, including critical minerals. They focus on gaining unrestricted access to lithium, graphite, nickel, cobalt and rear earth deposits they need for transitioning to a low-carbon economy. ❗️ The fight against neocolonialism is not an eternal confrontation for the sake of confrontation itself. It is primarily a progressive movement of states towards civilisational sovereignty, which is crucial in avoiding degradation and devastation in the 21st century. <…> Only fully sovereign countries that have independence in domestic and foreign affairs will be able to effectively counteract the deliberate efforts of the former metropolises to impose unequal economic and political deals on them. • Investigation of colonial crimes that do not have a statute of limitations should be placed at the forefront of this activity. It is necessary to consider the creation of a single public database (register) of crimes of the colonial period, as well as modern neocolonial practices, at the UN, and work out a scale to evaluate the damage caused by war crimes committed on their territory. • Neo-metropoles should be hit where it hurts the most, in their wallets, which they are filling largely by exploiting the rest of the world. We believe that the payment of compensations to the victims of neocolonial practices should be based on clear, legally considered and substantiated evidence. Political and diplomatic assessments must be complemented with a legal evaluation of their actions. • We wish the best of luck to our African and Latin American colleagues. Their success, including in establishing an anticolonial tribunal (akin to the Nuremberg Trials), will be a major step towards depriving the Global North of its domination and towards building a fair multipolar world order. 📄 Read in full
🇷🇺🇺🇳 Excerpts from the statement by Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ilichev at the panel debate “Catching up is hard to do: development strategies in a world of cascading crises” within the program of UNCTAD 60th anniversary: 📍 June 13, 2024, Geneva 🌐 In the era of “cascading crises”, when shocks follow one another, the developing economies are the most vulnerable. The problems they encounter include disruptions in supply chains that began with the COVID-19 pandemic, dissolution of the global market which is increasingly divided into regions, and energy transition that considers the peculiarities of countries at different stages of development. ⚡️ It is crucial to take into account the current economic context of developing countries. For example, many African countries still have problems in the electricity sector that can be described as energy poverty. In some countries, the electrification rate is still below 48-49%. 🇷🇺 For Russia, cooperation with developing countries in the climate agenda is of extreme importance. Moreover, we are consistently strengthening economic ties with Asian countries. Over the past three years trade growth with them has exceeded 60%. The volume of trade with the Middle East countries has doubled, with African countries - has increased by 70%. Turnover is also growing between Russia and Latin America. ❗️ We pay special attention to our presence in the markets of products, which are critical for developing countries. This includes the supplies of food, energy and fertilizers. We continue to be a reliable provider of these products. We intend to continue to play this role by supporting our colleagues from Africa, Latin America, and other developing countries.
🎙 Президент Российской Федерации В.В.Путин провёл встречу с руководством МИД России (14 июня 2024 года) 💬 С.В.Лавров: Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович! <...> Разрешите от имени всего нашего коллектива поприветствовать Вас на очередной встрече. <...> Я уверен, что она позволит конкретизировать все направления нашей практической работы на международной арене. 💬 В.В.Путин: <...> Считаю важным дать оценку текущей обстановке в глобальных и региональных делах, а также поставить и соответствующие задачи перед внешнеполитическим ведомством. Подробнее *** ⚡️ Сегодня мы делаем ещё одно конкретное, реальное мирное предложение. Если в Киеве и в западных столицах от него, как и прежде, также откажутся, то в конце концов это их дело, их политическая и моральная ответственность за продолжение кровопролития. <...> ❗️ Как только в Киеве согласятся на подобный ход событий, предлагаемый сегодня, согласятся на полный вывод своих войск из ДНР и ЛНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областей и реально начнут этот процесс, мы готовы приступить к переговорам, не откладывая их. Наша принципиальная позиция следующая: • нейтральный внеблоковый безъядерный статус Украины, • её демилитаризация и денацификация <...>. Безусловно, должны быть в полной мере обеспечены права, свободы и интересы русскоязычных граждан на Украине, признаны новые территориальные реалии, статус Крыма, Севастополя, Донецкой, Луганской народных республик, Херсонской и Запорожской областей как субъектов Российской Федерации. В дальнейшем все эти базовые и принципиальные положения должны быть зафиксированы в виде фундаментальных международных договоренностей. Естественно, это предполагает и отмену всех западных санкций против России. *** 💬 Ещё в мае 2014 года конституционный суд Украины вынес решение, что «Президент избирается на пять лет независимо от того, избирается он на внеочередных или очередных выборах». Кроме того, конституционный суд Украины отметил, что «конституционный статус Президента не содержит норм, которые устанавливали бы другой срок, кроме пятилетнего». Что это означает применительно к сегодняшней ситуации? Президентский срок избранного ранее главы Украины истёк вместе с его легитимностью, которую не восстановить никакими ухищрениями.
