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A week ago Mexico elected its first female and Jewish president, Claudia Scheinbaum. Scheinbaum says “Every Mexican woman will once again have the right to sacrifice her unborn child. “ WTH?!!
Toronto man beats up a jeet who was following his girlfriend. No bobs for you today bud. @CanadaFirst2.
RIP B-Dubs 💅🏽
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Liberal Jews love to redirect the hatred of Jewish genocidal behavior back onto Whites.
If you had to boil your philosophy down to a few elements and if you wanted to recommend to people ways of following that philosophy, what would you say? The first is the discernment between the Absolute and the relative. Discernment between the Absolute and the relative — Atma and Maya. Reality and illusion, and so on. And then prayer. Because if you believe, if you understand what is Essential and what is Absolute, you want to assimilate it. Otherwise, one is a hypocrite. And in order to assimilate the truth of the Absolute, you must pray. There are three kinds of prayer: First, canonical prayer. In Christianity, it’s the Lord’s Prayer. And then, free personal prayer, like the Psalms in the Bible. David’s Psalms, is personal prayer. Talk to God. And third is prayer of the heart. Essential prayer, which is an act of contemplation in the innermost Self. And this is esoterism. And I’m interested in this, and I say to people “You must pray, always pray.” You must have at least one canonical prayer every day, and then you must talk to God. But you must always pray like Saint Paul said in an Epistle, always pray. And this is prayer of the heart. And the Eastern Church knows this practice very well — the Jesus Prayer. Japa yoga in Hinduism. This is the second thing. And the third thing is intrinsic morality. Beauty of the soul. Nobility. Humility, which means objectivity towards oneself. Charity, which is objectivity towards the neighbor. Domination of oneself. Generosity, this is beauty of the soul. This is intrinsic morality. And then, the fourth, dimension is beauty of forms, of surroundings, of dress, of comportment. That’s all. —Frithjof Schuon
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Today we remember the USS Liberty Incident on June 8th, 1967 What happened? Around this time israel fought against Jordan, Syria, and Egypt in the Six Day War. In the eastern Mediterranean Sea the USS Liberty cargo ship completed a chemical attack drill, with Captain William L. McGonagle on the command bridge. Just then, four israeli fighter jets flew towards the Liberty and shot missiles & machine guns at the ship, along with assisting israeli torpedo boats chasing the ship and shooting torpedoes at it. The Liberty averted four torpedoes but was struck by one at the waterline. Some sailors armed the .50 caliber machine guns in defense. When McGonagle ordered to launch three lifeboats to evacuate, the israeli jets shot at the lifeboats deliberately, a clear violation of International law. Crewmember Terry Halbardier fixed the antenna of the Liberty and called for an SOS to the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. The israelis desisted only two hours later, leaving 34 American sailors dead and 171 injured in the attack. In May of 1968 the israeli government would officially apologize and attempt to compensate the for the families of the 34 men murdered in the attack with $.32 million, then $3.57 million the following year. Captain McGonagle was rewarded the Medal of Honor on June 11, 1968 at the Washington Navy Yard, and Terry Halbardier the Silver Star in 2009. Israel claimed it was a mistake, but further investigation by the United States, as well as eyewitness testimony of the crewmembers of the Liberty giving evidence that the attack was deliberate on israel's part, the independent commission headed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Thomas Moorer put it, the attack “was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.” This was israel's attempt to put the blame on Egypt in a false flag attack to convince President Lyndon B. Johnson to get involved with the Six-Day War. The following exchanges are excerpts of testimony from U.S. military and diplomatic officials given to Alison Weir, founder of “If Americans Knew” and author of American Media Miss the Boat: Israeli pilot to ground control: “This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?” Ground control: “Yes, follow orders.” “But sir, it’s an American ship, I can see the flag!” Ground control: “Never mind; hit it!” The Veterans of the USS Liberty crew to this day demand justice for the crime that israel had committed on this day 54 years ago. Sources:
 Orthodox Nationalist: Defending the Khazar Thesis of the Origin of Modern Jewry – TON 041817 SL16:10  Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson tackles the Khazar question in this week’s episode of The Orthodox Nationalist. The Khazar Khanate which filled the power vacuum left by the death of Attila the Hun was one of the most violent, unpredictable and wealthy of the early medieval empires  but it is rarely mentioned in history books unless they are on Russia specifically. It is impossible to defend the empire, so gentile authors, living in fear of the Jews, will often avoid the issue entirely. The economy was a mix of nomad pastoral life as well as their staple, taxing trade on the lower Volga and Dnieper coming into the Black Sea. Fishing and agriculture should not be under estimated, but mercantile trade – or its taxation – was the mainstay of the economy.1 The Khazars were the main slave dealers to the Islamic market. Raids into Slavic territories were meant to capture slaves to then sell further south. Even after the destruction of the empire, their system lived on in the Volga Bulgars and the Turkic tribes used by Jews to continually raid into Russia By the 880s, Khazar control over  the Dnieper from Kiev, where they collected tribute from the Slavs, began to weaken substantially. Oleg of Novgorod took control from Askold and Dir and hence laid the foundation for our modern idea of the “Kievan-Rus.” Southern raiding of the Rus was even permitted by the Khazars, but only if they turned over 50% of the take with their Jewish betters. It served both their interests because it permitted the Muslim Arabs and the Rus to fight each other, leaving the Khazars as well-off middlemen now safe from attack.  