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The Blacklist

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All we ever did was expose nonwhites and Jews, but that was apparently worthy of a ban? Just goes to show you're not allowed to criticise Jews.
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"Whites are Based Goy." @whitesarebasedgoy Vicious anti-white channel that promotes anti-white attacks and racial mixing. List of the admins who run the "Whites are Based Goy" chat. @blacksuan19 @FrenemyOfTheState @AbuLoulou @Moss_the_goose @HindWaffen
Показать все... Would you look at that! The Fascifist is an admin in an anti white chat! Let's send these kikes some of the good stuff.
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@Zero_Blacklist_Bot is a bot to help protect your chat from spam, expose non-white run channels and help manage your chat for easier and safer use. By default the bot will respond to any message that triggers a blacklist entry with a message with details of said entry. If the bot has 'delete' admin permissions (does not require to run) it will also delete the message which triggered the response. Bot Commands/ Help: (Requires 'delete' admin permission) - /del_link (auto deletes all links posted by non-admins) - /del_forward (auto deletes all forwards posted by non-admins) - /del_disable (disables blacklist auto deleting, still messages) (Requires 'ban' admin permission) - /ban (self explanatory) - /unban (self explanatory) - /kick (self explanatory) - /custom_ban (create a custom ban command) Custom Ban Command: Using the following example: /custom_ban yeet|'{0}' was thrown out the chat!|Admins cannot be yeeted. Will ban users with the command: /yeet Will respond with: 'User' was thrown out the chat! Will respond to admins with: Admins cannot be yeeted. Can be reset with: /custom_ban clear
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Bot Update: In my quest to make my bot more useful, I have added the following features/ commands to help better manage your chats: - /ban (self explanatory) - /unban (self explanatory) - /kick (self explanatory) - /custom_ban (create a custom ban command) I have also added link button to the bottom of bot messages, currently these just link to the next message on this channel (which will be a commands help post) but will in the near future have them link to blacklist entries on this channel when removing a blacklisted item.
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. ZERO TOLERANCE . .TOTAL MAMZERCAUST. Protect your chats from mamzers with Malachi 4:1
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The Blacklister

More info at @Zero_Blacklist

Honestly this is comedy. Absolute clown world. Listen to some of their bios. @WhyPowerBase: Call them any name you like, but call them a Jew; they Recoil & Hiss @GeorgeRockwell (owner of @MemoryHoled): By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work. So by working with and for Jews, mean you're doing the devil's work? @KaraHatesJews: Love kittens 🐱 Hate Jews 🐀 It's like these people have absolutely no self awareness. Professing to be against Jews by word, but in practice orbit and build up Jews.
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For additional chat protection, the bot (@zero_blacklist_bot) will now automatically remove the following links: They're just spam and sketchy sites. and will also remove all links with "facebook click trackers": fbclid=
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Jewish tentacles run deep on Telegram.
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Really surprised how deep the Jewish tentacles run on Telegram. Even HateFacts and WesternChauvinist are comped.
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