🇷🇺🇺🇳 Из выступления заместителя Министра экономического развития Российской Федерации В.Е.Ильичева на сессии «Наверстывая упущенное: стратегии развития в мире каскадных кризисов» в рамках празднования 60-летия ЮНКТАД: 📍 13 июня 2024 г., Женева 🌐 В эпоху «каскадных кризисов», когда они буквально следуют один за другим, наиболее уязвимыми являются развивающиеся экономики. К проблемам относятся нарушения в цепочках поставок, начавшиеся еще с эпидемии COVID-19, разрушение мирового рынка, который всё больше делится на отдельные регионы, а также формирование энергоперехода, учитывающего особенности стран на разных стадиях развития. ⚡️ Крайне важно учитывать международные обстоятельства, существующие в экономиках развивающихся стран. Например, во многих африканских странах до сих пор существуют проблемы в сфере электроэнергетики, которые можно описать как энергетическая бедность. В некоторых странах уровень электрификации до сих пор составляет менее 48-49%. 🇷🇺 Для России сотрудничество с развивающимися странами в климатическом аспекте является крайне важным. Мы также последовательно укрепляем экономические связи со странами Азии. За последние три года рост торговли с этими странами превысил 60%. Объем торговли со странами Ближнего Востока увеличился в два раза, а с африканскими странами — на 70%. Оборот с Латинской Америкой также растёт. ❗️ Особое внимание мы уделяем нашему присутствию на рынках товаров, крайне важных для развивающихся стран. Речь о поставках продовольствия, энергоресурсов, удобрений. Продолжаем оставаться надёжным поставщиком этих товаров. Предоставляя поддержку нашим коллегам из стран Африки, Латинской Америки и других развивающихся стран, мы намерены и дальше играть такую роль.
Владимир Путин – о «мирной конференции» в Швейцарии Это не переговоры, а стремление группы стран и дальше продавливать свою линию, решать вопросы, которые прямо затрагивают наши интересы и безопасность, по своему усмотрению. Хочу подчеркнуть: без участия России, без честного и ответственного диалога с нами выйти на мирное решение по Украине и в целом по глобальной европейской безопасности невозможно. Подробнее – на сайте Кремля.
❗ On June 12, our Permanent Mission to the UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva held a grand Russia Day reception, as well as an exhibition dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the great Alexander Pushkin. 🤝 Hundreds of guests joined our national holiday, including the heads of the UN Office in Geneva and other international organizations, ambassadors and diplomats from various missions, foreign journalists, Russian compatriots and Swiss friends. 🎼 Our special words of gratitude go out to the opera singer of the Grand Theater of Geneva, Dmitry Tikhonov, and to the exceptionally talented violinist, Oksana Moskaltsova, for their help in organizing a festive cultural program. 💬 In his welcoming speech, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Geneva, Ambassador Gennady Gatilov, noted: 🌐 The fact that the “collective West” has been unable to hinder our economic growth only proves that the modern world is steadily heading towards multipolarity, which holds no room for dictate of a single group of states. 🇷🇺 Russia, like other countries of the Global Majority, advocates for a more just world order based on the sovereign equality of states, the balance of power and legitimate interests. Together, we are focused on advancing a future-oriented and positive international agenda. Promoting and strengthening the role of intergovernmental formats are among the key and priority tasks of our Mission here in international Geneva.
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❗ 12 июня в Постпредстве России при Отделении ООН и других международных организациях в Женеве состоялся торжественный приём в честь Дня России, а также открытие экспозиции, посвященной 225-летнему юбилею великого А.С.Пушкина. 🤝 Сотни гостей присоединились к нашему национальному празднику, в т.ч. главы Отделения ООН в Женеве и ряда других международных организаций, послы и дипломаты зарубежных диппредставительств, иностранные журналисты, наши соотечественники и друзя-швейцарцы. 🎼 За помощь в организации яркой культурной программы хотели бы выразить особую признательность артисту Большого театра Женевы Д.Тихонову и мастеру скрипки О.Москальцовой. 💬 Постоянный представитель России при Отделении ООН в Женеве Г.М.Гатилов в своём приветственном слове отметил: 🌐 То, что "коллективному Западу" не удалось помешать экономическому росту нашей страны, является ещё одним подтверждением того, что мир неуклонно движется к многополярности, в которой нет места диктату одной группы государств. 🇷🇺 Россия, как и другие страны «Мирового большинства», выступает за более справедливый мировой порядок, основанный на суверенном равенстве государств, балансе сил и законных интересах. Вместе мы сосредоточены на продвижении позитивной международной повестки, ориентированной на будущее. Укрепление межгосударственных форматов взаимодействия является одной из приоритетных задач нашей дипмиссии здесь, в международной Женеве.
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⚡️ Happening now: 🇷🇺🇺🇳 Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Ilichev, speaks at the panel session "Catching up is hard to do: development strategies in a world of cascading crises" held in Geneva as part of celebratory events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of UNCTAD.