As Kiev grew in strength, its leadership attacked the Khanate more than once. Oleg was defeated in 941. Soon after, the Khazars shut down passage through the Volga to the Sea. The reasons for this are that the Byzantines and the Rus were finding common ground against the Khazars, they knew that all out war was coming. Even local tribes such as the Pechenegs were slowly being brought into the Byzantine orbit. It might have been that the system of extortion was finally catching up with these predators. Oleg's successor, Svyatoslav I (d. 972), took It'll in 968 and the city was razed to the ground. The identity of Gog and Magog are of the utmost importance for Christians in these times, if in fact, these are the final days. Gog and Magog, the nations which Satan will gather together to battle, are scattered all over “to the four corners of the earth.” In the Old Testament, these peoples are mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Gog is the ancient Semitic word for the “Mountain of Darkness.” It refers to a people, a militant force rather than a person. “Prince” is also not necessarily a person but can also be the ideology of a group. It is the “leader” and the “molder” of a group of people and is hence its prince.  Magog also refers to a “mountain” or a militant camp. The term “maghoph” is a pejorative referring to the worshipers of Ashtoreth. The “worshipers of the moon.” Up until the Crimean War, “Gog and Magog” were associated with the Khazar empire, or the “Red Jews.” St. Abo of Tbilisi claimed that the Khazars were wild “sons of Magog” who did not have any religion, although they “recognized the existence of a single God.” Gog and Magog, in the eschatology of the Apocalypse, were a warlike people, enemies of the “people of God,” who, in the last days, would unleash a universal war.  The Qur'an says that the people of Gog and Magog are belligerent and ruthless, attacking other countries and destroying all life. The Georgian and Armenian chronicles of the time universally see the Khazars as Gog and Magog, “wild men with horrible faces and the manners of wild beasts, feeding on blood.”
Income tax is illegal. If you’d like to stop paying illegal taxes I’d recommend you check out @1_Stupid_Fuck, specifically his course on YouTube from his website, also his and @crrow777’s recent episode on Crow’s website is a great intro to these topics and ideas.
California Democrat senator finally loses it after she sees her party continually trying to pass laws to protect pedophiles and child molesters
Today is a special day. June 4th 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the Killdozer's rampage through Granby Colorado. Let us tell a tale about a reasonable man who was driven to do unreasonable things. Marvin Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 – June 4, 2004) was a man who owned a muffler shop in Granby Colorado. The city council ordained to approve the construction of a concrete factory around a year prior in the lot across from Marvin's shop. In the process this blocked the only accessible road to the muffler shop. Marvin petitioned to stop the construction, but to no avail. He petitioned to construct a new access road, having even bought the heavy machinery to perform the work himself. Denied. The concrete factory, disregarding the ramifications on Marvin's business losses, continued operations. To add insult to injury, the factory construction disconnected the muffler shop from the city sewage lines, this too they did in disregard; yet an indifferent city government who neglected Marvin's petitions then chose to fine Marvin for this, putting him into debt. His business and livelihood were in ruin. Rather than lie down and die, Marvin chose to fight back against this injustice. Over the course of a year and a half Marvin secretly outfitted the bulldozer he bought with three foot thick steel and concrete armor, camera systems guarded with bulletproof glass. On June 4th 2004 Marvin Heemeyer lowered the armored shell over top of himself, entombing himself inside the Killdozer to make his last stand. He burst fourth from the walls of his muffler shop and straight into the concrete factory that ruined his business and life. Over the course of the next several hours Marvin drove his Killdozer through 13 buildings owned by those officials that had wronged him, including the city council building itself. Swat teams swarmed the dozer, but it proved immune to small arms fire and even explosives. Another piece of heavy machinery was even brought out to fight the Killdozer, but it too fell to the dozers righteous fury. In the end, Marvin's Killdozer became trapped in one of the buildings it was built to destroy. Rather than waiting to be broken into, Marvin chose to take his life, the only life taken that day. Today we celebrate Killdozer Day and Marvin Heemeyer, the last great American folk hero. A man driven to the brink who chose to fight back against an unjust system. From the notes left behind in his shop, among other recordings after his passing, the most iconic reads: "I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things."
