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Viruses debunked channel

It's called virusTHEORY for a reason! Louis Pasteur was a fraud, he confessed in his diary. Antoine Bechamp was right! Virusses are not the source of disease, they are the healers.

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German car park unveils 'diversity' spaces reserved for LGBT drivers or migrants

City councillor Thomas Morlock said at the inauguration of the parking spaces that the aim was to help people who feel 'a special need for protection' with a 'conspicuously colourful symbol'.

All jounalists, ceo's, All local and national politicians, Professors, most business owners, bankers, majors, union leaders, popstars, TV personalities, music holyweird people, most pastors, all organised religion institutions, All charity organisations, All anti-vax leaders!!! All protest movements.. Your friends, neighbours and co-workers.. Maybe even your inlaws.. All crypto whites, all traitors working to humiliate and enslave you while putting up a friendly face pretending to care for you!
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Makow -- Covid Unites Humanity Against Its Common Enemy

(A word of appreciation)The enemy is not racial or sexual minorities or Liberal dupes. The central bankers organize and fund them to undermine society.  The enemy is the central banking cartel and its agents - Freemasonry and Organized Jewry, including Communism and Henry Makow PhDWill covid bring us together

Ricardo Bosi I’d like you to emotionally and spiritually prepare for what is about to unfold here on Earth. The next Plandemic is going to be the Marburg virus. This is a haemorrhaging fever similar to Ebola with an 88% mortality rate. Now firstly don’t worry, the ones pushing this agenda won’t release anything that would kill them. This will be fake Marburg. Many of the covid vaccine injured are displaying clots and uncontrollable bleeding. This will be claimed to be Marburg. GAVI and the WEF are already making announcements about the virus. They’ve already developed a PCR test for Marburg, even though there is no official ‘pandemic’ yet. More worryingly, they’re already rushing through a ‘vaccine’ for Marburg. Even more worryingly, the main ingredient in the new vaccine is Ricin. One of the most toxic poisons on the planet. They will allow the vaccinated to travel globally this Christmas. They’ll need a cover for people bringing ‘the virus’ back to their home countries. A new pandemic will be declared, they’ll claim there is asymptomatic spread. The media will pump fear harder than we’ve ever seen. People will lose their minds believing that there is a pandemic of something with an 88% chance of making them bleed out and die. At this stage jabs will be mandatory and the police and military goon squads will be in full force trying to ‘save humanity’ and dragging off people who refuse the Marburg vaccine to the now built concentration camps to be forcibly injected. The Ricin ‘vaccine’ is the real death shot and there will be billions of people lining up for it and fighting to be at the front of the lines. If you think you’ve seen panic during COVID, multiply that by 20 or 30 X with what’s planned and is coming up. Keep your families very close, hold the line and spread this message far and wide.
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“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero (painting by Rudolf Gahlbeck, Pillar of the Fathers)
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