🇷🇺 Happy #RussiaDay! As per tradition, on this day we share a video love letter to our Motherland — #IloveRussia! #RussiaDay #RussiaDay2024
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at an extended meeting with the participation of the Foreign Ministers from the Global South and the Global East (June 11, 2024, Nizhny Novgorod) 💬 Welcome to Russia and Nizhny Novgorod, a beautiful city, the beauty of which and the feelings of the residents of which you had the chance to enjoy yesterday. Today’s meeting reflects the efforts of #BRICS members to develop ties with the stakeholder countries from the Global South and the Global East, the countries of the Global Majority, in order to identify solutions to the most pressing global issues faced by all members of the international community without exception. We are witnessing a profound transformation of international relations triggered by the formation of a fairer and polycentric system of international order, which would reflect the entire gamut of cultural and civilisational diversity of the modern-day world and ensure the right of every nation to determine its own future and its own path of development. The stronger voice of the Global Majority, i.e. the countries of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, which are not part of the collective West, is a major trend now. Only by uniting our ranks can we truly effectively promote a vision of a just future shared by all of us. In this context, it is important to strengthen the role of the country-to-country groups that advocate balanced and equitable approaches to international development. We are talking about the formats which reflect the principles of equitable cooperation in practice rather than in words. These include, along with BRICS, #SCO, #AfricanUnion, #EAEU, #CIS, #ASEAN, #LAS, #CELAC, #GCC, #IORA and many other organisations. The chairs of many of these organisations are here with us. We believe it is important to establish contacts between all such integration entities which operate at regional levels, on the one hand, and our global association BRICS, on the other hand. This will promote gradual and mutually respectful harmonisation of approaches to the issues facing all associations. The strengthening the international legal framework and collective decision-making on global issues is now at the forefront. Only in this case will those decisions be effective and legitimate. This principle is laid down in the UN Charter. Unfortunately, the collective West’s decisions, especially in the economy, finance, trade and more, increasingly fail to comply with the fundamental principles of the UN Charter. Our countries have largely overlapping approaches to reforming the system of multilateral institutions, including the UN and the UN Security Council, as well as addressing the post-pandemic recovery of the global economy and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN General Assembly. 🤝 We look forward to discussing all these issues today.
❗️ Joint Statement of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations (Nizhny Novgorod, June 10, 2024) 📄 Full Statement 1. The BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations met on 10 June 2024 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation. They exchanged views on major global and regional trends and issues. They reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the framework of #BRICS Strategic Partnership under the three pillars of cooperation – politics and security, economy and finance, cultural and people-to-people exchanges. They reaffirmed their commitment to the BRICS spirit featuring mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness, and consensus. <…> 5. Mindful of the 2023 Johannesburg II Declaration the Ministers voiced their support for a comprehensive reform of the #UnitedNations, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more democratic, representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries in the Council’s memberships so that it can adequately respond to prevailing global challenges and support the legitimate aspirations of emerging and developing countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America, including BRICS countries, to play a greater role in international affairs, in particular in the United Nations, including its Security Council. They also recognized the legitimate aspirations of African countries, reflected in the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration. <…> 15. The Ministers recognised the negative impact on the world economy and sustainable development from unilateral approaches in breach of international law. They expressed concern about the use of unilateral coercive measures, which are incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the UN and produce negative effects on economic growth, trade, energy, health and food security notably in the developing world. <…> 32. The Ministers recalled their national positions concerning the situation in and around #Ukraine as expressed in the appropriate fora, including the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. They noted with appreciation relevant proposals of mediation and good offices aimed at peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy. <…> 34. The Ministers expressed grave concern at the deterioration of the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the unprecedented escalation of violence in the #Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli military operation that led to mass civilian displacement, death and casualties, and destruction of civilian infrastructure. In this regard they called for the effective implementation of the relevant UNGA resolutions and UNSC resolution 2720 and for immediate safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip <…> 36. The Ministers reiterated that the principle “African solutions to African problems” should continue to serve as the basis for conflict resolution on the African continent. In this regard they reiterated their support for African peace efforts on the continent, including those undertaken by the African Union, and African sub-regional organisations. <…> 40. The Ministers expressed strong condemnation of any acts of #terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, whenever, wherever and by whomsoever committed. They strongly condemned the inhumane terrorist attack on 22 March 2024 at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow <…> 54. The Ministers expressed their full support to the Russian Federation’s BRICS Chairship in 2024 under the theme “Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security”. They expressed their commitment to working together to ensure the success of the XVI BRICS Summit. The Ministers looked forward to the next BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations meeting to be held on the margins of UNGA79 and hosted by Brazil as incoming Chair of BRICS in 2025.