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🚫🌈Action at Pride Parade: Stop the insanity - you cannot change your gender! 📢Danish Identitarian activists did a spectacular banner action today in the middle of the Pride parade in the Danish city of Aarhus with the message "Stop the insanity: You cannot change your gender!". 🌈The LGBT community is brainwashing children and young people with radical and false ideas that gender is something you can choose and change with experimental surgery and puberty blockers. 🛡️Generation Identity Denmark want to protect our children and society as a whole from this insanity.   🚫Stop the LGBT ideology – you cannot change your gender!
In 1932, the Freemason Army Chief of Staff, General Douglas MacArthur, was commanded to break up the Bonus Army, a gathering of American First World War veterans who were striking over the government's refusal to make good on their bonus obligations made during wartime. Two veterans were killed in the assault, and an eleven-week-old baby died from what was believed to be a gas-related illness. The Bonus March was led by the communists of the Workers Ex-Servicemen's League.
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Ohhhh, that's where all the money came from.
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JUST IN - Jury finds Trump guilty on all counts in NY trial. @disclosetv
Let not those whose lives were spent for this country, from its inception to the woes of modernity, be in vain; let not their struggles gain naught in the preservation of their people and posterity, let not their names be forgotten or worn out, let no humiliation be tied to them or their nation, let no shame or regret be the last belief held in their hearts before fulfilling the extraordinary deeds in their duty for manifesting the destiny of the American race, the Nation and beheld by their God. Their flesh is dust, but not the blood that which continually flows within the veins and swells the heart of us who carry that spirit of readiness to uphold honor, stand bravely against evils and heed the call of duty, not for the interest of the state or any entity firstly, but for their people and nation, united and indivisible before the Almighty. Happy Memorial Day
Can you imagine a Judenfrei New York? It’s easy if you try… 1. The Federal Reserve and all usurious banking would be halted immediately and replaced by debt-free currency backed by the hard work of the American man. 2. Hollywood would be shut down and replaced by patriotic Americans who cared deeply about our history, our people and the upholding of high moral standards. 3. Jews would be rounded up and deported to a homeland of their own where they would be isolated by the force of the US Military. 4. Education on the Jewish question would become mandatory and perpetual in the understanding that they must never, at any time in the future, be allowed to subvert the Western world again. 5. The border to Mexico would be sealed. It would be announced that any illegal aliens caught crossing the border would be shot on sight and then this threat would be swiftly carried out. 6. A eugenics program would go into effect for humanitarian purposes with the goal of alleviating the suffering of future generations through the minimization of disease, crime and welfare. Healthy and productive members of society would be incentivized to have more children and the unproductive and sickly elements would be incentivized not to, most likely by a generous payment for sterilization. 7. Blacks would be humanely deported back to Africa and helped onto their feet there. Once they were set up with a functioning society they would be left on their own and in charge of their own destiny, back where they belong and where they could cause no further harm to White civilization. 8. Class tensions would be minimized if not outright eliminated. The working man would be elevated in the mind of the people as the backbone of the nation. It would be understood that that everybody is important to society, garbage men and street sweepers as well as doctors and lawyers or politicians or small business owners. 9. Democracy would be replaced with meritocracy. Our leaders would be chosen based on ability rather than on who could get the most campaign donations and best con the people with promises they will never follow through with after elected. 10. The promotion of any and all kinds of perversions and degeneracy would be treated as an attack on the family thus an attack at the very foundation of civilization and the nation itself and as such would be ruthlessly crushed and suppressed.
📝 302 replies Irish defeat planned refugee centre Contractors who were preparing to install modular homes for rapefugees in a field in the town of Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland have pulled out after several men attacked the site, assaulted several security guards leaving one hospitalised, and burnt out three construction vehicles. Total Gaelic Victory.
