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How to overcome delayed life syndrome? You have to work on it👇🏻 ▫️ Determine if it is your own desire/goal/dream or you've just succumbed to other people's opinions. ▫️ Think less and do more. ▫️ Never berate but praise yourself for the pleasures of the here and now as often as possible, since these pleasures are actually your emotions. ▫️ Plan and implement new activities that bring new emotions (entertainment, hobbies, spontaneous trips). DON'T postpone the pleasure of LIVING!
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How is a personality formed?A person is like a layer cake🍰 The bottom layer is the basis given to us by nature. It consists of genetics and temperament. Although a genetic predisposition is passed down from parents, it does not define our future. The next layer is the child's early development, his or her traumas and decisions that shape character. Yes, character is indeed formed by traumas, and that's okay (parents can breathe a sigh of relief). ⠀ And then life gives us numerous events, people, and experiences, and that's the next layer of a cake. It is superimposed on the previous "layers" and the result is a unique, special and inimitable person.
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We always reflect the world around us ⠀ If you are mostly surrounded by kind, good, fortunate people, you probably have the same qualities. ⠀ If you see deception, lying, cheating, then think about: who are you lying to? Perhaps to those around you or perhaps to yourself. That's simple - we can't feel and sense what we don't know. Our perception is our reality and we perceive others accordingly. ⠀ Do you agree? These processes are actually unconscious. However, if we know how it works, then we realize that it can be changed.
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Never give advice Especially when no one expects you to. A first person's anxiety is caused by six months of insomnia and a lack of vitamins, a second's by the loss of a loved one, a third's is caused by work problems. ⠀ We are all different. Everyone requires an individual approach. Someone needs a massage to relax, another one needs a workout, while someone else needs to heal from childhood trauma. ⠀ The calls like "it helped me, so it will help you" do not work. Don't break yourself down, just explore. Every person is inimitable! Every story is unique.
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Partnership: why and what for Well, why do you need a partner? Maybe to make up for something? Then the relationship is DOOMED to disappointment. This is where the proverbial "woman should" and "man should" come from, in other words, the attempts to change, to force, to oblige, to harass and so on. ⠀ Have you learned to meet your own needs so that you don't make your partner a means for accomplishing your needs and just love her/him unconditionally? Are you able to be self-sufficient and find resources so that you don't exhaust the other? Can you accept the fact that the other also has needs and wants and nevertheless keep in touch with him or her? ⠀ Maybe it's high time to face yourself, heal your pain, meet your needs, learn to live with yourself in harmony and thus make your relationship warmer, closer, and more peaceful?
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The signs of a mature person Do you agree that psychological maturity is not determined by one's age? How to recognize an emotionally mature person in yourself? There're a few MAIN signs👇🏻 — You are responsible for your words and actions. — You never divide people into bad and good. — You have learned to be grateful. — You think first, then you do. — You know how to set your own personal boundaries and respect others. — You can evaluate your actions objectively. I'd like to believe that you match all of these signs. If it's not, then you still have some work to do and if you are reading this post, you are on the right track👌🏻
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Healing through silence Studies conducted by scientists to examine the effects of silence on human health have led to some interesting conclusions: Silence not only has a beneficial effect on the brain, creating conditions for the regeneration of its cells, but also contributes to the emergence of new neural connections, which has a positive effect on memory, emotions and attention. Even with constant noise overload during the working week, just 1-2 days spent in silence allow the brain to replenish hormone resources, strengthen immunity, and restore normal blood vessel tone👌🏻
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To accept or to change ? One of the valuable skills that help us overcome even the most difficult challenges is the ability to let things we have no control over happen. If we live in harmony with ourselves and with the world, nothing bad will happen to us, which means that what cannot be influenced can be trusted to the universe. However, this skill has the unpleasant side - the temptation to always go with the flow, relieving ourselves of all responsibility. By relieving ourselves of responsibility for something little, the universe will make us responsible for something big. "If you don't want to carry one bag, than carry two..." - this is one of the many simple laws of the universe that stimulates our development... Therefore, it is important to learn to distinguish between accepting the inevitable and what we must change.
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A $30 and a $3,000 watch both tell the same time Steve Jobs☝🏻 is the iconic figure of our time. Despite the fact that Apple went to the top of the world in many respects, he always remained a simple and even ascetic man. ⠀ Recently, his last message, which he left in his hospital room, was made public. These words touch the most delicate strings of the soul👇🏻 "One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost — life. I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death... Treasure your family LOVE, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors."
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Setting goals THE RIGHT WAY A dream is a necessary and stimulating thing in life. But waiting for its realization like manna from heaven is stupid and pointless. The dream should be turned into a GOAL! If you write down your goals on paper, they are more likely to come true. How to set goals properly👇🏻 ▫️Clearly define your desires and write them down in detail. ▫️Set a clear deadline for implementation ▫️Create a step-by-step plan, prioritizing and phasing tasks. ▫️Start taking action ▫️Practice daily self-reflection to comply with your plan. The New Year is coming 🎄 That means it's time to set goals and start taking action!
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