📍Продолжаем совместно с представителями Управления Верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев посещать пункты временного размещения эвакуированных граждан из ДНР, ЛНР, Запорожской, Херсонской областей и Украины. В ПВР Краснодарского края с участием регионального уполномоченного по правам человека Сергея Мышака и органов власти провели личный прием граждан. Вопросы касались отказов в выдаче сертификатов на жилье, помощи в выплатах от Российского Красного Креста, медицинского обеспечения и получения дополнительного образования. Часть вопросов удалось решить в ходе консультаций. @ombudsmanrf
💬 President Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024: 🇷🇺 Despite all obstacles and illegitimate sanctions, Russia remains one of the key players in global trade, actively developing logistics and expanding its geographic reach of cooperation. Thus, our trade relationships with countries in Asia (+60% from 2020 to 2023), the Middle East (+100%), Africa (+69%) and Latin America (+42%) grow stronger. 📊 Overall, the share of trade with friendly countries - which we see as our primary focus, especially the economies of rapidly growing countries that will define the future of the global economy—now accounts for 3/4 of our trade turnover. 📈 According to 2023 results, Russia's GDP grew by 3.6%, and by 5.4% in the first quarter of 2024. This means our growth rates exceed the global average. It's especially important that this dynamic is primarily driven by non-commodity sectors. 📈 We continue to work effectively with our partners in the Eurasian Economic Union, ensuring a balance of interests among all members. Last year, the combined GDP of the Union countries grew by 3.8%, and the volume of mutual trade increased by 4.7%. 🤝 New members joined BRICS in 2024: Saudi Arabia, Iran, the UAE, Egypt and Ethiopia. As a result, its share in global GDP rose to 36%, and in the world population to 46%. BRICS has significant potential for new members to join. We certainly welcome and will support the intent of interested partners to develop contacts with BRICS across different continents. ❗️ Russia now ranks fourth in terms of GDP by purchasing power parity, surpassing Japan. It's important to us to ensure consistently high rates and quality of growth in the long term. Addressing this challenge requires strengthening financial, technological, and human resource sovereignty, increasing production capacities, as well as enhancing the competitiveness of Russian products, both in foreign markets and in our own domestic market. 📖 FULL STATEMENT #SPIEF2024
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❗ Ambassador Gennady Gatilov's address on the Russian Language Day 🇷🇺 Dear friends! Please accept my most heartfelt greetings on the International Russian Language Day, which is celebrated annually by the decision of the UN on June 6 - Alexander Pushkin’s birthday. It is notable that on this day in 2024 we also celebrate the 225th anniversary of the legendary poet and our great compatriot, who is rightfully considered the "father" of the modern Russian language. 🌐 Beyond the undeniable and colossal contribution to world literature, which will be much discussed today, the Russian language and its distinguished speakers have had a profound influence on the development of modern civilization. 🚀 Russian is the language of science. It was spoken by such great scientists as Mikhail Lomonosov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Alexander Popov, Sergey Korolev, Vladimir Vernadskiy, Andrey Kolmogorov, and many others. Mankind’s first words in space were spoken in Russian! 🖼 Russian is the language of art. The immortal creations of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovskiy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Sergei Eisenstein, and Konstantin Stanislavsky are treasured all over the world. ⛵️ Russian is the language of discovery. We are proud of our great explorers and pioneers such as Vitus Bering, Mikhail Lazarev, Ivan Kruzenshtern, and Semyon Chelyuskin. 🇷🇺 The list of outstanding figures who loved, valued and glorified the Russian language can go on endlessly. Most importantly, Russian as an international language of communication and one of the six official UN languages unites hundreds of millions of people in the name of peaceful development and prosperity of our nations. ❗️ To understand and be understood is a great art and an invaluable virtue. Cherish the Russian language!
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#Opinion by Ambassador Gennady Gatilov 🇨🇭 The upcoming "peace summit on Ukraine" in Swiss Bürgenstock is widely discussed in international media. Notably, commentators are primarily focused on one question: "How big a failure will this meeting be?" ❌ The answer seems obvious, especially considering daily reports of influential state leaders refusing to participate in this gathering and the overall level of representation, even among the organizers from the "collective West". Articles in major media outlets like Berliner Zeitung and Financial Times on Zelenskiy's "tantrums" and how he literally has to rush around capitals and "beg heads of state and government" to attend the event only exacerbate the already dismal and humiliating situation of Kiev. ❗️ The outcome of this "summit" already seems clear to many, as its purpose is to endorse the absurd "Zelenskiy formula" in the presence of "non-NATO" countries and present it as some sort of a "collective opinion", an "ultimatum" to Russia. No one in Bürgenstock will be engaged in seeking real diplomatic solutions to the Ukrainian crisis, nor can they. The only beneficiary of this gathering will be the hotel industry in the canton of Nidwalden. 🕊 If the West is truly interested in resolving the conflict, any international meeting should be organized with the participation of Russia in a neutral country, not in Switzerland, which currently lacks such status. Alas, just as two years ago, there is no apparent desire from Washington and Brussels to assist in seeking negotiable solutions. Nor is there any intention to consider the current realities "on the ground", as well as Russia's legitimate interests in ensuring the safety of its citizens.
❗ Обращение Г.М.Гатилова по случаю Международного дня русского языка 🇷🇺 Дорогие друзья! Сердечно поздравляю вас с Международным днём русского языка, который решением ООН ежегодно отмечается 6 июня в день рождения А.С.Пушкина. Знаменательно, что в 2024 г. в этот день мы также празднуем 225-летний юбилей нашего великого соотечественника, по праву считающегося «отцом» современного русского языка. 🌐 Помимо неоспоримого и колоссального вклада в мировую литературу, о чём сегодня будет много говориться, русский язык и его выдающиеся носители оказали сильнейшее влияние на развитие современной цивилизации. 🚀 Русский — это язык науки. На нём говорили такие великие учёные, как М.В.Ломоносов, Д.И.Менделеев, С.В.Ковалевская, А.С.Попов, С.П.Королёв, В.И.Вернадский, А.Н.Колмогоров и многие другие. Первые слова в космосе из уст Ю.А.Гагарина прозвучали именно на русском языке! 🖼 Русский — это язык искусства. Достоянием всего человечества стали бессмертные творения П.И.Чайковского, С.В.Рахманинова, И.Е.Репина, И.К.Айвазовского, А.А.Тарковского, С.М.Эйзенштейна, К.С.Станиславского. ⛵️ Русский — это язык открытий. Мы гордимся великими исследователями и первооткрывателями, такими как В.И.Беринг, М.П.Лазарев, И.Ф.Крузенштерн, С.И.Челюскин. 🇷🇺 Список выдающихся деятелей, любивших, ценивших и прославивших русский язык, можно продолжать бесконечно. Главное, что русский как язык международного общения, один из шести официальных языков ООН объединяет сотни миллионов людей во имя мирного развития и процветания наших народов. ❗️ Понимать и быть понятым — это большое искусство и великая ценность. Берегите русский язык!