@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front stencil reading "America First" sighted in Detroit, Michigan. The patriotic message has replaced "free Palestine" written around the prominent water tower. PF has made public statements denouncing any support for the foreign movements — Arab or Israeli — that have parasitized America. 🏹 See the original post
Repost from DEEP DIVES
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A week ago Mexico elected its first female and Jewish president, Claudia Scheinbaum. Scheinbaum says “Every Mexican woman will once again have the right to sacrifice her unborn child. “ WTH?!!
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Repost from Canada First
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Toronto man beats up a jeet who was following his girlfriend. No bobs for you today bud. @CanadaFirst2.
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RIP B-Dubs 💅🏽
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Liberal Jews love to redirect the hatred of Jewish genocidal behavior back onto Whites.
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🤡 3
If you had to boil your philosophy down to a few elements and if you wanted to recommend to people ways of following that philosophy, what would you say? The first is the discernment between the Absolute and the relative. Discernment between the Absolute and the relative — Atma and Maya. Reality and illusion, and so on. And then prayer. Because if you believe, if you understand what is Essential and what is Absolute, you want to assimilate it. Otherwise, one is a hypocrite. And in order to assimilate the truth of the Absolute, you must pray. There are three kinds of prayer: First, canonical prayer. In Christianity, it’s the Lord’s Prayer. And then, free personal prayer, like the Psalms in the Bible. David’s Psalms, is personal prayer. Talk to God. And third is prayer of the heart. Essential prayer, which is an act of contemplation in the innermost Self. And this is esoterism. And I’m interested in this, and I say to people “You must pray, always pray.” You must have at least one canonical prayer every day, and then you must talk to God. But you must always pray like Saint Paul said in an Epistle, always pray. And this is prayer of the heart. And the Eastern Church knows this practice very well — the Jesus Prayer. Japa yoga in Hinduism. This is the second thing. And the third thing is intrinsic morality. Beauty of the soul. Nobility. Humility, which means objectivity towards oneself. Charity, which is objectivity towards the neighbor. Domination of oneself. Generosity, this is beauty of the soul. This is intrinsic morality. And then, the fourth, dimension is beauty of forms, of surroundings, of dress, of comportment. That’s all. —Frithjof Schuon
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Repost from Hometermia
Today we remember the USS Liberty Incident on June 8th, 1967 What happened? Around this time israel fought against Jordan, Syria, and Egypt in the Six Day War. In the eastern Mediterranean Sea the USS Liberty cargo ship completed a chemical attack drill, with Captain William L. McGonagle on the command bridge. Just then, four israeli fighter jets flew towards the Liberty and shot missiles & machine guns at the ship, along with assisting israeli torpedo boats chasing the ship and shooting torpedoes at it. The Liberty averted four torpedoes but was struck by one at the waterline. Some sailors armed the .50 caliber machine guns in defense. When McGonagle ordered to launch three lifeboats to evacuate, the israeli jets shot at the lifeboats deliberately, a clear violation of International law. Crewmember Terry Halbardier fixed the antenna of the Liberty and called for an SOS to the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. The israelis desisted only two hours later, leaving 34 American sailors dead and 171 injured in the attack. In May of 1968 the israeli government would officially apologize and attempt to compensate the for the families of the 34 men murdered in the attack with $.32 million, then $3.57 million the following year. Captain McGonagle was rewarded the Medal of Honor on June 11, 1968 at the Washington Navy Yard, and Terry Halbardier the Silver Star in 2009. Israel claimed it was a mistake, but further investigation by the United States, as well as eyewitness testimony of the crewmembers of the Liberty giving evidence that the attack was deliberate on israel's part, the independent commission headed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Thomas Moorer put it, the attack “was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.” This was israel's attempt to put the blame on Egypt in a false flag attack to convince President Lyndon B. Johnson to get involved with the Six-Day War. The following exchanges are excerpts of testimony from U.S. military and diplomatic officials given to Alison Weir, founder of “If Americans Knew” and author of American Media Miss the Boat: Israeli pilot to ground control: “This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?” Ground control: “Yes, follow orders.” “But sir, it’s an American ship, I can see the flag!” Ground control: “Never mind; hit it!” The Veterans of the USS Liberty crew to this day demand justice for the crime that israel had committed on this day 54 years ago. Sources:
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U.S.S. Liberty- NSA/CSS

National Security Agency Freedom of Information Act

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