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#Мнение Г.М.Гатилова 🇨🇭 В международных СМИ широко обсуждается предстоящий в швейцарском Бюргенштоке так называемый «мирный саммит по Украине». Примечательно, что обозревателей в основном интересует лишь один вопрос: «Насколько эта встреча будет провальной и бессмысленной?». ❌ Ответ напрашивается сам собой. Особенно на фоне ежедневных сообщений об отказах глав влиятельных государств участвовать в этом сборище и общем уровне представленности на нём даже среди организаторов из числа стран «коллективного Запада». Заметки в таких крупных изданиях как Berliner Zeitung и Financial Times об «истериках» Зеленского и о том, что ему приходится буквально носиться по столицам и «умолять глав государств и правительств» посетить мероприятие, лишь усугубляют картину и без того печально-унизительного положения Киева. ❗️ Исход данного «саммита» многим понятен уже сейчас, ведь его цель – в присутствии представителей «ненатовских» стран затвердить абсурдную «формулу Зеленского» и преподнести её как некое «коллективное мнение», своего рода «ультиматум» России. Понятно, что поиском реальных дипломатических развязок украинского кризиса в Бюргенштоке никто заниматься не будет, да и не может, а единственным бенефициаром этой сходки станет гостиничная индустрия кантона Нидвальден. 🕊 Если бы Запад был действительно заинтересован в урегулировании конфликта, то любую международную встречу следовало бы организовывать с участием России в нейтральной стране, а не в Швейцарии, которая сейчас таковой не является. Увы, как и два года назад, со стороны Вашингтона и Брюсселя желания помогать поиску переговорных решений не прослеживается. Равно как и намерения учитывать сложившиеся реалии «на земле», а также законные интересы России в обеспечении безопасности собственных граждан.
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s greetings on Russian Language Day 💬 This June 6, we celebrate the 225th birthday of Alexander Pushkin, the great Russian poet. The UN Russian Language Day is observed on the same day. Russian culture and science created their universally acclaimed masterpieces in the language which served as the mother tongue for Alexander Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev. The role the Russian language plays in terms of enabling people of various ethnic backgrounds to communicate internationally can hardly be underestimated. Today, over 250 million people speak this language around the world. The fact that various multilateral structures have designated Russian as their official or working language demonstrates just how relevant it is in today’s world. Russian Language Day has been listed in the UN’s International Days and Weeks calendar as part of the programme to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity. The Russian language’s broad dissemination around the world, as well as our common past and far-reaching economic and people-to-people ties have come together to create a solid foundation for reinforcing integration processes across the Eurasian space. <...> 🤝 I am convinced that marking Russian Language Day, which is timed to coincide with the jubilee of our great poet, helps promote international cultural and educational cooperation and maintain an atmosphere of friendship and trust among nations. Read in full #RussianLanguageDay
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s greetings on Russian Language Day 💬 This June 6, we celebrate the 225th birthday of Alexander Pushkin, the great Russian poet. The UN Russian Language Day is observed on the same day. Russian culture and science created their universally acclaimed masterpieces in the language which served as the mother tongue for Alexander Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev. The role the Russian language plays in terms of enabling people of various ethnic backgrounds to communicate internationally can hardly be underestimated. Today, over 250 million people speak this language around the world. The fact that various multilateral structures have designated Russian as their official or working language demonstrates just how relevant it is in today’s world. Russian Language Day has been listed in the UN’s International Days and Weeks calendar as part of the programme to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity. The Russian language’s broad dissemination around the world, as well as our common past and far-reaching economic and people-to-people ties have come together to create a solid foundation for reinforcing integration processes across the European space. <...> 🤝 I am convinced that marking Russian Language Day, which is timed to coincide with the jubilee of our great poet, helps promote international cultural and educational cooperation and maintain an atmosphere of friendship and trust among nations. Read in full #RussianLanguageDay
🇷🇺⚕️🇲🇬 In response to Tropical Cyclone Gamane, which struck the Sava Region in northeastern Madagascar on March 27, 2024, Russia, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, initiated a delivery of lifesaving supplies to the affected population. 📦 The supplies include various modules of cholera and inter-agency emergency health kits. They are equipped to support the treatment of 120,000 patients for common diseases and 2,000 cholera patients. ✅ The shipment has been successfully delivered to Antananarivo today.
🗓 Today, on June 5, the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has kicked off. The main theme of the event is "The Formation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World". Over the years, the Forum has become the world's leading platform for the business community to communicate and discuss key economic issues facing Russia, emerging markets and the world as a whole. 👨‍💼👩‍💼 More than 17,100 people from 136 countries and territories, as well as 3,400 media representatives are participating in SPIEF-2024. The plenary session of the Forum will traditionally be addressed by Russia's President Vladimir Putin, who has previously sent greeting to the participants, organisers and guests of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. The SPIEF-2024 business programme consists of four thematic tracks: 🔹 The Transition to a Multipolar World Economy; 🔹 Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle; 🔹 Technologies for Leadership; 🔹 A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State. The programme includes more than 150 thematic sessions with over 1,000 moderators and speakers. In addition, events organised by the Russian Foreign Ministry will traditionally take place on the margins of the SPIEF: • On June 7, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing, as well as a session on "International and National Experiences of Artificial Intelligence Regulation: Best Practices"; • On June 8, The International Affairs, a magazine published by the Foreign Ministry, will hold a debate titled "Polycentricity: The Norm of a Future World without Colonies and Hegemons". 🤝 The programme of events of the SPIEF-2024 international track includes more than 10 business dialogues, including formats EAEU-ASEAN, #RussiaAfrica, #RussiaLatinAmerica, #RussiaChina, #RussiaSouthAfrica, #RussiaKazakhstan, #RussiaIndia, #RussiaIran, #RussiaBrazil and other bilateral meetings. The forum will last until June 8. #SPIEF2024
🏆 On June 5, 2024, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko became the first human to spend 1000 cumulative days in space. 🧑🏻‍🚀 This historic milestone was reached amid his fifth flight to space and his third stint as the commander of the International Space Station. It is expected that by the end of his mission, scheduled for September 23, 2024, Oleg Kononenko's total flight time will reach 1110 days. 🚀 As humanity prepares for long-duration expeditions to the Moon and Mars in the coming decades, Kononenko’s extensive and unique experience will provide invaluable insights into the effects of prolonged spaceflight on the human body and psyche.
🌐 On May 27-31, 2024, a high-level event of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)+20 Forum took place in Geneva. The WSIS Forum 2024 aimed to assess the twenty-year progress of global digital cooperation with the goal of building information and knowledge societies to benefit people's interests and development. 🇷🇺 The Russian delegation, led by Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Grigoriy Borisenko, participated in high-level sessions and thematic discussions of the WSIS Forum, during which our domestic principles of building the information society were highlighted, as well as approaches to the implementation of AI technologies in socio-economic spheres of human activity. 🏆 The “iKODe” project from the Russian "Code Group" LLC was awarded the title of "Champion” in the E-Lerarning category of the international WSIS 2024 Prize for “its outstanding contribution towards strengthening the implementation of the WSIS Outcomes”.
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🇷🇺 On June 15, Russian compatriots from all cantons of Switzerland gathered at the "Suvorov Cross" in the Schöllenen Gorge to celebrate Russia Day, honor the memory of the Russian soldiers who died in the battles for St. Gotthard and the Devil's Bridge in 1799, as well as to fancy up the famous monument for the summer season. 🤝 Russian Ambassador to Switzerland, Sergei Garmonin, as well as Russian diplomats from Bern and Geneva joined the event. Neither the gloomy weather, nor the traffic jams on mountain passes caused by some kind of "summit" in nearby Bürgenstock, could hinder the festivities. 🌐 The annual celebration of our national holiday on this "little patch of Russia in Switzerland" not only consistently sees an increase in participants, but also gains more international attendance. This year, our friends joined us not only from Switzerland and the neighboring regions of France and Germany, but also from Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Serbia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. ❗ Watch our video recap of the event for its main highlights!
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🇷🇺 15 июня российские соотечественники со всех кантонов Швейцарии собрались у «Суворовского креста» в ущелье Шёлленен, чтобы вместе отметить День России, почтить память соратников великого русского полководца, погибших в боях за Сен-Готард и Чёртов мост в 1799 г., а также подготовить знаменитый монумент к летнему сезону. 🤝К торжествам присоединились Посол России в Швейцарии С.В.Гармонин, а также российские дипломаты из Берна и Женевы. Ни хмурая погода, ни пробки на горных перевалах, вызванные неким «саммитом» в соседнем Бюргненштоке, не помешали успешному проведению дружеской встречи. 🌐 Ежегодное празднование нашего национального дня на «маленьком кусочке России в Швейцарии», помимо стабильного увеличения количества его участников, приобретает и международный характер. Ведь в этом году к нам присоединились наши друзья не только из Швейцарии и близлежащих районов Франции и Германии, но также и из Белоруссии, Болгарии, Казахстана, Киргизии, Литвы, Сербии, Узбекистана и Украины. ❗ Яркие моменты - в нашем традиционном видеоотчёте!
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🎙Exceprts from President of Russia Vladimir Putin's speech at the meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry (June 14, 2024) 💬 President Putin: This is the task <...>: to outline a vision for equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation, and development on the Eurasian continent in the foreseeable future. What needs to be done to achieve this and on what principles? 👉 First, it is important to establish dialogue with all potential participants in this future security system. <...> 👉 Second, it is crucial to recognise that the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries that wish to participate in its creation. The threat to Europe does not come from Russia. The main threat to Europeans is their critical and ever-increasing dependence on the United States <...>. If Europe wants to continue being an independent centre of global development and a cultural and civilisational pole on our planet, it should definitely maintain good and friendly relations with Russia. Most importantly, we are ready for this. <...> 👉 Third, it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organisations already operating in Eurasia to promote the idea of a Eurasian security system <...>. 👉 Fourth, we believe that the time has come to start a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in Eurasia. At the same time, it is necessary, in the long term, to gradually phase out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region. <...> 👉 Fifth, an crucial part of the Eurasian security and development system should definitely be the issues of the economy, social well-being, integration, and mutually beneficial cooperation <...>. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I instruct you to assist as much as possible in developing international agreements in all these areas. Read in full
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🖋 Article «The humanity should get rid of the colonial system heritage. Colonial powers’ time is up» by Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russian Federation, Chairman of the United Russia Party Key points: • There is brazen interference in the affairs of independent states, which, unfortunately, still continues in various forms. Despite humanity’s persistent efforts to eradicate neocolonialism, the Western world vehemently resists it. • The former colonial powers persist in exploiting dependent countries, enhancing their own comfort through the humiliation and oppression of others – albeit employing more sophisticated tools and methods. • According to experts (American experts, for all their bias), between 1946 and 2000, the United States interfered in elections in other countries more than 80 times. Since 1945, there have been more than 50 attempted coups and military interventions. Of the 174 cases of restrictive measures applied in the 20th century, the United States was responsible for 109. <…> In fact, America has become a global sanctions neo-metropolis. • In order to preserve its geopolitical presence in various parts of the world, the West relies on the so-called debt neo-colonialism . <…> The neo-colonial powers are using financial institutions under their control and extensively exploiting the difficult socioeconomic situation in many countries of the Global South to induce them to borrow at interest rates that are higher than those offered to the so-called golden billion countries. • Neo-metropolitan powers have also been targeting certain countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa with their disruptive efforts in order to control their natural wealth, including critical minerals. They focus on gaining unrestricted access to lithium, graphite, nickel, cobalt and rear earth deposits they need for transitioning to a low-carbon economy. ❗️ The fight against neocolonialism is not an eternal confrontation for the sake of confrontation itself. It is primarily a progressive movement of states towards civilisational sovereignty, which is crucial in avoiding degradation and devastation in the 21st century. <…> Only fully sovereign countries that have independence in domestic and foreign affairs will be able to effectively counteract the deliberate efforts of the former metropolises to impose unequal economic and political deals on them. • Investigation of colonial crimes that do not have a statute of limitations should be placed at the forefront of this activity. It is necessary to consider the creation of a single public database (register) of crimes of the colonial period, as well as modern neocolonial practices, at the UN, and work out a scale to evaluate the damage caused by war crimes committed on their territory. • Neo-metropoles should be hit where it hurts the most, in their wallets, which they are filling largely by exploiting the rest of the world. We believe that the payment of compensations to the victims of neocolonial practices should be based on clear, legally considered and substantiated evidence. Political and diplomatic assessments must be complemented with a legal evaluation of their actions. • We wish the best of luck to our African and Latin American colleagues. Their success, including in establishing an anticolonial tribunal (akin to the Nuremberg Trials), will be a major step towards depriving the Global North of its domination and towards building a fair multipolar world order. 📄 Read in full
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🇷🇺🇺🇳 Excerpts from the statement by Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ilichev at the panel debate “Catching up is hard to do: development strategies in a world of cascading crises” within the program of UNCTAD 60th anniversary: 📍 June 13, 2024, Geneva 🌐 In the era of “cascading crises”, when shocks follow one another, the developing economies are the most vulnerable. The problems they encounter include disruptions in supply chains that began with the COVID-19 pandemic, dissolution of the global market which is increasingly divided into regions, and energy transition that considers the peculiarities of countries at different stages of development. ⚡️ It is crucial to take into account the current economic context of developing countries. For example, many African countries still have problems in the electricity sector that can be described as energy poverty. In some countries, the electrification rate is still below 48-49%. 🇷🇺 For Russia, cooperation with developing countries in the climate agenda is of extreme importance. Moreover, we are consistently strengthening economic ties with Asian countries. Over the past three years trade growth with them has exceeded 60%. The volume of trade with the Middle East countries has doubled, with African countries - has increased by 70%. Turnover is also growing between Russia and Latin America. ❗️ We pay special attention to our presence in the markets of products, which are critical for developing countries. This includes the supplies of food, energy and fertilizers. We continue to be a reliable provider of these products. We intend to continue to play this role by supporting our colleagues from Africa, Latin America, and other developing countries.
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🎙 Президент Российской Федерации В.В.Путин провёл встречу с руководством МИД России (14 июня 2024 года) 💬 С.В.Лавров: Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович! <...> Разрешите от имени всего нашего коллектива поприветствовать Вас на очередной встрече. <...> Я уверен, что она позволит конкретизировать все направления нашей практической работы на международной арене. 💬 В.В.Путин: <...> Считаю важным дать оценку текущей обстановке в глобальных и региональных делах, а также поставить и соответствующие задачи перед внешнеполитическим ведомством. Подробнее *** ⚡️ Сегодня мы делаем ещё одно конкретное, реальное мирное предложение. Если в Киеве и в западных столицах от него, как и прежде, также откажутся, то в конце концов это их дело, их политическая и моральная ответственность за продолжение кровопролития. <...> ❗️ Как только в Киеве согласятся на подобный ход событий, предлагаемый сегодня, согласятся на полный вывод своих войск из ДНР и ЛНР, Запорожской и Херсонской областей и реально начнут этот процесс, мы готовы приступить к переговорам, не откладывая их. Наша принципиальная позиция следующая: • нейтральный внеблоковый безъядерный статус Украины, • её демилитаризация и денацификация <...>. Безусловно, должны быть в полной мере обеспечены права, свободы и интересы русскоязычных граждан на Украине, признаны новые территориальные реалии, статус Крыма, Севастополя, Донецкой, Луганской народных республик, Херсонской и Запорожской областей как субъектов Российской Федерации. В дальнейшем все эти базовые и принципиальные положения должны быть зафиксированы в виде фундаментальных международных договоренностей. Естественно, это предполагает и отмену всех западных санкций против России. *** 💬 Ещё в мае 2014 года конституционный суд Украины вынес решение, что «Президент избирается на пять лет независимо от того, избирается он на внеочередных или очередных выборах». Кроме того, конституционный суд Украины отметил, что «конституционный статус Президента не содержит норм, которые устанавливали бы другой срок, кроме пятилетнего». Что это означает применительно к сегодняшней ситуации? Президентский срок избранного ранее главы Украины истёк вместе с его легитимностью, которую не восстановить никакими ухищрениями.
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🇷🇺🇺🇳 Из выступления заместителя Министра экономического развития Российской Федерации В.Е.Ильичева на сессии «Наверстывая упущенное: стратегии развития в мире каскадных кризисов» в рамках празднования 60-летия ЮНКТАД: 📍 13 июня 2024 г., Женева 🌐 В эпоху «каскадных кризисов», когда они буквально следуют один за другим, наиболее уязвимыми являются развивающиеся экономики. К проблемам относятся нарушения в цепочках поставок, начавшиеся еще с эпидемии COVID-19, разрушение мирового рынка, который всё больше делится на отдельные регионы, а также формирование энергоперехода, учитывающего особенности стран на разных стадиях развития. ⚡️ Крайне важно учитывать международные обстоятельства, существующие в экономиках развивающихся стран. Например, во многих африканских странах до сих пор существуют проблемы в сфере электроэнергетики, которые можно описать как энергетическая бедность. В некоторых странах уровень электрификации до сих пор составляет менее 48-49%. 🇷🇺 Для России сотрудничество с развивающимися странами в климатическом аспекте является крайне важным. Мы также последовательно укрепляем экономические связи со странами Азии. За последние три года рост торговли с этими странами превысил 60%. Объем торговли со странами Ближнего Востока увеличился в два раза, а с африканскими странами — на 70%. Оборот с Латинской Америкой также растёт. ❗️ Особое внимание мы уделяем нашему присутствию на рынках товаров, крайне важных для развивающихся стран. Речь о поставках продовольствия, энергоресурсов, удобрений. Продолжаем оставаться надёжным поставщиком этих товаров. Предоставляя поддержку нашим коллегам из стран Африки, Латинской Америки и других развивающихся стран, мы намерены и дальше играть такую роль.
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Владимир Путин – о «мирной конференции» в Швейцарии
Это не переговоры, а стремление группы стран и дальше продавливать свою линию, решать вопросы, которые прямо затрагивают наши интересы и безопасность, по своему усмотрению. Хочу подчеркнуть: без участия России, без честного и ответственного диалога с нами выйти на мирное решение по Украине и в целом по глобальной европейской безопасности невозможно.
Подробнее – на сайте Кремля.
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❗ On June 12, our Permanent Mission to the UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva held a grand Russia Day reception, as well as an exhibition dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the great Alexander Pushkin. 🤝 Hundreds of guests joined our national holiday, including the heads of the UN Office in Geneva and other international organizations, ambassadors and diplomats from various missions, foreign journalists, Russian compatriots and Swiss friends. 🎼 Our special words of gratitude go out to the opera singer of the Grand Theater of Geneva, Dmitry Tikhonov, and to the exceptionally talented violinist, Oksana Moskaltsova, for their help in organizing a festive cultural program. 💬 In his welcoming speech, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Geneva, Ambassador Gennady Gatilov, noted:
🌐 The fact that the “collective West” has been unable to hinder our economic growth only proves that the modern world is steadily heading towards multipolarity, which holds no room for dictate of a single group of states. 🇷🇺 Russia, like other countries of the Global Majority, advocates for a more just world order based on the sovereign equality of states, the balance of power and legitimate interests. Together, we are focused on advancing a future-oriented and positive international agenda. Promoting and strengthening the role of intergovernmental formats are among the key and priority tasks of our Mission here in international Geneva.
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❗ 12 июня в Постпредстве России при Отделении ООН и других международных организациях в Женеве состоялся торжественный приём в честь Дня России, а также открытие экспозиции, посвященной 225-летнему юбилею великого А.С.Пушкина. 🤝 Сотни гостей присоединились к нашему национальному празднику, в т.ч. главы Отделения ООН в Женеве и ряда других международных организаций, послы и дипломаты зарубежных диппредставительств, иностранные журналисты, наши соотечественники и друзя-швейцарцы. 🎼 За помощь в организации яркой культурной программы хотели бы выразить особую признательность артисту Большого театра Женевы Д.Тихонову и мастеру скрипки О.Москальцовой. 💬 Постоянный представитель России при Отделении ООН в Женеве Г.М.Гатилов в своём приветственном слове отметил:
🌐 То, что "коллективному Западу" не удалось помешать экономическому росту нашей страны, является ещё одним подтверждением того, что мир неуклонно движется к многополярности, в которой нет места диктату одной группы государств. 🇷🇺 Россия, как и другие страны «Мирового большинства», выступает за более справедливый мировой порядок, основанный на суверенном равенстве государств, балансе сил и законных интересах. Вместе мы сосредоточены на продвижении позитивной международной повестки, ориентированной на будущее. Укрепление межгосударственных форматов взаимодействия является одной из приоритетных задач нашей дипмиссии здесь, в международной Женеве.
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